केरल में ओणम के मौके पर एक व्यक्ति ने इडली खाने की रेस लगाई और इडली खाते खाते उसकी जान चली गयी, ऐसे में चलिए जानते है कि खाना जल्दी जल्दी खाने से क्या नुकसान होता है।
On the occasion of Onam in Kerala, a person took part in a race to eat Idli and died while eating Idli. So let us know what are the disadvantages of eating food too quickly.
#JaldiKhanaKhaneSeKyaHotaHai, #SubahJaldiKhanaKhaneSeKyaHotaHai, #JaldiSeKhanaKhana
On the occasion of Onam in Kerala, a person took part in a race to eat Idli and died while eating Idli. So let us know what are the disadvantages of eating food too quickly.
#JaldiKhanaKhaneSeKyaHotaHai, #SubahJaldiKhanaKhaneSeKyaHotaHai, #JaldiSeKhanaKhana