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SSUNDEE Kicking a Ball 4,837,162 Miles Around The World in Roblox

YOU CAN SEE ALL MY VIDEOS HERE: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7m14s
00:00So dudes, welcome back to roblox today. We're playing football soccer. Sorry. It's soccer
00:05So how this works you see i'm holding a soccer ball. I uh power up and look
00:11I missed nice guys
00:13We're really good. So if I get closer though, look
00:16Get in. Oh
00:18Look, so then we start getting money. We use this money. You can see on the left. I have 4k
00:23I go over here right and then I buy a sports chest and this gives me a better ball
00:28The better ball you get the farther you can kick the ball and uh sigils knows what's about to happen
00:33We are about to go all the way to arizona space to kick it you boys ready?
00:39We get 20 minutes whoever wins wins go the way we kick this farther, right? Look at this. I can barely do anything
00:46I'm, so inaccurate. I'm awful. Watch this. I go back here to the upgrade station. I can increase the strength accuracy and speed
00:54So watch this if I increase the strength now I can start to kick it from farther, right if I increase the accuracy
00:59Let me increase it by 10. I mean i'm leveling it up by 10 every time I click this so the accuracy
01:04I won't hit those duds anymore. I can run faster too. I think oh gosh increase strength
01:08All right, let's go. Oh look how fast I run
01:10So let's see how far I can kick this now that I upgraded that much. Okay, here we go and
01:157 97
01:17Oh get out of my mouth, I don't know why I said that I don't wanna i'm not in your can I kick from here
01:24No get more accurate. Why am I not accurate enough? Oh, I kicked from so far away. Yeah, but you're ugly
01:29So you guys are weak get in there sigils. You blocked it your thick thighs just blocked it
01:36Wait, you have thick thighs my man. Yeah hit the post. This is terrible. What do you oh
01:41Okay, that was in this is really getting messy. Oh these spots here. These are two x spots. This is a powered area
01:47Let me kick it from here
01:50That gave me gems right
01:52What do you mean? No, i'm not chilling. I'm getting money
01:54Oh, yeah, I want to upgrade my ball because if you get a better a higher quality ball, it gives you like better stats, right?
01:59Yeah, I forgot
02:02I got the best ball in this area. I'm now kicking a soccer ball or a basketball. Oh, what?
02:09I'm getting a lot of money
02:11I gotta upgrade my scruff. Wait, if I want to go to the next area, I need 4k
02:15Oh, I can go see it by park 4k. Can I kick from the park now?
02:20Oh, wait, that was close. I'm about to kick from this i'm gonna kick from this
02:26Get in there you ugly idiot your mom
02:28Stop saying that that's what mom's lately. Why aren't you?
02:32How do I miss to the left that much? I don't understand
02:36Because you're weak
02:39Okay, I just got a thousand hold on i'm teleporting i'm teleporting i'm gonna upgrade do I upgrade my scruff for my accuracy
02:47I increased my scruff
02:50Uh park one, I'm going oh, there we go. Okay. I'm kicking from back here with all that strength
02:55Oh my god
02:57Okay, that was messy. Am I saying it right? Yeah
03:02You need to renaldo your way out of this conversation. What is it saying?
03:05Okay, 6.6
03:08I'm just making all these now. I have 10 000 gold right now. I mean literally build different
03:12Oh, I forgot you can also do this you get like guys that you can help they can help you kick right middle bottom
03:17What which one bill middle left or right middle left middle left got it. Okay. What is this?
03:23Hold on. I got annie. Hi annie. Okay, so I have annie. Look I got annie
03:28I can tell her to kick from here and look
03:33She's cracked
03:35She's cracked. Look at her. She's look that gives me money every time she does that so I can tell her to kick
03:40From here now, she's gonna kick from here
03:43She's missing annie get better annie
03:46Why is it not good I don't like this I don't she's
03:51I gotta keep kicking from the double spots. I think annie's awesome. Please get in there
03:58Okay, uh, the two x spots are pretty cracked I forgot about that it's literally been 10 months
04:03Hold on double spot double spot double spot double spot double spot. You look like a double spot. There we go
04:09Hold on let me look at the shop. We need to start buying things
04:11Oh, I need to do activate double coins activate double xp better luck ultra luck infinity luck. Oh gosh
04:17That is expensive. Is that to like get better stuff whenever you roll things? Let me go back to the shop
04:22I'm gonna i'm gonna teleport back. I have 24 000. This is how we get the better gear
04:26So like if I get that mushroom for four percent, it's gonna be like a lot better, right?
04:30I just received 2 000 gems. What am I gonna get?
04:34a boulder
04:35Epic, that's an eight percent
04:37Hold on buy another one. Come on
04:41Oh, we got the mushroom. Okay. Uh, yep all those little thingies buffs down in the bottom left. That's pretty cock
04:46So this gives me
04:4817.8 times more gold
04:52Okay. Yep. That's pretty good. Okay. Yep. No i'm having fun
04:54So if I want to unlock this one, I need to go to the desert. How much does it cost 15 000?
04:58I crap 50. How did I get 380 000?
05:03Okay, hey zod what you doing back here zod i'm in a desert top. Oh you guys are just
05:08Oh, I am not I am not strong enough from the desert
05:14No, you're weak and ugly, sorry
05:18So I get it you get better balls right and that gives you more gold why are you laughing at that?
05:23All right. All right. So if I unlock this one, this should give me a legendary 7.8 chance. It should that's not a good chance
05:30I got a legendary 7.28 chance. Got it. What what you guys you guys are yapping from the desert 50
05:36It went from 17 to 53 percent more gold
05:39So if I increase my strength by a lot then increase my accuracy by a lot and then my speed
05:45Now I should be able to make it from the desert
05:48Oh, that's all right. Well, why who's still using the white soccer ball? I have a baseball using that is it sigils?
05:55Did you just go to the city? Yeah. Bye. Why did it hit the rock?
06:00Okay, well I love this city because music starts playing that you can't turn off
06:04Get in there. No, why did it bounce like that? Oh, wait, are you shooting a cactus get in there get in there?
06:08No, is that why it's not going straight because i'm shooting a cactus. Oh, wait. Let me do the double
06:12I'm gonna do the double one. Annie reach double nine. Thanks, annie
06:18I'm on top of the temple. I don't understand how much money do you guys have?
06:20How many coins do you guys have right now? I can't tell you 60k
06:26Let's do accuracy, I feel like my accuracy could be accuracy
06:29I feel like that's right here. Okay, and there we go. We increased that a lot now. Let's go
06:34Come on, go back to the desert. So there's a purchase to unlock. What is this?
06:38I forgot what this is. Don't come over here. It's dumb. There's a times two
06:41What does the giant pyramid do? Oh, you get a higher ground to shoot it better, but I don't need this
06:45Oh, and then the double the double exp is okay. Here we go
06:50Okay, um, that's a lot of money this is going in oh wait, yeah get in there
06:54Oh, no, wait, what is that double double double double powered area two times strength
07:00Look at my money. And then if I unlock this, there we go. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hey, dad. Hi
07:07800k for the next area. Should I do it? That's it. Oh you think you could do that? Huh?
07:12Gotta go go go go bounce. You can bounce bounce
07:17I'm not
07:20I just bounced it in. Did you wait? I'm about to bounce
07:24Wait, this is perfect bounce. This is the perfect bounce messy
07:28Ronaldo, uh tiger woods. Yep. I forgot there's a rocket launcher. I forgot about that. Yep. Okay, we're literally going to arizona
07:33Hey, i'm not strong enough for this. I gotta upgrade my scruff by 10. Okay, there we go
07:38Wait, I can get a new city chest. Wait, I got the next area so city chest and then beach chest
07:44I need the city chest. Hold on. Okay, this has a 6.1% chance to give me a legendary
07:48It's not gonna just so you know, I got a legendary
07:52Did you really yeah? Ow, can I have it? No
07:56111 extra gold from that times gold. Okay, i'm going to the beach. See ya
08:01No, you can't leave me. No, i'm here. Thanks. Okay. Can I kick it that far? I increased my strength by a lot
08:07i'm yeeting
08:09I'm here with you. We are literally built different. They don't call my mom. My dad what no, they don't do that
08:17What is wrong with you? My thing just fell off the map. Sometimes when you talk I worry. Oh my gosh get in there
08:23Get in there get in there get in there. My mom is gonna yell at me because I need to clean my room
08:28It's so messy. It really okay. Stop. I've seen it. It's really that's so good. Let me high five you
08:33Okay. Okay. What if that wasn't your hand? We're literally building
08:37No, this is going in this is going in. All right, i'm going the next day four million for the next area
08:41Are you kidding me right now?
08:43Do I save the four mil or do I upgrade I need upgrade i'm upgrading i'm upgrading i'm upgrading
08:47Upgrade that upgrade that I don't remember half of this stuff. We played it so long ago two times
08:51Wait, this is gonna give me so much money
08:53sky island for oh
09:00How did you
09:02Okay, no i'm just built different no i'm just built different they don't call me mom
09:07I'm, I don't I would hope that I call him mom. Here we go. This is in
09:11This is in
09:12Two times power two times income. Wait, where's annie annie? Come here annie. Please make this annie
09:19You're awful hold on can I get a better like pet guy
09:25Is that did that go in I did an awful shot for that. I did a 13 shot and it still went in
09:30What let's see. How much do I need to go the next day four million? That's it. Okay, i'm going next
09:39What no i'm literally in space i'm literally in arizona come back 30 million for the next day i'm gonna dump
09:48Get in there get in there
09:50No, I didn't make it dad mom, okay, I gotta upgrade accuracy accuracy is pretty cracked i'm gonna do strength
09:58And accuracy I have a bunch of gems but I don't know what to do with them. I forgot you use them to buy a better
10:02Guy, that's what I did. Did you I bought better guys and now they're giving me extra money. Yeah, but they're terrible
10:1084 really is did I make this?
10:14Where are you that's it i'm spending 400 roblox i'm going to sky island
10:19That's cheating don't do that. No, that's cheating. I'm going to sky island
10:21You literally can't do that. Look where i'm at
10:22So I get a higher ground here and I can for sure hit it in right?
10:25Oh, you think you're something special? Look at this two x right here. I'm about to hit it from here
10:28I'm, not strong enough 100 this has to be in right?
10:32Get in there. No daddy
10:41Okay, I have I have money on money i'm looking at something wait I can get a guy that has five star rating
10:48That's a lot of robux though guys. Listen if you've made it this far, you gotta you gotta you gotta come on
10:52Just continue, you know, you know what i'm saying?
10:55Come on. Oh gosh devil. Which one do I choose middle left right or middle?
10:59middle, right middle, right
11:04That's why that's why
11:07Six percent chance six percent chance six percent chance. I got that guy now. I have a giant snowman
11:13He doesn't do anything. He just misses. Okay, I can give him one of my good balls
11:19Gave him one of my good balls
11:22Stop saying that. Okay, so I got I got that. Oh my gosh, that's in. All right. Yep. All right
11:29I'm increasing my squirrel ship sunday. Let me buy a ball from space from arizona. There we go
11:34Okay, there's a point four seven percent chance to give me a legendary
11:38Oh, that's really not good. I didn't get that. Oh, I don't have enough money. Oh pookie panty poopy pants
11:44You deserve that okay, is this guy leveling up so his speed is at 466 every time he kicks it goes up a little bit
11:51Okay. Okay. So this ball is 121. This one is 694. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it
11:59Uh, i'm not telling you this i'm behind
12:02I just got a six six seven. So, um, look how much money I just got for that. Okay, listen snowman. You need to do something
12:10All right snowman make a shot do anything literally do anything
12:15Oh, okay. Um, see you guys. Hey, don't leave me. You can't leave me. You don't have problems
12:25And we're going this way i'm gonna kick from up here
12:28Oh, there's music here. Oh gosh. Okay. Yep. Let's got it. Okay. I'm kicking from here now. Got it. And what happens now?
12:35Oh kick more big kick. No, I need more scruff get in there. It's not making it. I need more
12:42I need more scruff more scruff. And here we go. 96. Please go in. I'm
12:47I put so much strength on this. I still don't have enough strength. What do I need?
12:52I have all those buffs going more more buffs more buffs. I could buy 92 million coins
12:58Why am I doing this? I can use all of that to upgrade my strength spend all that on that
13:02I hope that works. Please work. Oh, i'm gonna buy a moon one now. Okay, so there's a
13:071.45 percent chance to give me a legendary
13:10I didn't get the legendary. I didn't get the legendary. Okay, 1.45 percent chance to get a legendary
13:16Why am I not getting a legendary? Wait, did I make this?
13:19Please please no. Why do you not have enough strength?
13:25No, i'm not get in there get in there get off of me get in there I need more strength
13:32Wait two times two times boost
13:34How much money i'm at 7.2 right now? How much money am I gonna get for this 7.2? What?
13:40Oh, you never tell us I received another gentle snowman
13:43I'm gonna give him a really good ball and I got a better ball too. Nine nine six. I haven't seen him
13:49I I don't know. Hey, babe. Oh, I know. Oh, yeah, are you up here? Yeah. What what do you mean?
13:53I'm coming for you boogie. Come here. No, you're not. Don't call boogie. He's the enemy
13:58Stop it. No, he's the enemy. Don't come here. I missed pookie pants
14:01I'm gonna put your pants. Come here get in there make the good bounce make the good bounce. Oh
14:07Oh, I thought that was going in. I almost dumped in my dumpers. I'm gonna try to get this
14:13I need a 1.45 percent chance
14:16Why are you not giving me this I need this I deserve this please
14:21We got the moon
14:24Wait, what do you mean you got them? You can't just have a moon. Uh, so that does 1.1k
14:28Okay, cuckoo. I'm gonna put the snowman here. Wait, I got both of them kicking from here now
14:32Oh, he gives me a six hundred thirteen thousand every time he does that. Excuse me. Why are you cheating?
14:38What do you mean? I'm not cheating. He's not playing by the rules
14:40What if I kick from here does snowman kick from here and make it snowman get in there?
14:44Does he make that?
14:46No, he just made 1.4 million
14:48Hello, can he kick from here though? Let's find out. Come here. Stop it kick
14:53Kick it. Did he make it? Oh, look at him kicking 2.5 million. Okay. Got it. Thanks. No, man. Actually insane
14:59Let's upgrade my scrum. I need 250 million. Okay. Got it. Can I make this?
15:04I've increased my strength so much. Oh, hey, hey
15:10No, I can't make this. Wait, you didn't make that I just sunk it. No, you didn't he's lying. No, you didn't try
15:16He's a liar. He's a liar
15:18Making it from here. Yeah, you're going down boy. No, i'm not. Wait. I just made it from here. How what's your strength that enough?
15:25102 412
15:27Please please wait. I'm actually making it. Wait. I'm not going to back up. I know
15:31Wait, how are you guys? I know I can do this. I believe in myself. No, I believe in myself
15:36Here what I'm hitting it from back here. I need more strength. I have 108 level strong
15:41Oh, I'm more than you. I made it from here. Oh god, he's cheating. No, he's cheating. He's cheating. I have 1.7k
15:50How am I not hitting this far enough and he reached level 14? Thank you. Maybe if I kick from up here i'll make it 100
15:59That might go
16:00Why am I so weak? I don't understand. I just upgraded more if this doesn't work. I'm gonna do something i'm gonna regret
16:12We're in we're making it get in there
16:18We're hitting these boys
16:21From where are you though? What do you mean? What do you mean from where from? Okay, this is i'm in the moon base
16:25Yeah, this is getting kind of messy. This is
16:28Stop it. Stop it
16:31Let me know if you get it. No, let me know if you get it
16:32Let me know if you get it. Oh and a double I get a double here. That's gonna be so much money
16:37It's not why why did it go that way? What just happened? Okay, here we go
16:43Oh, yeah, i'm already i've been here hello up here
16:46Wait, does this make it
16:50Oh, I am getting close to making it from back here. Oh, you're not making it
16:54Oh, no, i'm actually yeah, but you wouldn't understand. Uh, okay. I gotta do something. This is so dumb
16:59Why am I doing this 11 billion gold? Oh and i'm putting it all into power and accurate. Oh 4500 robux
17:05Why do I do these things? Okay guys, listen if you're still watching do the thing like the video we gotta win
17:11Okay, here we go 1 billion
17:13Going in i'm gonna upgrade my accuracy by a lot. I don't really care about my speed, but i'll do my speed once
17:18Let's increase my strength
17:20and my accuracy
17:22Okay, that was 4500 robux spent in literally 10 seconds. Okay, cool. I'm having fun. Are you?
17:29Yay, okay. Well, let's see what happens now
17:32What do you mean happens now? What do you mean it happens now? I need 5 billion to go to this next area
17:36You'll never get it. Okay. Let's see if i'm i'm kicking from right here
17:47Why do you make that sound are you breathing are you okay?
17:51What do you mean what do I mean?
17:53What do you mean? Why did you go that way? Hold on i'm gonna buy i'm gonna buy
17:58A moon base chest. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you have a nice moon base chest. What does that? Yeah, I have the mars ball, dude
18:030.15 chance
18:06Oh, you have the mars ball, oh cute. Okay. I'm gonna get something better than that right now
18:09I keep getting the mars ball. I don't want the mars ball. Stop getting the mars ball
18:14Okay, if I get one more mars ball, i'm uninstalling my mouth. You get mars ball. I got another mars
18:20I'm getting so many mars balls
18:23I got the core ball. Okay, let's see what that does. Okay, let's see if I can make this. Can I make this shot?
18:29Hey, hey, hey pookie. I don't think I can make this shot. I'm trying like will be hard. Why'd you say will we?
18:36I'm kicking from this area here
18:39Sunday I like tips and tricks. Are you ready in the five billion area?
18:45How are you kicking so far what do you mean how am I what do you what do you what do I what do I mean?
18:49What do you mean? What do you mean? Okay? No, we're doing it. No, we're doing it. We're literally doing it
18:54We're doing it. No, we're doing it. That's what i'm saying. You don't red star ball
18:57I just saw your ball go from like even further away. Where are you? Okay? Wait. Hey guys
19:02I forgot to mention uh time's been up for like a while come to the five billion area
19:07All right. So here's the deal. Whoever can make it from here moves on to the next round go. Okay going
19:14Oh, are you guys back there? Let's see if I can make it. Oh, I see zed's ball. Oh, what is it?
19:20Wait, who made it close? I made it. I didn't okay. So you made it
19:23I made it. Okay. Uh, so whoever can go through this barrier right here wins
19:29I talked to you. I just talked to you guys. Can I borrow see?
19:33Let us in
19:37Back here. Let's see. Oh
19:39Does this go in?
19:43Okay, I gotta go. I gotta go clean my house. It's getting it's getting ronaldo in here. Did I do it? Right?
19:52We took down the losers