• last month
When the demands of Jackson's new job start to spiral dangerously out of control, his mother Maria must free her son fro | dG1fZFh2OWJDbDY0ajA
00:02Mom, I thought you told me you didn't have time to make anything.
00:05Your uncle tells me my design is accurate.
00:09Good, Jackson. Tyler, try passing the ball. It's a good idea.
00:14That meatball sandwich blew me away.
00:16She wants my help with the restaurant tonight.
00:18You know, you're the only person I know who actively enjoys spending time with their mom.
00:22This is work.
00:23You want to come in?
00:25Some fancy social clubs.
00:27Stand around, serve them drinks, laugh at their jokes. Pay a lot for athletes.
00:33It's a buyout offer. Are you thinking about selling?
00:36I feel like I'm letting him down.
00:38You're a dad. He would be so proud of you.
00:40I miss him a lot.
00:43Hey, Ty. How about that job?
00:45Would you like me to give you the grand tour?
00:48You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Don't worry.
00:51Ready to make some real money?
00:53Boy, were you a hit.
00:54You can double that next time.
00:56Where did you get this?
00:58I did this for the family restaurant.
01:00I'm going to get this place shut down.
01:02You wouldn't want to get on our bad side.
01:05You should skip the four-man party.
01:07They get out of control, and not in a good way.
01:13If anyone asks, we all saw Miles leaving the party last night.
01:17They put this in my kitchen.
01:18This is serious. I don't want you guys getting hurt.
01:23Looking good, golden boy.
01:24Don't think the scholarship board would be too impressed with your little side hustle.
01:28You're on thin ice, pal.
01:30You should be ashamed of yourself.
01:31You threatened my son!
01:33It sounded like you were telling me to mom it.
01:35He thought you were going to snitch about Miles.
01:37Maybe you should think about getting out of town.
01:39Sit down! Sit down! Sit down!
01:41You're nothing more than a coward!
01:43Coach isn't here to save you this time.
01:45You should have listened to him.
01:46Why is that?
01:47Because it all comes down to teamwork.
