Inanimate Insanity III Episode 15 ''Blue Buried''

  • 4 days ago
00:00Big smiles, Indefinite! We're almost there!
00:04Couldn't we have just left in the morning?
00:07Nope! Meepo said the next rejoin challenge would be at 3 o'clock sharp!
00:12P.M.! Surely he meant P.M.!
00:14I'm not taking that chance!
00:16How did I get myself into this?
00:19Because you earned it, Blue Bear!
00:21Any one of us could have taken the boat to go home at any time!
00:24But we all said thanks, but no thanks!
00:26And stuck it out on Indefinite Island just for a shot to rejoin the game!
00:30But I stayed because I didn't want to ride a boat.
00:34And now I've been forced on board one.
00:36Boats are horrific affronts to nature.
00:39How do they float? Wizard magic?
00:42Remember our meditation training. Just breathe.
00:50H-hey! Everyone stay together!
00:54Whoa. You're all early.
00:55I'll go get Meephone.
00:58Why did he say that with authority?
01:00Oh, I guess we never mentioned. He became Meephone's new assistant.
01:04Ah, since when was that an option?
01:07It wasn't.
01:08Sweet, sweet land. I've never felt so alive.
01:14No, I have never once meant A.M.
01:18Is he?
01:19Oh, don't worry. He kinda just lies around not moving all the time. Totally normal.
01:25Yep. Uh, yeah. He's not breathing.
01:28It appears our dear friend Blueberry has been... picked off.
01:34Now, I'm pretty sure he's dead.
01:37One, two, three, go!
02:03I can't believe something like this could happen on our little island.
02:07I can. People die here all the time.
02:09Why are we suddenly being so precious about it?
02:12Yes, but it's usually some kind of wacky accident.
02:15The thought of being close to someone who would intentionally commit such a vile act, it's sickening.
02:21Welcome to my life.
02:22Listen, everyone. We refuse to start the rejoin challenge until someone please confesses to the murder. Okay?
02:30Oh, drat. So a flunky won't have the opportunity to undeservingly stumble back into the competition?
02:37I'm devastated.
02:38Sounds like someone had a motive.
02:41Sounds like someone's a little pitchy.
02:45Wait, your off-key accusations just gave me a brilliant idea.
02:48Each one of you current contestants will pair up with a former contestant to investigate.
02:54Once you all guess who done it, I'll revive Blueberry who can tell us what really happened.
02:59Whichever team accurately solves the mystery, its active contestant will win immunity,
03:04and its eliminated contestant will rejoin the competition.
03:08Uh, just one question. What if you were the murderer?
03:13Yang, is there something you'd like to share with the class?
03:17I'm just saying, that would be a problem since the murderer already knows who they are.
03:23It's a problem for a few other reasons too.
03:26Well, I refuse to reward a killer. If you suspect your teammate, call them out.
03:31You can only win if you figure out who did this AND you're not a murderer.
03:35There, does that work?
03:36That's a perfect solution.
03:38Thank you- Clover, when did you get here?
03:41I'm taking a break from my latest project because I've always wanted to become a detective.
03:46And wear that funny hat they wear. Ooh, count me in!
03:49No way! You had to stay on my very cool and moody island to get another chance at this competition.
03:55And she did not!
03:57I got this, Walkie. Okay, Clover, you think it's fair to get to compete?
04:01If you can get just one other person to agree...
04:06Shoot, forgot about the luck. Alright, you're in, whatever. Anything else?
04:10Yes, actually. Um, if I take myself out of contention to rejoin,
04:14could I be on a team with Bot?
04:17Hey, kinda feels like that'd give Bot an unfair advantage.
04:20Ugh, you're right. I approve. Okay, Floor, make the other teams. I don't really care about the rest.
04:27You're with Balloon. Uh, Yin-Yang. Uh, Cabby. Uh, Nickel.
04:33That Eldritch Horror should just be grateful Mifflin's permitted him to remain.
04:38You call a face on the ground Eldritch Horror? I'd sleep soundly if I had your nightmares.
04:43Candle! I assure you, I never let your gifts leave my side, and kept your flame alive.
04:51I see you've remained attached.
04:54Of course, just like you wanted. How are you, my dear?
04:59Ready. I've been biding my time knowing one more rejoin was coming.
05:03See, I had no interest in leaving the competition, but it was your arrogance that took me out.
05:09This is your chance to get me back in the game properly. Either way, I refuse to leave.
05:15Coming in a bit hard, are we?
05:18Cabby! Still hanging in there, I see. You've been making us Indefinites proud.
05:23All of you, huh?
05:25Yeah, this mystery should be no problemo for you. What with all the info you always jot down.
05:31Oh, about that. I kind of thought maybe I'd try... not relying on the files for a change.
05:37Really? How- how come?
05:39Now, I could have said I'm worried about reducing others to inaccurate depictions of themselves like I did with Bot.
05:46Instead, I said, oh, just wanted to mix things up.
05:52Yeah, yeah.
05:54Why wouldn't she use her files?
05:56It's like if I didn't use my safety kit when I twisted my ankle running into this confessional just now.
06:01Ugh, you gotta use what you got.
06:04Okay, Yin-Yang. I'm sorry, do you like being called Yin-Yang? Or is it weird to address you both simultaneously?
06:12Wow, we haven't even started and this guy's already confused himself.
06:16You know what, Yang? Normally I'd complain about you embarrassing me with your insensitive remarks.
06:23Okay, be normal then, loser!
06:25But I'm not going to, because I'm Dan!
06:28Dan? What do you mean, Dan?
06:31We were making real progress with mindful positioning, but ever since Kendo switched alliances, it's been all Yang all the time!
06:39No wonder Gu doesn't see us as a unit anymore!
06:42Oh, I wasn't trying to imply that I-
06:45You think I'm the murderer, don't you? Of course I don't think that! I know it!
06:50What did I do?
06:53Look, Nigel! Miphone generated the hat for me! It's so dumb! I love it!
06:58This is a waste of time! We all already know that you're a mass murderer, and the timing of your arrival was incredibly suspicious.
07:05Just fess up! Your luck did this so you could have another chance in the game!
07:09Oh, Nigel. Didn't you learn anything from my little gift?
07:13Sure did! I learned that the only reason anyone would ever care about me is if I had luck. It didn't help me at all.
07:19Don't you remember what I said when I wished you luck?
07:22One day, you, too, will learn to share the wealth. But if you were so focused on yourself that you never tried using the luck to help others, then, well, it sounds like that day never came.
07:33No! Th-that's crazy! I-I can't just make people like me!
07:37Sure you can! We don't have to hide behind snarky remarks! We all have agency in our own lives, Nigel!
07:44No... snark?
07:46You know, you didn't have to ask Miphone to put you on a team with me.
07:51Oh, I know you don't need me. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't get teamed up with someone else.
07:56Anyone in particular?
07:58Well, there's no need to name names, but it starts with a-
08:03No! Look at this little message in the sand right under Blueberry's hand! He must have started to write something beginning with-
08:10C.A.! Before losing consciousness! The name of his attacker! So it can only be C.A.B.B.I.!
08:18Or Candle?
08:19Oh yeah.
08:20It just felt so good to have the approval of the person it was hardest to get it from, you know?
08:26I'm proud of you, hun! Finally standing up for yourself! I had to learn that too!
08:33Yeah, the last rejoin challenge. I was so focused on helping Life Ring that I didn't think about myself!
08:39But that's what you have to do to win out here, and you can't feel guilty about it.
08:45Something about this crime scene just doesn't sit right with me.
08:48There's no murder weapon or even any visible wounds, so how could Blueberry have been killed?
08:54Slick sleuthing there, kid. That deserves a puff pastry bite.
08:58Mmm, don't mind if I do!
09:03Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I had to ration on Indefinite Island. It may not be all that fresh.
09:10Not all that fresh! This is inedible!
09:12What, are you trying to kill me?
09:17Oh, hehehe. He was sitting here?
09:20Yes. Now, wait for my signal...
09:26Too fast. I need the exact time it would have taken him to run to the scene.
09:31And you think that would help? I did have a theory I wanted to discuss.
09:36And you think you're allowed to question me?
09:39The theory can wait.
09:40Good. This shouldn't take much longer.
09:43She's had me run it 73 times!
09:46Too fast.
09:47Too slow.
09:48Too theatrical!
09:50Nonetheless, I shall stop at nothing to ensure her victory.
09:56The real mystery is who's waken up at 3am to enact a murder plot.
10:01Hmm, do you know who in this cast is a night owl? That'd make them more likely to be culpable.
10:06Ooh, uh, oh! I remember someone telling me they function best in pitch black darkness, and finding it very unhinged.
10:14But who was that?
10:16Hey! Surely you noted it down! Why don't you give the old records a check, huh?
10:20Lifering, I appreciate what you're trying to do, I'm just not sure if everyone's comfortable with my methods.
10:27It's better for everyone if I just try to memorize.
10:30You mean, you want to live your life like one big test? Cabinets?
10:34Tests are silly! It's not like real life doesn't let you refer to notes or ask questions!
10:39I suppose that's true.
10:41Everyone has things that work for them! It's important to use the tools you have!
10:45Perhaps I need to check in with someone. I think I'm stuck.
10:49You are stuck, Cabs! In a rut of self-doubt and second-guessing!
10:53No, I mean-
10:56I mean, I always put up some walls, but when Balloon turned suitcase against our alliance, that's when I laid out all the defenses.
11:03Was it Balloon that turned her? Or did she make an active choice to rebel against you?
11:08But that would mean it was my fault.
11:12You know, Nickel, with you, it really all goes back to agency.
11:16Accountability! It's the core of your issues, every time.
11:19Yeah. Yeah, it really is.
11:21Wait! The only reason I'm opening up to you right now is because-
11:24Yes, the luck! That really comes as no surprise anymore!
11:28But don't you also want to?
11:31Well, we should probably go back to solving that murder.
11:34Oh, yeah.
11:37Hey, did you bill me for today's session?
11:39No, the first is always free!
11:42Whoa, this must be a coded message! Wow! I'm a natural at this. Must be the hat.
11:48Just hear me out. Cappy isn't who you think she is.
11:52No, we're not who she thinks we are. In her eyes, we're just whatever she happened to write down about us. Accurate or not.
12:01Sometimes it's not accurate. I've seen that firsthand.
12:04But it's her process. It helps her.
12:06And the files don't stay the same forever. They can change. Just like us.
12:11Write that if you must. I have something else to write.
12:19Don't be alarmed! We've still only one death on our hands.
12:24T'was but a performance.
12:26Thank you. I was mortified.
12:28What do you think, Candle? Are we clear to move on?
12:31A shame you didn't wait for my signal. I didn't get any of that.
12:36Alright, that does it! I am giving everything I have to get you back in the game, my dear!
12:43But that's just it! I'm all out of everything! It's almost like you want me to stop existing only to best serve your needs!
12:51Not almost. That's exactly what I wanted to do.
12:55Come again?
12:56Silver, you can't let your regret over my elimination consume you.
13:00We did make for quite the duo, I agree. But you are not nothing without me.
13:07The teacher has remained the teacher.
13:10And she wants to hear your theory.
13:12Time's almost up! Start approaching my vicinity!
13:17Listen, Bot, I just wanted to ask you something about my files.
13:21No, Cappy. I'm sorry I made you think you needed permission to use something that helps you.
13:25But I completely mischaracterized you. You had a right to be offended.
13:30But we talked about it, and you listened. And I don't want you to forget that.
13:34I added some art, too. I'm more of a visual learner. Hope it helps.
13:39It's... you.
13:45Alright, everyone. Now talk us through this. Dun-da-dun! Who did you all suspect?
13:51Well, right by the body, we found two tiny letters in the sand. C-A.
13:56We believe that Blueberry was starting to spell out his attacker's name.
14:00That name, of course, being... Candle.
14:04Yes! Cappy's wheels are squeaky enough that one of us would have hurt her if she was moving around at night.
14:09Which left only one remaining option.
14:13Now that's what I call incriminating. Balloon and TK, go.
14:17It was clear to me that the body's exterior was unharmed.
14:21Therefore, I conclude that Blueberry was poisoned with an expired pastry.
14:25And the guilty party is someone who claimed to feel no guilt. T-Kettle!
14:31And when Balloon told me that, I thought it was such a ridiculous accusation that he had to be covering for himself.
14:37So I said Balloon.
14:38Wow, I thought you both would get along. Kind of a shame.
14:41I was having trouble moving forward in this investigation.
14:44But then I realized what was holding me back. Literally.
14:48All straight from the crime scene.
14:52That just proves I passed through the location, is all. What can I say? I'm a sticky guy.
14:58Oh, things are getting sticky, all right.
15:00Goo Goo Gaga over here just wanted a better chance at winning the rejoin.
15:04And what better prime target? This town ain't big enough for two blue blobs.
15:08The more blue blobs, the merrier.
15:10You seem real nervous, Gooey.
15:12It's just who I am, anxieties, and analogies. My two modes.
15:17Oh yeah? Well, we think you have a third mode. Murder mode!
15:22Beep beep, incoming murder!
15:24Well, get this. Clover and I decoded a message. There's a lot of nonsense meant to distract you.
15:31But, in the ninth row, you'll find a diagonal headed down and to the left that clearly reads...
15:41What's so funny?
15:42That's a word search I made for bot to keep them entertained on the boat ride.
15:46I like to solve without circling to make them harder.
15:49Can we get a do-over?
15:52It's Yang.
15:54What makes you say that?
15:57It's Yang! Free the open and shop case! Right, Goo?
16:00I'm scared. What would happen if I didn't agree so?
16:04Yes! You all have been thinking too small.
16:07It was not a contestant who did this. It's...
16:11The Floor!
16:12He knew that him still remaining on this island as MePhone's assistant would be a subject of controversy for the indefiniters.
16:20And sure enough, it was. Immediately upon our arrival.
16:24If their complaints continued, perhaps they'd convince MePhone to fire him.
16:28He needed to distract them with an even larger controversy.
16:31Plus, think about it, people. Where was Blueberry found?
16:35On the Floor! The answer's been beneath our feet all along!
16:40Very well. I will now revive Blueberry so we can get the truth.
16:49That won't be necessary.
16:52Because I was never dead to begin with.
16:58Allow me to explain.
17:00My goal was to rejoin the game while having to put in the least effort possible.
17:06Unfortunately, that required a lot of effort.
17:09But nature was on my side.
17:11I function best in pitch black darkness.
17:14I'm unhinged like that.
17:16Ugh! Really, you should have checked my file.
17:19But I needed some red herrings.
17:21So you wouldn't expect the Blueberry.
17:24Just before I ran off the boat, I bravely touched goo and smeared some on the ground by my seemingly lifeless body.
17:32I wrote CA because that was a great way to create two suspects in one.
17:38In actuality, the rest of it would have said,
17:41Can't figure it out.
17:43This is infuriating.
17:44Then, I just had to lie perfectly still.
17:48Something I naturally excel at.
17:51Couple that with Candle's meditation training,
17:54and I was able to remain breathless long enough to make even the most daring action star blush from inadequacy.
18:02So that's why there was no murder weapon!
18:04Because there was no murder!
18:06Yes, but what did you expect?
18:08Someone to just carelessly leave behind a knife?
18:10I mean, I've done it.
18:12Just a callback to Knife Season 2.
18:16I abandoned it all.
18:17Eh, you wouldn't get it.
18:19Wait, all of this would have been for nothing unless the rejoin contest was to solve your murder.
18:23How did you know MePhone would make that the challenge?
18:26Because whenever MePhone has a personal problem, he turns it into a challenge.
18:32It's so predictable and unhealthy.
18:35I like to think of it as multitasking.
18:38I designed a game that I couldn't lose.
18:41So to answer the question of who done it,
18:44I done it to myself.
18:46It's the perfect crime.
18:48My own.
18:50Start clapping.
18:52This is ludicrous! He can't win!
18:54Sure he can, and you know why?
18:56Because you all were supposed to figure out what really happened.
18:59But instead, you all blew it!
19:02Blueberry wins and can rejoin the game.
19:04All the rest of you eliminated.
19:06We'll see you in the finale, on the jury, where you will vote on who wins the competition.
19:12And anyone who didn't stay on indefinite is welcome to join too.
19:15I want them to see what they missed out on.
19:23And what are these for?
19:25I just don't need them anymore.
19:27And now, you can tend to your inner flame.
19:31I'm sorry you couldn't come back.
19:33What more could I ask this place to give me?
19:37I told you it wasn't me!
19:38So everything is still all about you, huh?
19:41I deserve to be able to clear my name!
19:44I, my, so self-absorbed, Blueberry!
19:48Allow me to formally reintroduce myself.
19:51Quiet now.
19:53My first target will be the one who brought about my defeat back in the beginning.
19:58It was all her idea.
20:00Join me, or suffer the consequences.
20:08Consider the teams randomized.
20:10It was all Cabby's idea, everybody.
20:12And that stuff doesn't come out easy.
20:14Oh no, Blue? The color of defeat?
20:17It's over. It's all over.
20:20Thanks, Cabby.
20:24Well, I will say, I do feel a little more comfortable knowing that no one here is an actual murderer.
20:29Maybe it says something about all of us, that we truly thought any one of us could be a killer.
20:35Yeah, I think it's saying you're all weak and easily fooled by the mastermind.
20:40How many victory laps are you going to take around the track, Blueberry?
20:43I'll keep running till they turn out the lights.
20:46Alright, if anyone has a glass of immunity milk and they want to drink it,
20:50I wouldn't say now would be the time to do so since it's gotten pretty old.
20:54But, you know, you still can.
20:59Would that be okay?
21:02Thanks for asking, loser.
21:06We will be using the milk to give to Cabby.
21:10What? Yang, are you sure?
21:12We wouldn't have gotten it in the first place without you.
21:15Now drink up!
21:17Sharing the wealth.
21:22Do I really have to drink the rest of the...
21:25I'll read the votes.
21:26First vote.
21:32Two votes Nickel.
21:34Yin Yang.
21:37Yin Yang.
21:38Two votes Nickel.
21:39Two votes Yin Yang.
21:43Yin Yang.
21:44Two votes Nickel.
21:45Three votes Yin Yang.
21:46One vote left.
21:48And the final vote is...
21:52Yin Yang.
21:53You are our 15th eliminated contestant.
21:56But, I thought...
21:58Once again, you thought what I wanted you to think.
22:02Now that we know the jury decides the winner, Yin Yang's just too big a threat.
22:06Literally, they could threaten everyone here and still be well-liked.
22:10It's true, and I am.
22:12Oh, I'm so sorry your selfless act was all for nothing.
22:16It wasn't for nothing. Yang and I had a personal victory, and that is worth celebrating.
22:22Just know, I run this game now.
22:26Hit me as hard as you can.
22:31Well, today we solved one mystery, but five fates are still uncertain.
22:36Who will live? Who will die?
22:38And who will remind me that I'm just high on the drama right now,
22:41and none of us are in any life-threatening danger here?
22:44Find out next time on...
22:46Inanimate Insanity Invitational!
22:51Inanimate Insanity Invitational
23:21I'm not talking to you.
23:23I'm talking to the criminals.
23:25Please, be the change I want to see in the world.
