• last month
00:01:02Sack sack sack
00:01:05No tienes modales
00:01:06Mira no me importa lo que estén haciendo ahí no me involucren de acuerdo eres mi invitado sack y te fuiste sin despedirte
00:01:14No dejo entrar a cualquiera en mi club sabes
00:01:18Solo vete por favor que pasa sack no creo en monstruos déjame en paz
00:01:42Sabroso que demonios eres
00:02:04Luke muerte
00:03:09Somos una orden selecta
00:03:12Cuyo trabajo es la contención en cada célula vampírica o grupo de vampiros
00:03:19Encontrarås una señal esperando para responder a los problemas
00:03:58Tengo que conseguir un perro
00:04:21Be that
00:04:36Chica que pasĂł tuve una pesadilla
00:04:39De nuevo de nuevo lo lamento. Oh, oh Dios mío volveré a dormir a ver si lo logro lo lamento
00:05:02Parece con fenĂłmeno
00:05:04Mira, pero sĂłlo asĂ­ podrĂĄs entrar bien parezco una idiota
00:05:09Creo que te ves sexy asĂ­ si me presentarĂ­as a tu mamĂĄ con este aspecto
00:05:14Absolutamente le darĂ­a un ataque al corazĂłn y vivirĂ­a siempre con ella
00:05:20Oye amigo portate bien esta noche si he venido todas las noches por un mes déjanos entrar
00:05:24SĂ­ amigo nos estamos congelando por favor pues vĂĄyanse
00:05:33Me haces quedar mal delante de la dama no necesitas ayuda con eso
00:05:37Me gusta eres rĂĄpido no necesito ayuda con eso es bueno asĂ­ estĂĄ la cosa
00:05:42Qué tal si te regalo este Abraham Lincoln bien quita tu maldita mano de mi cara
00:05:47No hay necesidad de ponerse agresivos lo olvidé
00:05:50Estamos en el siglo 21 qué tal este plåstico que tengo la señora decide quién entra
00:05:55No podría la señora decide quién entra
00:05:58estĂĄ bien
00:06:00Es un pequeño juego que tenemos lo hacemos todo el tiempo estås loco
00:06:27Ahí estå vamos vamos diablos ella decide quién entra
00:06:42Esto estå muy mal dos dos oye podría hablar con ella un segundo la señora elegido que
00:06:51Por favor la señora elegido muy bien vamos vamos
00:07:00Hey lograron entrar anoche el club muerte hombre no
00:07:04incluso lleve a beat conmigo parecĂ­a morticia adams por el amor de dios
00:07:08Pensé que su aspecto gótico nos dejaría entrar la señora al menos la miró diablos no
00:07:13Al menos resultĂł ser una cita o algo asĂ­ no ella piensa que soy un bicho chico ella no cree eso
00:07:20Oh, sĂ­ de esos que se te meten en el oĂ­do
00:07:22tijerilla si de ese tipo el que hace un agujero en tu cerebro
00:07:27Eso es una locura que le tienes que sentirlo no no no estaba enviĂĄndose le dije buenas noches estoy cansada estĂĄ bien mira ella dice
00:07:35Buenas noches estoy cansado es un cĂłdigo un cĂłdigo para hoy es con te gustarĂ­a dormir conmigo no es el cĂłdigo para dormir
00:07:43No ven agarrame las tetas pero quien te agarró las que ella estaba enviando señales eso es acoso sexual o en el trabajo lo es
00:07:49En casa es simplemente ser un idiota
00:07:52Scott eres tan patético te lo dije nunca debiste haber roto con camille ahora puedes ayudarme con los platos por favor
00:07:59Amigo camille necesito explorar mĂĄs ella te amaba aquĂ­ tiene
00:08:03Amigo ella estaba tratando de amarrar hola déjame saber si necesitas algo mås
00:08:08ahora dime te acostaste con alguien mås después de que rompiste
00:08:12tu mano no cuenta hombre
00:08:14mira tuve opciones pero tengo estĂĄndares y cuĂĄles son bogg desnudo de inmediato porque siempre me agrede porque estabas listo camille estaba bien te
00:08:22ganaste la loterĂ­a con ella bueno cuĂĄl es esa supermodelo kate upton texi cierto si
00:08:27te aseguro que alguien en algĂșn lugar ya se aburriĂł de ella en este momento camille era la indicada
00:08:37Hey Tony
00:08:39Adonde vas hombre voy al club muerte amigo que si como diablo saliste tan temprano
00:08:46llevo un mes tirĂĄndome la gerente le he estado dando a mi viejo amigo
00:08:50le darås las albóndigas también lo sabes hombre
00:08:57Desgraciado bueno
00:09:02Oye espera
00:09:05En serio estado lo que hiciste
00:09:07Es la que mĂĄs consejo nos da a todos se debiĂł deprimir hoy
00:09:12No, yo sĂ© Ășltimamente no puedo dormir estoy simplemente agotada
00:09:17Porque has estado pasando la noche de otro lado no
00:09:20apenas puedo manejar mis propias horas como estĂĄn
00:09:24Entonces qué pasa
00:09:27Me puedes decir
00:09:29Me puedes decir
00:09:33He tenido pesadillas
00:09:36Pesadillas qué tipo de pesadillas
00:09:41No son como pesadillas normales son como si fueran reales
00:09:46es como una visiĂłn es como si
00:09:48si realmente estuviera ahĂ­
00:09:50sé que es una locura suena loco pero sucede noche tras noche y es temprano o
00:09:58Tal vez ves muchas pelĂ­culas de terror no odio las pelĂ­culas de terror
00:10:05Sobre vampiros
00:10:07Muy bien tal vez deberĂ­as de dejar de leer crepĂșsculo
00:10:11Eli por favor también odio esa mierda
00:10:15No, pero de verdad es como si empezaran igual siempre como si alguien estuviera diciendo mi nombre
00:10:24Me despierto para ver quién o qué me llama y simplemente me ataca un vampiro
00:10:33Lo siento no es gracioso continĂșa
00:10:36siento como si me
00:10:38mordiera el cuello sabes y el dolor es totalmente real es como si pudiera sentir la sangre
00:10:44Drenarse de mi cuerpo como si fuera a desmayarme y luego estoy demasiado débil para defenderme y me paralizo y grito y luego nada
00:10:52solo me despierto
00:10:55Es loco lo sé verdad
00:10:58bueno mira no sé qué decirte
00:11:02Excepto tal vez si crees que necesitas la protecciĂłn de un hombre esta noche
00:11:07puedes quedarte conmigo y acostarte en mi cama creo que soy bastante fuerte
00:11:15Puedes por favor no decĂ­rselo a nadie
00:11:19No lo haré tu secreto estå a salvo conmigo
00:11:26Y estaba pensando mira este es mi tren
00:11:32Gracias por ser tan buen amigo
00:11:35Nos vemos
00:11:42Ese soy yo el buen amigo
00:12:04Scott hay una fila por allĂĄ
00:12:06Oye Tony que esperar la fila nos guardĂł un lugar en la fila oye Tony
00:12:11Tony oh te conozco
00:12:14Tony soy yo Scott el Scott que conozco no divide sus propinas con los lavaplatos eres ese pedazo de mierda
00:12:20pero un minuto espero un minuto no ha recibido el dinero
00:12:25amigo le he estado dando tu parte a Luis no amigo no lo hiciste buen intento no este tiempo se lo he estado dando a
00:12:30Luis te lo he estado ocultando deberĂ­as preguntarle
00:12:32Se lo diste a Luis claro que sĂ­ oh sĂ­ sĂ­ sĂ­ Luis sĂ­ sĂ­ un chico bajito
00:12:38Musculoso con bigote es el Luis mi de seis pies y tiene una gran barriga o es el Luis
00:12:44sabes que el ĂĄrgate de aquĂ­ maldito mentiroso de mierda estĂĄ bien lo merezco me dijiste algunos apodos pero bueno oye
00:12:51Amigo porque deberĂ­a ayudarte
00:12:54Rocky Apolo sepĂĄrense
00:12:58Vamos hombre que le pasa este tipo vamos tarado
00:13:02Wow April April espera
00:13:05Porque no vienes conmigo vamos te dejar entrar no gracias Tony oye no te gustan los italianos
00:13:11Simplemente no salgo con tipos que no se bañan regularmente es una perra así como lo oíste
00:13:25Oye porque siempre te metes en peleas hombre hombre no lo sé bueno quieres escuchar algo gracioso si
00:13:32Sabes que Tony fue un marĂ­n verdad no puede ser
00:13:36Que si estĂĄ dando una gira no entiendo yo le entiendo la tiene como un caballo quiero decir es enorme
00:13:43Y es que tiene una tercera pierna o wow oye como sabes eso amigo lo hace desfilar por los vestidores lo arrastra
00:13:50Y la no me mires a mĂ­
00:13:52Will tĂș no no no no mira cuando estoy en los vestidores me concentro en lo que tengo que hacer no miro no es nuevo y
00:13:58Definitivamente no miro fijamente de acuerdo lo entiendes dios
00:14:09AhĂ­ estĂĄ
00:14:14Dios mĂ­o espera que
00:14:19SĂ­ hijos de perra si no ves esa mierda
00:14:23Espera Tony Spaghetti entro con su culo
00:14:25No se ustedes pero yo voy a ir a tomarme una cerveza y voy a tener mi propia fiesta vienen
00:14:31Si iré contigo dios mío
00:14:34Espera un minuto quieres decir que soy la Ășnica persona que le ha visto el pene en serio si me voy terminĂ©
00:14:42Oye jefe oye jefe que eres un experto del alcohol cierto
00:14:48Bueno pues necesito emborracharme y rĂĄpido y al mejor precio que tienes para mĂ­ corte malta
00:14:54Esto te pondrĂĄ borracho por tres dĂłlares muy bien a eso me referĂ­a dame lo
00:14:59Tiene alguna cerveza chica
00:15:10Tiene alguna cerveza
00:15:17No lo puedo creer gracias papi
00:15:21Malta extra
00:15:27Qué harån esta noche
00:15:29Trataremos entrar al club
00:15:34CuĂĄl club
00:15:36El club muerte
00:15:39EscĂșchame no quieres entrar ahĂ­
00:15:41Amigo déjame
00:15:42Es un lugar depravado y maligno
00:15:43Si por eso queremos ir ahĂ­
00:15:45No escĂșchame si valoran sus almas no pondrĂĄn un pie cerca de ese infierno
00:15:48Es un vĂłrtice del mal hogar de las putas de satanĂĄs
00:15:51Escucha Moisés que tal si pagamos y nos vamos de aquí
00:15:53Chicos pĂĄguenle vĂĄmonos
00:16:00Por el amor de Dios escĂșchenme se enfrentarĂĄn a mil años de oscuridad si no lo hacen
00:16:04Lo sé porque soy una señal
00:16:07Regresaremos al tercer planeta desde el sol asĂ­ que buenas noches
00:16:11EscĂșchenme soy una señal
00:16:13Soy una señal escĂșchenme
00:16:15Qué le pasa estå loco
00:16:17El tipo necesita una novia
00:16:21Qué le pasa que fue todo eso
00:16:23Creo que ese loco piensa que necesitamos a JesĂșs o algo
00:16:27Sigue bebiendo asĂ­ y vas a ver a JesĂșs
00:16:30Como sea hombre solo vĂĄmonos
00:16:52Qué carajos estås haciendo
00:16:56Oye vamos tengo que orinar
00:17:00Vamos no tengo todo el maldito dĂ­a vamos vamos
00:17:05Carajo abre ya
00:17:09Oh mierda
00:17:31ÂżVida has visto a Tony?
00:17:33ÂżEstĂĄ en el horario de hoy?
00:17:34Lo vi anoche
00:17:36En el club
00:17:37¿En serio? ¿Con quién estaba?
00:17:38Con nadie
00:17:39Oh bien
00:17:40¿Por qué? ¿Te gusta?
00:17:42Para nada
00:17:43Oh vamos rĂ­ndete
00:17:45Sí ¿Qué se traen ustedes?
00:17:47Estoy divorciada desde hace tres años tengo a mi sobrina
00:17:50Bueno a juzgar por lo que he escuchado por ahĂ­
00:17:53Escuché que él puede llenarla
00:17:55Mira dejemos este tema
00:17:57Escucha hoy comienza una chica nueva
00:18:00Dile a todos que la ayuden
00:18:01ÂżChica nueva?
00:18:02Sí ella estå bien en el baño cambiåndose
00:18:04¿Por qué siempre capacito a todos?
00:18:05Porque eres mi mejor mesera
00:18:07Oh ahora que has aguantado tanto ÂżCĂłmo se llama?
00:18:10Judy Jackson
00:18:11ÂżJudy Jackson?
00:18:16Ven aquĂ­ quiero que conozcas a alguien
00:18:19Judy ella es vida
00:18:20Ella te capacitarĂĄ y te pondrĂĄ al dĂ­a
00:18:22ÂżEres Judy verdad?
00:18:25ÂżTienes alguna experiencia?
00:18:26Oh trabajé en una librería
00:18:28Oh bien eso es un no
00:18:30No te preocupes aprendo rĂĄpido
00:18:32ÂżEres nueva en la ciudad?
00:18:33Sí recién llegada
00:18:34ÂżDe dĂłnde eres?
00:18:36Ohio ÂżVienes aquĂ­ para ser una estrella?
00:18:38No nada de eso
00:18:39ÂżEres una ladrona de bancos fugitiva?
00:18:43Estoy jugando contigo
00:18:45Ven aquĂ­
00:18:46Escucha es muy simple
00:18:49Vas a entrenar conmigo esta noche y lo dominarĂĄs en poco tiempo
00:18:52Bien excelente
00:18:53Vamos a ver ÂżCuĂĄndo llegaste a la ciudad?
00:18:55Ayer en realidad
00:18:56Oh ÂżDĂłnde te alojas?
00:18:58AlgĂșn lugar llamado Hotel Starlight
00:19:00Ay Dios Judy ese lugar es un nido de ratas
00:19:03La mitad de los que salen de ahĂ­ lo hacen con una etiqueta en el dedo
00:19:05Yo sé
00:19:06Es la central de prostitutas ÂżEstĂĄ bien?
00:19:08SĂ­ pero es barato
00:19:09Sí las putas también
00:19:10SĂ­ no tengo mucho dinero en este momento
00:19:13AsĂ­ que vine por impulso ÂżSabes cĂłmo es eso?
00:19:15Te voy a ayudar
00:19:16Oh muy bien
00:19:19Vas a quedarte conmigo y April esta noche
00:19:21Oh no
00:19:23No porque no voy a poder dormir sabiendo que estĂĄs durmiendo en un hoyo de ratas
00:19:27No aceptaré un no por respuesta
00:19:29Bien gracias
00:19:30Muy bien vamos a trabajar
00:19:32Bien entonces ¿Quién es April?
00:19:34Oh April es mi compañera de cuarto la conocerås
00:19:37Muy bien ¿Por qué no me ayudas con la salsa?
00:19:46ÂżEn serio Bea?
00:19:50Oye anoche te di una llave
00:19:53EstĂĄs interrumpiendo mi programa
00:19:57Perdón lo olvidé
00:19:58Vamos Judy
00:19:59No te preocupes
00:20:00AquĂ­ es
00:20:02Hola cariño
00:20:03Hogar dulce hogar
00:20:04Oh Dios mĂ­o chicas realmente aprecio esto
00:20:06No hay problema dame tus cosas
00:20:08Te las devolveré
00:20:09Es lo que hacemos
00:20:10Nuestra compañera de cuarto nos dejó así que puedes quedarte no hay problema
00:20:13Oh gracias realmente me salvaron la vida
00:20:15Oye lo intentamos
00:20:17¿Qué estås haciendo aquí por cierto? ¿Buscando el estrellato?
00:20:20Oh no yo no solo estoy buscando un comienzo
00:20:24Yo vine aquĂ­ por el estrellato
00:20:26ÂżEn serio? ÂżHas estado en algo?
00:20:28Oh una vez me postulé para Grace Anatomy
00:20:30SĂ­ aunque ella no la veĂ­a
00:20:32Mira puedes regresar a la cocina si quieres
00:20:35Lo lamento
00:20:36Estuvo muy cerca hubo un momento muy
00:20:38Muy cerca
00:20:39Yo estaba allĂ­ me sentĂ­ como el personaje
00:21:20Oh Dios mío chicas este lugar es un manicomio no sé cómo hacer
00:21:23Oye tuviste suerte hacemos banco en este lugar
00:21:25solo usa jeans ajustado
00:21:26Jeans ajustado
00:21:27SĂ­ y tus propinas se aumentan un 20%
00:21:29como un botĂ­n de tesoro
00:21:30tienes que estar bromeando
00:21:31esta verdad
00:21:32No en serio cuando comencé a trabajar ahí pensé que tenía que estar cómoda ¿No?
00:21:35Ai error
00:21:36Tiene que mostrarle lo que tienes
00:21:39Es como ser una stripper sin las tetas y barra
00:21:41You can always count on a man who is a pervert.
00:21:43He has regular clients for his suit.
00:21:45Oh, well, it looks like I'm going to have to leave him and accept the cut.
00:21:48As you wish, more for me.
00:21:49Well, you know, I think I'm going to bed, girls.
00:21:51I'm in overtime.
00:21:54Jackson, we have to know everything about you.
00:21:57Yes, boring.
00:21:58Who moved to Hollywood without knowing how to act?
00:22:00That's personal, girls.
00:22:02I can take you back to the prostitute center.
00:22:04Oh, well, okay.
00:22:07I came for a boy.
00:22:08A boy I was in Cleveland with.
00:22:10And he messed with someone else.
00:22:13Let me guess.
00:22:14He told you until you got there?
00:22:16No, it's okay.
00:22:17Yes, but it's okay.
00:22:18I'll get over it.
00:22:19We have to fix that dog.
00:22:21We can puncture his tires.
00:22:23No, seriously.
00:22:24It's okay.
00:22:25Seriously, I'm going to bed.
00:22:28That's what we do.
00:22:29That's it.
00:22:30We puncture tires.
00:22:31It's not like that.
00:22:32We should do it.
00:22:33I have nothing to do in the morning.
00:22:35Well, then stay awake.
00:22:37I'm going to bed.
00:22:38That's it.
00:22:54Hey, buddy.
00:22:55What are you doing?
00:22:57Calm down, buddy.
00:22:58It's not Halloween.
00:22:59I've seen dentists put on vampire implants.
00:23:02Buddy, you need a life.
00:23:04What are you going to do about it?
00:23:05I don't know.
00:23:06Maybe hit you?
00:23:09Buddy, what's wrong with your eyes?
00:23:15Buddy, buddy.
00:23:16It's okay.
00:23:17Calm down.
00:23:22What the hell was that?
00:23:24Just another night in Hollywood.
00:23:26Yes, girls.
00:23:27Don't worry.
00:23:28It always happens.
00:23:32Yes, I really appreciate it.
00:23:34Let me know if you have any news.
00:23:35Well, goodbye.
00:23:38You know what, man?
00:23:39What's up?
00:23:40I feel lucky tonight.
00:23:42Club Muerte?
00:23:43What else?
00:23:44The numbers have been against me.
00:23:46I'm going late.
00:23:48Why not?
00:23:49Where are you going, guys?
00:23:50I'm going to bed.
00:23:51I'm going to bed.
00:23:52I'm going to bed.
00:23:53I'm going to bed.
00:23:54I'm going to bed.
00:23:55I'm going to bed.
00:23:56I'm going to bed.
00:23:57I'm going to bed.
00:23:58Where are you going, guys?
00:23:59We're going in today.
00:24:00It's Club Muerte.
00:24:01A nightclub.
00:24:02The most exclusive club in Los Angeles.
00:24:05Can I go?
00:24:06As you wish.
00:24:07I'm just going because it's directly to my house.
00:24:09Oh, my God.
00:24:12New girl.
00:24:42I'm here.
00:24:43Oh, my God.
00:24:44That dress.
00:24:45Wait for the jacket, girl.
00:24:47I look like an 80's girl.
00:24:49Mary Jane Girls.
00:24:51Meet Sheila.
00:24:53Call me Shine, darling.
00:24:54Let me see.
00:24:56Yes, well, you look gorgeous in red, alive like hell on fire.
00:25:00We'll definitely find you a rocker tonight.
00:25:03Oh my God, I look fat.
00:25:04You really just asked me that.
00:25:06One more thing, wait.
00:25:09Uh-huh, uh-huh, good.
00:25:12Oh, that's perfect.
00:25:14We'll work on that.
00:25:15Hey, Priscilla.
00:25:17Oh my God, why aren't you ready yet?
00:25:20As soon as I take off my turban, we'll be ready.
00:25:22I'm not sure about this, girls.
00:25:24I feel very uncomfortable.
00:25:26You're not supposed to feel uncomfortable.
00:25:28Yes, much more important than looking good, honey.
00:25:30Looking good is feeling good.
00:25:32Yes, I definitely won't sit down and not pee tonight.
00:25:35I know, my heels hurt.
00:25:36I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow, but I look good, you know?
00:25:40Get out of there.
00:25:50Oh my God.
00:25:52April, you are officially the fashion teacher.
00:25:56I thought I told you I could do it.
00:25:59Are you sure it's not much?
00:26:10Welcome to Hollywood.
00:26:14We'll definitely find a gal.
00:26:16Maybe for me.
00:26:17Yes, we can download this to find something.
00:26:21Come on, man.
00:26:22You know what?
00:26:23We've tried our best.
00:26:24I'm not sure about this, but here we are.
00:26:26Haha, guys, I need cigarettes.
00:26:28I want some mints.
00:26:29Well, let's go.
00:26:30Ugh, whatever.
00:26:33Hey, watch out for Gus.
00:26:35Get ready to be saved.
00:26:45Give me a pack of Ultra Cigarettes.
00:26:50How much is this?
00:26:53Fifty cents.
00:27:04Is something wrong?
00:27:06Where are you going?
00:27:07It's none of your business.
00:27:08I wasn't talking to you.
00:27:10I said, where are you going, girl?
00:27:12Um, to a place called Death Club.
00:27:15In the name of all the sacred, you can't go there.
00:27:17It's the door to hell.
00:27:19Calm down, pal.
00:27:21If you let her in, he'll come.
00:27:25All right, weirdo.
00:27:27I'm out of here.
00:27:28Is everyone coming?
00:27:29Resist him!
00:27:30Resist him!
00:27:31You must resist him!
00:27:32Hey, you need to relax, man.
00:27:33You're scaring that girl.
00:27:34Resist him!
00:27:36Let go of my arm.
00:27:39Take this.
00:27:40It will be your only defense.
00:27:42If you don't let go, I'll use it on you.
00:27:46It wouldn't work.
00:28:04So, have you entered?
00:28:06Not even close.
00:28:08How many times have you been here?
00:28:10Let me see.
00:28:12Every Friday and Saturday.
00:28:1452 weeks in a year.
00:28:16That's 110 times, more or less.
00:28:19Ask Scott.
00:28:20How many times have you been here?
00:28:25Maybe 400 times.
00:28:26It can't be.
00:28:41Shit, there she is.
00:28:45Who is she?
00:28:46It's the lady.
00:28:47Shut up.
00:29:16You're inside.
00:29:23Wait, what?
00:29:24You're inside.
00:29:25Welcome to the Death Club.
00:29:28Great, stay my friends.
00:29:33Yeah, we're friends.
00:29:35Just you.
00:29:36Oh, okay.
00:29:37No, thanks.
00:29:38What are you doing?
00:29:41Well, I came with them, so it's not okay.
00:29:43You're my guest.
00:29:44I insist.
00:29:46Oh, no, I just don't want to go in alone.
00:29:48Come on, guys, come on.
00:29:49Very well.
00:29:51Your friends can come in.
00:29:54We just got in.
00:29:55We did it.
00:29:56It's our night.
00:29:57Judy has the touch.
00:29:58It's our night.
00:30:01You can't be.
00:30:02She's my new best friend.
00:30:04All of you are witnesses.
00:30:05I'm going to fuck tonight.
00:30:07Oh my God, what?
00:30:08Here we go.
00:30:13Oh my God.
00:30:16What is this?
00:30:19Can you believe this shit?
00:30:20Are you serious?
00:30:42This is what I was talking about.
00:30:46Welcome to the Death Club.
00:30:48There's a bar free.
00:30:49Did you say free bar?
00:30:50Is it free?
00:30:53I love you.
00:30:54I love you too.
00:30:55This is going to be my death.
00:30:56Let's go, let's go.
00:30:59Oh my God, this place is amazing.
00:31:03I don't understand.
00:31:04Understand what?
00:31:05My friends have been here for a year.
00:31:08And my first attempt to enter.
00:31:10Why is that?
00:31:11You're special.
00:31:12But they're not.
00:31:14Oh, wait.
00:31:16How am I special?
00:31:17Let's say I have a gift.
00:31:19I can see through people
00:31:21who they really are.
00:31:24Oh, so you're like clairvoyant or something?
00:31:27You could call it that.
00:31:29Let's sit at my table.
00:31:38Gin and tonic.
00:31:39In fact, who do we want to trick?
00:31:41What are three?
00:31:43For me, let me see.
00:31:44What's that over there?
00:31:47Let me see.
00:31:48Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:31:49What's that?
00:31:51Black bamba?
00:31:52Yes, give me that with ice.
00:31:53Do it fast.
00:31:55How are you?
00:31:56Yes, we follow him.
00:31:57Calm down.
00:31:59I am, I am.
00:32:06Waiter, three more.
00:32:12I'm going to enjoy here.
00:32:13I know I will.
00:32:29Take a look at her.
00:32:31Oh, really?
00:32:33Man, look at her.
00:32:34She'll break your heart in half.
00:32:37Hey, give me another of those black bambas.
00:32:39Look, look, she's looking at me.
00:32:40She's looking at me.
00:32:41Who's looking at who?
00:32:42Yes, of course.
00:32:44Hey, look at this.
00:32:45That sexy girl over there.
00:32:46Scott thinks she's looking at him.
00:32:48We need your point of view, man.
00:32:49Let's go.
00:32:51Long legs.
00:32:52Killer face.
00:32:54And blind.
00:32:56Because she's actually looking at Scott.
00:32:58Damn, she looks tight.
00:33:02Are you serious?
00:33:05I'm going in.
00:33:08Very good.
00:33:09This will be good.
00:33:13There you are.
00:33:14Here I am.
00:33:15My name is Scott Chau.
00:33:18I noticed you were looking at me.
00:33:20Why wouldn't I?
00:33:22Do you want to dance?
00:33:24First, I'd like to have a drink.
00:33:26Could you bring me a drink, Scott?
00:33:27Oh, yes.
00:33:28Aren't you going to ask me something?
00:33:31What I want.
00:33:35What do you want?
00:33:36A Bloody Mary.
00:33:37Of course.
00:33:38Of course.
00:33:39I'll be right back.
00:33:40You stay here.
00:33:41Right here.
00:33:45I'll be right back.
00:33:47I'll be right back.
00:33:48I'll be right back.
00:33:49I'll be right back.
00:33:50I'll be right back.
00:33:51I'll be right back.
00:33:52I'll be right back.
00:33:53I'll be right back.
00:33:54I'll be right back.
00:33:55I'll be right back.
00:33:56I'll be right back.
00:33:57I'll be right back.
00:33:58I'll be right back.
00:33:59I'll be right back.
00:34:00I'll be right back.
00:34:01I'll be right back.
00:34:02I'll be right back.
00:34:03I'll be right back.
00:34:04I'll be right back.
00:34:05I'll be right back.
00:34:06I'll be right back.
00:34:07I'll be right back.
00:34:08I'll be right back.
00:34:09I'll be right back.
00:34:10I'll be right back.
00:34:11I'll be right back.
00:34:12I'll be right back.
00:34:15I'll be right back.
00:34:17I'll be right back.
00:34:18I'll be right back.
00:34:19I'll be right back.
00:34:21I'm his girlfriend.
00:34:24Ah, this club really goes to her face.
00:34:26What's the matter?
00:34:27No one wants to dance with me.
00:34:29Well, you could convince me.
00:34:32Of dancing?
00:34:35Come on.
00:34:45Don't worry, they're good, good, good, good, good.
00:35:15No, she doesn't drink.
00:35:17How did you know?
00:35:18I told you I can read through people.
00:35:20Yeah, but how do you make money with free bar? I mean, you must be spending a fortune every night.
00:35:26This is not a business, it's a party.
00:35:29A party?
00:35:32Damn, how do you keep something like this every night?
00:35:36I bought IBM for a dollar, Microsoft for 50 cents.
00:35:41Oh my god, so you definitely have enough.
00:35:45At least for four lives.
00:35:51I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:35:52Okay, I guess my night is over.
00:35:55No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come to my office, I have something that will fit you perfectly.
00:36:21I have to drain my toilet.
00:36:23Oh, I don't think you have a toilet, unless you haven't told me.
00:36:26Hey, don't be an idiot.
00:36:28But I'm an idiot.
00:36:30Hey, is there a bathroom around here?
00:38:01Oh my god.
00:38:53Hey, I ... I ... You'll never believe what I just saw.
00:38:56What's wrong?
00:38:57I was... I was going to the bathroom and when I came out I saw a... a coffin.
00:39:04Well, there were coffins. What are you saying?
00:39:08I'm saying that's weird, isn't it? It's creepy, it's strange.
00:39:12Life is called club death. What did you expect?
00:39:16Oh my God. It doesn't matter.
00:39:27Oh my God.
00:40:01I'm Vigo.
00:40:02I'm Aprin.
00:40:03You're exquisite. Where are you from?
00:40:08A local girl?
00:40:09I was born and raised here.
00:40:11Would you honor me with a dance?
00:40:14Yes. Sure.
00:40:27I was born and raised here.
00:40:30Would you honor me with a dance?
00:40:33Yes. Sure.
00:40:35Would you honor me with a dance?
00:40:38Yes. Sure.
00:40:40Would you honor me with a dance?
00:40:43Yes. Sure.
00:40:45Would you honor me with a dance?
00:40:48Yes. Sure.
00:40:50Would you honor me with a dance?
00:40:53Yes. Sure.
00:40:55Would you honor me with a dance?
00:40:58Yes. Sure.
00:41:00Would you honor me with a dance?
00:41:03Yes. Sure.
00:41:05Would you honor me with a dance?
00:41:09Yes. Sure.
00:41:11Would you honor me with a dance?
00:41:16I told you we'd be together.
00:41:18Would you honor me with a dance?
00:41:21Yes. Sure.
00:41:27You won't believe the connections I'm making here.
00:41:30I've never met so many agents in my life.
00:41:34I think it's the cap.
00:41:35Listen, I don't care about connections or agents.
00:41:38There's something wrong with this place, I assure you.
00:41:42Something's wrong?
00:41:44What the hell are you talking about?
00:41:46Everything's fine. Look around you.
00:41:48This is perfect.
00:41:49There's nothing wrong with this place.
00:41:51There's nothing wrong with this place.
00:41:52It's never been better.
00:41:53Seriously, do you know how long it took us to get in here?
00:41:56God, come on.
00:41:57I'm telling you.
00:41:58Cheer up, girl.
00:41:59Hold on, I'm telling you, it's just...
00:42:00Fine, look, look, look.
00:42:01There's Willie.
00:42:02Wait, look, look.
00:42:03Besides that, I'll tell you that I met a sexy Asian girl.
00:42:08She's way above me.
00:42:10No, no, no. Stop laughing.
00:42:11She works for Tom Hanks.
00:42:13How about that?
00:42:14Excellent. Where is she?
00:42:16I don't know. Probably at the club or something.
00:42:18I'm telling you.
00:42:19Something's wrong.
00:42:20Something just isn't...
00:42:22Here she comes, here she comes.
00:42:24There you are!
00:42:25I thought I'd lost you.
00:42:31Hey, how are you?
00:42:35Oh, life.
00:42:36Sony, Sony.
00:42:38Hi, life.
00:42:40Are we going to make a trio?
00:42:43Oh my God, no.
00:42:45Serve yourselves.
00:42:47You'll miss it.
00:42:51Very well.
00:42:59How are we, dear?
00:43:02Well, it fits me perfectly.
00:43:04I mean, it's not exactly something I'd wear, but at least it's dry.
00:43:09You forgot something.
00:43:22Good. Let's see.
00:43:35Well, it's a little wild, but it looks good.
00:43:39You'll fit better down there.
00:43:43Have you seen my cross?
00:43:45Your what?
00:43:46My bracelet.
00:43:47It has a cross on it.
00:43:48Have you seen it?
00:43:50I haven't.
00:43:56It smells like something burning.
00:43:58It smells like something burning.
00:44:00It smells like something burning.
00:44:02It smells like something burning.
00:44:04It smells like something burning.
00:44:06This place is so old that it was built in the 40s.
00:44:10It's probably electricity again.
00:44:27Oh, God.
00:44:29God, is that blood?
00:44:31Oh, shit.
00:44:33Okay, I'm leaving. That's all.
00:45:12Oh, God.
00:45:13Oh, God.
00:45:16What the hell is that?
00:45:34Oh, shit.
00:45:35You know what I like about you, Sonny?
00:45:37You go straight to the point.
00:45:38Don't be so stupid.
00:45:39It's to get to know us better.
00:45:44Look, right now, most guys wouldn't respect you.
00:45:47The rarer you are, the more likely you are to be a whore.
00:45:52I love suspense.
00:45:57Oh, shit.
00:46:00You chose a tasty one.
00:46:03Thank you, teacher.
00:46:04What the hell are you?
00:46:05You know who I am.
00:46:07Virolacas, the prince of the undead.
00:46:11I'm a vampire.
00:46:21Look, weirdo.
00:46:22I don't know what the hell Sonny told you, but don't get me down like that, okay?
00:46:25I'm a man, no doubt about it, okay?
00:46:27The gay zone is over there, man.
00:46:29Relax, you're so cool.
00:46:34Fresh meat, dark and tasty.
00:46:38I'm going to give you the gift of eternal life.
00:46:43All you have to do is give your body and soul.
00:46:49And you will join the army of the undead.
00:46:53I work as a waiter.
00:46:54A little late for that, man.
00:46:56Relax and breathe.
00:46:59I'll do all the work.
00:47:03Oh, shit.
00:47:15It's being a very difficult meal.
00:47:23Oh, how am I going to get in there?
00:47:45Sonny, what's going on with you?
00:47:48God, phenomenal.
00:47:54Is something wrong?
00:47:57I'll see you later at the club.
00:47:59I have something to attend to.
00:48:01Oh, well.
00:48:03See you later.
00:48:24You've been pretty busy, haven't you?
00:48:26Look, I don't know what you're talking about, ma'am.
00:48:29You killed Conde Virolacas.
00:48:31Look, I didn't want to go to any nightclub of vampires or anything like that.
00:48:35Well, this isn't a nightclub.
00:48:38Then what the hell is it?
00:48:40It's a restaurant.
00:48:42A restaurant?
00:48:43Look, just get out of my way, okay?
00:48:56You broke my arm, bitch.
00:48:59Conde and I have been here a long time.
00:49:01Like 200 years.
00:49:03What do you want from me?
00:49:07Do you want to turn me into a vampire?
00:49:09Okay, do it, okay?
00:49:11Okay, I'm in, whatever.
00:49:14I don't think you're going to make it.
00:49:17The conclusion, Will, is that you're an idiot.
00:49:19And you're going to die like an idiot.
00:49:21You see, I have an option.
00:49:23Take a little, take a lot.
00:49:25Take a little, you live forever.
00:49:29Take a lot, you'll just be dead.
00:49:34Come on, come on.
00:49:37Running this club, I'm so busy that I skip meals.
00:49:43I'm going to eat now.
00:49:56Judy, hey.
00:50:00What happened to your dress?
00:50:02Oh, I had a little accident.
00:50:04Excuse me.
00:50:08Guys, we have to go.
00:50:09What's going on?
00:50:10Aren't you having a good time?
00:50:11No, I just found a coffin downstairs.
00:50:13I think I just drank someone's blood.
00:50:15And there's no exit in this place.
00:50:17I can't find an exit anywhere.
00:50:18We have to go.
00:50:19Honey, the exit is over there.
00:50:20No, it's not.
00:50:21I'm telling you, there's no exit.
00:50:22We have to go.
00:50:23Look, I'll show you.
00:50:25Did you just say coffin?
00:50:30Wait, where the hell is it?
00:50:32What the fuck?
00:50:34I told you it was here.
00:50:36I told you it wasn't.
00:50:39Come on, I told you.
00:50:54What did you say your name was?
00:50:57Oh, Calista.
00:50:58It's a beautiful name.
00:51:01What do you do during the day?
00:51:03Oh, party girl.
00:51:04I have it.
00:51:05No, really.
00:51:06I work in the Japanese market.
00:51:08Oh, yes.
00:51:09It's a time difference.
00:51:10But you must be making a lot of money.
00:51:12I'm fine.
00:51:17What do you do?
00:51:19Well, I'm an agent.
00:51:21Yes, I'm a talent agent.
00:51:23I work with big stars.
00:51:25Rose Crown, Beyoncé, the list goes on.
00:51:27It must be an interesting job.
00:51:30You know, it's stressful, but I love it.
00:51:33I think there's a lot of noise here.
00:51:37Oh, yeah.
00:51:38Do you want to get out of here?
00:51:40I know the owner of this place very well.
00:51:45Let's go upstairs.
00:51:48Thank God.
00:51:50It's time to play.
00:51:53What are you waiting for?
00:51:56Oh, my God.
00:51:57I must have you.
00:51:58You can have me forever.
00:52:04What does that mean?
00:52:05For eternity.
00:52:06Wouldn't you like that?
00:52:08I was thinking that maybe, well, only on the weekend, possibly.
00:52:14No, when I'm with a man, it's forever.
00:52:18Well, okay, hold on.
00:52:19We've known each other for 20 minutes.
00:52:21Aren't we going a little fast?
00:52:22Oh, so you think you're a hot guy.
00:52:25No, I'm a hot guy.
00:52:26I just can't be tied up.
00:52:28Well, then the accelerated life of a waiter is too much for me.
00:52:32What are you talking about?
00:52:33You're a waiter.
00:52:34No, I'm an agent.
00:52:36Where do you get this waiter thing?
00:52:38I know a lot.
00:52:40Seriously, what do you think you know about me?
00:52:42I know about the girl you left, Camille.
00:52:45Wait, wait, wait.
00:52:48How did you do that?
00:52:49How did I do what?
00:52:51You sounded just like her.
00:52:52Did you know her?
00:52:54How could I know Camille?
00:53:01I loved you, Scott.
00:53:03How do you do this?
00:53:04Why did you leave me?
00:53:06I loved you, Scott.
00:53:07How do you do this?
00:53:08Why did you leave me?
00:53:15What is this?
00:53:16Camille loved you.
00:53:18I know.
00:53:19You know she committed suicide.
00:53:20I know.
00:53:21You never told your friends.
00:53:24What are you?
00:53:25You're not answering my question, Scott.
00:53:27Why didn't you tell her?
00:53:29They loved her, okay?
00:53:30I didn't want them to hate me.
00:53:31You're a bad boy, Scott.
00:53:33You could have killed her too.
00:53:35I didn't know she would do something like that.
00:53:37How was I supposed to know?
00:53:38You could have put a gun to her head too.
00:53:41She never kissed you goodbye.
00:53:45Why are you doing this?
00:53:47I'll show you what could have happened.
00:53:50Let me out of here.
00:53:54What's going on?
00:53:59Oh my God, are you okay?
00:54:02I feel like I'm going to faint now.
00:54:04Up, up, up.
00:54:07It's not good.
00:54:13Well, that's disgusting.
00:54:15That's cute, very cute.
00:54:19Are you going to stand there?
00:54:21Yes, it's a good distance between the vomit and me, okay?
00:54:24Get your ass in here and help me with her.
00:54:26April, we'll take you to the bathroom to give you some water, okay?
00:54:29Take it.
00:54:32Hold her.
00:54:35To the bathroom, to the bathroom.
00:54:45What the hell is this?
00:54:47Wait, what?
00:54:48My God, look at her neck.
00:54:49What? What?
00:54:51I don't know.
00:54:53I don't know.
00:54:57Oh my God, those are vampire bites.
00:54:59Vampire bites, what?
00:55:02Judd, no.
00:55:03Vampires don't exist.
00:55:05How the hell do you explain that?
00:55:07Just calm down, okay?
00:55:08Shit, guys.
00:55:10Judd, don't worry about that now.
00:55:12Oh shit.
00:55:14Oh shit.
00:55:16Oh shit.
00:55:17Oh my God, what's going on?
00:55:20My God, he did something to me.
00:55:22I don't know what the hell is going on, but it has to be a fake mirror or something.
00:55:25Judy, let's go.
00:55:26Judy, let's go, help me.
00:55:29It's okay, let's go.
00:55:31It's okay, let's go.
00:55:32Let's go, Judy.
00:55:33It's okay.
00:55:36Let's go, Judy.
00:55:37It's too late.
00:55:38No, he's not there anymore.
00:55:42I'm dead, Judy.
00:55:45We have to get out of here.
00:55:46What are we going to do?
00:55:47We have to get out of here.
00:55:48We have to escape.
00:55:49There's no way out.
00:55:50Here's a fire alarm to get help.
00:55:52We have to call 911.
00:55:56Shit, there's no signal.
00:55:58Me neither, this place has to be made of iron or something.
00:56:00Guys, this can't be real.
00:56:01But it's real, it's very real.
00:56:03Why is this happening to us?
00:56:05To us?
00:56:06This is not about us, it's about you.
00:56:09Yes, we've been coming here for months and then on your first night, you come and just come in.
00:56:14But that's not my fault.
00:56:15But she chose you, why?
00:56:17Oh, I don't know, everything she said was that I was special.
00:56:21What does special mean?
00:56:22What does that mean?
00:56:23No, I don't know, I don't know.
00:56:25Guys, guys, guys.
00:56:26How am I supposed to know that?
00:56:27Remember when April went looking for cigarettes and he told us that if we came in here, he would come?
00:56:34If you let her in, he will come.
00:56:40I have no idea what that means, but all I know is that it has to do with you.
00:56:44With me?
00:56:45Wait, guys, don't leave me, wait.
00:56:47Guys, wait!
00:56:56Guys, don't leave me!
00:57:23Excuse me.
00:57:41Are you okay?
00:57:43I'm Mario.
00:57:44Are you hurt?
00:57:47No, no, I just can't find my friends.
00:57:49What's your name?
00:57:54Well, Judy, you're the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time.
00:58:02The lady chooses only the best.
00:58:05How do you know her?
00:58:06She's my mother.
00:58:08Oh, interesting.
00:58:11Oh, I think I should go.
00:58:13You don't want to go.
00:58:15Do you want to talk to me?
00:58:18Judy, don't go.
00:58:26I don't want to go.
00:58:28You want to know everything about me.
00:58:35I want to know everything about you.
00:58:39I see you've already met.
00:58:46Don't let him interrupt you.
00:59:12The night is beautiful.
00:59:15Are you okay?
00:59:22I can see the pain inside you.
00:59:24He hurt you.
00:59:29You weren't ready.
00:59:32No, I wasn't.
00:59:34He didn't understand.
00:59:37He knew he wanted to marry me.
00:59:39He just wanted to use you.
00:59:45You saved yourself.
00:59:49You had to do it.
00:59:52You had to wait for the right moment.
00:59:55I know.
00:59:56Does it bother you that I'm...
00:59:59Of course not.
01:00:05It's an advantage.
01:00:07It's an advantage.
01:00:11I don't know how this is possible.
01:00:13What do you mean?
01:00:16I feel closer to you than any other being.
01:00:20I feel the same.
01:00:25Something is happening to me.
01:00:28It's because I love you.
01:00:31I love you?
01:00:32I can't believe it.
01:00:34How could I love you?
01:00:38It doesn't matter how.
01:00:40But you do.
01:01:05There you are.
01:01:06Where the hell were you?
01:01:07Me? Where have you been?
01:01:08I looked for you everywhere.
01:01:09How are we going to get out of here?
01:01:10I don't know.
01:01:11I'm thinking.
01:01:12I'm thinking.
01:01:13I'm scared.
01:01:14I don't want to go out like this.
01:01:15It's okay.
01:01:16I'll think of something.
01:01:27I'm scared.
01:01:28I'm scared.
01:01:29I'm scared.
01:01:30I'm scared.
01:01:31I'm scared.
01:01:32I'm scared.
01:01:33I'm scared.
01:01:37Ellie, don't.
01:01:44Welcome to the club.
01:01:46Die, darling.
01:01:48Why are you doing this to us?
01:01:50You are getting in my way.
01:01:53You are getting ideas in your friend's head.
01:01:55Who? Judy?
01:01:56Yes, Judy.
01:01:57She is special.
01:01:58She has a destiny.
01:02:00What? You want to turn him into a monster like you?
01:02:07Do you spend your life doing jobs just to survive?
01:02:12Marry and have children that you can't afford?
01:02:15You'll end up in a second-rate elderly home, and your children won't even visit you.
01:02:21Who's the monster?
01:02:22Where are Will and Scott?
01:02:24Oh, Scott.
01:02:25Scott has boarded the ship.
01:02:27He looks very promising.
01:02:29Will, however, did not belong to the team.
01:02:32Let me guess.
01:02:33I'm next.
01:02:36All in due time.
01:02:38I have a wedding to prepare for now.
01:02:42Oh, I guess your invitation got lost in the mail.
01:02:59Oh, my life.
01:03:02I feel so bad.
01:03:03What? What do you need?
01:03:04Just do it. Make the pain go away.
01:03:07I don't- I don't want this shit.
01:03:09No, I can't make it go away.
01:03:12Yes you can.
01:03:14I can't.
01:03:20Oh my God. This is crazy.
01:03:22I'll be one of the condemned.
01:03:24This is crazy.
01:03:24Please, you have to kill me.
01:03:26There isn't much time left.
01:03:27Please, you have to do it. I'm too weak to do it.
01:03:30I can't!
01:03:32Life, I'm dying. It's not a murder, I'm already a dead man.
01:03:36Damn life, kill me!
01:03:38If you don't do it, I'll spend eternity in hell.
01:03:49Do it, do it right in the heart, okay?
01:03:52Do it.
01:03:54I can't, I can't.
01:03:56My God, life, are you my friend?
01:04:00Do you love me?
01:04:04Then do it, do it.
01:04:07Come on, life, please.
01:04:09You know what to expect if you don't do it.
01:04:11This is the only chance to be saved.
01:04:13Please, do it right now.
01:04:18Oh my God, forgive me.
01:04:20Oh my God, forgive me.
01:04:23Oh my God.
01:04:36Oh my God.
01:04:43Oh my God.
01:04:44Oh my God.
01:04:50Oh my God, Ellie.
01:04:53Oh my God.
01:05:01Oh my God.
01:05:08Oh my God, Ellie, oh my God.
01:05:14Oh my God.
01:05:44Oh my God.
01:06:07You're clean.
01:06:10Oh my God.
01:06:12You don't hear very well, do you?
01:06:14How the hell did you get here?
01:06:16The subway goes through here, I have my ways.
01:06:18Get me out of here.
01:06:20And your friends?
01:06:23And your friends?
01:06:24They left.
01:06:26And what about the girl?
01:06:27What girl?
01:06:28The chosen one.
01:06:31She's with the lady.
01:06:32Didn't he bite her?
01:06:33I don't know, he said something about a wedding.
01:06:36I arrived in time.
01:06:38For what?
01:06:40The lady has been waiting for the chosen one.
01:06:42A woman of purity.
01:06:44So that her son can bear.
01:06:46A woman of purity?
01:06:48She is caste.
01:06:49That's why she is the chosen one.
01:06:51Only a pure and virgin woman can have a vampire son.
01:06:56Do you want to get her pregnant?
01:06:58Your friend is about to become the mother of a dark prince.
01:07:01You see, these vampires have a hierarchical order, so to speak.
01:07:05A royal lineage.
01:07:06The lady is in line for a grandson to become the king of vampires,
01:07:09leading a kingdom of three million vampires.
01:07:12How do you know all this?
01:07:13Because I'm a sentinel.
01:07:15I know, you said it before.
01:07:17What does that mean?
01:07:18We are a select order whose job is containment.
01:07:21Here, for each vampire cell or group of vampires,
01:07:25you will find a sentinel waiting to respond.
01:07:28I am that sentinel.
01:07:37God, what are you?
01:07:38A kind of house of vampires or something like that?
01:07:40Something like that.
01:07:43You know, if you hadn't said all that crap,
01:07:46maybe people would really listen to you.
01:07:48It's not shit.
01:07:49It's a place of pure evil.
01:07:51Evil about which has been written for millennia in the scriptures.
01:07:55Yes, but Judy is a good person and she doesn't deserve this.
01:07:57Yes, but maybe I should have been a little more selective to know who I was with.
01:08:07We need protection.
01:08:10What are you doing?
01:08:11What is that?
01:08:12Just stay still.
01:08:15I need to do this.
01:08:20A part of garlic and a part of holy water.
01:08:26Damn it.
01:08:29I just want to get out of here.
01:08:31My job is not over yet.
01:08:34Work? I'm so scared.
01:08:36Just tell me how to get out of here.
01:08:38Through the subway system, but you would never make it.
01:08:40You would electrocute yourself. You don't know what you're doing.
01:08:43Hurry up. What is that? Is that a bomb?
01:08:49Plastic C4.
01:08:50Do what you do. Stay on this side of the room.
01:08:53Well, I like it.
01:08:54Turn it on and let's get out of here.
01:08:55I told you, my job is not over yet.
01:09:04Silence everyone. Silence.
01:09:09Oh God.
01:09:12Today is a glorious day for me.
01:09:15Finally a dream has come true.
01:09:19Today we will witness the union and consummation of my son's wedding.
01:09:25This is a special night.
01:09:27Take this.
01:09:28What is this?
01:09:29It's a detonator. It's armed and ready to work.
01:09:32Press the trigger.
01:09:33What? How do I open this? Hey!
01:09:35Give me a signal.
01:09:36Let's start the ceremony. We are fighting against the sun.
01:09:44Let the nuptial march begin.
01:10:03In the name of the grooms,
01:10:05I would like to thank all of you for being here tonight.
01:10:09In addition to witnessing the wedding vows,
01:10:12this is also a time to reflect on the great man down there.
01:10:16Tonight, my son Mario and Judy will be united in a great impure union.
01:10:25This is not taken lightly.
01:10:28This is not taken lightly.
01:10:30It is celebrated with reference and perpetuity.
01:10:35You will no longer be individuals.
01:10:38You will be one united by love and evil.
01:10:43Now, my favorite part.
01:10:46The rings.
01:10:49My parents used these rings.
01:10:52Now, I offer them to you, Mario.
01:10:57Repeat after me.
01:11:00This ring symbolizes our union for eternity.
01:11:03This ring symbolizes our union for eternity.
01:11:06For today, tomorrow, and all the centuries to come.
01:11:11You are my life partner, my beloved, my friend.
01:11:14With this ring, I will drink you.
01:11:16For today, tomorrow, and all the centuries to come.
01:11:20You are my life partner, my beloved, my friend.
01:11:25With this ring, I will drink you.
01:11:32Judy, repeat after me.
01:11:36This ring symbolizes our union for eternity.
01:11:39This ring symbolizes our union for eternity.
01:11:42For today, tomorrow, and all the centuries to come.
01:11:46You are my life partner, my beloved, my friend.
01:11:50With this ring, I will drink you.
01:11:52For today, tomorrow, and all the centuries to come.
01:11:57You are my life partner, my beloved, my friend.
01:12:01With this ring, I will drink you.
01:12:12Mario, Judy.
01:12:15Having witnessed your vows of love and faithfulness,
01:12:20it is a pleasure and a personal privilege for me to declare you man.
01:12:28No! Mario!
01:12:55Goose! Judy!
01:13:00Oh no!
01:13:15Come with me!
01:13:20Catch them!
01:13:26Judy! Goose!
01:13:28That way! Go!
01:13:29Go, go, go!
01:13:30Let's go!
01:13:57Die, you son of a bitch!
01:14:13That's mine, bitch!
01:14:20This way!
01:14:24Let's go, let's go, let's go!
01:14:29Let's go!
01:14:31Wait, there's life here!
01:14:32Let's go!
01:14:33Where are we going?
01:14:34To the roof!
01:14:35What are we doing?
01:14:36Saving your soul!
01:14:42Wait, what are we doing here?
01:14:55I'm very scared.
01:14:59Goose, we have some problems.
01:15:02Don't tell me.
01:15:03You killed my Mario!
01:15:05Just in time.
01:15:06Just in time?
01:15:10Do you think that wedding meant anything?
01:15:12That was just for me.
01:15:14You know how sentimental I am.
01:15:16The wedding was never complete.
01:15:18But it was consumed.
01:15:20She has the seed.
01:15:22My Mario has always been a taste.
01:15:25No! He never bit me!
01:15:27My son was never conventional, dear.
01:15:38Oh, God!
01:15:40Surrender, Goose!
01:15:43I won.
01:15:44You lost.
01:15:46Don't be a poor loser.
01:15:48Back, bitch!
01:15:49I don't have time for this!
01:15:52On my corpse!
01:15:59Let him go!
01:16:02She's not very pretty.
01:16:05The young vampire hunter.
01:16:07She's not very pretty.
01:16:10The young vampire hunter.
01:16:12Let them go!
01:16:13Quite a terrifying situation, isn't it?
01:16:17One shot.
01:16:20If you miss, you'll have to pay for hell.
01:16:23Don't look her in the eyes!
01:16:25I bet you've never used one of those before.
01:16:29But I did go to college with a scholarship, bitch.
01:16:40Ha, ha, ha...
01:17:31Would you like me to save your soul?
01:17:57How about a run?
01:18:00How about a run?
01:18:02Great, I agree.
01:18:04Can I have a bottle of Tropical Beach?
01:18:16It's $12.
01:18:19Where are you going tonight?
01:18:21To the club, to have some fun.
01:18:23What club?
01:18:24Club Death.
01:18:26Don't go in there.
01:18:28It's a portal to hell.
01:18:33Stay away or your souls will be lost.
01:18:36Listen to me, I'm the sentry.
01:18:38Listen to me, I'm the sentry!
01:18:41I'm the sentry!
