• l’année dernière


00:00Why does the skin of the neck age faster than that of the face?
00:03Yes, it is often the first area of ​​the body to show signs of aging.
00:06And there are several reasons for that.
00:08First, the structure of the skin is not the same.
00:10The skin of the neck is thinner than that of the face.
00:12It is also less elastic and more vulnerable to skin relaxation.
00:16Then we have the number one public enemy in terms of skin aging.
00:20The sun.
00:21Exposure to UV rays accelerates the loss of collagen and elastin.
00:25The neck, often forgotten when it comes to sun protection,
00:28is yet as exposed as the face.
00:30And finally, our phones are useless.
00:32According to science, spending hours with our head down on our screen
00:36would cause permanent folds on our neck.
00:39A phenomenon that even bears a name, the tech neck.
00:42Regularly misbehaved, our neck becomes all frizzy.
