• last year
00:00hey guys yet another video for our wheels in Japan playlist in our mini
00:04series on crazy drivers in Japan we can collect this footage for every one we
00:11show you we see another hundred examples so we see this all the time again we're
00:16out in the rice fields very few cars around but for some reason the guy in
00:21front of us feels a need to drive really close to the guy in front of him to the
00:25point where you can see him touching his brakes now and again because he's so
00:28close to the guy in front he's got to be careful not to hit him out in the
00:31middle of the rice fields again usually it's not aggressive usually it's just
00:36Japanese style that if this is what we're doing now so we'll do it together
00:40so we're driving along on this road at night in the rice fields so we'll drive
00:44close together that's what they do as as is parking out in the middle of an
00:50intersection so he's already crossed the big white line in front of us once you
00:55cross that you can get a ticket for going through the red light so he sort
00:58of stopped the middle intersection same as this guy so once they've gone that
01:02far across there's not much point in staying there they'd be better off just
01:06continuing on because they've already broken the rule staying there has no
01:11meaning and of course the phone zombies we always get a couple of people to
01:16defend the phone zombies that think being a phone zombies fine but for
01:19everyone that defends and we get another hundred that say that's dangerous that
01:23kills people that's why we don't like it there's a couple of dozen people dying
01:28in Japan every year because someone's staring at their phone while driving
01:31their car like that turkey that's why we don't like it also because it's usually
01:37an innocent person that gets killed it's not always the phone zombie themselves
01:41it's often the kid that's crossing the street or somebody else that the phone
01:46zombie doesn't see that's why we don't like it it's because the innocent
01:49victims phone zombies have the right to kill themselves if they want to we we
01:55believe but not other people that's the catch with the phone zombie thing the
02:01cyclist thing yeah using a phone while you're riding a bike really really
02:06common it's against the rules as he's riding without a helmet now but again
02:12that sort of just risks that person that person's safety really so we don't have
02:17a huge problem with that providing they don't run into pedestrians or other kids
02:20that are walking down the street oh yeah so this really really busy road we've
02:25actually showed you this same spot once before the police sit around the corner
02:29and stop people for going through the red light or for being phone zombies or
02:32something but they stop them right here and then have a meeting with them for 30
02:36minutes and block one lane of the busy road so there's lots of side streets
02:41there we could park that truck but they never do that oh yeah our passenger took
02:45this video there's the police station and in front of us is the car so those
02:49guys were sitting in the car the driver was sitting in the car right outside the
02:52police station talking on the phone so he didn't really capture it but I
02:56included it in the video because our our passenger tried very hard to get that
03:00video for you anyway you get the idea there are crazy people in every country
03:06including this one more videos coming soon