The Magic Tree & Sprarrow

  • 2 days ago


00:00The Magic Tree and the Little Sparrow Once upon a time, in a lush green forest,
00:05there stood a magic tree. It wasn't an ordinary tree, it had golden leaves that shimmered under
00:11the sun and a magical glow that illuminated the forest at night. The tree had one special power,
00:17it could grant a wish to anyone who treated it with kindness. In a cozy little nest near the
00:23magic tree lived a tiny sparrow named Sky. Sky was curious and loved exploring the forest,
00:29but he was small and often overlooked by the other birds. The bigger birds would soar high
00:34in the sky while Sky would quietly watch from below, wishing he could fly as fast and far as
00:40them. One day, Sky overheard the other birds talking about the magic tree.
00:45I wish for a mansion made of clouds, said a robin. I'll ask for the shiniest golden feathers,
00:52chirped a blue jay, Sky fluttered near the tree, and his tiny heart beat fast. He had never thought
00:58about making a wish before, but now, he had a small hope. The question is what should I wish
01:04for? Sky thought for a moment. He could ask to fly faster than any bird in the sky, or for
01:11sparkling feathers like the blue jay, but instead, he quietly said I wish to be brave. Anonymous,
01:17the tree's golden leaves rustled with excitement. That is a wish from the heart, it said softly,
01:23and with a gentle shimmer, the magic tree granted Sky's wish. Days passed, and Sky didn't feel much
01:30different, but one afternoon, a terrible storm rolled into the forest. The wind howled and the
01:36rain poured down, sending the birds into hiding. As Sky huddled in his nest, he heard a cry for
01:43help. It was the little robin. The strong winds had blown him off course, and he was trapped in
01:49the bushes below. Without a second thought, Sky spread his wings and darted into the storm.
01:55He didn't worry about his size or speed, his heart was filled with courage. With great effort,
02:01Sky helped the robin to safety, guiding him back to the shelter of the magic tree.
02:06The other birds watched in awe as Sky, the tiniest sparrow, had saved one of their own.
02:12From that day on, Sky was no longer the quiet bird on the sidelines.
02:17He soared high with the rest of the flock, his bravery shining brighter than any golden feather.
02:23As for the magic tree, it continued to grant wishes to those who asked with a kind heart,
02:28but it always remembered the little sparrow who asked for courage.
02:36Moral. True strength comes from within, and bravery is not about being the biggest or strongest,
02:41but about following your heart when it matters most.