00:02Crayon Shin-chan hajimeru zo!
00:21Bouken Mizugi wo karu zo!
00:24This is nice, too.
00:27This one's nice, too.
00:29But, of course...
00:32This one!
00:33This year, I'm going to use this swimsuit
00:35to capture the attention of all the men on the beach!
00:39Hey, Ume-san, are you going to wear that?
00:41I thought I'd wear it.
00:43Don't call me Ume!
00:48It's just like when Matsuzaka-sensei wore it.
00:52Of course, it's a swimsuit that Matsuzaka-sensei would wear.
00:55I'd wear it?
00:57Go, go, go!
00:59You're so bold!
01:01No, no.
01:02There's no way I'd buy a swimsuit like this.
01:07Hey, Yoshinaka-sensei!
01:08Did you come to buy a swimsuit, too?
01:11More importantly...
01:13Well, that swimsuit...
01:15What's wrong with it?
01:17I was wondering if you'd buy it.
01:21The color is pretty flashy.
01:23It's creepy.
01:25It's creepy, isn't it?
01:27And the design is pretty bold, too.
01:31There's no way I'd buy a swimsuit like that.
01:35That's right.
01:36It stands out for no reason.
01:39It's too much of a competition.
01:44I'm sorry I had to compete with you.
01:47What kind of swimsuit are you going to buy, Sensei?
01:49Huh? Me?
01:54I think I know what you're going to buy.
01:57You're probably going to buy a plain, plain one.
02:01The color and the design.
02:03A normal one.
02:05That's not true!
02:06I told my husband yesterday that I was going to buy a swimsuit.
02:10Why don't you give this year's swimsuit a try?
02:14Don't say that!
02:16I don't want to!
02:18I knew it.
02:19You were going to buy a plain one.
02:21Even Mr. Ishizaka would say that.
02:27I'm not going to buy a plain swimsuit!
02:33Oh, Shin-chan.
02:36Did you choose this for me?
02:40It's a collection of the best three swimsuits I want to wear when I'm in 7th grade.
02:50What do you think? Does it look good on me?
02:56It's a collection of the best three, right?
02:59How about this one?
03:05I think this one would look good on Mr. Yoshinaga.
03:08Did you come to buy a swimsuit, too?
03:12It's a plain one.
03:13In a way, it's an adventure.
03:15I don't like this one.
03:18You said you were going to buy a plain one.
03:20I'm not buying a plain one!
03:22It can't be helped.
03:23I'll choose for you.
03:25I don't want to.
03:26You don't have to.
03:27Wait a minute!
03:28I like this one.
03:30Here you go.
03:31This one?
03:32It looks just like me.
03:34Try it on.
03:41It's not no.
03:43What are you doing?
03:46The truth is...
03:47One-Piece has a line on the body.
03:50I don't recommend it to Mr. Yoshinaga.
03:53What do you know about me?
03:56I love everything.
03:59You're a loser, aren't you?
04:00Go, go.
04:02I love everything, too.
04:08It's pretty, isn't it?
04:10It's cute.
04:12Then I'll take this one.
04:14If you do that, Mr. Yoshinaga will look better.
04:19You'll be able to go out in front of people.
04:23You're right.
04:24I can see your style.
04:26You look like you have a chest.
04:29I quit.
04:30I don't feel like I'm on an adventure.
04:33It looks good on you.
04:36Next, this one.
04:38How about a mature one?
04:40Are you still going to do it?
04:41But I think this is the best.
04:45Then why don't you wear this?
04:52I don't have this.
04:54Did you change?
04:55I'll open it.
04:56No, wait.
05:01It doesn't look good on you at all.
05:04You don't have enough chest and waist.
05:08That's weird.
05:10Let's see.
05:16It's totally different from when Mr. Yoshinaga wore it.
05:19I don't think it's the same swimsuit.
05:21Mr. Yoshinaga looks like he's taking a walk on the beach.
05:25Mr. Matsusaka looks like he's on an adventure on the beach.
05:29I'm taking a walk, and Mr. Matsusaka is on an adventure?
05:33It's a little dark because it looks like I'm emphasizing my chest when I wear it.
05:38I'm sorry. I guess it didn't work.
05:41See? Black makes your body line stand out.
05:46What do you mean?
05:48I get it. It doesn't have to be black.
05:56I'm going to wear this.
06:00Miss, you don't have to do it.
06:02I'm not doing it.
06:03You're not wearing it, so you're wasting money.
06:07I'm going to wear it!
06:09You're going to lose to that swimsuit.
06:12I'm not going to lose!
06:13So you're going to wear that?
06:15Yeah, even if it's this plain, it'll be fine if I wear it.
06:19Well, it's not as flashy as usual.
06:23It's flashy. Go, go.
06:25Shut up!
06:28I won.
06:30I won.
06:36What kind of swimsuit did you buy?
06:38It's a secret.
06:44Aren't you going to wear the swimsuit you bought yesterday?
06:47Well, today...
06:49It's a little sunny.
06:51I'm worried.
06:52I know.
07:00Service cut.
07:01Which service?
07:12It'll be a problem when you get back.
07:25I guess I'm the best.
07:28People go on trips to think that way.
07:31Now, wash your hands and brush your teeth before you go to bed.
07:35I'm so tired.
07:37You've been sleeping all this time.
07:40I understand if you're talking about your dad, but...
07:43Yes, yes.
07:44It's true, Shinnosuke.
07:46Dad's in a lot of trouble.
07:47But I'll do my best.
07:49Come on, let's go.
07:50I can't move.
07:52Dad, give me a hug.
07:54I can't help it.
07:56Hey, Dad's tired.
07:58If you hug a cute girl, you'll get rid of your fatigue.
08:02You're in a good mood.
08:14What's that?
08:15Honey, where are the cheesecake and sausage bags?
08:19I think I forgot to take them out of the car.
08:22No, I didn't put them in the garbage bag.
08:24I have to put them in the fridge.
08:27Where's the car key?
08:29In my pocket.
08:33The garbage bag will disappear.
08:35But we have a lot of them.
08:37It's a waste to buy them.
08:39You're such a grumpy old lady.
08:42You're right.
08:45Let's go.
08:49Oh, there it is.
08:51Cheesecake and sausage.
08:59A floor plan?
09:01He said he was on a trip.
09:04It's an emergency!
09:06Oh, I have to put it in the fridge.
09:10I'm sorry, but...
09:11Read this and put it in the fridge.
09:17I'll do it.
09:18Wait, wait.
09:19Read it first.
09:24I can't put it in the fridge.
09:27Grandma, I put it in the fridge.
09:29Oh, thank you.
09:31Then I'll take it to the old lady next door.
09:36I'll take this with me.
09:41I can't just go home like this.
09:43I'll have a long chat with the old lady.
09:47I'll tell her that I'm on a trip.
09:52I forgot to buy a souvenir for the old lady.
09:54What should I do?
09:57I'm sorry I'm tired.
10:00It's just next door.
10:02I had to walk a little because I was sitting all the time.
10:05I have to be careful when I'm on a trip.
10:08Cheesecake and sausage!
10:10You haven't put it in yet?
10:14Why are you eating alone?
10:17Because I'm hungry.
10:19It's delicious.
10:26Let's see.
10:31Oh, it's delicious.
10:32I'm glad I bought it.
10:34If I eat my dad's share, I don't have to put it in the fridge.
10:39Good idea!
10:41No, you can't do that.
10:45Even though the cheesecake is smaller,
10:48This sausage is...
10:50For now...
10:54It's safe to leave it like this until I find a place in the fridge.
10:59So how do I make room for these two?
11:05Take one out.
11:07Move it over there.
11:09Put it here.
11:16It's a waste of electricity!
11:18I know!
11:20I know!
11:33Do you want to decide?
11:43Will this save electricity?
11:46If you think it will, it will!
11:49Let's see...
11:50Do this...
11:52And this...
11:58I know!
12:07I'm sick of this!
12:10It's Shin-chan's fault!
12:16I didn't do it on purpose!
12:18I know!
12:20Are you mad?
12:21I'm not mad!
12:23Of course you're mad!
12:25Can you please leave?
12:27It's so hard to do!
12:29No, I just want to stay here.
12:33Dad is so slow!
12:35I saw on TV the other day,
12:38The sausage looked delicious!
12:41So I'm thinking of ordering some tomorrow.
12:46Dora, have you ever ordered a sausage?
12:51Mom and Auntie caught me.
12:54What? You got arrested?
12:56No, that's not it.
12:57I like spicy sausages!
13:03I saw on TV the other day...
13:12I'm home!
13:14Welcome home!
13:15Welcome home!
13:16You're so small!
13:18Would you like some tea?
13:20Oh, that.
13:22That's what Misae always says.
13:24She says she's going to get caught by Auntie.
13:28You didn't tell me about the trip, did you?
13:31That's why I asked you to come.
13:35No, that's...
13:36I'm sorry!
13:39My sausage is running out!
13:43I can't help it.
13:44I forgot to buy some souvenirs.
13:47Oh, but if it's only this much...
13:52I'll put it in here.
13:56It's in!
13:59And then I'll give this to Auntie.
14:02It's the hardest when I get home.
14:43What's going on with them?
14:46Don't miss the new team!
14:49Freestyle Advancement!
14:51Koshikobe No Yobou!
14:59They're all here.
15:01When did this team get here?
15:03Someone's here!
15:11We're the Animals!
15:15He's the leader!
15:27Is this where DJ Buriburi is?
15:29Let's be careful.
15:33Someone's here.
15:37What's a man?
15:39What's a hip-hop?
15:42What's a man?
15:45What's a hip-hop?
15:48What's that?
15:52You're in the way!
15:54Mister, what are you doing?
15:57I'm not a mister.
16:04While you guys were rapping on the first floor,
16:08I made 50 sets of dumbbell curls.
16:13Who's this guy?
16:16With that level of strength,
16:19Kasukabe City...
16:21has become weak.
16:25His muscles are moving on their own!
16:27Mister, that's some amazing magic!
16:30This isn't magic.
16:32And I'm not a mister.
16:35Hey, you!
16:36Look over here and talk!
16:39I'm Sakata.
16:44I'm Sakata Genichiro.
16:47Also known as...
16:49Steel Flesh Stone!
16:55I don't know if it's steel, flesh, or stone!
17:02You want to meet DJ Buriburi, don't you?
17:07only the rappers I approve of can advance to the top.
17:11Someone like you is impossible.
17:15So he's the boss here.
17:18Then I'll...
17:20I'll do it.
17:25I'll show you who's stronger!
17:29Battle, start!
17:33I'll go first, boys!
17:36I have no respect for my opponents.
17:39I'll battle with my dumbbells in my hands.
17:42I'll beat you with a microphone!
17:44I didn't lose to the rain, I didn't lose to the wind.
17:47I've been training my muscles.
17:50I'm a man, so everyone's paying attention.
17:53You're already crazy about this guy.
17:55Why am I crazy about you?
17:58I don't understand.
17:59That's awkward.
18:00First of all, it's raining and windy indoors.
18:03I don't know anything about muscles!
18:06I see, you're interested in muscles.
18:09I'll teach you.
18:10Battle, start!
18:11No, no, I didn't say any of that.
18:14Just give me back my dumbbells!
18:16The symbol of macho is the pectoral muscle.
18:19It's like a mountain, it's a two-way connection.
18:22It's invincible, it's a muscular abs.
18:24It's big in the back, it's the latissimus dorsi muscle.
18:27He's no good.
18:28He's only interested in himself, so he can't understand me.
18:32Hey, hey, mister, can I say something?
18:35I want to say something.
18:38I want to know about muscles.
18:40They're very good.
18:46What's wrong with you all of a sudden?
18:48It's the first time I've ever been praised for being shy.
18:53I don't need to answer you.
18:56A real man doesn't care about the people around him.
18:59I'm exhausted.
19:01I'm shy and embarrassed.
19:04I won't fall for that.
19:07My muscles are strong and hard.
19:09It doesn't matter what my opponent does.
19:12I just talk to my body every day.
19:15Muscles and will are hard.
19:17That's the ideal me I want.
19:20I don't understand at all.
19:23I'm just like a kid.
19:25I'm always worried about myself.
19:28That kind of battle is a big deal.
19:31I don't care, so shut up.
19:33It's a pain in the ass to understand.
19:36The battle is always won by the opponent.
19:39Listen to me carefully.
19:41You're the only one with a big body.
19:44This is the only vessel in your heart.
19:47It's heavy, but it's light.
19:49It's not enough.
19:51It's strong.
19:52It's hard to get along with men.
19:55You're making a mistake.
19:58You can't win.
20:00First of all, train your muscles.
20:08I'm already overweight.
20:12All right!
20:15You're lively.
20:17I'm glad I'm on your side.
20:20Let's go upstairs.
20:22You go first.
20:24I'm... I'm... I'm...
20:28I think I said too much.
20:32I'm going to train you again.
20:36Get up!
20:40Make sure you get to DJ Buriburi!
20:55It's time.
20:57We're going to conquer this tiny planet.
21:03We're going to find out about the existence of animals in this town.
21:11Everyone, let's go!
21:16They're moving again.
21:19This direction...
21:23It can't be...
21:32If you watch it with everyone...
21:34The latest information on my movie!
21:38Hello, Shin-chan!
21:40Everyone in My Room!
21:42You're going to sing a song from my movie?
21:46Yes! We made a song called,
21:48《Omoide o Kakenukete》
21:51This song is about how we hope that
21:53all our memories will become good memories someday.
21:56It's a song we made with great care.
21:59《Omoide o Kakenukete》
22:02I'm going to run through it!
22:04See you!
22:07This is the latest movie footage of our song.
22:10Here you go.
22:12The president has escaped.
22:14If we don't get him...
22:20Dinosaur fever!
22:23With the opening of Dino Island,
22:25the whole country is in a dinosaur boom!
22:27I like Tempura-don.
22:29If you say that, it's Ptera-don.
22:38Do you want to take me home?
22:42Nice to meet you.
22:45It looks like a special summer is about to begin.
22:51We still have 32 more rounds to go!
22:55Get on!
22:56I won't let you get away!
22:59I have to protect this child.
23:01This child?
23:03Dinosaurs are rampaging in the city!
23:14This is how I became a family with Shiro.
23:20I'm going to live with Nana from now on!
23:23It's impossible for a dinosaur and a human to coexist.
23:33Please give us a movie, Shin-chan!
23:35Our Dinosaur Diary!
23:42If you buy Mayuri-ken at the movie theater,
23:44you'll get a capsule charm!
23:48I'm so cute!
23:51Next time!
23:53I'm going to cast a spell.
23:56The words of love between you and me.
23:59All you need is love. Love is everything.
24:06All you need is love. Love is everything.
24:09This is my skill.
24:10I can make my partner like me.
24:12Who's next?