Hongey Judaa Na Hum - Episode 7

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Hongey Judaa Na Hum - Episode 7
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00:00Uncle, when will the pastries come?
00:14Where is the book?
00:16Sir, she only gave me pastries.
00:18Madam didn't say anything about any book.
00:24I am not going to pay 500 rupees for useless pastries.
00:26Call your madam.
00:28Why are you staring at me?
00:30Call your madam.
00:32Otherwise, I will make you stand here all night.
00:34I won't give you a single penny.
00:35Okay. Okay, sir.
00:38Anirudh is here.
00:45You are very ill-mannered.
00:47You are not giving me my book on purpose, right?
00:50Don't think of me as a lowly person like you.
00:52I myself had told my staff
00:54to deliver that book to you.
00:56I know that you are not giving me my book on purpose.
00:58What revenge are you taking from me?
01:01What personal enmity do you have with me?
01:02Oh, please!
01:03There is no need to give yourself so much importance.
01:06Perhaps, you are forgetting
01:07that I myself gave you an offer
01:08to deliver that book to you.
01:10You have no idea whom you have messed with.
01:39She disconnected my call!
01:41Such an ill-mannered girl!
01:43What a witch!
01:46You will handle me whenever I fall, right?
01:55Am I your doctor or not?
01:58So, technically, you will have to listen to everything I say, right?
02:03In this way, you will have to stop roaming around
02:05in your big house and talking on the phone.
02:07You will get hurt if you slip.
02:09So what?
02:10Even if I get hurt, you are there for me.
02:14You will give me medicine, right?
02:22In this way, who were you talking to in anger?
02:24What can I do now?
02:25Not everyone can be calm and composed like you, right?
02:29Whenever you are angry, take a deep breath
02:31and count from one to ten.
02:33I had told you on the phone
02:35that the customer who had come to the cafe..
02:37Hold on.
02:38Are you still angry about that?
02:41Anirudh, he had called me.
02:43And do you know what he was saying?
02:50Anyway, let it be.
02:51Let it be.
02:52To understand emotions like anger, you need a heart.
02:57Not a heart.
02:59I need a brain.
03:01Emotions are felt in the brain, not in the heart.
03:05What is a heart?
03:09A heart is a muscle of the size of our fist
03:12which pumps blood into our body.
03:15It does nothing else.
03:16Thank you, Dr. Anirudh, for the bio class.
03:19But after your logic about the heart
03:21my brain has started aching.
03:23Maybe the heart is not pumping blood properly.
03:26Am I right, ma'am?
03:30According to your daughter
03:31whatever I am explaining to her
03:32her brain and heart are not pumping properly.
03:35You are always right.
03:36You can never be wrong.
03:38He broke my Spanish vase.
03:41It's okay, dear.
03:42He will get angry.
03:43Mom, still I sent him back the book.
03:44And after that, he calls me and starts scolding me.
03:51Our table is reserved for 8.30 p.m.
03:54And you know that it is very difficult to get a table
03:56in Thaisend restaurant.
03:58Today is Saturday night.
04:00If you don't mind
04:01we will talk about Lafanga later.
04:03Actually, you know what?
04:05Lafanga is a very small word for him.
04:07He is like a black crow
04:12I will go and change my shirt.
04:17You tell me.
04:18What is the worst thing you have heard before today?
04:20If not Hindi, you will go to Bangla too.
04:22Tell me.
04:24Nitai, I am asking you something. Tell me.
04:27Stop being childish, dear.
04:30It's okay, ma'am.
04:31I will cancel the reservation.
04:32Muskaan is not in the mood to go out today.
04:35Anirudh, I am so sorry.
04:36I will just go and change.
04:41Let's have tea.
04:43Nitai, get tea.
04:45Nitai, get coffee.
04:53There is a lot of discussion going on in your press these days.
04:56It's not about me, uncle.
04:57It's about my patient.
04:58Actually, the person I am operating on
05:00is a very big actor.
05:02Because of him, the press is after me.
05:05You are very modest.
05:06You don't even want to hear your praises.
05:11What have you thought about the future?
05:14I am thinking, ma'am.
05:16You know, I..
05:17I want to build the biggest hospital in India.
05:21And I don't want to go abroad.
05:22I don't want to go to UK.
05:23I want to do something for my country.
05:27I am not asking about your business.
05:30I am asking about your personal life.
05:40Ma'am, my answer is the same as before.
05:47I won't take the first step.
05:52I am waiting for the day when Muskaan
05:55will take his first step towards me.
06:05Hi, Anirudh!
06:07Hi, Natasha!
06:08Long time, yeah?
06:10How have you been?
06:11I am fine.
06:12You will get to know about me only if you call me, right?
06:16This time, I will call you for sure.
06:19I will wait for your call.
06:29Who was she?
06:31She was staring at you.
06:33One minute..
06:36I smell jealousy.
06:38Is it you?
06:41And anger?
06:42Please, Anirudh.
06:43It doesn't matter to me
06:45if there are two dozen Miss India type butterflies
06:47coming and going.
06:49It does matter to me.
06:51Just think..
06:52What if I like a Miss India type butterfly?
06:58What do you mean?
07:00I mean..
07:02Anything can happen, right?
07:03Just think..
07:04What if I feel like spending time
07:07with a Miss India type butterfly?
07:09I am here to talk to you.
07:11I see.
07:12You did so much drama to come to dinner with me today.
07:15I can have dinner with you
07:16for lunch and breakfast as well.
07:19Let's see
07:20if these are your hollow promises
07:23or the truth in your words.
07:25We'll see.
07:26We'll see.
07:28Wake up, Krahat.
07:31Uncle, who are you waking up?
07:33It's time to sleep at night, right?
07:35I am warning many people like me
07:38to never go to that witch's coffee shop.
07:40Very good, uncle.
07:41Look at this.
07:42This is the website of this witch's coffee shop.
07:44I will write such messages on this website
07:46that this witch will remember it forever.
07:50My dear.
07:53Now you will miss your mother.
07:54What will happen when the witch reads this message?
07:57The witch will turn into ashes.
07:59And there will be a fire on Jupiter.
08:06Uncle, is there a photo of the witch in this?
08:12There is no photo.
08:15I have never seen a witch before.
08:17That's why.
08:18Is that so?
08:19Come, let's look for it.
08:21Rohan, Chintu, dinner is served.
08:24Hi, mom.
08:27You know, I love the food out here.
08:32the other day when you were coming from the gym,
08:33you wanted to say something very important.
08:35What was it?
08:37One second.
08:42There is a message in the cafe's website inbox.
08:45Just give me a moment, okay?
08:50Oh, my God.
08:52I don't believe this.
08:54That man...
08:56Anirudh, how can a man be so irritating?
09:00He has written so many bad things about the cafe
09:02on my cafe's website.
09:05Do you know what the topic of the message is?
09:07Wake up, customer. Wake up.
09:09Oh, big problem.
09:11The worst coffee in the world.
09:13And if you want a worse service than that,
09:15you should definitely go to Mama Mia Cafe.
09:17If you are worried about your life
09:19or you want to torture yourself,
09:21then you won't find a better place than this cafe
09:23in the entire city.
09:26If the cafe's owner could,
09:27he would have mixed poison in the coffee
09:29instead of sugar and served it.
09:32Red T-shirt.
09:37Not poison, cyanide.
09:50Don't ruin your dinner
09:51by talking about such a rude man.
09:56But you know something,
09:57there is something about that man.
10:02What do you call it?
10:05You have started hating him so much.
10:09My God, my Urdu has improved.
10:11You know...
10:13If anyone says this about my cafe,
10:15I will react the same way, right?
10:17I would like to meet that man.
10:19Next time when he comes to your cafe,
10:21call me.
10:22I will leave all my work and operations
10:24and come to meet him.
10:25There won't be a next time.
10:26We have fought so much.
10:28After that, he won't come to my cafe again.
10:30Your words make me feel
10:32that you will be disappointed
10:33if he doesn't come to your cafe.
10:35Why would I be disappointed?
10:36I am very happy
10:38that I will never meet him again.
10:40Because I am sure
10:41that even if I see him,
10:43I will fight with him.
10:53Is there anyone
10:54whom you used to fight with a lot?
11:08With a customer?
11:09No chance.
11:12If I fight with a customer,
11:15my business will shut down.
11:17I am not talking about a customer.
11:20If you remember anyone else...
11:25Leave your phone and look here.
11:27Concentrate here.
11:28One second.
11:32He is answering me again and again.
11:35I can't let him win like this.
11:37Just give me a moment, please.
11:55Now tell me, Mr. Red T-shirt.
11:57Stop talking.
11:59Anirudh, I am...
12:08Why isn't she replying?
12:11I think she is scared.
12:13Muskaan, Natasha.
12:15Hi, nice to meet you.
12:16Hi, same here.
12:18Anirudh, one minute.
12:19Excuse us, please.
12:20Yeah, sure.
12:21I will just be back, Natasha.
12:38I was busy on the phone for five minutes.
12:40You went to that girl so quickly.
12:43Muskaan, you were not with me even when you were with me.
12:47So I found someone else.
12:50Muskaan, I am not like Devdas.
12:54I will keep waiting to get your attention.
12:59You know something,
13:00I am feeling like burning again.
13:04I am feeling like burning.
13:07Is it you?
13:09Keep dreaming, Dr. Sharma.
13:11Jealous in me?
13:14He is from such a cheap girl.
13:17I don't think he is cheap.
13:21I think he is pretty hot.
13:25Okay, sorry.
13:26You are not hot.
13:27You are very bad.
13:28Don't come near me, okay?
13:34Okay, fine.
13:35I am sorry.
13:36I will never do this again.
13:38That's better.
13:42And you too,
13:43stop chatting with that ruffian.
13:46Who is a ruffian?
13:51If I take all her messages to the consumer court,
13:53her shop will shut down.
13:54Oh, no.
13:56You are in a mess
13:57ever since this girl came into your life.
13:59You are always busy with your laptop.
14:04Abhi, please.
14:05Don't irritate me.
14:06She is not replying.
14:11I am going inside.
14:23Hello, madam.
14:26Let me see my wife.
14:28wife is more important than TV.
14:30Switch off the TV.
14:31I need to talk to you.
14:33Switch off the TV.
14:36Take this.
14:39Now tell me.
14:40I have never seen Rohan in this condition before.
14:44Not even before the accident.
14:46In what condition?
14:47He is sending messages to a girl again and again.
14:50And when she doesn't reply,
14:51he is refreshing his computer page like a mad man.
14:56Wait a minute.
14:58I mean,
14:59Rohan is not sending messages to Anushka.
15:01He is sending messages to someone else.
15:02That's what I am saying.
15:04If he would have sent Anushka,
15:05then why would I have told you?
15:08This means the boy is on the right track.
15:09This is not the time to joke, Rajeev.
15:12You know,
15:14the doctor has strictly said
15:16that Rohan should stay away from any stress or trouble.
15:19He keeps fighting with that girl all day.
15:23It is not right to get so close to a stranger.
15:26Wait a minute.
15:28Look, this is a coin.
15:29This is love.
15:31This is the first part of the coin.
15:33The second part is hatred.
15:36Did you understand?
15:37Yes, I understood.
15:38You are watching too many movies these days.
15:41That means uncle is in love with a witch.
15:46But when aunty comes,
15:48he will have to choose only one option.
15:50Aunty or witch.
15:53don't interrupt when your parents are talking.
15:56Go, son.
15:58I love Thai food.
16:00And I love to see you happy.
16:01That's why I have brought you here.
16:02Seriously, Anirudh.
16:03If I eat one more grain of food,
16:06I will have a stomach ache.
16:08I can understand. You have eaten a lot.
16:11Bill, please.
16:14I mean, Muskaan, you will have to pay the bill.
16:16Ice cream.
16:18Won't you give me ice cream?
16:20Muskaan, you just said
16:21that if you eat one more grain of food,
16:23you will have a stomach ache.
16:24But ice cream doesn't have grains.
16:26Excuse me.
16:29One chocolate sundae, please.
16:31And extra nuts.
16:33And strawberry crush.
16:34And yes, in dark chocolate.
16:36And along with that, cherries.
16:37Don't forget.
16:38Wait a minute.
16:39Anything else?
16:40No, that's it.
16:41Okay, that's it. Thank you.
16:44Muskaan, you know something?
16:46You are the only peace in this world.
16:49You are the only peace in this world.
16:51You are the only peace in this world.
16:52You will never change.
17:00have I
17:02always been like this?
17:11Tell me.
17:13Have I
17:14always been like this?
17:17Are we always
17:18such good friends, Anirudh?
17:20Sometimes, I feel
17:23that you are hiding something from me.
17:27Please say something.
17:30Daughter-in-law, do you think
17:31that we were enemies before?
17:33We were good friends before as well.
17:36Very good friends.
17:38You were crazy before
17:39and you are still crazy today.
17:41And I was tolerating you before
17:42and I am tolerating you today as well.
17:44I am tolerating you.
17:46I am tolerating you.
17:47I was tolerating you before
17:48and I am tolerating you today as well.
17:52Uncle, what are you doing?
17:55I am sketching.
17:57Can you make a sketch of that witch as well?
18:00I want to see her.
18:04it's not a good excuse to talk to uncle.
18:06Let's go.
18:07Mom, please.
18:08Uncle is making a sketch of that witch.
18:12The one we met today.
18:13Please, mom.
18:14Just a minute.
18:15Dear, you have to go to school, right?
18:16When will you sleep and when will you wake up?
18:17Let's go.
18:18Please, mom.
18:20just a minute.
18:22Okay, fine.
18:23But come back soon.
18:28Come, sit.
18:34you are making a sketch, right?
18:36Yes, Chintu.
18:38Only for you.
18:39Okay, uncle.
18:40Tell me something.
18:42How were the eyes of that witch?
18:49It felt like she was going to burst out of anger.
18:52And her nose?
18:59Like a parrot.
19:00And her hair?
19:01Chintu, not hair.
19:05It felt like there was a swarm of snakes on her head.
19:08And her lips?
19:13It was raining fire.
19:15Uncle, is the sketch complete?
19:30Come fast.
19:31Uncle has made a sketch of that witch.
19:42What happened, son?
19:43Why did you scream?
19:44What is the matter, son?
19:46Just a minute.
19:47Look at uncle's sketch.