• l’année dernière


00:00Can the shell of a snail grow back after it has been torn off?
00:03Bad news, if the shell of a snail is torn off or completely destroyed,
00:08it's over for it, because this shell is not only for you.
00:11It also shelters the vital organs of the small gastropod,
00:14such as its heart and lungs.
00:16However, if the shell is only partially touched
00:19and the snail's organs are intact,
00:21the animal can repair the latter,
00:23a bit like a bone that welds back.
00:25With time, calcium and sometimes a little human help,
00:28it can recover.
00:30So how can you help a snail whose shell is broken?
00:32First, put it in a box in a calm place.
00:35If possible, glue the broken pieces together with strips of pharmacy
00:38and give it adapted food rich in calcium,
00:41salads, boiled eggshells and wheat flour.
00:44Finally, make sure the place stays moist
00:47by regularly sprinkling it with a little drop of water.
