• last year
00:00Hey, Moon Crew, what's going on?
00:03Today we are playing Blue Shark.
00:06This one's a 1978 light gun-ish style game from Midway.
00:13We're going to be shooting three types of sea creatures, and hopefully not shooting
00:16one other type of sea creature, namely the scuba diver.
00:19We'll be getting big money points, doing some point-based categories.
00:24This is actually a really early game, I mean any game from the 70s at this point is damn
00:29on ancient, but early, no blood, no guts, that didn't come until Mad Shark in 1980,
00:38so still pretty tame by most standards, and we're going to be precision shooting them.
00:44Here we go, team, let's get it done.
00:59Let's do it.
01:19Let's do it.
01:39Let's do it.
01:59Let's do it.
02:19Alright, not bad.
02:36See you next time, Moon Crew.