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The Sovereign’s Ascension [Yi Shi Du Zun] Episode 52
00:00《Purple Dragon Emperor's Residence》
00:06《Purple Dragon Emperor's Residence》
00:08《Purple Dragon Emperor's Residence》
00:17天下竟为棋局 The world is like a game of chess
00:20赤子黑白不明一如此局 Black and white are like a game of chess
00:23我当先行 I will go first
00:39世人惶惶 谈名书 The world is in a panic, talking about the book of life
00:43不知谁人执掌 Who knows who is in charge?
00:47天不光 自当洒他 The sky is not bright, so I should scatter him
00:51张剑狂歌 With my sword and my song
00:54五宗龙马 祖塔灵效好清 The five-starred dragon horse, the ancestral tower is bright and beautiful
00:57八千战天灵绝 百宝指点 The eight-starred war god is great, the white dragon is the guide
01:01水剑万箭 请与我手一笔 Please give me your hand to cut the ten thousand swords
01:05勾画水月 此卷书情章 Drawing the water and the moon, this scroll is the love letter
01:10这一句解迷途 谁能明悟 Who can understand this puzzle?
01:13乱世众世陌入 落子在何处 Where am I?
01:18龙铭染血 赏与我 月是一痕 却不能辜负 The dragon and the moon are in the snow, the moon is a regret, but I can't let it go
01:25藏剑不封脸 自决绝 问剑心陷入天 The sword is not sealed, so I have no choice but to ask the sword
01:30一人斩翅燕 龙腾月满而上 The dragon and the moon are full of wounds
01:35这一句我伴此生天 This sentence is what I want to say to the heaven
01:40这一句我伴此生天 This sentence is what I want to say to the heaven
02:01这边 This way
02:02不行 No
02:03这边 This way
02:04也不行 No
02:06这边 This way
02:08怎么还有槌阳弓啊 Why is there a Chuyang bow?
02:12诺大的灵霄剑阁 I can't even find a suitable weapon for my sword
02:21你是剑阁弟子 Are you a disciple of the Sword Pavilion?
02:26我是 I am
02:28你是谁啊 Who are you?
02:30你这小伙子看着白白净净 You look so innocent
02:33书扔得到处都是 The books are all over the place
02:35这要是弄脏了 If it gets dirty
02:37你让其他弟子怎么戒阅 How are you going to teach other disciples?
02:40抱歉抱歉 I'm sorry
02:41我马上收拾 I'll clean it up right away
02:46请问您是 May I ask who you are?
02:47玄武殿执事 I'm the director of Xuanwu Hall
02:54原来是执事前辈 You are the director
02:55弟子刚才多有得罪 I'm sorry for offending you just now
02:58态度不错 You have a good attitude
03:00敢问执事 May I ask you a question?
03:01玄武殿一层的功法是否就只有这些 Is this the only skill in Xuanwu Hall?
03:04大差不差吧 It's not bad
03:06有的已经被弟子戒走了 Some have been taken away by the disciples
03:10不过 But
03:11倒还有一本未记录在案 There is another book that has not been recorded
03:14前辈可知这本书在哪 Do you know where this book is?
03:17我得找找 I have to look for it
03:19未记录在案 It has not been recorded
03:21难道是传说中的隐藏秘籍 Is it a legendary secret book?
03:29就是这本了 That's it
03:31啊 地眼捉脚的 Ah, it's for catching feet
03:33是啊 Yes
03:34前辈 你没在逗我玩 Senior, you didn't play with me
03:36老夫还没那么闲 I'm not that free
03:38整个一层你都翻烂了 You've messed up the whole first floor
03:40现在就这一本你爱要不要 This is the only book you want
03:51好霸道的剑气 What a violent sword
03:53前辈 这本书 Senior, this book
04:02前辈今日赠书之情 I dare not forget
04:04晚辈莫不敢忘 the favor you gave me today
04:06如若有缘 晚辈必还此大恩 If we are fated to meet again, I will repay you
04:17我们是来卖丹药的 We are here to sell elixirs
04:18凭什么不让我进去 Why don't you let me in?
04:20我可是灵霄剑阁丹药店二星炼丹师 I am the second-star elixir master of Lingxiao Sword Pavilion
04:23你们岂敢如此无礼 How dare you be so rude?
04:25谈得这么破烂 You talk so badly
04:26还好意思说是二星炼丹师 How dare you say you are the second-star elixir master?
04:29糊弄鬼呢 You are fooling me
04:31我们琳琅阁可是帝都第一大商行 Our Lingxiao Sword Pavilion is the number one shop in the capital
04:34岂是你们这些穷鬼能进的 How can you poor people get in?
04:36赶紧走 别逼我们动粗 Hurry up. Don't push us
04:38你 You
04:39不用 库木 怎么回事 Wu You, Kumu, what's going on?
04:41大哥 你来了 Brother, you are here
04:42你不是先去玄武殿挑选武技 Didn't you go to Xuanwu Hall to pick out the weapons
04:44让我和库木来帝都找家商行把丹药卖了换灵玉吗 and let me and Kumu come to the capital to find a shop to sell elixirs to exchange for spiritual jade?
04:48我们琳琅阁可是帝都两大商行之一 Our Lingxiao Sword Pavilion is one of the two major shops in the capital
04:50我本以为以库木大师二星炼丹师的面子总能被奉为上宾 I thought I could be the superior for the sake of Master Kumu's face
04:54结果本来在外面连门也不让进 But I was not allowed to enter even outside
04:57呸 狗眼看人低 Damn it. You are so mean
05:00怪我 平日里沉迷炼丹不收拾门面 It's my fault. I'm usually obsessed with elixirs and don't clean the door
05:04现在连一个下人都看不起我了 Now even a servant looks down on me
05:07不怪你 你不过是精力都放在丹道 不在乎门面功夫而已 这是好事 It's not your fault. You just put all your energy into elixirs and don't care about the face
05:11说来你也是被我连累了 It's a good thing that you were implicated by me
05:15这不是凌云吗 怎么连琳琅阁的门都进不了 Isn't this Lin Yun? How come you can't even enter the door of the Lingxiao Sword Pavilion?
05:20也难怪 你一个贱奴确实没资格踏进这扇门 No wonder. You are such a lowly servant that you are not qualified to enter this door
05:25师父 你说是不是 Master, am I right?
05:27原来是枯木啊 听说你晋升二星炼丹师了 没错 凭你的资质花费五年已是不易 It turns out that you are Kumu. I heard that you have been promoted to be a two-star alchemist. That's right. It's not easy to spend five years with your qualifications
05:37不过我们同年入门 你虽已晋升三星 何至于如此羞辱我 But we entered the school at the same age. Although you have been promoted to be a three-star alchemist, you don't have to humiliate me like this
05:43老夫可没有拦着不让你进 是狗掌柜觉得你没有资格罢了 I didn't stop you from entering. It's just that Chief Gou thinks that you are not qualified
05:49你说是吗 狗掌柜 Are you, Chief Gou?
05:51狗掌柜 狗掌柜 难怪养了一群狗眼看人低的下人 Chief Gou, no wonder you have a bunch of low-class servants
05:59枯木大师尊为二星炼丹师 想要在我玲琅阁贩卖丹药 我自是怀疑 Master Kumu is a two-star alchemist. If he wants to sell elixirs in my Linglang Pavilion, I will be suspicious
06:05可惜我们已与福光大师签好契约 这一年的订单尽归福光大师所有 毕竟枯木大师可没有柳家做担保 It's a pity that we have signed a contract with Master Fuguang. This year's order will go to Master Fuguang
06:12毕竟枯木大师可没有柳家做担保 我也是为枯木大师好 您这刚晋升二星 炼制的丹药可不一定能上得了玲琅阁的货架 Master Kumu is a two-star alchemist. If he wants to sell elixirs in my Linglang Pavilion, I will be suspicious
06:22够了 我们走 玲琅阁 我呸 贱民就是贱民 没有礼数 二位可别让他们坏了心情 雅间请 订单之事还需细聊 Master Kumu is a two-star alchemist. If he wants to sell elixirs in my Linglang Pavilion, I will be suspicious
06:28贱民就是贱民 没有礼数 二位可别让他们坏了心情 雅间请 订单之事还需细聊 Master Kumu is a two-star alchemist. If he wants to sell elixirs in my Linglang Pavilion, I will be suspicious
06:38玲玲 在凌霄剑阁我玩过你 但在这帝都 你就算是条龙也得给我盘着 binion I played with you in the Spirit Sleeping Arrow, but in this temporal city, you'll be crushed even if you're a dragon
06:48怎么 这点屈辱就受不了了 What's wrong? Can't stand this insult?
06:51I thought I could win respect by being a 2-star, but I was still easily suppressed by Fuguang.
06:58Is there no way out of the Cold Gate?
07:02You've been practicing Danjutsu for 10 years, and you know Ling Wen.
07:05Is it just to win respect from others?
07:07If so, it can only prove that you have never respected yourself.
07:12Don't use your background as an excuse.
07:13If the distance between the Chi family and the Cold Gate is not enough to make up for 10 years,
07:17then 20 years, 100 years.
07:20If 2-star is not enough, then 3-star, 4-star.
07:23One day, the Chi family will hope to win your respect in front of you.
07:27All you have to do is work hard, not give up on yourself.
07:34Big Brother is right!
07:36Wait, Master?
07:37Do you want to take revenge?
07:39Come with me.
07:41Big Brother, what's going on?
07:43How did you become Master of Kongbu?
07:45It's a long story.
07:46Then tell me.
07:48Sheng Liu, I helped him practice Danjutsu, and he took me as his master.
07:51That's too short!
07:56Manager Tong, it's been a long time.
07:58Brother Lin!
08:00I didn't expect to see you in the capital!
08:03If I didn't know Manager Tong's ability,
08:05I would think that Wanbao Pavilion doesn't have much money.
08:07I can only hire Manager Tong.
08:10Brother Lin, you must be joking.
08:11You came to Wanbao Pavilion not just to catch up, right?
08:15Of course. Let me introduce.
08:16This is my brother, Li Wu You.
08:18This is Ling Xiao Sword Pavilion's Two-Star Alchemist, Master Kumu.
08:22Manager Tong.
08:23Hero Lin, Master Kumu.
08:25I heard that Sword Pavilion's Master Kumu has become a Two-Star Alchemist.
08:29I haven't congratulated you yet.
08:30If you like anything in Wanbao Pavilion, just tell me.
08:33I'll give you one as a gift.
08:36Let's talk about the gift later.
08:38I came with a big deal this time.
08:45Nine-Stars Alchemist?
08:48This... This is...
08:50This pill was made by Master Kumu.
08:53I was going to go to Ling Lang Pavilion to sell it, but I was stopped.
08:56After all, Manager Tong and I are old acquaintances.
08:59There's no reason for the fertilizer to flow into the field.
09:01Brother Lin, this is interesting.
09:03May I know the price of these pills?
09:06The price is easy to say. Just write it down.
09:09I have a good idea.
09:13Then I'll do as Brother Lin says.
09:15It's a pleasure to work with you.
09:17From his eyes, I know that he has understood my plan.
09:21From his eyes, I know that he has understood my plan.
09:26From their eyes, I know that someone is going to be unlucky.
09:42Go to Zongheng Novels to read the master's work.
09:44Download the Zongheng Novels app.
09:46Unlock the original story.
09:53This time, Boss Kou will have to go back to the capital for a long time.
09:56I didn't expect the Nine-Stars Alchemist's Elixir
09:59to attract the famous Young Master Liu Shang here.
10:02Thank you for your support today.
10:05The Elixir Ceremony begins now.
10:07The Nine-Stars Alchemist's Elixir can't be completely ignored.
10:11This pill is fake.
10:15Miss Liu, if you continue to be so presumptuous,
10:18don't blame me for being ruthless.
10:20The fish is hooked.
10:21The patient is in great pain.
10:23And I learn medicine to relieve this pain.
10:26The Martial Arts School is a legendary thing.
10:28Not to mention such a young successor.
10:31My name is Ye Gu Fan.
10:32I can try anything that others can't save.
10:37Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team www.tombridersteam.com
11:08Parting in haste
11:12Life and death are intertwined
11:15Hand-written promises
11:20How can I repay the kindness
11:25With tears in my eyes
11:30The first encounter is like a dream in the mortal world
11:35Unyielding and unyielding
11:39We are destined to meet
11:41I am yours
11:47How can I repay the kindness
11:52With tears in my eyes
11:56Only you are the one I love