00:00Vivitar's innovative 440PZ camera, built-in 38-70mm power zoom lens and sophisticated electronic flash.
00:06Beautiful pictures from scenics to portraits, furnished by Vivitar.
00:10GMG Studios in Orlando.
00:15Christopher Hewitt.
00:17Harvey Dalton.
00:20And Peter Scolari.
00:21All in a game that's just over their heads.
00:24All-Star Blitz!
00:27All-Star Blitz!
00:30All-Star Blitz!
00:31And here's the master of the Blitz Board, Peter Marshall!
00:37Thank you once again, and welcome to All-Star Blitz.
00:39Hello, stars!
00:40Hello, Peter!
00:41Hello, Jerry, how are you?
00:43This is our current champion, Jerry Bennett.
00:45Welcome, Jerry Bennett.
00:48For you folks who haven't been watching this week, Jerry has spent 20 years with the LAPD,
00:52he is now a football coach at East Los Angeles College.
00:56He's had two shots at our Blitz Board, failed at 20, failed at 25.
01:00But has won $2,000 in cash from our stars who have helped you.
01:02Thank you, stars.
01:03We are welcoming a new player, a young lady from California.
01:07She's in real estate, who enjoys golf and scuba diving.
01:11This is Debbie Akitani.
01:14Is that Akitani?
01:17And you're also involved, you have something to do with disabled athletes, you're involved.
01:21I know that you played a charity this past weekend, which we really can't talk about,
01:25but tell us about the charity that you're involved.
01:27Well, it's called the Todd Hart Foundation, and it's a young man who is disabled in a football game.
01:33And the charity was originally put together on his behalf,
01:38and we've now spread out nationwide, and we have golf tournaments.
01:41And it's called?
01:42Athletes Helping Athletes.
01:44Good for you, that sounds nice, doesn't it?
01:47Athletes Helping Athletes.
01:49Good luck to the two of you.
01:50Object for the players here is to solve a puzzle by uncovering the clues on the six screens
01:54and figure out what is hidden there, it's always a common expression.
01:57Could be a name, popular name, something we're all familiar with.
01:59Could be, uh, Lover's Lane.
02:01One of our contestants won $25,000 for guessing that phrase.
02:05The first one to win two games wins the match, a prize they will love, worth today over $3,900,
02:10and a chance at $25,000 in the Blitz Bonanza.
02:13Each celebrity is responsible for the column of stars just overhead,
02:16and when a box is surrounded by stars, they earn a clue.
02:19We show the home audience, but not the players, how many words are in the phrase,
02:23and the celebrities are shown a choice of answers and try to choose the one they think is correct.
02:28We always begin with two free stars, but we show also our home audience how many words are in the phrase.
02:34Now, pick a star, ready?
02:36I'll take Madge Sinclair in the middle, please.
02:38Good morning, dear.
02:40You look wonderful as per usual.
02:42You dress so wonderfully well.
02:43What did the old woman in the shoe, the old woman in the shoe, give all her children to eat?
02:48Old food.
02:54She gave them broth without any bread.
02:57Broth without any bread.
02:58I agree.
02:59You can continue.
03:00Go right ahead.
03:01Just as you hear it, in the middle, please.
03:04In a recent survey, 40% of teenage girls and 56% of the boys said they think it's a good idea to try something before marriage.
03:13These were teenage girls and teenage boys.
03:15Try what?
03:16Living together.
03:17Living together.
03:18I agree with that.
03:19That is right.
03:21We'll continue here.
03:23Christopher Hewitt at the bottom, please, for the first clue.
03:26How much money did President Reagan pay in income taxes this year?
03:31I think it was about $40,000.
03:34That sounds about right.
03:41You have to earn a clue.
03:42We'll go back to Christopher here.
03:43This is for your clue, Jerry.
03:46In mythology, what was it that Gargantua had this enormous desire for?
03:54I agree.
03:55He had a great appetite.
03:56Yes, here's the clue.
04:00No, I'll play on.
04:01Play on.
04:02May I have Sinclair at the top, please?
04:05What would a Scotsman do with his cock-a-leekie?
04:11He would eat it.
04:12Eat it.
04:14I'll agree.
04:14It is the Scottish national soup made with leek.
04:17Cock-a-leekie, yes.
04:20Christopher, you at the top, please.
04:23Are there plans in the works to send an Arab into space?
04:30The Israelis haven't decided yet.
04:38I believe there is, yes.
04:39Yes, there is.
04:40Okay, another clue could give you the game.
04:44Well, what do you think?
04:47I'll play on.
04:48All right.
04:48Abby Dalton in the middle, please.
04:52Though noted sex expert Dr. Ruth Westheimer is against it, 50% of married women do something.
04:58Do what?
05:00Commit adultery.
05:00Commit adultery.
05:0150% of married women commit adultery.
05:05Well, it seems high, but I'll agree.
05:07That is according to Dr. Westheimer.
05:10Yes, okay.
05:11Here is another clue for you.
05:15Have you figured it out?
05:18No, I haven't.
05:19All right.
05:20Abby Dalton at the bottom, please.
05:21By the way, our contestants do not know how many words are in the phrase.
05:25On July 20th, 1969, a man touched something no man had ever touched before.
05:30July 20th, 1969.
05:34Yeah, the moon.
05:35The moon.
05:35I agree.
05:36That's right.
05:37This could give it to you, Peter.
05:38Jerry, ready?
05:40I know.
05:45I'm sorry, I can't guess.
05:46I'll go on.
05:46All righty.
05:47Peter Scolari at the top, please.
05:49Famous story of Goldilocks.
05:51She found two things in the bear's house that were too hard.
05:54One was Papa Bear's chair.
05:55What was the other?
05:57His arteries.
06:00He ate a lot of porridge, and the cholesterol broke up.
06:03I'm sorry.
06:05The, uh...
06:06Start with the question again?
06:08One was Papa Bear's chair.
06:10What was the other?
06:11Oh, his bed.
06:12The bed.
06:13I agree.
06:13His bed was too hard.
06:17I'd like to guess, Steve.
06:18You'd like to guess.
06:19You think you have it.
06:20Good luck.
06:21I hope so.
06:21Watch your weight.
06:24All right, you are in control, Debbie.
06:26Audience, shh.
06:27You can take a guess if you think you know it, or play on.
06:30I'd like to take a guess.
06:31All right.
06:32Uh, watch yourself.
06:36Would you like to take another guess?
06:37No, I'll take...
06:39Peter Scolari in the middle, please.
06:41According to baby expert Dr. Lendon Smith,
06:44when is the proper time to feed your baby?
06:47When the baby is hungry.
06:51I agree.
06:52It's that simple, yes.
06:54Take a look.
06:58Would you like to guess, or play on?
07:00This will be the last clue.
07:01If you are correct on this, you have, uh,
07:04an obvious phrase in front of you.
07:06Incorrect, then Debbie can steal it from you.
07:09That's correct.
07:10It's called bliss.
07:11You can get bliss.
07:12Would you like to take a guess?
07:16I'll guess.
07:17All right, watch your Ps and Qs.
07:21Would you like the question, or take a guess?
07:24I'd like a question, please.
07:25It's up to you, Peter.
07:26Audience, if someone gave you a hawk...
07:30Now, these questions, by the way,
07:33are not in any kind of order.
07:36If someone gave you a Japanese tatami,
07:41should you wear it, eat it, or sit on it?
07:44I think you should.
07:48I think you should wear it.
07:50I disagree.
07:53What should you do to a tatami?
07:55Sit on it.
07:55It's a type of mat made of straw.
08:05So watch your...
08:06This is what they call luck of the draw.
08:08We have a commercial.
08:09We'll be back.
08:10Luck of the draw.
08:14Okay, Mom, which hand has the newest idea in douches?
08:19Two Massengill vinegar and water douches.
08:21Right, new extra cleansing.
08:22And extra mild.
08:23Now we have a choice of Massengill freshness.
08:25What's the difference?
08:27New extra cleansing vinegar and water.
08:29The only one with pure clean.
08:30Pure clean?
08:31For more effective cleansing.
08:32And extra mild.
08:34The only douche with no additives.
08:36I've always trusted Massengill.
08:38Extra mild for me.
08:39I choose extra cleansing.
08:41Trust Massengill, the leader for 73 years.
08:45He's tall, he's really cute, and he smells nice.
08:51I love the smell of my daddy.
08:53This Father's Day, people all over America
08:55are giving the men in their lives the gift of Old Spice.
08:59And he'll love you for it.
09:00There's nothing like the clean, fresh,
09:03masculine scent of Old Spice.
09:05The man's scent so many women love.
09:07I love the smell of my daddy.
09:09And so does mommy.
09:10This Father's Day, give Old Spice.
09:13He'll love you for it.
09:19We were talking about the questions and how they pop up.
09:21Actually, the questions are days in advance.
09:23We don't know how they...
09:24But your mother would have been quite upset, I would imagine.
09:26Yeah, absolutely.
09:27All right.
09:28You're going to start this game.
09:29Ketchup time for you, Jerry.
09:30We'll show our home audience.
09:31We may have an LAPD question, you never know.
09:34How many words are in the phrase to give you the two free stars?
09:37Pick a star.
09:38Matt Sinclair in the middle, please.
09:40In Orthodox Jewish law,
09:43a man is prohibited from approaching his wife for sex
09:47once he's done this.
09:48Done what?
09:49Married her.
09:55Approaching his wife for sex once he's gotten drunk?
10:00Once he's inebriated.
10:01It is prohibited by Orthodox Jewish law.
10:03I agree.
10:04That is correct.
10:09Christopher Hewitt at the top, please.
10:11True or false, the more money a man makes,
10:13the more likely he is to have an extramarital affair.
10:17Oh, true.
10:18Yes, I agree with that.
10:20That is true.
10:21Christopher Hewitt in the middle, please.
10:25What do you do when your vagus nerve, V-A-G-U-S nerve,
10:29is stimulated?
10:31By what?
10:32Your, what do you do when your vagus nerve,
10:35V-A-G-U-S nerve...
10:37Vagus nerve.
10:40Pardon me, belt.
10:42Your belt.
10:44I agree.
10:45No, you cough.
10:48I'm so sorry.
10:49You either cough or you gamble.
10:52You're in control here, Debbie.
10:53You can steal it.
10:54This could give you the clue you want
10:55for a chance for $25,000.
10:57Back to Christopher.
10:58According to Barbara Cartland's etiquette,
11:01while a woman is in the midst of a divorce,
11:03is it proper for her to go out on a date?
11:08Oh, absolutely, Barbara Cartland?
11:10Oh, absolutely not.
11:11No, you wouldn't do anything like that.
11:13I disagree.
11:14Why sit home and be miserable?
11:16Go out and have a good time, Barbara says.
11:18Take a look at the clue.
11:19You disagree.
11:21Not much of a clue.
11:22Would you like to play on?
11:23I'll play on.
11:23Matt Sinclair at the bottom, please.
11:25Your cat insists on sleeping by your face.
11:29According to the animal doctor's answer book,
11:32what should you do?
11:33Make the animal sleep in another room.
11:35Make it sleep in another room.
11:37I disagree.
11:38Here's what you do.
11:39Now, I've had a lot of cats in my life, and I love them,
11:42and I don't.
11:42They don't listen.
11:43You say, he said, shout no and set it at the foot of the bed.
11:47I would do that, and it would come right back to my face.
11:50Here's your clue.
11:51All right, you disagree.
11:54Not much.
11:55Would you like to continue?
11:56I'll continue.
11:56Abby Dalton at the top, please.
11:59The book The Agony and the Ecstasy
12:01is the story of what famous person?
12:05I agree.
12:08Abby Dalton in the middle, please.
12:10You are the average millionaire.
12:12According to the Brookings Institution,
12:14where did you get your money?
12:17The average millionaire.
12:20From real estate.
12:22Well, now you're in the real estate business.
12:25She said real estate.
12:26Most billionaires have made their money in real estate.
12:29I disagree.
12:30Most billionaires have inherited it the old-fashioned way.
12:34They earned it.
12:38Would you like to take a guess?
12:40No, I think I'll play on, please.
12:41All right, play on.
12:42Christopher Hewitt at the bottom, please.
12:45I don't think it's me.
12:48No, I believe it's Abby.
12:49We're sitting at the same time.
12:50Excuse me.
12:51Abby at the bottom.
12:52It's Abby at the bottom, right.
12:52All right.
12:53Yes, Christopher's stars are gone,
12:55if you'll excuse the expression.
12:56Sorry, my life.
12:58No way is it alone.
12:59Abby, for what did Lech Walthier win his Nobel Prize?
13:07Oh, yes, I know who you mean.
13:08Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
13:16Lech, how do you pronounce that?
13:18It's Valessa.
13:20It's Valessa.
13:21He's Polish, yes, I believe it.
13:24For peace.
13:25Actually, there's eight pronunciations.
13:28For peace. Wolesa. Yes, of course. W-A-L-E-S-A.
13:36Okay, this could give you the game, a chance at $25,000 in cash.
13:40Would you like to take a guess?
13:45Yes, I would.
13:47Mums the Word.
13:59Mum is the Word.
14:02You did pretty well, though. You had a lot of fun.
14:04I had a great time.
14:05You won $2,000, and we have some party gifts for you.
14:08And we want to wish you a successful season.
14:10Thank you very much.
14:12College this year.
14:13Good luck.
14:14Starting a new career with the East L.A. College team.
14:16They were one and nine this year.
14:18Make it less than one.
14:20This year we'll turn that around.
14:21You got it. Alright.
14:22You've won a nice prize up here. Debbie, let's take a look.
14:33Two tickets will be yours to fly from Los Angeles
14:35for a sun and fun vacation in the beautiful Caribbean.
14:37Not for one week, but for two glorious weeks.
14:40You'll spend your first week at Bluebeard's Castle Hotel.
14:43Deluxe accommodation.
14:44Gourmet dining, dancing and entertainment.
14:46Poolside living, tennis.
14:48And fantastic, world-famous Megan's Bay Beach nearby.
14:51Then take off to a different kind of cruise.
14:53Cruise the Caribbean on Windjammer Barefoot Cruises.
14:56Six days of casual sailing adventure in the exotic Caribbean
14:59for both old souls and landlubbers.
15:01From Windjammer Cruises.
15:02It's a high-season adventure worth $3,900.
15:08More importantly, we're going to play for $25,000 right after this.
15:18Daytrol. Last night, 10 p.m.
15:27I thought you said you had a headache.
15:29I did.
15:31Then I took a couple of Daytrol.
15:35When it's important to get on with your life, take Daytrol.
15:381,000 milligrams of headache medicine that's completely without aspirin.
15:41Daytrol. From Bristol Myers.
15:43Extra strength for your headache.
15:45Extra gentle for your stomach.
15:48Barbara Rucker, interior decorator for N-Dust.
15:51To take good care of furniture,
15:53I don't try to dust and wax at the same time with spray wax.
15:56Too much wax can build up.
15:58Use it occasionally for a wax shine.
16:00For day-to-day dusting and cleaning, use N-Dust.
16:03It's wax-free, so there's no wax buildup.
16:05N-Dust cleans dust, dirt, fingerprints, even watermarks,
16:09leaving a clean shine.
16:11So I don't dust and wax at the same time.
16:13Use spray wax for occasional waxing.
16:15Use N-Dust for day-to-day cleaning.
16:18Hey, Dad.
16:19Flutterloom boys used to dress like you, right?
16:24Real strong.
16:25Right, only smaller.
16:27Now there's something just for me.
16:29Fun Pals from Flutterloom.
16:31With big, neat designs like Masters of the Universe and the Transformers.
16:36Kids love them.
16:37What about Super Seams?
16:38Got them.
16:39A strong waistband?
16:41Fun Pals, with the designs kids love.
16:43Do Fun Pals come in my size?
16:45No, Dad. Fun Pals are for kids.
16:49I'll never forget my first speaking part.
16:51There were only two words to remember.
16:53Money was pretty tight back then, so I started using sloth.
16:56After I got discovered, I tried those expensive shampoos and conditioners,
17:01and made a little discovery of my own.
17:03They weren't any better than sloth.
17:05They just cost more.
17:07These days, it's not hard to spend a fortune on your hair.
17:10I don't.
17:11Sloth just makes me look like I do.
17:14Sloth makes you look as if you spent a fortune on your hair.
17:24Oh, Debbie, here's your...
17:25Oh, by the way, Abby, I've been told that it's not even Lekwalensa.
17:28It's Wok...
17:30But there's no...
17:32But that's Polish.
17:33All right.
17:35Don't speak to me.
17:36There's something about Connecticut.
17:37I'm embarrassed I just said that name.
17:39Each time you spin this wheel, this is the...
17:40We're back to business here.
17:42You're going to reveal a word, hopefully.
17:44You get four spins.
17:45If you land on a box that's already been occupied,
17:48it's a wasted spin.
17:49We don't want to do that.
17:50We want to see four clues up there.
17:52It's for $25,000.
17:53Yeah, I keep doing this and covering her face.
17:57Two words.
17:58Debbie, go get them.
18:04Come on.
18:05Two words.
18:09All right.
18:10That's not bad.
18:11Not bad.
18:12Okay, but two words, you know, that could really help.
18:14Go get them.
18:15Let's get that first box, huh?
18:17On the bottom.
18:18The first...
18:20That's it.
18:21Stay right there.
18:22That should be a good reveal.
18:23Okay, now let's work on the top here.
18:25Two more spins, Debbie.
18:30Get on that.
18:32Get up.
18:33Get up.
18:34One more.
18:35One more spin, dear.
18:42Get up there.
18:43All right, reveal.
18:46Okay, I'm going to tell you.
18:47Here are the options.
18:48I know that you've been looking forward to the Windjammer cruise.
18:50I know you're into scuba diving and you like...
18:52You love the water.
18:53You love sailing.
18:54It's $3,900.
18:56You can trade that in for another spin.
18:58But if you think you know the phrase, I'll give you 10 seconds.
19:00What are you going to do?
19:05I'd like to keep the cruise.
19:06You're going to keep the cruise?
19:07I'd like to keep the cruise.
19:08All right.
19:10I'll give you 10 seconds.
19:11Take a look.
19:12The stars will play along with you.
19:13If you miss here, they may help you out.
19:21All right, stars, I'll have to have you put your pencils down, please.
19:25And I'm going to say...
19:28All right.
19:29Okay, Debbie.
19:30What is it?
19:31It doesn't make any sense, but Europe casting.
19:34Europe casting.
19:36Nope, it is...
19:40You had the casting.
19:43I wouldn't know anything about that, so I couldn't guess.
19:46All right.
19:48I know everything about that.
19:52I don't want to show mine.
19:54It's so dumb.
19:55I didn't even get the part of the word that was exposed.
19:58That's right.
20:00It's a piece of furniture.
20:02Well, $250.
20:04You've got the Windjammer Cruise and you have another chance right after this commercial.
20:07We'll be back.
20:10And three salami sandwiches.
20:14Oh, I'm starting a new film today.
20:16A streetcar named Linguini.
20:21So I'm packing a light lunch in my Ziploc sandwich bags.
20:23Oh, pickles.
20:25You see, because of the unique zipper seal,
20:28Ziploc sandwich bags can protect lots more than salami sandwiches.
20:38We've got the lock on food protection.
20:41It's remarkable.
20:43Most multivitamins treat women and men exactly the same.
20:46Well, we are not the same.
20:48Eighty percent of women don't get enough iron or calcium.
20:51We're different.
20:53And so is this.
20:55Within is new from One A Day and it's replacing Plus Iron.
20:58Within has extra nutritional support for women, vitamins, iron, and more calcium than any leading multivitamin.
21:05Within from One A Day.
21:07It's as different from other multivitamins as women are different from men.
21:12If you visited all the places some nationwide long-distance companies don't serve,
21:17you'd be on the road a long time.
21:20There are a lot of services you take for granted with AT&T that most companies don't have,
21:25like calling from anywhere to anywhere, operator service, and immediate credit for wrong numbers.
21:31Looks like most companies still have a long way to go to measure up to AT&T.
21:36The more you hear, the better we sound.
21:39AT&T. The right choice.
21:42Gotta shape you wanna keep? Try Nesty Free with NutraSweet.
21:47Nesty Free. Nesty Free.
21:50So nice. Oh, nice. Light and sugar-free.
21:54Gotta be zesty. Gotta be nesty.
21:57Nesty Free is a superior blend of choice teas, lemon, and NutraSweet with the great taste you love.
22:03Oh, but it's not which tea thinks best.
22:06Nesty Free. It's sugar-free.
22:09Nesty Free.
22:16Debbie Catani, I want you and I want the stars in our audience here to meet a salesman.
22:21But you are studying to be a courtroom interpreter for the deaf.
22:24You like to scuba dive, as does Debbie, and weight training.
22:27This is Gary Cleary. Nice to see you, Gary.
22:29Nice to see you. Welcome to the show.
22:31Come on, man. You got a shot? We're gonna show our home audience how many words are in the phrase,
22:35and we'll give you two free shots.
22:38Okay, I'd like Abby Dalton at the top, please.
22:41According to a study in Sweden, my love, what kind of woman is most likely to have a successful, successful pregnancy?
22:49A Catholic woman.
22:53I'll agree with that.
22:55I think she was being conceited.
22:58Um, one who has had a previous successful pregnancy.
23:03I'll agree with that.
23:04That is true. That is true. Now you can agree.
23:06All right.
23:08Take a shot, son.
23:09Okay, I'd like Abby Dalton in the middle, please.
23:12According to a recent U.S. News & World Report poll,
23:15Clint Eastwood is the number one hero of 18- to 24-year-olds. That's surprising.
23:20Who is number two?
23:23Of that age group?
23:2418- to 24-year-olds.
23:25Eddie Murphy.
23:26Eddie Murphy.
23:27I'll agree with that.
23:28I would have felt he would be number one.
23:29Yeah, Clint, hang in there, guy.
23:30All right, continue.
23:32Peter Scolari in the middle, please.
23:34What's the special word they use in India when you get to the point where you can feel no pain?
23:41No pain.
23:42That is nirvana.
23:46I'll agree with that.
23:47That is nirvana.
23:49Here's your clue.
23:52I'd like to play on.
23:53Go on.
23:54Okay, Peter Scolari at the bottom, please.
23:56Princess Di's servants say she relaxes best listening to the music of this performer.
24:02What performer?
24:05Johnny Mathis.
24:07I'll agree with that.
24:08Boy George in the Culture Club.
24:12You have to earn the clue.
24:13We'll go back to Peter Scolari right here.
24:15According to the exercise guide, Cosmo, that is, Cosmo exercise guide,
24:21when doing aerobic exercise, are you best off doing it in the nude?
24:26If I'm around, yes.
24:30No, I'm sorry.
24:32No, that would seem to me to be perhaps hazardous.
24:35I would say no.
24:37I agree.
24:38Wear layered clothing that feels comfortable.
24:40Yes, here's your clue for the first game.
24:42Would you like to?
24:43Of course, yes.
24:44Nice to take a guess.
24:45I'll play on, please.
24:46All right, dear.
24:47I'll take Christopher Hewitt at the top, please.
24:49Shakespeare once said that beauty made women proud.
24:52What makes them divine?
24:56I agree.
24:58You are back in control, Gary.
25:00Christopher Hewitt in the middle, please.
25:03According to the Complete Woman magazine, what medication is prescribed the most in the world?
25:08In the world, medications prescribed.
25:11Sleeping pills.
25:14I'll agree with that.
25:15I would have thought diet, but it is sleeping pills.
25:17Sleeping pills.
25:18Here's your clue.
25:19Would you like to take a guess?
25:22I'll play on.
25:23Play on.
25:26You'll have to either take a guess or freeze the game.
25:28You are in control now, Sam.
25:29Let me explain all your options here.
25:31If you guess and you are correct, you'll win the first game.
25:34I'd like to take a guess.
25:35If you are incorrect, then Debbie will win the game, but you are going to take a guess.
25:40Starting from scratch.
25:48Do you know what was interesting?
25:51I was watching Gary's eyes.
25:53He had no idea what it was, and all of a sudden, the light went on.
25:57Very good.
25:58We have a commercial.
25:59We'll be back.
26:00Excellent, Sam.
26:04What color that knows how to treat your lips?
26:06Watch my lips.
26:08Almay is all I need.
26:10This is Almay's unique new moisturizing lipstick.
26:13It's a very special treatment that softens and protects my lips.
26:17And it's hypoallergenic, fragrance-free.
26:20So there's nothing in it my lips won't love.
26:24Almay is all I need.
26:26New Almay moisturizing lipstick in 24 fabulous shades.
26:30Almay is all I need.
26:35Stress and irregularity.
26:38They often go together.
26:40When stress and irregularity happen, Easy does it with Philips LaxCaps.
26:46Philips LaxCaps gives you easy constipation relief.
26:49That's easy to take.
26:51With an effective softener for gentle, dependable, Philips relief.
26:55The relief of irregularity caused by stress.
26:59Take Philips LaxCaps.
27:01Easy does it.
27:08Tonight at 6 on Action News.
27:09A look at what happens after an organ transplant operation.
27:12From possible rejection to the patient's own adjustment.
27:15Tonight at 6 on Channel 2's Action News.
27:20All of our departing contestants will receive Sunday Delight.
27:23Flora's Scissors Punch brand.
27:24Enjoy the juicy taste of orange, tangerine, and lime.
27:27Nothing to like, you like Sunday Delight.
27:29And rich, creamy Heath ice cream bars.
27:31Crunchy toffee tidbits.
27:32Mixed right in, that's why you can't beat a Heath.
27:34And the Helpmate II electric cleaner.
27:35A powerful little vacuum that's organized, ready to use when you need it.
27:38Helpmate II from Hoover.
27:39And Otter Pop freezer bars.
27:41Made with real fruit juice.
27:42Featuring the otter characters that children love.
27:44Available at supermarkets and drugstores everywhere.
27:47Otter Pop.
27:48Also Skyway's newest luggage for easier handling on stairs, curbs, and tight places.
27:51Luggage on wheels.
27:52Outdoor twist fabric and colors including coffee brown from Skyway.
27:55And a West Bend hostess set including a versatile buffet server.
27:58Keeps food warm and ready to serve.
28:00A stainless steel percolator and a slow cooker.
28:02And a double as a serving gate.
28:03Furnished by West Bend.
28:06Tonight, there's a family crisis in the Papadopoulos household.
28:09And George must have a man-to-man talk with his son on Webster.
28:12Then, enjoy a look inside the FBI on a special Friday night edition of Ripley's Believe It or Not.
28:17Now, stay tuned for family...