The Young and the Restless 9-17-24 (Y&R 17th September 2024) 9-17-2024

  • last week
00:00I'm very serious. This is Dominic's favorite color. Okay. Okay, you know how much I love our son, but there is no way
00:06I am letting you wear a turquoise suit to our wedding night
00:10No, I guess the bride has more say than the ring bearer. I will say you are the only groom
00:18I know that would look good in that because you look good in everything
00:22Hey you two. Do I hear wedding bells?
00:25My goodness, what's that champagne for? Is it in celebration because Billy isn't all up in your face anymore?
00:37Are you not happy with your dinner buddy? We can order you something else.
00:42I was thinking of texting Billy to go for pizza this weekend. He likes pepperoni
00:49Well, who doesn't like pepperoni?
00:52Apparently mom doesn't. Has been keeping it a secret from me.
00:59Um, I'm a little lost. What are you talking about?
01:03I talked to Billy today about how my mom's blowing up.
01:09Well, that's pretty heavy.
01:12You knew about it?
01:14I did. How do you feel about it?
01:19It kind of sucks.
01:23I'm curious. Did Billy tell you why he and mom ended things?
01:30You don't know?
01:48What are you doing here?
02:18Okay, thank you so much. Sharon's at Crimson Lights. Esther's going to keep an eye on her.
02:42What does that mean? Why does she need someone watching her?
02:44Well, we all agree that mom is going through something right now and we need to do something about it. What else did Esther say?
02:52Uh, she said that Sharon does not seem like herself.
02:57Well, I'm just glad that we know where she is and she's safe.
03:02Yeah, Esther's gonna keep her at Crimson Lights until I get there. Then I will bring her home and then we can all have a talk.
03:08I'm coming with you.
03:09Faith, I don't know if that's a good idea. If mom leaves before your dad gets there and she comes back here, we want to be waiting for her.
03:17She's right. I think it'll be too much for Sharon if we all show up there at the same time.
03:21You're right, but I just need to see her and know she's okay.
03:25She will be. We're gonna make sure she's okay.
03:34Now just really isn't a good time.
03:36Are you alright?
03:39I just don't have another fight in me, that's all.
03:42I don't want to fight with you, Daniel.
03:45What exactly is it that you need to clear up between us? Because if you're just gonna attack my daughter again...
03:52This isn't about Lucy.
03:55Okay, so what is it about?
03:58This is about you and me.
04:07I was just trying to keep myself busy, so I made some oatmeal raisin cookies.
04:14I thought you could enjoy them if you have to work late.
04:21I also wanted to thank you for talking to Connor about us.
04:27It was okay. It wasn't a big deal.
04:30We both know it was a big deal.
04:33Well, you didn't have to bring me anything.
04:37I was torn over whether or not I should come, but...
04:44Connor told me that you took the blame for everything, for us breaking up.
04:55You didn't have to do that.
04:58You know how much I care about that kid.
05:02I do.
05:04I know in a million years, regardless of what I did to you, you would never think differently of him.
05:12Well, um...
05:15Thank you for the cookies.
05:27I know I have no right to say this.
05:31But I can see you're hurting.
05:34And to see that, and not be able to reach out to you, it breaks my heart.
05:42I am never going to be able to forgive myself for ruining what we had.
05:49And it might seem selfish or unfair, but...
05:55I'm really hoping eventually we can get that back.
06:01Billy totally blamed himself.
06:05He told me he was too focused on work to give Mom the attention she deserves.
06:11Uh, well, that makes sense.
06:15I mean, Abbott Chancellor is a big company. Billy is running it all by himself.
06:21Like Otheo and Newman Media.
06:23Yeah. Right. I mean, I get what Billy's dealing with.
06:28You know, he's probably just focusing his energy on staying on top of things.
06:33There's a lot of people that work there. There's a lot of people that depend on him for their jobs.
06:38So I don't know if it's fair for you to be mad at him.
06:42I'm not mad, really. And not at him.
06:45Well, then what, then?
06:48I'm frustrated. Because I think he lied to me.
06:51Not to be mean or anything. Just to protect me.
06:54But he didn't have to. I can handle it.
06:58You don't think it's about his job?
07:01I just have this feeling something bad happened. Something no one wants me to know about.
07:06And what do you think that is?
07:09Because I know sometimes you can get an idea and it's hard for you to let it go.
07:14Because of my OCD.
07:17Well, and because you're just like your dad.
07:20It sounds weird, but my OCD is kind of like my superpower.
07:25I notice things most people don't.
07:28Even the things people are trying to hide from me.
07:31Like what?
07:33Like how I noticed things weren't right with you and Sally.
07:36Now she's moved out.
07:38Yes, you did pick up on that before I told you about it.
07:42I want you guys to tell me stuff when it happens.
07:45So I know it's real and not just me worrying.
07:47Hey, you're right. And we should stay on top of that.
07:52So did you and Sally break up too?
07:59Technically, yes.
08:03But that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop trying to make things work between us.
08:08It can't really be a coincidence.
08:10It can't really be a coincidence.
08:13Mom and Billy and you and Sally breaking up at the same time.
08:17And I know you and Sally didn't do that because of Billy's job.
08:20Look, like I said, my new position is taking up a lot of my time.
08:25But you just said you didn't want things to end with you and Sally.
08:29And I don't want them to end.
08:31I have a feeling Mom didn't want things to end with Billy either.
08:36It's like something happened with you and Mom.
08:38Something that messed things up.
08:41Connor, you're thinking that this has something to do with you.
08:45Is it?
08:47It is not. None of this has anything to do with you.
08:52So if it's not my fault, whose is it then?
08:59Hey, oh, Devon, by the way.
09:01I commend you for preserving your family name during that whole corporate breakup stuff.
09:09I think it's interesting that Lily doesn't want to work with you.
09:14You think it's interesting? What's it to you?
09:17Well, it's really nothing to me. But I get it.
09:21I mean, I really didn't want to work with Lily either.
09:24That's part of the reason why I left.
09:26Oh, I thought you left because she fired your son after what he did to her.
09:29Damn right. Damn right.
09:33Oh, wait a second. Do you think that since Lily went with Billy to Chancellor that we'll welcome you back at Winters?
09:41Winters got a megasphere in the divorce, right?
09:45Yeah, we did.
09:47Okay. Hey, I saw you guys posted a bunch of IT openings.
09:53We did, yeah.
09:54We did, yeah.
09:56And we have plenty of qualified candidates that don't include you, so.
10:00Oh, well, I mean, I wouldn't work there if you paid me a gazillion dollars, that's for sure.
10:07But I was just wondering if you guys were thinking of poaching some contractors from Chancellor now that Lily's not there anymore.
10:15Why would I talk about anything business with you?
10:18I assume that's a yes.
10:20You can assume that I also could care less about what you think.
10:24Well, okay.
10:27Congratulations to you for getting him to marry you, by the way.
10:31Oh, great.
10:33Oh, yeah, your food's ready, Phyllis. Bye.
10:35Bye. Congratulations again.
10:38Thank you so much.
10:44What about you and me?
10:46I know that I've been acting just a bit erratically lately toward you and your family.
10:55Yeah, actually, you've been pretty consistently hostile.
10:58Well, I've had a lot on my mind.
11:00I'm sure you've been thinking about Cassie.
11:02Yes, I have.
11:04Look, I know that Faith and Lucy's accident probably stirred up a lot of emotions for you.
11:09That is what caused me to lash out.
11:12We've talked about this.
11:14We've talked about how you have every right to feel this way and blame me for what happened for the rest of our lives.
11:19No, I won't. I can't.
11:23I'm sorry?
11:25I have been acting out of instinct and adrenaline, and I haven't been rational or fair to you or your family.
11:36Especially not to Lucy.
11:40You know, instead of coming down on everyone else for what they're doing, I need to focus on my own emotions and behavior.
11:51I just wish there was something more I could do to help you.
11:55You can.
11:57This is something I have to handle all on my own.
12:03That's right, baby.
12:04And you know exactly what needs to be done.
12:19Faith, you don't have to do that now.
12:22Mom shouldn't come over this mess.
12:25I can't just sit still and wait.
12:27Okay, well, you know what? If we do it together, it'll get done faster.
12:33I know that you and Dad keep telling me that it's going to be okay, but I can tell by the looks on your faces that you're both a lot more worried than you're letting on.
12:42Does that make it worse?
12:45I want to be strong for Mom like you guys.
12:48It's also okay to be scared.
12:51You're never scared.
12:53What are you talking about?
12:54You're never scared.
12:56What are you talking about?
12:58I am scared all the time. I...
13:02I'm just better at hiding it, you know?
13:05Ask Tessa.
13:07No, but if you express your feelings, then I get to be a big sister.
13:13And that allows me to hide my fear.
13:19It's been a lot for Mom.
13:24She's been through a lot of trauma and stress in her life.
13:29Still, she's always there for us.
13:31While she goes into Mom mode, I'm just afraid that it might have caught up with her.
13:38My accident with Lucy brought this on.
13:41No, no, no, no. It just showed us how much help Mom really needs, okay?
13:46God only knows that she wasn't going to come to us and ask for it.
13:49Yeah, you're right about that.
13:50But this is our chance, you know, to give her all that love and support she's shown to us.
13:56And we can help her find her way.
13:59Do you really think we can do that?
14:02I know we can.
14:10You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say all that.
14:14I'm glad.
14:16I'm glad.
14:18And I'm really sorry that I took out all of my pain and anger on you and your family.
14:25Don't be. Look, I get it.
14:27Okay? I mean, even more so now that I'm a parent.
14:31I mean, I know how I reacted to Lucy's accident.
14:34And I had every single worst case scenario play out in my head.
14:41What you lost that night
14:45Well, I've had years to deal with it and make peace with what happened.
14:53Yeah, but how could you ever?
14:55I know the accident reminded you of Cassie, but you must be reminded of her on a daily basis and the life that she could be living.
15:02And I just, I feel guilty.
15:05Damn right you're guilty.
15:07And don't let his pity party stop you from doing what needs to be done.
15:12I wish that there were a way I could help you with your guilt.
15:17No, you need to take care of yourself now.
15:20Look, I know the kind of person you are, Sharon, and I know you're only acting like this because you're in pain.
15:26Oh, he has no idea what pain is, does he?
15:29But we're going to show him.
15:32I will always be angry at the world for what happened.
15:37And I will always understand why that anger falls on me.
15:41But Lucy...
15:43She has nothing to do with it.
15:47She should not have any of the fallout.
15:50I want you to know, Heather and I, we are working really hard to make sure that she understands that what she did was wrong.
15:55The drinking, the dragging Faith into the whole mess, and Lucy is working hard to atone for what she did.
16:01I don't have to tell you how hard it is for a kid that age.
16:05You know how hard they can be hit with rejection.
16:12It's gotten to the point where Heather has suggested that we leave Genoa City.
16:20Maybe you shouldn't do that.
16:25One of the many things I took for granted,
16:28One of the many things I took for granted,
16:31was seeing the love in your eyes.
16:35And now I've made it so you can't even look at me.
16:40I just don't want you to see me like this, Chelsea.
16:43Like what?
16:50Like something has been broken, and we both know that it can't be fixed.
16:57Because I broke it.
17:00With Adam.
17:03Billy, if there's something I could say or do...
17:08If I knew what that was, believe me, I would tell you.
17:13Then I guess all I can say is I'm so sorry for hurting you.
17:21I know.
17:23And I accept your apology.
17:28And I'm mad at myself that I can't forgive you.
17:34And if it happened with someone else, then maybe, but I just...
17:42Is this not a good time?
17:44Is this not a good time?
17:52It's alright.
17:54Chelsea and I were just finishing.
18:05Bye, Billy.
18:15Hey, listen, whatever I walked in on, I am certain that is none of my business.
18:21I just want you to know I bring food.
18:27And information.
18:30Just another thing I come to the table with to Abbott Chancellor.
18:40Why would you say that?
18:42Why would you say that?
18:44Yeah, why, Sharon?
18:46Just stop fighting it.
18:49You're clearly trying to get him to move away so that you don't have to do what you know you gotta do.
18:55I guess that makes sense. I mean, it would probably be easier for you if you didn't have to keep running into me.
19:00I need to find a more direct way to deal with my pain over losing Cassie.
19:08Whether you're here or you're on the other side of the world.
19:16Yeah, I guess that's true.
19:19You know, as a mother, I can understand why Heather would want to protect her daughter.
19:25And I'm sure she has a great instinct as to how to go about helping Lucy deal with what she's going through.
19:33Yeah, you're probably right.
19:34And Lucy running into Faith all the time is just a reminder of how everything went wrong.
19:41So, objectively, it could be better if she moved away.
19:49Isn't Faith going back to college soon?
19:52That's really not the point, Daniel.
19:54No, it's not, is it?
19:57Because this isn't about Lucy. This isn't about Faith. This is about me and you, right?
20:03And look at you, you're sitting there, you're trying to hide it, but I can feel how angry you are. I can see how much you hate me.
20:10And you're just never gonna get past this, are you?
20:16Hey, remember we were celebrating?
20:19I don't remember.
20:21Yeah, you do. Come on. We're planning our wedding, which is a celebration of our love.
20:27I'm sorry, it's just Phyllis. She's always listening and lurking.
20:32We're having a moment and she's swooped in.
20:36I know, but you know what? We can have another moment.
20:41Okay? Here.
20:43Where are you going?
20:45Off to the next moment, because I promised you a lifetime of those.
20:50Oh, that's a lot of moments.
20:52It's not nearly enough for me to show you how much I love you, but this will have to do, so come on.
21:02It's killing you to sit here and talk to me, isn't it?
21:07To have to look at my face, to have to hear my voice.
21:11I mean, you really can't stand the sight of me, can you?
21:18Everything okay?
21:20Yeah, Nick, I was just apologizing to Daniel for the way that I've behaved towards him and his family lately.
21:29And it's not true, Daniel, that I can't stand the sight of you.
21:36Yes, it's painful for me, but like you said, there are a lot of reminders of Cassie everywhere.
21:43I mean, every time I see a young girl who's about the same age as my daughter was when she died.
21:48Like Lucy.
21:50It breaks my heart all over again.
21:52I don't hate you, Daniel.
21:55I have no room in my life or in my broken heart for anything like that.
22:01Look, we could talk about this forever, but really all I needed you to know is that I really am sorry.
22:11I am too.
22:13So, whatever you and your family decide to do, whether you stay or you go, just know that I won't be going off on you or your family ever again.
22:37You said you have some intel, Phyllis?
22:40I do.
22:42It's looking like Winters is thinking of poaching some of our company's IT talent.
22:52It's our company.
22:54I haven't hired you yet.
22:56Well, if you can't see it, you can't be it, you know?
22:59Did you read that on one of those motivational posters somewhere?
23:02You know, you should have a couple of those posters around the house.
23:06You know, you should have a couple of those posters around the lobby and in your office.
23:11It's good for morale.
23:12Morale is fine. Thank you.
23:13Is it? Really?
23:15I mean, anyway, as far as your IT talent goes, you should really lock down some of those people who don't have contracts.
23:27Get them locked down into a non-compete clause, especially if you're going to make some move in tech, you know?
23:33And also make sure your employee's happy.
23:37Noted. Thanks for the information.
23:40You're welcome.
23:45Are those cookies?
23:48Chocolate chip? Are they chocolate chip?
23:51What? What are these? I mean, why even have a cookie?
23:56They're oatmeal raisin.
23:57Oatmeal raisin? Really?
24:00I mean, who puts a breakfast food in a cookie?
24:08Billy, you know how I told you you can sort of bounce ideas off of me?
24:16You can do that, especially since sometimes your ideas and feelings, they get ahead of your skis.
24:26I mean it. I really do. As your business partner, feel free to bounce any idea off of me on a personal level.
24:36I mean, whatever is going on with Chelsea, you can tell me I'm all ears.
24:48Now, I know that you like Sally.
24:51And I like Billy, too.
24:53And I'm not going to speak for Mom or Billy, but I'm going to say it again.
24:57I still want Sally in my life. And I want her in your life, too.
25:03Just because we're giving each other a little space doesn't mean that it's over.
25:07You know, this isn't the first time that Sally and I split up.
25:10I know that.
25:12You know, Sally and I, we found our way back to each other.
25:16I think she's been good for you, Dad.
25:19I do, too.
25:22It's just, I don't know. You and Sally were great together, but...
25:30What? Tell me.
25:34You and Mom, what you had, that was better. It was something more.
25:48I could not ask for anything more.
25:53I have you.
25:55And I have all the stars in the universe.
25:59Do you think our future is written somewhere up there?
26:03You mean like destiny?
26:05Destiny, fate.
26:10I do.
26:12Even though those are just big burning balls of hydrogen and helium that are being held together by their own gravity.
26:20You know?
26:21Way to kill the mood, Einstein.
26:26I learned that in one of Dominic's books.
26:29And we are back.
26:32Reading to your kid, that's hot.
26:35Very hot.
26:38Maybe I'll take you up there one day.
26:44Well, we talked about getting married in a hot air balloon, so that's halfway there, right?
26:51Do you know where that would take us?
26:58But I don't need a hot air balloon to take me there.
27:02You really don't?
27:04Because you take me there every day.
27:12I appreciate how hard it must have been for you to say all that.
27:16She's me.
27:21It's Heather.
27:23I have to go have a conversation with Lucy about what's next for our family.
27:29I don't know if I've said this enough, Sharon, but I admire your strength, you know, both as a person and as a parent.
27:39I mean, if I love my kid half as much as you love yours, then I know that I'm doing something right.
27:53Did you come here to check up on me?
27:56Checking up is not the same as checking in.
27:59You okay?
28:02I've been on an emotional roller coaster today. I'm ready to get off.
28:08The big emotions are exhausting.
28:12Yeah, they wear you down.
28:15It is very nice to see, though, you in a better place with Daniel.
28:20You know, I saw that you called, and I'm sorry that I didn't pick up, but I was talking to Daniel. Is everything okay?
28:29Yeah, Faith's just having a bit of a rough time.
28:33About what?
28:35She didn't say. She just said that she wanted to talk to the two of us together.
28:40Is she at home now?
28:42She is, yeah.
28:43I'll meet you there.
28:44No, no, no. I know you're tired. Why don't we ride together? I'll drive you.
28:50Well, thanks, but I don't want to leave my car here.
28:57Okay, then I'll see you at home.
29:15Nicely done.
29:19He's worried about me. They all are.
29:27But we're not gonna let them get in the way of doing what we need to do.
29:34Are we?
29:44I know she has a lot going on. She's always been there for me, no matter what.
29:49Last semester, I got this really bad cold, so she overnighted me this care package filled with tissues, cough drops, vitamins.
30:00Then I get back to my dorm, and there's this food delivery waiting for me. Chicken soup.
30:08Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like Mom.
30:11Thing is, I found out later that Mom was even sicker than I was when she did all that.
30:16She had the flu.
30:20It's too much for her.
30:23Yeah, but you could tell Mom all of that, and it's not gonna stop her from doing it anyway.
30:31I didn't really understand it until I had Aria.
30:37But you don't really get a break.
30:40You don't really get a break from being a mom.
30:43It's not just the physical wear and tear. Mom has issues with her mental health, too.
30:50I never should have gotten involved with Lucy. The whole accident, being in the hospital, it really scared my dad and her.
30:58I understand, but, Faith, you have to stop blaming yourself for all of that.
31:02You know Mom was struggling way before that.
31:06It's all been a lot for her, you know. She's been dealing with so much.
31:13Where's Mom?
31:15Alright, she is on her way home. She's gonna be here soon, and we can all work this out together.
31:21How was she at the coffeehouse?
31:23Uh, she was with Daniel.
31:25Oh, that can't be good.
31:27Wasn't ideal.
31:29Dad, how bad was it?
31:35This wedding is really important to me.
31:39I know. Me, too.
31:42Committing myself to you in front of God, our family, and most importantly—
31:48Our son.
31:51The three of us there together.
31:53There's a lot of love there.
31:55There is.
31:57And with that love, there is nothing we can't do.
32:02What did I miss?
32:05Connor is trying to make sense of what's going on.
32:10I know you're not happy about me and Billy taking a break.
32:14And now Dad and Sally are on a break, too.
32:18I overheard you saying what I had with your father is something more than what he had with Sally.
32:25I was telling Dad before you came in.
32:28I noticed things.
32:33Like how you two have always come together to support me.
32:36That's what family does.
32:38It's more than that. You're just—
32:42Just what?
32:44More comfortable with each other. And Dad's different.
32:48I'm different?
32:51And Dad's different.
32:53I'm different?
32:55Different around Mom than you are around Sally.
32:58You're totally yourself, and it's not a bad thing.
33:02Well, that probably depends on who you ask.
33:07It's good done telling Connor that I'm not giving up on my relationship with Sally.
33:13Mom, are you giving up on Billy, or do you think there's a chance you can work things out?
33:19Phyllis, you are not here to talk about my relationship with Chelsea or anyone else, especially if we are going to be working together.
33:28Boundaries. Boundaries are good.
33:31I hear you say that, but I'm not sure you actually believe it.
33:34No, but you said working together. You just said working together.
33:37Does that mean that you're bringing me on as a partner at Abbott Chancellor?
33:42I'm willing to work with you.
33:44Does that mean that you're bringing me on as a partner at Abbott Chancellor?
33:48I'm willing to bring you on as a second-in-command, but that is a distant second-in-command.
33:53If you want to work here, you need to accept that you will not be a business partner. That part is not on the table. Do you understand?
34:03There is only one way this is going to work, and that is my way.
34:07Or the highway.
34:09There is something I want you to print frame and put on your office wall.
34:11This is not a democracy. You do not get a vote.
34:14Whether it's a big decision like a merger or an acquisition, or a small one like what kind of creamer to put in the break room.
34:22I want you to listen, give feedback, share ideas, business ideas, and you listen to what I need you to do.
34:29Let me be very clear. I am the one calling the shots at Abbott Chancellor.
34:35Do you want me to...
34:37I want you to stay in your lane, Phyllis. Can you do that?
34:42Uh, I'll sleep on it.
34:51Please, take the cookies.
35:00Do you want the truth?
35:03I do.
35:05I want things to work out with Billy, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.
35:11So you want that too?
35:14No, not at this present moment, and I have to find a way to respect that.
35:22Can I be honest now?
35:24You know that you can tell us anything.
35:26Of course, your dad's right.
35:29I like Sally.
35:31And I like Billy.
35:34But what I like even better is you two meet together as a family.
35:42Oh, sweetheart.
35:44You may not be ready to admit it to yourselves, or to each other, but I think you both like it better too.
35:57Your mom seemed to have things under control.
36:00So she didn't go off on Daniel again?
36:03She was actually apologizing to him.
36:05That's, that's good, right?
36:08I'm not so sure about that.
36:11What does that mean?
36:13I don't know, there was this, like, um, something in her voice, it was almost like an edge to it, where she was sort of placating Daniel and then me by apologizing.
36:25So you think she's still trying to hide how bad things are from us?
36:29Look, I don't need to tell you girls how difficult it is for your mother to ask for or to accept help.
36:33All these memories about Cassie, she's trying to keep them from taking her to a dark place, and she's really struggling with that?
36:41She's fighting like hell against it?
36:45I just don't know if this is a fight she can win right now.
36:51I have to go. Waiting for me.
36:54I know. Nick is worried, and you don't like to upset him.
36:59I am, Faith, too.
37:00I don't really care. None of them know you the way that I do. They got no idea how strong you really are. They wanna force their idea of help on you.
37:11Even if you don't need it. Even if they gotta trick you to get you home.
37:19You think Nick was lying about Faith?
37:22Nick's a stinking boy scout, he didn't actually lie.
37:26He said Faith was going through something.
37:30It's all about you.
37:33So maybe it's a trap.
37:36You think? Sharon, if you're not careful, they're gonna ship you off to Fairview.
37:46They would never do that to me.
37:49Oh, they would. They would. And they would tell you and themselves that it was for the best.
37:55Now listen to me. Daniel might be leaving town. Your family wants to take care of you.
38:03So this might be it. We might not get another chance.
38:08You're right.
38:12Sharon, we need to do this now.
38:24We need to do this.
