le président Trump Mayorkas devrait être enquêté et démis de ses fonctions !

  • il y a 4 jours


00:00What a complete joke, Liz Peek. I mean, give me a break. They're over there on MSNBC having an entire conversation about toning down the rhetoric of Trump.
00:13He just had two assassination attempts on his life as they're calling him Hitler and everything else.
00:20Yeah, I mean, it's really despicable. They're blaming Trump effectively for an attempt on Trump's life, Maria. It doesn't get stupider than that or more vile.
00:30Yeah, and I just want to point out this. According to the Secret Service, the golf course yesterday was not fully secured because, quote, Trump is not a sitting president.
00:41Oh, really? Let's take a look at the kind of security President Obama has since he's no longer a sitting president.
00:48We've got pictures here of President Obama's golf course in Martha's Vineyard.
00:53Secret Service inspects every vehicle when they even drive near the course, Cheryl.
00:59So what's the answer? He's not a sitting president, yet the golf course that he's on is incredibly secure.
01:07All of these questions should be answered because, remember, in the fiscal 2025 budget that has been proposed, there is a budget increase again for the Secret Service.
01:16And I think that this all goes up to the top, and that is Secretary Mayorkas, Maria. That's who needs to be answering these questions right now.
01:24Bingo. Great point. Let's take a short break.
