• last year
00:01:00A real lakeside home.
00:01:13A beautiful lake for swimming, boating, fishing.
00:01:16At no cost to you, we stand the entire expense.
00:01:21Everything absolutely free.
00:01:23I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, Adams City, sponsored by that eminent philanthropist Mr.
00:01:28Roland Adams, is a fast-growing center of culture, a city with a future.
00:01:40Buy that future now.
00:01:42Put your money where you can watch it grow.
00:01:45And remember, folks, there is no finer investment on Earth than Earth itself.
00:01:51I thank you.
00:01:56But you see, I have only $25.
00:01:58Now, that's all right, lady, don't you apologize, because for $25 bucks down, you're going to
00:02:04do a magnificent, a swell bargain.
00:02:07You'll never regret it.
00:02:08And your children will never regret it.
00:02:10And your grandchildren will never regret it.
00:02:12And your great-great-grandchildren will thank you.
00:02:15But I'm not married.
00:02:18Take my word for it, lady, you have the most beautiful lot in the tract.
00:02:22Will there really be a lake there, Mr. Wolfe?
00:02:24While the whole valley will be underwater in 60 days, Roland Adams' honesty has never
00:02:29been questioned.
00:02:30Come on, brother.
00:02:31Let's get him.
00:02:32Let's tear him to pieces.
00:02:33Come on now.
00:02:34Let's get him.
00:02:35Let's get him.
00:02:36Come on.
00:02:37Come on.
00:02:38Come on.
00:02:39Come on.
00:02:40Come on.
00:02:41Come on.
00:02:42Come on.
00:02:43Come on.
00:02:44Come on.
00:02:45Come on.
00:02:46Come on.
00:02:47Come on.
00:02:48Come on.
00:02:49Come on.
00:02:50Come on.
00:02:51Come on.
00:02:52Come on.
00:02:53Hi there.
00:02:55What's the cause of this intrusion, may I ask?
00:03:01We represent every decent and progressive organization in this town from the Chamber
00:03:06of Commerce on down.
00:03:08For months you have been robbing the people with your misstatements.
00:03:10And now we are going to put an end to it.
00:03:12Why, my friend, Adams City is a legitimate enterprise, a boon to your community.
00:03:18We are running an honest business and the law must protect us.
00:03:20We know the law has no power to remove you, that's the reason we're here, but you and
00:03:25your gang of hoodlums are leaving this town with a personal escort.
00:03:29And this money is going to be given back to the people from whom it was stolen.
00:03:33I resent that!
00:03:34Go on, get going.
00:03:35You can't do this!
00:03:36Shut up!
00:03:37I'll take this up with my senator.
00:03:39Get out of here!
00:03:40Get out of here!
00:03:41Get out of here!
00:03:42Get out of here!
00:03:43Get out of here!
00:03:44Get out of here!
00:03:45Get out of here!
00:03:46Get out of here!
00:03:47Get out of here!
00:03:48Get out of here!
00:03:49Yeah, a lot of good your legal mind did you in the hands of Martin and his mob.
00:03:53This burns my potatoes.
00:03:54Oh, I admit I made a mistake, but it could have been worse.
00:03:58Yeah, I suppose I could have broken dates with two beautiful redheads instead of one.
00:04:02Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Eureka Realty Company.
00:04:05And I'm telling you it's again the regulations for five to sleep in one room.
00:04:10I guarantee no one will sleep here tonight.
00:04:14Oh, that's different.
00:04:16Wait a minute.
00:04:17I'll have ham sandwiches and a large pot of hot coffee.
00:04:20And bring me the same.
00:04:22Yes, sir.
00:04:23What will you have?
00:04:26Oh, no, my feet burn not.
00:04:29Hey, Junior.
00:04:29Yes, sir?
00:04:30Bring me some grapes.
00:04:34And you, sir?
00:04:36Scram, egg.
00:04:37Scram, eggs?
00:04:38Yes, sir.
00:04:41Well, Governor, what next?
00:04:43Well, it's a little too early to mention
00:04:45any definite concrete plans.
00:04:47But I have an idea formulating in the back of my mind
00:04:50that may turn out stupendously proportional.
00:04:54Well, then count me out.
00:04:55That mob act there was stupendous enough for me.
00:04:58What are you squawking about?
00:04:59I made a pretty slick living for you, didn't I?
00:05:01Ever since you joined up with us.
00:05:02And as for that mob, what's a mob, anyway?
00:05:06A mob's bad medicine, Adams, unless you're
00:05:08on the controlling end.
00:05:09I know because I've met you before some of the best
00:05:12mobs in the country.
00:05:13Did any of you fellas ever hear of the word prejudice?
00:05:17Yeah, that's when one guy hates another guy, isn't it?
00:05:21Your intelligence fairly overwhelmed me, Wilson.
00:05:24The mob that just wrecked Adams City wasn't even organized.
00:05:26It sprang up overnight.
00:05:28And yet it had plenty of members.
00:05:29You know why?
00:05:32You see, the leader of the mob wasn't only
00:05:33head of the Chamber of Commerce.
00:05:35He was in the real estate business, too.
00:05:37So he went around to all the clubs
00:05:38and told the people that we were a bunch of crooks, racketeers,
00:05:40maybe with changed names.
00:05:42What's that got to do with us making any big dough?
00:05:45You explain it to him, Frank, in one cylinder word.
00:05:47You're used to talking to these dumb clucks.
00:05:50You see, people everywhere are jealous of the other fellow
00:05:51and his money, intolerant of his religion, prejudice.
00:05:54But now, with the depression and unemployment conditions,
00:05:57this idea's a cinch.
00:05:59We'll capitalize on jealousy, intolerance, and patriotism.
00:06:02We'll form a secret lodge and band our members
00:06:04into a legion of patriotic avengers, the Avenging Angels.
00:06:07That's a great name, Avenging Angels.
00:06:10With plenty of mystery, secret meetings, secret oaths,
00:06:13mysterious robes, and phony riches.
00:06:16Boy, the suckers will eat it up.
00:06:20And we'll build up the mayor here
00:06:21as the great public defender and benefactor.
00:06:23Yeah, but listen.
00:06:24What I want to know is, where do we get our dough?
00:06:28What about the financing, Governor?
00:06:30Well, that comes under the heading
00:06:31of the managerial department.
00:06:32Let me worry about that.
00:06:34Well, boys, I've got it.
00:06:38We're going back to my old hometown
00:06:40where I used to be mayor.
00:06:42A big shock before repeal came along,
00:06:44and the bootleggers stopped paying me protection money,
00:06:46and then I quit.
00:06:48My daughter there has an independent income.
00:06:50She's financed my enterprise before.
00:06:53Now, she'll put us up until we rake in a few initiation fees
00:06:56and sell a few robes.
00:06:58Boys, if we work this thing right,
00:06:59we ought to have a couple of thousand members anyway.
00:07:03A couple of thousand, mayor?
00:07:04Well, that many and maybe more if your gift of gab holds out.
00:07:08Don't you worry about my gift of the gab.
00:07:10I'll make the Avenging Angels a national institution,
00:07:12or I miss my guests.
00:07:14And from now on, don't call me Sandino.
00:07:17My name's Sands.
00:07:18Don't forget it.
00:07:19American names for American people.
00:07:55Oh, greetings.
00:07:56My little bluebirds.
00:07:57Oh, you darling old red Riverbank.
00:08:00Where have you been?
00:08:00Why haven't you been?
00:08:01That's a long story my little dumpling, but oh, they're bomb.
00:08:06Welcome back to Middleton.
00:08:07So, little Bobby Sherman is district attorney, eh?
00:08:10Oh, and the best one we've ever had.
00:08:12How did you ever hear of it?
00:08:14Oh, leave it to me, my boy.
00:08:15I read it in the, uh...
00:08:17Uh, Chinese newspaper.
00:08:18That's right.
00:08:21Chinese newspaper.
00:08:22Just think, it seems like only a few short days ago
00:08:25that I was chasing Winn and you out of the apple tree.
00:08:29Well, well, Mayor.
00:08:30Hello, Warren.
00:08:31How's the brilliant old farm crusader?
00:08:33Getting kind of rusty on crusading,
00:08:34but now that you're back...
00:08:36Well, I could help you out,
00:08:37but my services are rather expensive.
00:08:40Well, the public found out once, remember?
00:08:43Anyway, your arrival is a spook.
00:08:45I'll hurry down now to the first edition.
00:08:47That's great.
00:08:48You might tell your readers...
00:08:50Hang on to their pocketbooks.
00:08:54Great rivers meet...
00:08:55Oh, hello, everybody.
00:08:58I'm so glad to see you.
00:08:59Boy, it was just like others.
00:09:01And the man owed two dollars to you.
00:09:04Friends, friends, neighbors!
00:09:06Your warm greeting has overwhelmed me.
00:09:09But if you'll excuse me,
00:09:11I would like to have a few words alone
00:09:13with my little, uh...
00:09:19Winn, my little orchid,
00:09:21I brought a business partner home with me.
00:09:24He's waiting outside and, uh...
00:09:26And, uh, you'd like me to put him up.
00:09:28Is that it, Major Hoople?
00:09:31Well, you see, we had an emergency conference
00:09:33with some of the leading citizens of the...
00:09:35Well, where we were.
00:09:37Her departure, in their interest,
00:09:39left us quite unprepared.
00:09:41You silly old rascal.
00:09:43Uh, could you come in?
00:09:48Come in, Mr. Sands.
00:09:57What do you know about that?
00:09:59I must have miscounted.
00:10:04Ah! Quintuplets!
00:10:07Well, I guess I can find room for all of them, dear.
00:10:11Any more?
00:10:16Winn, this is my associate,
00:10:18the renowned lecturer and reformer,
00:10:20Mr. Frank Sands.
00:10:21And my lovely daughter, Winn.
00:10:25Much more than lovely, Mayor.
00:10:27And, uh, these were the gentlemen of the three W's,
00:10:30Mrs. Wolfe, Wilson, and Walker, our assistants.
00:10:33Pleased to meet you, Miss Adams.
00:10:35Yes, we've heard a lot about you from the governor here.
00:10:37Uh, not governor, uh, mayor.
00:10:40How do you do?
00:10:41Well, I... I expect you're all very hungry.
00:10:44It's too bad they don't put the diner on the train
00:10:46until it reaches Middleton.
00:10:48Got any grapes?
00:10:50Well, I wouldn't be at all surprised.
00:10:54Hey, are those real?
00:10:55Why, of course.
00:10:57What are they?
00:11:00That oyster must have had the bump.
00:11:08Control yourself.
00:11:09Take it easy.
00:11:10Remember your operation.
00:11:11I still can't figure out why you do this sort of work.
00:11:14I wish I could get a job.
00:11:16I'm afraid I can't.
00:11:17I'm afraid I can't.
00:11:19I'm afraid I can't.
00:11:20I'm afraid I can't.
00:11:22I wish I could get more of it, Mr. Sands.
00:11:24It's better than being on relief.
00:11:26But you're far too attractive to be just a servant girl.
00:11:28Perhaps I can help you find something better.
00:11:30Got an outfit, sir?
00:11:32Wait a minute.
00:11:34See you later?
00:11:35Not if I see you first.
00:11:38What do you think this is?
00:11:39A drug store?
00:11:40I don't know.
00:11:41I'm a stranger around here.
00:11:42Glass of water will do.
00:11:47Thanks, babe.
00:12:11Hey, Arthur, the joke's on me.
00:12:15And the drink's on you.
00:12:18You dance beautifully, Miss Adams.
00:12:20It's because I'm happy.
00:12:21Your radiance makes that self-explanatory.
00:12:23Oh, you flatterer.
00:12:25It would be utterly impossible for me to flatter you.
00:12:46Uh, excuse me.
00:12:51It's me, Frank.
00:12:52It's my daughter.
00:12:54Well, I can appreciate beauty from a distance, can't I?
00:12:58But keep your distance.
00:13:13Are you going to run for office again, man?
00:13:17Are you going to run for office again, man?
00:13:19No, I believe not.
00:13:21I've returned to Middleton on a greater and more patriotic mission.
00:13:25Mr. Sands here is a noted authority and lecturer on sociological problems.
00:13:30We've been traveling over the country,
00:13:32studying the unemployment situation
00:13:34and the growing restlessness of our nation's youth.
00:13:39After an extensive study of those conditions,
00:13:41Mr. Sands and I have concluded
00:13:43that their basic cause is primarily foreigners.
00:13:46Too long have we permitted aliens and foreigners
00:13:49to prosper by whatever means they choose.
00:13:53I tell you, ladies and gentlemen,
00:13:55the youth of our country is growing indolent
00:13:57and starving.
00:13:58These conditions must cease.
00:14:00There's undoubtedly some truth in what you say, Mayor,
00:14:03but just how do you propose to peaceably remedy the situation?
00:14:08Well, I was just coming to that, Bob.
00:14:10But perhaps my brilliant associate, Mr. Sands,
00:14:13can more ably illustrate our plans.
00:14:15Thank you, Mr. Adams.
00:14:18This is rather impromptu, ladies and gentlemen,
00:14:20but I feel that the cause is worthy of the occasion.
00:14:25The only way that we can save the youth of our nation
00:14:28is to organize them in one single group
00:14:31and through them enforce the precepts of 100% Americanism.
00:14:36Corruption and politics must go.
00:14:38Civic virtue and patriotism must be our goal.
00:14:42We must enforce a reverence for our flag and our constitution.
00:14:45And what is more, protect our American womanhood
00:14:49and guard the sanctity of our home.
00:14:52We must guarantee that the wealth of America
00:14:55must be shared only by real Americans.
00:14:57To maintain and declare absolute boycott against foreigners
00:15:00is our only salvation.
00:15:02But that's impossible.
00:15:04It's against the very principles and creed of the entire nation.
00:15:07This nation must rise against these foreign vultures
00:15:10who, even though they slyly become citizens,
00:15:12prey upon our industries and corrupt our...
00:15:16It's criminal to advocate such a policy
00:15:18when not one out of 20 of us...
00:15:20My friends, they do anything to control their profitable ends.
00:15:23They control our homes, our community relief projects,
00:15:26stores, offices, prices.
00:15:28I ask you, are we going to sit back and allow foreigners
00:15:30to take the very bread from the hungry mouths of Americans?
00:15:33The answer is no.
00:15:35Emphatically no.
00:15:37The man's crazy, Wynn.
00:15:39An organization like that is bound to lead to mob violence.
00:15:42His half-baked theories.
00:15:45Why, Bob, I don't believe you like him.
00:15:47Like him? Oh, sure.
00:15:49Especially his football tactics.
00:15:52The way he held you in that huddle out there on the dance floor
00:15:55looked to me like the beginning of a perfect forward pass.
00:16:06Wynn, my little fresh,
00:16:08your generosity will win the undying gratitude of thousands.
00:16:11You're an angel!
00:16:13That's not the first time I've been an angel.
00:16:15See you later, darling.
00:16:17Yes, bye, darling.
00:16:23You should be proud that your fair city of Middleton
00:16:25has been chosen as the typical American community
00:16:27to carry on this noble movement.
00:16:29Pray, that ought to bring him in, Frank.
00:16:32Well, I don't see why it shouldn't.
00:16:34Did you get the money?
00:16:44That burns my potato.
00:16:48P-O-T, pot.
00:16:50T-A-T, cat.
00:16:54Say, listen, will you fellas cut out the spelling bee
00:16:56and get down here and help me address Julius Caesar?
00:16:58Oh, I've done enough already. I'm tired.
00:17:00Oh, say, listen, Mayor.
00:17:02Listen, honestly, do you think that any sucker
00:17:04is going to fall for all of this shim-sham?
00:17:06We'll soon find out.
00:17:07You know, Barnum said,
00:17:08there's one born every minute.
00:17:11The avenging order of angels
00:17:13originated in the days of Julius Caesar.
00:17:16No, I don't like that.
00:17:22The order of avenging angels
00:17:24originated in the days of Julius Caesar.
00:17:26That's not so good either.
00:17:28The order of avenging angels
00:17:30originated in the days of Julius Caesar
00:17:33and is known in many sections of the world
00:17:36as one of the great organizations
00:17:38for the enforcement of right.
00:17:40You should be proud
00:17:42that your fair city of Middleton has been chosen
00:17:44as the typical American community
00:17:47to carry on this noble movement.
00:17:50I hope you brought your $25.
00:17:53This will help pay for your initiation fee,
00:17:55dues, and elaborate robes.
00:17:58Now, boys, if you'll step down here,
00:18:00I'll take your money.
00:18:04Join now, my friends.
00:18:06It's the chance of a lifetime.
00:18:08For $25, I'll take your money.
00:18:10For $25, I'll take your money.
00:18:12For $25, I'll take your money.
00:18:14For $25, I'll take your money.
00:18:16For $25, I'll take your money.
00:18:18For $25, be true Americans.
00:18:21And, my friends, it is the duty of every one of you
00:18:24to join this organization.
00:18:26Yes, yes, young man. You can join.
00:18:28You're eligible. You're eligible.
00:18:32Do you swear before this altar of purifying fire,
00:18:35the symbol of wrath and vengeance,
00:18:37to consecrate your brain, your body,
00:18:39your entire being to the principles of our holy order?
00:18:42We do.
00:18:44Then repeat after me.
00:18:46We swear absolute allegiance to our superiors.
00:18:49We swear absolute allegiance to our superiors.
00:18:53No danger or peril shall deter us
00:18:55from executing their orders.
00:18:57No danger or peril shall deter us
00:19:00from executing their orders.
00:19:02You swear to be relentless against our enemies
00:19:04and to show no mercy,
00:19:06but to strike with an avenging arm
00:19:08so long as breath remains,
00:19:10rather than destroy a brother,
00:19:12or reveal a single word of this, your sacred oath?
00:19:14We swear.
00:19:16Arise, avenging angel!
00:19:21Join now.
00:19:23The high principles of this organization
00:19:25call to every human being.
00:19:31We've got our jobs.
00:19:33The foreigners. Join now and we'll drive them out.
00:19:44We've got our jobs.
00:19:46The foreigners. Join now and we'll drive them out.
00:20:45Come in.
00:20:51Oh, hello, Wynne.
00:20:53Where or why the purple study, Mr. District Attorney?
00:21:00Why, I'm sorry, Bob.
00:21:02What on earth has happened?
00:21:06Before your avenging angels came,
00:21:08Middleton enjoyed peace.
00:21:10Now everything's in a turmoil.
00:21:12Take Combined Airways.
00:21:14After two wage raises, the workers walk out again,
00:21:17destroy property, cause bloodshed.
00:21:19Well, why don't you do something?
00:21:21Have the governor call out the militia.
00:21:23Do something?
00:21:24Like two-thirds of Combined's employees,
00:21:26most of the militia are avenging angels.
00:21:29Frank Sands is behind this whole situation and I know it.
00:21:32You know nothing of the sort.
00:21:33A man of such high ideals
00:21:35couldn't possibly be mixed up in this trouble.
00:21:37I know my father wouldn't.
00:21:40Maybe the people really feel underpaid.
00:21:44Sands has you hypnotized, too.
00:21:46Like the rest of Middleton, you've fallen for his slick palaver.
00:21:49If liking a person who is both charming and interesting
00:21:52is being hypnotized, then...
00:21:54Well, it was something more than the avenging angels
00:21:56that interested you.
00:21:57Every time I call, you're out with him.
00:21:59That's my privilege.
00:22:00And you're abusing it.
00:22:04If you could only see that you're lending yourself
00:22:06to a racket, darling.
00:22:08And that it's my job to expose it,
00:22:10along with that fellow Sands.
00:22:11Bob Sherman, your election as district attorney
00:22:14has gone to your head.
00:22:15I can take care of myself.
00:22:17And don't let your personal dislikes interfere
00:22:19with your official duties.
00:22:39Another thousand hoods sold this week.
00:22:42A profit of almost $3,500.
00:22:45The trouble with you, old man,
00:22:46is that you think in very small numbers.
00:22:48Now, instead of a few dollars from a few people,
00:22:50we're going to make millions of dollars
00:22:52from millions of people.
00:22:53There you are.
00:22:54That burns my potato.
00:22:56I knew you when you didn't have a potato.
00:22:58Oh, yeah?
00:22:59Oh, boy, is that good.
00:23:00The 500, I'd do it again.
00:23:02You're covered.
00:23:03Same to you.
00:23:04All right, here goes.
00:23:05Round and round and round she goes,
00:23:06and where she stops, nobody knows.
00:23:07Gentlemen, I learned that trick from the Indians.
00:23:09You know, my boys, that for years,
00:23:10the Indians have laughed up their sleeves.
00:23:12Now, look there.
00:23:13He tilted the thing again.
00:23:14I didn't tilt it.
00:23:15No, he did.
00:23:16He's honest.
00:23:17He's as honest as I am.
00:23:18Yeah, as honest as you are.
00:23:19Quieten down there, you fellas.
00:23:20Quieten down.
00:23:21I don't know, Frank.
00:23:22I don't like this meddling with mobs and strikes.
00:23:25I fear it might end in disaster.
00:23:27Now, how can it when you're going to be our next governor?
00:23:33Well, I guess I can't refuse.
00:23:35Mr. Baker of the Combined Airways to see you, sir.
00:23:37Oh, yes.
00:23:38My coat, please.
00:23:39Get that thing out of here, you fellas, will you?
00:23:41Oh, say now, listen.
00:23:42I'm 1,500 bucks in the hole right now.
00:23:44Settle it outside.
00:23:45Oh, what are you crying about?
00:23:46You're in the dough, aren't you?
00:23:48Yeah, 1,500 bucks.
00:23:49That's chicken feed.
00:23:50Chicken feed?
00:23:51It must be the week's worth.
00:23:52Now, I'll show you how to do it.
00:23:53Hey, look there.
00:23:54I know.
00:23:55I know.
00:23:56What's the matter with you?
00:23:57Come on.
00:23:58All right, show Mr. Baker in.
00:23:59Very well, sir.
00:24:01Mr. Baker.
00:24:06How do you do, Mr. Sands?
00:24:07How do you do?
00:24:08Meet our next governor, Roland Adams.
00:24:11I've heard of you.
00:24:15I've come to you because I know what influence you have
00:24:18on the people of this community.
00:24:20I feel you are the only one who can peacefully
00:24:22straighten out my workers and end my strike.
00:24:25I'll pay you well for your time.
00:24:27Uh, what do you want?
00:24:29Well, shall we say 25,000?
00:24:35All right.
00:24:36Anything to get my men back to work.
00:24:39I'll give you five now and 20 when the strike is settled.
00:24:43Well, never mind.
00:24:44Just make out the check for cash and mail it to me.
00:24:47Thank you, sir.
00:24:55Ladies and gentlemen, I have a visitor with me.
00:24:58As you wish.
00:25:01Gentleman, good day.
00:25:03Good day.
00:25:05Oh, Mr. Baker.
00:25:07Don't forget, Adams for governor.
00:25:14You see?
00:25:16That's the way to handle those situations.
00:25:18Another month, and we'll have this state
00:25:20in the palm of our hands.
00:25:21and I'll really be governor look each one of those pins represents a branch of
00:25:29the avenging angels pretty soon every city town and hamlet in the entire state
00:25:34will be covered with those pins and then
00:25:51I'm going to be governor of the United States of America and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I
00:26:21will be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:26:52and I will be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:02and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:09and I'll be governor of the state of New York and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:16and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:21and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:26and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:31and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:36and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:41and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:46and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:51and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:27:56and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:28:01and I'll be governor of the state of New York
00:28:07Same old sonic laws, huh?
00:28:10I may need help myself sometime. You never can tell.
00:28:16Say, you owls must think this is an all-night restaurant.
00:28:19The idea of coddling you with coffee at this hour.
00:28:23Well, kid, what do you think of the lodge by now after nearly two years?
00:28:27It's great. Pass the sugar.
00:28:30It sure is a grand thing to love our country, respect our laws, protect our homes.
00:28:35And say, sis, am I proud.
00:28:37Sans made me traveling organizer for the youth division today.
00:28:40Gotta go upstate soon, too.
00:28:42Well, you boys remember Mona.
00:28:45You know, wife and sister.
00:28:47The one with the pug nose and freckles.
00:28:49Oh, say, Mona, you slaved enough for us.
00:28:51Why don't you go to bed? I'll clean up the kitchen.
00:28:53Nay, nay. Mona stay with master.
00:28:56See master go to bed, get up,
00:28:58and catch him job at Jenkins Emporium tomorrow.
00:29:01Well, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it, Mona.
00:29:03You see, I've got some important lodge duties to do.
00:29:06Well, David, we can't stay...
00:29:07Don't worry, sis.
00:29:08You'll get more out of the lodge than a hustling freight in Jenkins' bargain basement.
00:29:12Oh, yes?
00:29:13Well, there's a gas bill and a water bill and a lot of other...
00:29:16That's the thirdest trivials, my dear.
00:29:18Why, don't you know that Mr. Sans, the archangel,
00:29:20has promised me a big job in the lodge soon?
00:29:22And is going to pay me a rental for using his place for secret meetings.
00:29:25He says it's safer than his own headquarters.
00:29:28Oh, I don't like it, Dave.
00:29:30Oh, I don't like it, Dave.
00:29:32This is our home and...
00:29:41Who is it?
00:29:42Who do you suppose?
00:29:43Harry Warren.
00:29:45Oh, Harry.
00:29:46Come in here, gracious benefactor.
00:29:48How are you, Harry?
00:29:51Glad to see you.
00:29:53Hello, boys.
00:29:55Well, why all the murmur?
00:29:57Hello, Mr. Warren.
00:29:58How are you, Tommy?
00:29:59How are you, Dave?
00:30:00How are you?
00:30:01Have a chair?
00:30:03Here, have a cup of coffee.
00:30:04Well, that's fine.
00:30:06Don't care if I do.
00:30:07Are you up on your technique?
00:30:08What do you mean, technique?
00:30:15Oh, Harry.
00:30:16What are you doing out so late?
00:30:18Oh, a lot of big news broke.
00:30:19It delayed my putting the paper to bed.
00:30:21Sherman's going to ask for indictments against the leaders of the avenging angels.
00:30:25You're not going to headline a story like that, are you?
00:30:28I most certainly am.
00:30:29Mob rule is not right and never will be.
00:30:32Surely, Harry, you're not in favor of our most lucrative public offices and positions being held by foreigners.
00:30:38Dave, I'm surprised at you.
00:30:40Very few of us are more than once or twice removed from foreign ancestry.
00:30:43I fought on the front lines side by side with this so-called foreigner,
00:30:47where there was no difference in race, color, or creed.
00:30:50Each gave his life willingly for the preservation of American principles.
00:30:55I better not get started on that.
00:30:57My wife will have a squad car out looking for me.
00:31:01You know how she is.
00:31:03Worries about me if I'm out a little later than usual.
00:31:05Oh, by the way, Tommy, I've arranged for you to start at the plant next week as printer's devil.
00:31:10Well, uh, thanks, Mr. Warren.
00:31:15And, Dave, I believe I can get you in the circulation department at the same time.
00:31:19Here, type out this application bank and mail it to me.
00:31:22I'll do the typing, then I'll be sure you get it.
00:31:29Harry, how can we ever repay you for all the nice things you've done for us?
00:31:33First, you helped put Tommy through school when times were bad, and now you're going to...
00:31:37Oh, forget it.
00:31:39Good night.
00:31:40Good night, Harry.
00:31:41Good night, Dave.
00:31:42Good night.
00:31:44Give my love to Mrs. Warren.
00:31:46I will.
00:31:48You see, boys, you both got jobs.
00:31:51Yeah, but honey, if I take the job, I'll lose my relief.
00:31:55Oh, Dave.
00:32:22Now find how come yourself, Bob Sherman,
00:32:25publicly attacking me on the eve of my next gubernatorial campaign.
00:32:29I don't blame him.
00:32:30You've been the weakest governor this state ever had.
00:32:32You haven't done one worthwhile thing since you've been in office.
00:32:37Now, now, don't start clawing me again, my little wild cat.
00:32:40I'm working for the people.
00:32:42Oh, that's what you've been saying ever since you were elected.
00:32:44I'd rather see you resign than be impeached, and that's what's going to happen.
00:32:49Oh, if you'd only listen to Frank Sands, you'd be better off.
00:32:53Hello, lovely lady.
00:32:55Hello, Frank.
00:32:57Thanks for the orchids all the way from South America.
00:33:01A rare flower for a rare girl.
00:33:03I'm not... I shouldn't have such extravagance.
00:33:06Princess, that's only the beginning.
00:33:10Frank, you seem to know all the answers.
00:33:14Why don't you keep Dad from making so many mistakes?
00:33:17I'm worried.
00:33:19People of this state are up in arms over his laxity.
00:33:22I tried to win, but he won't listen to me.
00:33:24He's so headstrong.
00:33:26I'll keep on trying, though, eh?
00:33:28Please do.
00:33:30Now, tonight's the opening of the Avenging Angels pre-medical clinic.
00:33:33You coming with me?
00:33:34After we worked together so hard on the plan, I couldn't miss it.
00:33:37Until then.
00:33:43A fine mess you're getting me into with my daughter while you...
00:33:46Shut up.
00:33:47What are those legislators trying to pull on us?
00:33:50Here are five Senate bills.
00:33:51Sign the top two and veto the rest.
00:33:53But Frank, this tax is too high.
00:33:56It's unfair.
00:33:57I said sign them.
00:33:59I can't do this to the people.
00:34:01Don't hand me a laugh.
00:34:03You don't realize the danger we're getting into.
00:34:05An unfriendly press is the worst enemy we can have.
00:34:07I'm running this state.
00:34:09I'll take care of Warren, that meddling scribbler, in my own way.
00:34:12I'll sign them.
00:34:20Avengers of life!
00:34:22We have gathered together here before this mystic tribunal...
00:34:25to pronounce judgment upon our enemy, Harry Warren.
00:34:32But now he has desecrated our high standards of morality.
00:34:36My private investigators have brought me conclusive evidence...
00:34:39of his philandering and unfaithfulness to his wife.
00:34:44You have spoken.
00:34:46He is an evil force that must be eradicated at once.
00:34:58Eavesdropping, eh?
00:34:59This is horrible.
00:35:00They won't take part in this atrocious scheme.
00:35:02Why, Harry Warren's our best friend.
00:35:04I'm going to the police.
00:35:05Hold up, Mona.
00:35:06So Warren's a friend of yours, eh?
00:35:09Will that prevent you from fulfilling our mission?
00:35:13My allegiance to the avenging angels comes first.
00:35:18We'll swear your wife to secrecy...
00:35:20and then continue with our plans.
00:35:24I swear.
00:35:35Arise, the woman avenger!
00:35:38Better take her with us, men.
00:35:40Go on.
00:35:41You have your instructions.
00:35:42Dave, have you got a typewriter?
00:35:45It's a little old-fashioned, but it'll write.
00:35:47All right.
00:35:48Bring it down here.
00:36:04Hey, Harry!
00:36:07Hiya, Dave.
00:36:08You're keeping pretty late hours, ain't you?
00:36:09Yeah, kind of.
00:36:10I just came from seeing about a job.
00:36:12Say, Harry...
00:36:13could you drop me off at the house on your way home?
00:36:16Oh, sure.
00:36:17Today it's on my desk.
00:36:18Yep, the circulation manager.
00:36:19The first thing in the morning.
00:36:21That's swell, Harry.
00:36:23Say, my car is just across the street in the parking lot.
00:36:33Come on.
00:36:34Get in.
00:36:38Judas got 30 pieces of silver for his double-cross, Dave.
00:36:42Hey, mug, you heard me?
00:36:43Come on.
00:36:44Get in!
00:36:48Get in!
00:37:19Get in!
00:37:21Get in!
00:37:22Get in!
00:37:23Get in!
00:37:24Get in!
00:37:25Get in!
00:37:26Go on, get in!
00:37:42You swear to be relentless against our enemies?
00:37:45And to show no mercy, but to strike with an avenging arm so long as breath remains,
00:37:50rather than destroy a brother?
00:37:52How to work so long has made him bitter.
00:37:54Down inside, though, he's a hundred percent.
00:38:05Ought to feel a single word of this, your sacred oath?
00:38:12Judas got thirty pieces of silver for his double-cross, Dave.
00:38:17Newsflash. Harry Warren, editor of the Middleton Telegram, was fired early this morning on the Kohlberg turnpike.
00:38:23Police, with John Bennett, owner of the paper,
00:38:25heard of the scene and received an anonymous letter informing them of the crime.
00:38:28More to follow.
00:38:30Extra! Extra paper!
00:38:32Read all about it!
00:38:38Mr. Campbell, there's only one power-crazed individual alive
00:38:42who possesses the motive or the audacity to perpetrate such a heinous crime.
00:38:47Frank Sands?
00:38:49Warren backed my fight against Sands and was brutally beaten to death.
00:38:54I feel responsible for it.
00:38:56Speaking for the federal government,
00:38:58we are just as much interested in this case as you are, Mr. Sherman.
00:39:02Sands and his avenging menace to this nation.
00:39:05But we are powerless.
00:39:07Every mouth is closed with fear and every court is virtually controlled by Sands' influence.
00:39:15Sherman, with my papers and the People's Party behind you,
00:39:19how would you like to run for governor against Adams?
00:39:25Don't you think I have enough to do now?
00:39:27I'm chairman of the People's Party, Bob,
00:39:29and I'm certain that your candidacy would meet with 100% approval.
00:39:33I'm afraid, Mr. Bennett, it would take more than the People's Party to break Sands' machine.
00:39:37It's a tender one-shot, but why not try it?
00:39:39As governor, you can introduce bills
00:39:42and appoint honest men to carry out your orders.
00:39:46This letter was written on a peculiar model of typewriter, Mr. Sherman.
00:39:49I'll have my men search the town first.
00:39:59What's this?
00:40:00It's an application blank for work from David Burtis.
00:40:07Looks like the same typewriter.
00:40:08If it does, it does.
00:40:11Have this typewriting analyzed at once, Johnson, if it matches follow-through.
00:40:14I'll do that.
00:40:18Now, that may give us what we're looking for.
00:40:20Of all people to pick on, Frank, a newspaper editor.
00:40:23Every paper in the country is demanding an arrest and conviction.
00:40:26You lost your head. Now, I'm telling you...
00:40:28Never mind the lecture, Adams. I'm running this show.
00:40:31Tomorrow, those same papers will headline your candidacy for re-election.
00:40:34Why, you know the People's Party are nominating Sherman, don't you?
00:40:37So what?
00:40:38With the Avenging Angels force behind us, he hasn't got a chance.
00:40:41Anyway, I'll take care of him later on.
00:40:43Frank, are you crazy? Bob Sherman is going to marry Wynne.
00:40:46I'm sorry to disappoint you, governor.
00:40:48I'm going to marry her myself.
00:40:50When I told you to stay away from Wynne, I meant it.
00:40:52Now, take it easy.
00:40:54Lieutenant Governor Wilson could fill your shoes without any trouble.
00:40:56Let him do it, then. I won't run for governor again.
00:40:58I quit right now. I'm through.
00:41:02No one walks out on the Avenging Angels, Adams.
00:41:06You figured out the bylaws.
00:41:08You ought to know that.
00:41:10We're all in this thing up to our necks.
00:41:12We hang together or we hang one at a time.
00:41:15Take your choice.
00:41:20I must see Mr. Sands.
00:41:22But Mr. Sands is busy, ma'am.
00:41:23But I must see him now.
00:41:26Mr. Sands.
00:41:28Why, Mrs. Burtis.
00:41:32Mr. Sands, they've arrested Dave for the murder of Warren.
00:41:36Well, how do they suspect him?
00:41:38They traced the typewriter used to write that note to the paper.
00:41:41Oh, you've got to save him. You've got to.
00:41:43Now, don't you worry, Mona.
00:41:45I'll do everything in my power.
00:41:47He didn't realize what he was doing.
00:41:49He was blind.
00:41:51And I love him so much.
00:41:56I do understand, Mona.
00:41:58Now, you run downstairs and wait in my car.
00:42:01I'll make arrangements for Dave's release and...
00:42:04then I'll drive you home.
00:42:08I knew you'd take care of it.
00:42:10There, there, there, there.
00:42:18Call Sherman on the phone and tell him to free Dave Burtis.
00:42:21Or I'll make a fool out of him in court.
00:42:23I don't think he'll do it.
00:42:24Well, call him and find out.
00:42:26And if he won't, I'll spring him at a preliminary hearing.
00:42:34I don't care what Sands might have ordered you to do, Governor Adams.
00:42:37You're wasting your breath talking to me.
00:42:39I'm not going to call off his hearing and that's that.
00:42:42Burtis is guilty and he's going to swing.
00:42:48I hope you succeed.
00:42:50But I have my doubts.
00:42:56Dave Burtis released.
00:42:58Lack of evidence frees war and murder suspects.
00:43:01Paper, mister.
00:43:02Lack of evidence frees war and murder suspects.
00:43:14You don't think I'm getting Dave out of this jam...
00:43:16because he means anything to me, do you?
00:43:18I'm doing it for you, Mona.
00:43:19I'm crazy about you.
00:43:20I've been ever since that first night at Gwyn Adams' home.
00:43:25And Dave set you up as an idea.
00:43:27Believed in you.
00:43:28Even to the point of double-crossing his best friend.
00:43:31You're the vilest creature I've ever known.
00:43:33You're as phony and as crooked as Bob Sherman claims.
00:43:35Why, I'd rather see Dave spend the rest of his life in jail...
00:43:38than have anything more to do with you.
00:43:40That's the kind of spirit I like.
00:43:44Now, Mona, you wouldn't shoot that gun at me, would you?
00:43:47I mean, it'd be a...
00:43:50I mean, it'd be a...
00:44:32Where are you, baby?
00:44:42Mona, speak to me!
00:45:21Please, Gwyn.
00:45:25I can't help it.
00:45:26There are hundreds of starving people waiting outside...
00:45:28for your answer on the relief bill.
00:45:31And you're afraid to sign it.
00:45:33Oh, I promise.
00:45:35No matter what Sam's threats.
00:45:37I don't want promises.
00:45:39I want action.
00:45:59Well, Governor, why the hearts and flowers pose?
00:46:02Thinking over your past sins?
00:46:04That's just what I was doing.
00:46:06And they're far from consoling.
00:46:08Come on, come on, snap out of it.
00:46:10We've got to think of a way to disperse that mob outside.
00:46:12That mob wants the relief bill or my blood.
00:46:14Hank, I'm going out there and I agree to their demands.
00:46:17I owe it to them.
00:46:18Are you crazy?
00:46:20I can't help it.
00:46:21Adams, if you go out on that balcony...
00:46:23it'll be your last act as governor of this state.
00:46:27It's my duty.
00:46:28I've got to do it.
00:46:31Attention, friends.
00:46:35Attention, please.
00:46:37After hours of careful deliberation...
00:46:40I have reached a momentous decision.
00:47:06I have found your claims to be just.
00:47:15You've got your orders.
00:47:16I can't.
00:47:17Remember your oath.
00:47:19My oath.
00:47:21I will sign the relief bill.
00:47:25Here he is.
00:47:26He's got him.
00:47:27He's about to.
00:47:33Come on.
00:47:34Come and get me out of here.
00:47:35Come on.
00:47:54Hello, Wynne.
00:48:13I don't know how to begin.
00:48:16Don't begin.
00:48:18I think I know.
00:48:20I was a stubborn, spoiled,
00:48:23fascinated fool, Bob, and you were right.
00:48:27Oh, Bob.
00:48:30Pardon me.
00:48:32I have a letter here from the president.
00:48:38Stressing the menace that is threatening our entire nation,
00:48:42he feels that the death of Governor Adams is only one of the many indications
00:48:45pointing toward an unscrupulous dictatorship.
00:48:49He also commends you for your untiring efforts in checking this.
00:48:53The president honors me, Mr. Campbell.
00:48:55No, no more than you deserve.
00:48:58The president says,
00:49:00our only salvation rests with those loyal citizens
00:49:03who love the liberty for which our forefathers died.
00:49:06They will not stand idly by
00:49:07while these sinister forces strangle the nation.
00:49:10He also has ordered me to render you every possible aid.
00:49:13But I am sorry that a menacing mob was responsible
00:49:15for the killing of Governor Adams' assassin.
00:49:19His capture might have led to the real murder.
00:49:21Frank Sands knew that.
00:49:23He wanted that mob to kill Burtis
00:49:25because he was afraid to let him stand trial.
00:49:27Yes, that's true.
00:49:28That man seems to anticipate every movement of the law.
00:49:31Mr. Campbell, the law can't cope with an organization
00:49:34made up of nearly all our city and state officials
00:49:37directed by a man who knows how to cash in on mob hysteria.
00:49:41We have known for some time
00:49:42that we had to break it up on the inside without the law.
00:49:45With someone who could show that mob how they were being duped.
00:49:50Frank Sands loves power.
00:49:53But he has one weakness.
00:49:55Yes, I'm way ahead of you there.
00:49:56But he's one jump ahead of me.
00:49:59Two of my best women operators have proven that.
00:50:04He's still interested in me.
00:50:06Oh, no, no, Nguyen. That's out.
00:50:08The risk is too great.
00:50:09No risk is too great.
00:50:12I have an idea that might help.
00:50:16Listen, I've got it all figured out this way.
00:50:20We'll take Sands, you see.
00:50:21Men of the state, you have patriotically responded to my call.
00:50:26This is a job for women, too.
00:50:29To maintain our high standard of morality
00:50:32and preserve the sanctity of the home.
00:50:38To assist our men in their fight to keep the home 100% American.
00:50:49To educate American youth to demand the rights of their natural heritage.
00:50:55Please, ladies, please, please.
00:50:58I selected you because each of you is a leader.
00:51:01Now, go out and organize the women of your communities.
00:51:20And out at last night's meeting, we initiated 163 new members.
00:51:25Great. I knew you could do it.
00:51:27Not without your brilliant help, Frank.
00:51:29You have what it takes to put it across.
00:51:31With you swinging the women's vote, our power will be unchallenged.
00:51:34You realize what that means to us?
00:51:36To us?
00:51:38To you and me.
00:51:39I'll spread avenging angel chapters through every other state in the Union.
00:51:42With that power behind me, Washington is only a short step.
00:51:46And where do I come in?
00:51:51To the first lady of the land.
00:52:00Mr. Franklin is here, sir.
00:52:02And the other officers of the Lodge are on their way.
00:52:05Show Mr. Franklin and Hobbs.
00:52:08And knock before you enter.
00:52:10Very well, sir.
00:52:14Glad to see you, Tommy.
00:52:16Miss Adams, you know Tommy Franklin, leader of our youth division?
00:52:19I've heard a lot about your splendid leadership, Tommy.
00:52:21Less mutual, Miss Adams.
00:52:23I just dropped in to tell you, Mr. Stanz,
00:52:25that I installed a youth division in Morrow County last night.
00:52:27Great work, my boy.
00:52:29Someday you'll be at the helm of the organization.
00:52:31Avenging angels need men of your caliber, Tommy.
00:52:33Thanks, Miss Adams.
00:52:35I'd do anything for our cause.
00:52:38Well, I didn't mean to come here and interrupt a private conference.
00:52:42I guess I'd better run along.
00:52:48Come again, Tommy.
00:52:49You're always welcome.
00:52:54He was a great kid, Tommy.
00:52:56Hope he doesn't get too ambitious.
00:52:58He did interrupt us.
00:52:59Where were we?
00:53:00We were having a little drink.
00:53:02That's right.
00:53:04You just made me the first lady of the land.
00:53:06Swept me up the steps of the White House
00:53:08without even mentioning our wedding.
00:53:10Is that the way to treat a first lady?
00:53:24Oh, my.
00:53:25I'm drenched to the skin.
00:53:27I would.
00:53:29Come right in, gentlemen.
00:53:31What'll I do?
00:53:32Is there another way out?
00:53:33You're not leaving yet.
00:53:34Wait in the bedroom.
00:53:35They won't stay long.
00:53:41Joe, how are you?
00:53:42Hello, Mr. Stanz.
00:53:43Bill, how are you?
00:53:44How are you?
00:53:45Come on in, gentlemen.
00:53:46Make yourselves at home.
00:53:51Governor Wilson must be re-elected.
00:53:53Spare no expense.
00:53:56Buy out the press and radio stations if necessary.
00:54:00Money plus organization is the secret
00:54:02of all political success.
00:54:21Oh, my.
00:54:23I'm sorry, Frank.
00:54:25I, I heard the radio.
00:54:27I, I thought they'd gone.
00:54:32Miss Adams came here on business, gentlemen.
00:54:34I, uh, she, she spoke from coffee on her dress.
00:54:38Well, I must be getting along.
00:54:40Sorry to leave you.
00:54:41Yes, uh, I, uh, I have an appointment.
00:54:45I wouldn't have thought that of her.
00:54:47That burns my potato.
00:54:49Goodbye, gentlemen.
00:54:51I must be going, too.
00:54:52Goodbye, gentlemen.
00:55:18Boy, that's alive.
00:55:22And there's to the future governor, awaiting...
00:55:25The woman in the scarlet robe.
00:55:27How did you know, Bob?
00:55:28How did I know?
00:55:29The whole town knows.
00:55:31Everyone's talking about you and Stanz.
00:55:35Oh, that's great.
00:55:38Are you out of your mind, Wynne?
00:55:40You'll never live it down.
00:55:42I won't allow you to...
00:55:43Don't say it, Bob.
00:55:44But this whispering campaign...
00:55:47It's only a start.
00:55:49I can't stop until that whispering becomes a roar.
00:55:52And destroys both the avenging angels and yourself, I suppose.
00:56:03I can't stand by and see your name dragged through the mud.
00:56:07Now, Wynne, you're young.
00:56:09You've got your whole life.
00:56:10Bob, I love you, Bob.
00:56:13And if you love me, you'll see this game through.
00:56:16You'll even denounce me publicly when the proper time comes.
00:56:19You promised.
00:56:21Our personal affairs are so insignificant...
00:56:24Beside the service we can render.
00:56:31I'm sorry.
00:56:32It looks as if I'm the weak one.
00:56:35Guess I can't take it.
00:56:44Oh, excuse me.
00:56:46Why, hello, Tommy.
00:56:47Miss Adams.
00:56:48Everywhere I go, I hear malicious talk about you and Mr. Sands.
00:56:52I couldn't believe it.
00:56:53So I came here to get your side of the story.
00:56:57Please tell me it's all lies.
00:57:06But it can't be.
00:57:10And I set you both up as ideals...
00:57:13Of everything that I thought was fine and clean.
00:57:22That's what we've been?
00:57:23Believing the high-sounding lies that you and Sands dish out?
00:57:27If that's what the avenging angels stand for, the order's all wrong.
00:57:33There needs to be some radical change in the world.
00:57:37There needs to be some radical changes made, and I'm going to make them.
00:57:43I've called you leaders of the youth division here...
00:57:46To let you know just what our organization has been standing for.
00:57:49I personally confronted Whit Adams about the gossip that's being circulated...
00:57:53And it isn't just gossip, it's the truth!
00:57:58Sherman accuses Sands of inciting strikes...
00:58:01And engineering murders for his own political gains.
00:58:04I believe him. It's all true!
00:58:06We've had the wool pulled over our eyes good and plenty...
00:58:09And instead of building up something we thought was clean and fine...
00:58:12We've been helping Sands in his dirty, crooked schemes!
00:58:16He can't get away with that!
00:58:19What are we going to do about it?
00:58:24That's a way to talk, fellas. We'll show them we're 100% American...
00:58:27And the only American thing to do is to help Sherman stop the strike!
00:58:35THE END
00:58:56Well, boys and girls, that should get the votes, eh?
00:58:59And lads!
00:59:01How about your new auto tax bill?
00:59:03That's all right, I'll pay that.
00:59:05He pays all his bills!
00:59:07Are Tommy Franklin and his youth division completely off the avenging angels?
00:59:10What about the women's vote?
00:59:12Well, I'm sorry, but that is something that would have to be discussed...
00:59:15At a meeting tomorrow morning of the faculty leaders...
00:59:18As a matter of fact, I might say the party leaders...
00:59:20At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at the home of Miss Adams.
00:59:23Oh, Miss Adams!
00:59:25Yes, here with Governor Wilson.
00:59:27That's right, yes, right here.
00:59:30Take your hat away from Miss Adams' face!
00:59:32There's four of you in that picture!
00:59:35Stand still, Governor!
00:59:39Now, Miss Adams, will you give us a statement?
00:59:41What's all this gossip about you and Mr. Sands?
00:59:43Is it all between you and Bob Sherman?
00:59:45I can only reiterate what Governor Wilson has told you...
00:59:48About the meeting at my house in the morning.
00:59:51I'm sure there'll be some startling news...
00:59:55At that time.
00:59:58Now, ladies and gentlemen, I guess that's all.
01:00:00Except before you go, I want to tell you that if I am elected governor...
01:00:03I will make one of the best governors that...
01:00:06That money can buy.
01:00:10Well, I guess the press conference is at an end.
01:00:12Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you will go to the other room...
01:00:15You'll find refreshments in the office of the liquor control board.
01:00:22That's an idea.
01:00:23Might be like some grapes, too.
01:00:25That's funny, you don't look like them.
01:00:27Well, of course, I don't mean to compare myself to Lincoln or any of them fellas...
01:00:30But I really believe that during my next four years as governor of this state...
01:00:33All right, Governor.
01:00:36Oh, scram.
01:00:38Scram, yes.
01:00:40Don't pay any attention to all this silly scandal, Wynn.
01:00:43It'll soon blow over.
01:00:44I don't mind.
01:00:45I rather like my name linked with yours.
01:00:48Do you really mean that?
01:00:50You still don't seem to realize how captivated I am?
01:00:54Now that I've confessed, I know you're going to neglect me.
01:00:58Only until after the election is over, honey.
01:01:00I'd like to be with you tonight.
01:01:02But I've got to work on some important campaign plans for tomorrow.
01:01:05There you go, making excuses already.
01:01:07No, no, no.
01:01:09Can't you put more?
01:01:11Take me to dinner.
01:01:13I'll help you later.
01:01:17It's a date.
01:01:24It's a date.
01:01:54Let's go.
01:02:13I thought I...
01:02:15I thought I had some work to do.
01:02:17Oh, forget it.
01:02:19Let's go over to my place and we'll have a cup of tea.
01:02:22I want to go.
01:02:38I bet you can't I bet I can't go on go on.
01:02:40I don't know I don't know I don't know. You know I.
01:02:50Do what I.
01:02:54Missed I guess.
01:02:57Yeah give me give me another.
01:03:01Not I went in and I got my idea when I went to.
01:03:10A. Way.
01:03:27Now you know what you need what you need to know. Yeah give me another give me
01:03:37Anything you give me.
01:03:40And I can make.
01:04:10A. Good
01:04:38time I think they can't find
01:04:40a few like this.
01:04:48You frame me.
01:04:56Are you.
01:05:02You thought you could fool me I thought I'd show you.
01:05:38Can't. Oh you can't.
01:05:46What do you want me to do forget it. When Adams. Fine lady
01:05:53angel of purity ideal of American womanhood. What
01:06:00a bunch of saps those poor misguided fools were to believe in you. There you have
01:06:06a perfect example of what you're avenging angels really stand for. Boy what
01:06:12a story.
01:07:06Why, effigies. Might as well be you.
01:07:21When? Marry me. Tomorrow.
01:07:28No, Bob. Not tomorrow. Not tomorrow. Not tomorrow.
01:07:36But Lynn, I can't stand to see you going through this ordeal alone.
01:07:40Nothing is worthwhile without you.
01:07:42All the pitiful victims of Frank's insane ambitions are worthwhile, Bob.
01:07:48Your first duty is to them and to the state and your country.
01:07:53Our being together is impossible now.
01:07:58They've got to believe in you.
01:08:01Pointing their fingers at me.
01:08:05Until the last spark of the avenging angels is dead.
01:08:12The flames are dying, Lynn.
01:08:28Our marriage would only add more fuel.
01:08:31They must never know that I did it deliberately.
01:08:34Or that you helped.
01:08:36Bob, you're going to be governor. You can't back down now.
01:08:41And sometime, someplace, we can be together again.
01:08:50Where no one will ever know.
01:09:20Governor, their enthusiasm touched me.
01:09:34Your election should drive home more clearly to the people of the nation
01:09:37than theirs of the priceless heritage of freedom, democracy, and racial and religious tolerance.
01:09:43It's an honor for me to ride with you in your inaugural parade.
01:09:47Thank you, Mr. President.
01:09:49But the one who deserves the greatest honor should be riding here with us today.
01:09:53Yes, I know.
01:09:55The nation owes her a tremendous debt of gratitude which it can never publicly repay.
01:10:19Stop, driver.
01:10:42Stop, driver.
01:11:11Stop, driver.
01:11:41Stop, driver.


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