Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos los crímenes más atroces cometidos en Latinoamérica que merecen su propia serie, ya sea por su calidad extraña, dramática o sangrienta.
00:00Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Jackie and today we will know the most
00:08atrocious crimes committed in Latin America that deserve their own series, either for
00:13their strange, dramatic or bloody quality.
00:30Although some of these cases already have documentaries or docuseries, we will focus
00:35on those that do not have their own representation in the media.
00:41The Mexican Jeffrey Dahmer.
00:56The 17-year-old victim's mother, María José, came face to face with the murderer Miguel
01:02N. on April 16, 2024, when she came out of having murdered her daughter from her own
01:09house and warned her neighbors about the situation while he was trying to hurt her
01:14with a knife.
01:15When the place where she lived in search of evidence was registered, several
01:21belongings of several girls were found that had been reported missing since 2012,
01:28to whom she had seen them with him or with whom she maintained a close relationship.
01:46This makes him the most recent serial killer in Mexico, as he is linked to at least
01:52six unresolved femicides.
01:54His criminal profile, as well as the constant absence of Mexican authorities that could
02:00have detained him in time by linking him to the missing women, are worthy of extensive
02:07investigation and representation in the media.
02:10Consuelo Berrocal.
02:17This sad story needs to be studied in depth and reinterpreted seriously to reach a
02:23larger audience and that the importance of mental health is known.
02:28In 2001, the Nocturnal Interviews program No One Sleeps made brief recordings in a
02:34psychiatric hospital where they met Consuelo.
02:45The woman suffered from a mental illness that made her believe that her two little
02:49children were descendants of Satan, and at the age of 23 she decided to end the life
02:55of one of them and consume his remains.
02:58She naturally ended up hospitalized in this psychiatric hospital, where she told both
03:04the staff of the program and the asylum what she had done, evidently without having a
03:10conception of her actions.
03:23The uterus of Marita.
03:38Apparently a worker from the Sheraton Hotel in Peru had thrown herself from the building
03:44and had fallen to her death on several floors.
03:47Her body was found on August 18, 1990, but there was something that did not coincide with
03:53the versions that the hotel staff was giving.
03:57When the news came out on television, Marita Alpaca's mother recognized her and no, she
04:02was not a hotel worker.
04:20Marita had actually been thrown from the heights by the businessman José Leandro
04:25Reaño Cabrejos, who had tried to cover up the situation.
04:29The worst of all was not that he fled and that the authorities would take time to reach him,
04:35but that the investigation led to a dead end due to the incredible corruption behind it.
04:55The culprit never paid for the repair of the damages, and the only silent witness of
05:00the crimes, the uterus of Marita's body, mysteriously disappeared, taking with him
05:06the main reason why Reaño Cabrejos would have wanted to get rid of his lover.
05:12The child of terror.
05:14Juan Fernando Hermosa Suárez is considered one of the youngest serial killers in Latin
05:20America and the world, because only at 15 he had already taken the lives of 20 people
05:28in just 4 months.
05:31Thirty years ago this boy and his gang sowed terror in Quito, committing 23 murders to
05:37taxi drivers and homosexuals.
05:39Since he was a child he never had control or a figure of authority, since his father
05:45was absent and his mother suffered from deafness and arthritis, so she could not stop him.
05:51In the streets he found a family, a group of more children whom he took on his murderous
05:56mission .
05:57Sadly, his mother was also a victim of the actions of her son, because when the police
06:12entered his house in a raid to catch him, she without knowing what was happening was
06:17trapped in a crossfire.
06:19The child of terror was sentenced only to 4 years in prison because of his age, then
06:25he fled to Colombia and there, it is suspected, he was involved in more crimes, because his
06:30body was found with his face totally disfigured on the banks of a river.
06:38This case is so strange, complex and it was so media that there were no documentaries
06:44and reports about it left, and now we need a series, so that the ineptitude and corruption
06:51of the Ecuadorian police do not remain in oblivion.
07:08According to reports, on November 19, 2003, 8 people died and 4 disappeared during an
07:18assault on the FIVECA pharmacy, in which the police who were passing through the area intervened.
07:25The really sad thing is that not only did they get rid of the assailants, but also
07:30of innocent people who were in the place.
07:33But it all ends there, Martín Herrera, photographer of the universe, captures this image, a former
07:38police officer arrests a person, then his wife recognizes him, but never again
07:46he learns about him.
07:47The police could never justify their actions and the agents involved in the situation
07:53were impeached.
07:55In response to these murders and disappearances, the wives and mothers of the affected went out
08:01to ask for justice, in a case that was also known as the pain, due to the name of the
08:08relatives of the victims at the FIVECA pharmacy, the case of General Jorge Gabela.
08:14They do not give us information about the case of the contract with the Argentine expert Roberto
08:20The third product says that these are labor and work reasons of General Jorge Gabela.
08:25Common crime is ruled out.
08:27The Ecuadorian military and pilot Jorge Gabela came in the rank of Lieutenant General and first
08:33Commander-in-Chief of the Ecuadorian Air Force.
08:38During his term, the government was in the process of acquiring seven Indian Drub helicopters,
08:43but he declared before the hiring committee that they did not have satisfactory technical guarantees
08:50to operate in the country, and with the intention of getting rid of something that seemed unethical to him,
08:56he asked for his dismissal.
08:57However, his successor, Rodrigo Borges, made the purchase.
09:02To no one's surprise, after a year of operations, one of these helicopters had an accident in Quito.
09:08We have been charged with a series of persecutions for asking for justice, for saying that my husband
09:13was persecuted.
09:14From here, the armed forces began to follow Favela, when he made public the reason why
09:20the vehicle had crashed.
09:22Finally, on December 19, 2010, he was shot several times at the entrance of his own home.
09:29Although the government declared that he had been the victim of a robbery, his family believes
09:33that he was the victim of the same government.
09:36The Koyiwai sect.
09:38They are part of those who integrated the Koyiwai sect, a group of supposed self-healing,
09:44detained by the PDI, accused of human sacrifice, of ending the life of a two-day lactant.
09:52The stories of sects are always the strangest and bloodiest that come to mind
09:58when we think of true crime.
10:00Ramón Gustavo Castillo Gaete was the leader of a cult, in which his members consumed
10:06ayahuasca for various purposes and sacrificed animals without any apparent reason.
10:12They were also convinced that their leader was the reincarnation of God, and he took advantage
10:18in several senses of them, because he deceived them to satisfy several of their needs.
10:35Naturally, after this type of interaction, one of them became pregnant, to which Castillo
10:41Gaete did not react well at all.
10:44After the pregnancy was terminated, he convinced the other members that the baby was the reincarnation
10:50of the Antichrist, and the horrible acts they committed led a couple of his former faithful
10:55followers to denounce him.
10:58The satire of San Isidro.
11:00Its history is one of the worst and least documented in Argentina, although in general
11:05everyone seems to know it.
11:08It all started when Francisco Antonio Laureana attacked a nun, both in life and in death.
11:15This Identikit began to circulate among the population, and it was stuck in bus stops,
11:19squares and other public places.
11:21In short, that man was wanted for murdering and raping about 15 women.
11:26In approximately 6 months, he also attacked at least 15 women, of which he ended up
11:33forever with 13, which is said to be a very large contrast with the image of an excellent
11:39father and husband he had with his family.
11:42His operandi mode was easily recognizable.
11:45He operated on Wednesdays at 6 in the afternoon, generally because at that time he finished
11:52He moved in his old Fiat 600 around the city, parked it somewhere and continued to walk
11:57on foot, and chose his victims among women and girls who were sunbathing in the surroundings
12:03of a swimming pool or a mansion pool.
12:05He took objects from his victims and kept them as trophies, until finally the police
12:10arrested him in a henhouse in which he tried to hide.
12:15Captain Desquite.
12:16Colombia saw one of its murderers with one of the strangest excuses, and that he became
12:22the equivalent of Viral in the media of his time, known as La Violencia.
12:28He was born on the Guadual sidewalk of the municipality of Rovira in the department of
12:32Tolima on March 5, 1935.
12:37He was a bandit, sexual assailant and Colombian selective murderer.
12:43This bandit from the north of Tolima was called José William Aranguren, who supposedly
12:49had seen his family die, as well as having lost all his property at the hands of the
12:55Or at least, this is what he said, because that is how he justified his implacably violent
13:01behavior against military, peasants and some minors.
13:07He was not afraid, he did not feel ashamed, he was not intimidated by anything and he believed himself invincible.
13:15The more crimes he committed, the more ruthless he became.
13:19Although there are several versions of the same story, there is no doubt that the legends
13:24about revenge are always the most complex, enough to create a series about them.
13:32Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
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13:44Now yes, let's go to the end.
13:47El Goyo Cárdenas.
13:49Tacuba's strangler.
13:50That's right, famous because he became the first serial killer in Mexico, after
13:54murdering four young girls in just 23 days, who he later buried in the courtyard of his
14:02In one of the most impressive cases you will hear, it is that of the first serial killer
14:07and Mexican feminist Gregorio Cárdenas Hernández, alias El Goyo Cárdenas, who was even applauded
14:14in the House of Representatives after supposedly being reformed.
14:19This controversial figure received the presidential pardon for having proven to have changed drastically
14:26after having murdered at least four women, among which was the daughter of an important
14:32lawyer in the country, and for whom they managed to incriminate him and find evidence of his
14:38other crimes.
14:39He was an extremely intelligent man who not only graduated as a chemical engineer, but
14:45also, upon leaving prison, he was able to make another career, this time in law, after
14:52having helped several of his colleagues in prison.
14:55Gregorio Cárdenas was always a brilliant guy, he had an IQ higher than average, so
15:01much so that at the age of 20 he begins to study chemistry and receives government support
15:06to study in state companies.
15:08This story is definitely more incredible than fiction, more than any innovative screenwriter
15:15could have imagined, and that is why we believe that it deserves a series of its own fiction.
15:22What other crime would you add?
15:24Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other original videos of Spanish Watchmojo!