Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 22 The Gift

  • 4 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 Episode 22 The Gift


00:00Into each generation a slayer is born. Why don't we start with hi, I'm Buffy Xander. We're deal yet below, right? Mr. Charles
00:30I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I'm a slayer, I
01:00gave me a pretty good run there, but the blood is just pumping. But it's hot. Don't hurt
01:20Don't hurt me.
01:22Don't hurt you.
01:27Hey! What's going on?
01:31Help me! Call the police!
01:33Get out of here, girl.
01:36You guys having a fight?
01:38Cause, you know, fighting's not cool.
01:42Get out of here!
01:46No, she wants to stay.
01:48I don't mind a little appetizer.
01:52Have you ever heard the expression
01:54biting off more than you can chew?
01:58Okay. Um...
02:00How about the expression
02:02vampire slayer?
02:04What the hell are you talking about?
02:06Wow. Never heard that one.
02:08Okay. How about
02:10oh god,
02:12my leg, my leg?
02:18Oh god, my leg!
02:20See? Now we're communicating.
03:06Been a long while since I met one
03:08who didn't know me.
03:12You should get home.
03:15How'd you do that?
03:19It's what I do.
03:22But you're just a girl.
03:28That's what I keep saying.
03:44I'm a vampire.
03:46I'm a vampire.
03:48I'm a vampire.
03:50I'm a vampire.
03:52I'm a vampire.
03:54I'm a vampire.
03:56I'm a vampire.
03:58I'm a vampire.
04:00I'm a vampire.
04:02I'm a vampire.
04:04I'm a vampire.
04:06I'm a vampire.
04:08I'm a vampire.
04:10I'm a vampire.
04:12I'm a vampire.
04:14I'm a vampire.
04:16I'm a vampire.
04:18I'm a vampire.
04:20I'm a vampire.
04:22I'm a vampire.
04:24I'm a vampire.
04:26I'm a vampire.
04:28I'm a vampire.
04:30I'm a vampire.
04:32I'm a vampire.
04:34I'm a vampire.
04:36I'm a vampire.
04:39Something going on out back?
04:50Nothing you want to hear.
04:52The ritual is...
04:54Explain it again.
04:56There's nothing new to...
04:58Go through it again.
05:01The key was living energy.
05:04It needed to be channeled,
05:06poured into a specific place
05:09at a specific time.
05:12The energy would flow into that spot.
05:15The walls between the dimensions break down.
05:18It stops the flow of energy.
05:21It stops the flow of energy.
05:24It stops the flow of energy.
05:27The walls between the dimensions break down.
05:30It stops the energies used up.
05:32The walls come back up.
05:34Glory uses that time
05:36to get back into her own dimension,
05:38not caring that all manner of hell
05:41will be unleashed on Earth in the meantime.
05:44Um, but only for a little while, right?
05:47The walls come back.
05:49Uh, no more hell?
05:52That's only if the energy is stopped.
05:55And now the key is human.
06:00Is Dawn.
06:03Blood flows, the gates will open.
06:06The gates will close when it flows no more.
06:10When Dawn is dead.
06:15I have places to be!
06:24Why blood?
06:26Why Dawn's blood?
06:28I mean, why couldn't it be like a...
06:30a lymph ritual?
06:32Because it's always got to be blood.
06:35We're not actually discussing dinner right now.
06:38Blood is life, Black Brain.
06:41Why do you think we eat it?
06:44It's what keeps you going.
06:46Makes you warm.
06:48Makes you hard.
06:50Makes you other than dead.
06:53Causes her blood.
06:57Pretty simple math here.
06:59We stop Glory before she can start the ritual.
07:02We still have a couple of hours, right?
07:04If my calculations are right,
07:06but Buffy...
07:07I don't want to hear it.
07:08I understand that.
07:10No! No, you don't understand.
07:13We're not talking about this.
07:15Yes, we bloody well are!
07:25If Glory begins the ritual,
07:28if we can't stop her...
07:32Come on.
07:34Say it.
07:35We're bloody well talking about this.
07:39Tell me to kill my sister.
07:44She's not your sister.
07:51She's not.
07:54She's more than that.
07:57She's me.
08:01The monks made her out of me.
08:05I hold her.
08:07And I feel closer to her than...
08:13It's not just the memories they've built.
08:17It's physical.
08:20Dawn is a part of me.
08:25The only part that I...
08:27We'll solve this.
08:29We will.
08:31Don't have another comma, okay?
08:36If the ritual starts,
08:38then every living creature in this and every other dimension imaginable
08:42will suffer unbearable torment and death.
08:47Including Dawn.
08:50Then the last thing she'll see is me protecting her.
08:55You'll fail.
08:57You'll die.
09:00We all will.
09:05I'm sorry.
09:08I love you all.
09:11But I'm sorry.
09:20All in favor of stopping glory before the ritual.
09:23Suggestions, ideas, time's a-wastin'.
09:26Uh, when you say you love us all...
09:29Shut up.
09:31Willow, I bet you've got some dark spell a-brewin'.
09:34Make her a toad, little hoppy toad.
09:37We hit her with a hammer.
09:41Hoppy toad.
09:46What about Ben?
09:48He could be killed, right?
09:50I mean, I know he's an innocent, but, you know, not like Dawn innocent.
09:54We could kill a...
09:56A regular guy.
09:58A regular guy?
10:08It's doubtful he'll surface again this close to the ritual.
10:12We can expect it's glory we're dealing with.
10:16We don't have to kill her.
10:18We just have to stop her from doing the ritual.
10:22I mean, there's only the one time that she can do it, right?
10:26Yeah. We get her on the ropes.
10:28We just gotta keep her occupied till it's too late.
10:31Okay, but I'm still not hearing enough ideas.
10:34She's a god. Let's think outside the box.
10:37Why don't you go think outside the bleeding box?
10:40Yes, Anya.
10:42Apart from your incredibly uninfectious enthusiasm, have you anything else to contribute?
10:46The Dagon Sphere.
10:50When Buffy first met glory,
10:52she found that magical, glowy sphere that was meant to repel glory.
10:57We've got it in the basement.
10:59It might drive her away or hurt her.
11:03And Olaf the Troll God's enchanted hammer.
11:08You wanna fight a god, use the weapon of a god.
11:11Uh, nah. That thing's too heavy to...
11:14Yeah. Good.
11:16I like this.
11:19Here to help. Wanna live.
11:21Your chicks are so hot.
11:25You couldn't have figured that out in 10th grade?
11:30Well, we have some ideas.
11:32We could actually get glory on the run, but, um...
11:35But we still have no idea how to find her.
11:38Big day.
11:40It calls me.
11:42I have to be there.
11:45Big day.
11:52They, uh...
11:54said you have to put this on for the ceremony.
12:02What if I don't?
12:05Come on, just...
12:06What if I don't like the color?
12:09Look, I...
12:12I wish there was another way.
12:14And I wish you'd fall on your head and drown in your own blood.
12:18And I wish you'd fall on your head and drown in your own barf, so...
12:23I guess we're both disappointed.
12:26I think it'll be quick.
12:30Actually, sir, the bleeding is quite a slow process to give the portal time...
12:35Thank you for the information.
12:41I'll do what I can to...
12:44Change. Be her.
12:47I don't want to look at you.
12:48Donna, I don't think you want to...
12:49Be glory.
12:52Be glory.
12:54Glory! Glory! Glory!
12:57Will you just stop shouting already?
13:05So, what's the hubbub, bub?
13:08What do you got against old Benji?
13:13He's a monster.
13:16At least you're up front about it.
13:20Just don't be so hard on the boy.
13:23He just wants to live.
13:26Most guys would do the same.
13:29Besides, he's probably the reason your sis and her little cartoon pals are still alive.
13:35That little nagging pinch of humanity that makes me go for the hurt instead of the kill.
13:42I'm not lowering myself to trade blows with the Slayer when I should have just put my fist through her heart.
13:49It's gotta be Ben.
13:51Or maybe you just can't take her.
14:01Funny thing. You've been here for a few hours now and I haven't seen Big Sis galloping in to save you.
14:08She probably knows what a terrible mistake that'd be.
14:11She's not afraid of you.
14:13No, sweetie baby.
14:16Talking about the ritual.
14:19Because you know, I believe you.
14:21The portal's open.
14:24But once you die, they close.
14:27The faster you die, the better for your sorry species.
14:32Bettin' Buffy knows that.
14:35Since she's not really your sister...
14:39I'm guessing she isn't gonna show.
14:42And if she does...
14:45might not be to save you.
15:09You sure you're not gonna tie yourself out?
15:12I'm sure.
15:16We're still working on ideas.
15:21Time's short, but best leave it to the last moment.
15:25If we go in too early and she takes us out, no chance of getting her to miss her window.
15:31Then we wait.
15:35I imagine you hate me right now.
15:48I love Dawn.
15:51I know.
15:53But I've sworn to protect this sorry world, and sometimes that means saying and doing...
16:02what other people can't.
16:06They shouldn't have to.
16:11You try and hurt her and you know I'll stop you.
16:15I know.
16:32This is how many apocalypses for us now?
16:38Oh, well...
16:41six at least.
16:46Feels like a hundred.
16:50I've always stopped them.
16:53Always one.
16:59I sacrificed Angel to save the world.
17:04I loved him so much.
17:09But I knew.
17:12I was right.
17:16I don't have that anymore.
17:20I don't understand.
17:24I don't know how to live in this world, if these are the choices.
17:31If everything just gets stripped away.
17:37I don't see the point.
17:41I just wish that...
17:45I just wish my mom was here.
18:02Spirit Guide told me that death is my gift.
18:08I guess that means a Slayer really is a gift.
18:12I guess that means a Slayer really is just a killer after all.
18:17I think you're wrong about that.
18:19Doesn't matter.
18:22If Dawn dies, I'm done with it.
18:27I'm quitting.
18:43Everything is broken.
18:51Okay, campers, it's almost stab time.
18:54You two, get her.
19:00Fuck me!
19:06See you in a few.
19:12See you in a few.
19:42Doc, have you found the Dragon Sphere?
19:46I'm sure it's here. Just be a minute.
19:49Yeah, we're on it. Let's look over here, where we didn't look yet.
19:54Time is a factor.
19:56Yes, yes, not to worry.
20:04So, are you more...
20:12I mean, it sounded like you...
20:17No. Yes.
20:20I had the pleasure moment...
20:22and the blissful calm that comes right after it.
20:25But that only lasted a couple of seconds, and now I'm terrified again.
20:29Well, you don't have to be.
20:36Spike's sex bot.
20:38Spike's sex bot.
20:40Why didn't they just melt it down into scrap?
20:44Maybe Willow wanted it.
20:49I don't think Willow feels that way about Buffy.
20:52I mean, I know she's gonna do a lot of changes, but...
20:55Study it.
20:57Right. Robotics.
21:06Other pervert.
21:08Don't frighten me like that!
21:12God, who would put something like that there?
21:16Is this supposed to be some sort of sick joke?
21:19I mean, things aren't bad enough.
21:23This is an omen.
21:25Hey, hey, shh.
21:27No, no, no, it's an omen.
21:29It's a higher power trying to tell me through bunnies that we're all gonna die.
21:33Oh, God.
21:35No, it's not.
21:38It's okay.
21:41Oh, you see, usually when there's an apocalypse, I scrattle.
21:46But now I love you so much that instead I have inappropriately timed sex...
21:50and try to think of ways to fight a god...
21:53and worry terribly that something might happen to you...
21:56and also worry that something will happen to me.
21:58And then I have guilt that I'm not more worried about everyone else.
22:01But I just don't have enough.
22:04I'm just on total overload.
22:06And I honestly don't think that I could be more nervous than I am right now.
22:12You care to wager on that?
22:25you wanna marry me?
22:33Can I take that as a maybe?
22:35You're proposing to me.
22:39You're proposing to me because we're gonna die.
22:42And you think it's romantic and sexy and...
22:46you know you're not gonna have to go through with it because the world's gonna end.
22:49I'm proposing to you, Anya, because it's not.
22:53You can't know that.
22:55I believe it.
22:58And I think we're gonna get through this.
23:02I think I'm gonna live a long and silly life...
23:05and I'm not interested in doing that without you around.
23:21I mean, yes.
23:35Give it to me when the world doesn't end.
23:46What have you got for me?
23:48Some ideas.
23:49Well, notions.
23:51Or theories based on wild speculation.
23:55Did I mention I'm not good under pressure?
23:59I need you, Will.
24:01You're my big gun.
24:02I'm your...
24:04No, I was never a gun.
24:06Someone else should be the gun.
24:08I could be a cudgel or a pointy stick.
24:13You're the strongest person here.
24:16You know that, right?
24:18Oh, no.
24:20Will, you're the only person that's ever hurt Glory.
24:23At all.
24:25You're my best shot at getting her on the rope,
24:27so don't get a jelly belly on me now.
24:30Well, I do sort of have this one idea.
24:35But the last few days,
24:38I've mostly been looking into ways to help Tara.
24:42I know that shouldn't be my priority.
24:46Of course it should.
24:50Well, I've been charting their essences, mapping out.
24:54I think if I can get close enough,
24:58I may be able to reverse what Glory did.
25:02Like, take back what she took from Tara.
25:05It might weaken Glory or make her less coherent.
25:10Or it might make all our heads explode.
25:17I'll try to work it.
25:25Don't worry, love.
25:27It won't be long.
25:31Bitch! I was supposed to work on the factors.
25:37I'm not...
25:46I'm gonna bring you back.
25:52No. No, no, that's good.
25:54That could be pivotal.
25:56Thank you, guys.
25:57Well, then you're gonna need some...
25:59Way ahead of you. We have time?
26:01Yes, if you're hungry.
26:02Okay. I'll grab some weapons, too.
26:04I'm looking for something in a broadsword.
26:07Don't be swinging that thing near me.
26:09Hey, I happen to be...
26:10A glorified bricklayer?
26:13I'm also a swell bowler.
26:15Has his own shoes.
26:16The gods themselves do tremble.
26:18Spike, shut your mouth. Come with me.
26:28The weapons are in the chest by the TV.
26:30I'll grab the stuff upstairs.
26:32Uh, Buffy...
26:35If you want to just hand them over the threshold...
26:39Come in, Spike.
26:56No barrier.
27:02No barrier.
27:06Um, I'm gonna bother the small stuff.
27:09A couple of good axes should hold off Gloria's mates.
27:13You take on the lady yourself.
27:17We're not all gonna make it.
27:19You know that.
27:25Hey, I always knew I'd go down fighting.
27:29I'm counting on you.
27:32To protect her.
27:35Till the end of the world.
27:39Even if that happens to be tonight.
27:43I'll be a minute.
27:50I know you never loved me.
27:52I know that I'm a monster.
27:54But you treat me like a man.
27:57And that's...
28:03Get your stuff. I'll be here.
28:23She will come to you soon.
28:42We aren't scared of you.
28:44I'm not scared of you.
28:46I'm not scared of you.
28:48I'm not scared of you.
28:51We on schedule?
28:54Yes, it's time.
29:06Tara, baby?
29:10Is there somewhere you should be?
29:14They held me down.
29:17No one's holding you.
29:20It's the big day, right?
29:24Do you wanna go?
29:37You're a killer.
29:41This is all set down.
29:46Stay close, but don't crowd her.
29:48We'll follow in a minute.
29:50Hey, everybody knows their jobs.
29:52Remember, the ritual starts.
29:55We all die.
29:57And I'll kill anyone who comes near dawn.
30:05Well, not exactly the same Crispin's Day speech, was it?
30:09We few.
30:12We happy few.
30:14We band of boggarts.
30:18We happy few.
30:20We happy few.
30:48We happy few.
31:01What is that?
31:03The portal must open up there.
31:07Will, you're up.
31:11Need anything?
31:14Could use a little courage.
31:19The real kind.
31:21But thanks.
31:48What are you doing here?
31:50She's with me.
32:07What the frickin' hell did that bitch do to me?
32:12You look fine.
32:14She made a little...
32:18She made a hole.
32:20Oh, I need a brain to eat.
32:22Take mine, oh groovetastic one.
32:25I said a brain, you worthless dirt.
32:29Big day.
32:31I got places to be. Big day.
32:34Need a brain.
32:37Suppose I could always use yours.
32:40Okay, then.
32:46Come and get it.
32:53You don't seem very well.
32:55You're a little witch bitch.
32:58Gave me kind of a headache there.
33:01But if you think this is gonna last more than eight seconds...
33:04I notice you're talking, whereas in your position, I would attack me.
33:09Oh, most sweaty, naughty feelings causing one.
33:12Should we...
33:14Go guard the girl.
33:16This is a...
33:18This is a...
33:20Diversionary tactic?
33:22Go guard.
33:32It's strange. You're not as blurry with speed as usual, either.
33:37It's not her.
33:39Might be this.
33:42I heard it's supposed to repel you.
33:46I heard it's supposed to repel you.
33:49So my guess is...
33:51You probably shouldn't touch it, either.
33:59You're gonna wish...
34:07Stand back!
34:09Kill anyone who dares approach!
34:11This will be our day of glory!
34:15No pun.
34:16Well, just call it out to me.
34:41Turn around.
35:32I got so lost.
35:35I found you.
35:41I will always find you.
35:48You know what?
35:51I'm feeling a little better.
35:53And now, I'm a little bored.
35:55Oh, I'm sorry.
35:57Because you're about...
36:04The Slayer's a robot.
36:06Did everybody else know the Slayer was a robot?
36:18You're not the brightest god in the heavens, are you?
36:22I'm up here!
36:40No, you don't!
36:44I'm up here!
38:28You lost your hammer, sweet cheeks.
38:31What are you going to hit me with now?
38:40Whatever's handy.
38:47A war-fried bricklayer picks up a spare.
38:53Has anyone noticed that we're going backwards?
38:58It's crossed my mind.
39:01As long as Luffy can keep Glory down long enough, it doesn't matter.
39:06There's only a few minutes left to start the ritual.
39:20You can help me.
39:22Untie me.
39:24Please, help me. She's coming.
39:27Well, it seems she's running a bit late, is the thing.
39:34And if her splendidness can't be here in time to bleed you...
39:40Hey, kid.
39:43Wanna see a trick?
40:04How we doing?
40:06So far, it's a tie.
40:08We haven't got up to Doom.
40:10Not that neither has anyone else.
40:13Someone's up there.
40:18Okay, we gotta charge or something.
40:20We tried that.
40:22Spike, can you hear me?
40:25Yeah, loud and clear.
40:27Is there someone up there with Doom?
40:30Yeah, can't tell who.
40:32Are you talking to us?
40:34Get up there. Come now.
40:38Yeah, but...
40:51Well, what do you know?
40:54It's just about that time.
40:59Doesn't a fella stay dead when you kill him?
41:02Look who's talking.
41:05Come on, Doc. Let's you and me have a go.
41:09I... do have a prior appointment.
41:14This won't take long.
41:16No, I don't imagine it will.
41:28I'm just a mortal.
41:31You couldn't understand my pain.
41:34And I'll just have to settle for causing it.
41:40You can't kill me.
41:42No, but my arm's not even tired yet.
41:49You don't come near the gold, Doc.
41:52I'll smell a soul anywhere on you.
41:56Why do you even care?
41:58I made a promise to a lady.
42:09I'll send the lady your regrets.
42:26Stop it.
42:28You're a god.
42:32Make it stop.
42:51I'm sorry.
42:54Tell her it's over.
42:57She missed her shot.
42:59She goes.
43:01She ever, ever comes near me and mine again.
43:06We won't. I swear.
43:16I guess we're stuck with each other, huh, baby?
43:24Can you move?
43:28I need her.
43:30I'm mad.
43:32She could have killed me.
43:34No, she couldn't.
43:39And sooner or later, Glory will reemerge
43:42and make Buffy pay for that mercy
43:46and the world with her.
43:48Buffy even knows that,
43:50and still she couldn't take human life.
43:57She's a hero, you see.
44:01She's not like us.
44:31Shallow cuts.
44:34Shallow cuts.
44:39Let the blood flow free.
44:49This should be interesting.
44:54I'm in hurt.
44:58I got it. Come here.
45:00You're gonna be...
45:11Buffy, it started.
45:45I got it.
46:10I'm sorry.
46:12It doesn't matter.
46:14What are you doing?
46:18I have to jump in the energy.
46:21It'll kill you.
46:24I know.
46:28Buffy, I know about the ritual.
46:31I have to stop it.
46:35I have to.
46:37Look at what's happening.
46:48Buffy, you have to let me go.
46:52Blood starts it, and until the blood stops going,
46:55it'll never stop.
46:59No, you have to let me.
47:05It has to have the blood.
47:09Because it always has to be blood.
47:12It's Summer's blood.
47:14It's just like mine.
47:16She's me.
47:18The monks made her out of me.
47:20Death is your gift.
47:23Death is your gift.
47:43Donnie, I have to.
47:47Listen to me.
47:49Please, there's not a lot of time. Listen.
48:57Don, listen to me. Listen.
49:02I love you.
49:04I will always love you.
49:08This is the work that I have to do.
49:28Tell Giles...
49:32Tell Giles I figured it out.
49:37And I'm okay.
49:49And give my love to my friends.
49:53You have to take care of them now.
49:58You have to take care of each other.
50:02You have to be strong.
50:07Don, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it.
50:16Be brave.
50:22For me.
50:31For you.
51:31Grr. Arrgh.
