• last year
Sharing what we plan to do can be more detrimental to our plan than we realise. We often don’t get to do everything we plan out, especially in a new year, so showing and doing what we want, and failing, is better than dreaming of what we wish to do.

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00:00The quest for simplicity continues well as you know if you've been watching my past few videos i've been looking for a better back end for me to be able to write blog posts and post things to my website easier so the website isn't changing but the back end is.
00:19And every time i've found a new framework a new system a new platform they make it look really simple but then when you actually try to get it to work it's really really complicated in it.
00:38It doesn't need to be i just don't understand why these companies who pedal simplicity actually make things more complicated than they are.
00:46The simpler it is the better it is it depends it's the same with running your business the simpler your workflow is the better output you're going to get and your clients are going to be happier because they don't have to deal with complexity as well at their end.
01:06And that's one actually that's one of the reason looking at it now what one of the reasons i use base camp because it's really simple and when i do use base camp i find that my clients tend to actually use it.
01:18And communicate through it way better than they in the past where we used to do things via email so having that.
01:28Simplicity embedded in your business embedded in the way you work is better for everyone concerned especially your customers and your clients and the people that you collaborate with.
01:44Anyway keep it simple as i always say have a great day and i'll see you in the next one.