• last year
We have too much stuff. We don’t understand why. We just need to find a way to have less and enjoy our lives. The road to simplicity can be hard, to begin with, but once done, you’ll let go of your burdens.

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00:00Well, hi, come to you from Southern Spain.
00:04It's kind of amazing here as beach goes as far as the, I can see either side.
00:09Wolf is back there playing. I don't know if you can see him. He's over there.
00:13There's Wolf.
00:16And I just wanted to go on a road trip to see how much stuff
00:20I didn't need to take. So it was my road to simplicity.
00:24I talk a lot about taking,
00:26um, or having less stuff, having less technology,
00:30having less stuff that you need to keep your eye on,
00:34turning off notifications, simplifying your email. Well,
00:38this road to simplicity for me and for us was to do with
00:42how not to taking so much stuff,
00:46how I can deal with being on the road with not taking so much stuff.
00:50For instance, this, um,
00:53microphone and this camera is actually a new one because I didn't want to take
00:56my big bulky camera.
00:58So my road to simplicity for this month is basically to
01:03try to see how much, uh, I don't need.
01:07There are things that I think I'm missing, but then again,
01:11there's a ton of stuff I've taken that I just simply don't need.
01:14So obviously the next road trip, I won't be taking it. So yeah,
01:19what's your road to simplicity. This is mine.
01:21And hopefully you enjoy it. Um, if you've got any questions, let me know.
01:26There'll be a link down below and I'll see you next time.