Talking mouse In hindi story

  • 4 days ago
Talking mouse In hindi story


00:00The Tale of Despereaux
00:02This is the story of a mouse that speaks like a human.
00:05This mouse belongs to a sailor.
00:07The sailor takes his mouse to a kingdom.
00:10Actually, a special soup will be served to the entire people.
00:14And this soup is being prepared by a royal chef.
00:17Actually, this chef has a genie who helps in making this soup.
00:22And when they are making this soup, the wine bottle accidentally falls into the soup.
00:27But when they taste this soup, it is the best soup ever.
00:33The sailor's mouse, whose name is Roscuro, sees all this.
00:37And now this special soup is served to the king and queen.
00:41And when the queen is about to drink the soup, Roscuro falls into the queen's soup.
00:47And when the queen sees that a mouse has fallen into her soup,
00:51she gets shocked, which gives her a heart attack.
00:54And the queen dies.
00:57The entire people are scared of the queen's death.
00:59The king gets angry and orders his soldiers to kill this mouse.
01:05Roscuro runs to save his life and reaches a window.
01:10From where he sees that his sailor has left him and run away.
01:14Now the soldiers follow him to catch him.
01:17Roscuro comes to the drain while saving his life.
01:22And before the soldiers kill him, he falls into that drain.
01:27Where he sees another mouse, who is an old man.
01:30Actually, all the mice here, this old man is the leader of all of them.
01:35He takes Roscuro with him.
01:37He is very saddened by the death of the queen.
01:41That's why he bans all the things related to soup.
01:46Actually, there is a royal soup day here, which is very famous.
01:49And now that soup day will not happen.
01:51And the royal chef can't make soup now.
01:54That's why the chef's genie stops appearing in front of him.
02:00Because of which there is chaos in this kingdom.
02:03There is no sunlight or rain here.
02:06Because of which the princess is also very saddened.
02:09In addition, the mice are also declared illegal in this kingdom.
02:13In the world of mice, it is shown that a new mouse has been born there.
02:20But this mouse is completely different from the other mice.
02:23Because its ears are as big as a rabbit.
02:26That's why this mouse is called Despro.
02:29As time goes by, Despro starts getting bigger.
02:32Just like Despro's ears are big, he also listens.
02:36That means he can hear faster than other mice.
02:39Also, he is not afraid of anything.
02:41He wants to face dangers.
02:43He is a dangerous player in a way.
02:46Because of this, his parents, his teachers are all worried.
02:49Because he doesn't behave like a mouse.
02:51Also, his dream is to go to the mouse world.
02:54That is, inside that big drain where all the other mice live.
02:59Actually, small children are not allowed to go to this place.
03:02The same Roscuro is shown who is roaming in the mouse world.
03:06He doesn't like the life here at all.
03:09But he is stuck here.
03:11The leader of the mouse world rules over all the mice.
03:14He rules over everyone.
03:16Which Roscuro doesn't like at all.
03:18He always looks at the outside world from the hole in his build.
03:22Because he wants to go outside.
03:23He doesn't want to spend his life under the ground like this.
03:27The same Despro is shown who is in his class.
03:29The teacher shows everyone a piece of something.
03:32And all the mice get scared.
03:34But Despro is fearless. He is not afraid.
03:36Actually, mice are afraid because humans show them a piece of this thing and catch them.
03:41The teacher is worried that why Despro is not like other mice.
03:46That's why she calls Despro's parents.
03:48And tells them to keep him with their elder brother.
03:51So that he can teach him how to break.
03:53To teach him how the mice behave.
03:55Despro's elder brother takes him to the library of the palace.
03:58And tells him how the mice bite the paper.
04:01And spoil the books.
04:03But Despro starts reading a story in a book here.
04:06Which he likes a lot.
04:08This story is of a warrior.
04:10Who saves the princess's life.
04:12And now Despro himself starts imagining himself as a warrior.
04:17He thinks he is a warrior.
04:19Even after going back from here, Despro considers himself a warrior.
04:22And he is a warrior because he is not afraid.
04:26One day he sees the princess who is very sad.
04:29He goes to her.
04:30And talks to the princess very politely.
04:33The princess is impressed by his behavior.
04:37After this, Despro tells him the same story.
04:39Of the warrior who saved the princess.
04:42The princess likes the story.
04:44But Despro has not finished the story.
04:47That's why he is not able to tell the princess the end of the story.
04:50But the princess wants to hear it.
04:52He promises Despro that he will finish the story.
04:54And will tell the story to the princess again.
04:57Now Despro's parents come to know.
04:59That he talked to humans.
05:01Which is a crime in the world of mice.
05:04There Despro is shown.
05:05Who goes to the library again to finish the story.
05:09But then the council members come here.
05:12And they take him to the council.
05:14Where he is accused of talking to humans.
05:17He broke many rules.
05:19That's why he is thrown out of the mouse world.
05:22He is sent to the depths of the earth.
05:24Where it is completely dark.
05:26But Despro considers himself a warrior.
05:29That's why he reaches a jail without fear.
05:34Where many rats are harassing the jailer.
05:37All the rats run away.
05:38But the jailer catches Despro.
05:41Despro starts telling him the story.
05:43Which he had told the princess.
05:45But the jailer doesn't like this story.
05:47He throws him there alone and leaves.
05:49Then the rest of the rats come.
05:51And they take Despro to their old leader.
05:54The leader who got Roscuro many years ago.
05:57This leader is very cruel.
05:59Who wants to make Roscuro wild like him.
06:01But Roscuro has never become like him.
06:04Now they leave Despro in an arena.
06:07And a cat is tied to it with a cat chain.
06:10And the leader is slowly loosening the chain.
06:13And before the cat eats Despro.
06:16Roscuro refuses the leader.
06:17He says don't give it to the cat.
06:19I want to eat it.
06:21The leader is happy to hear this.
06:22Because now finally Roscuro is ready to become wild like him.
06:27Despro is handed over to Roscuro.
06:29Roscuro brings Despro to his house.
06:31Where they talk a lot.
06:34And they become friends.
06:36The princess is shown in the palace.
06:38Who is always sad.
06:40Here she has a new maid.
06:42Who also dreams of becoming a princess.
06:45That's why she steals many things of the princess.
06:49And feels like a princess.
06:51Her name is Mick.
06:53And when Mick is doing this.
06:55The senior maid sees him doing this.
06:58Because of which she changes his job.
07:00And says you have to deliver food to the cells in the jail.
07:04When Mick goes to the jail with food.
07:06The jailer talks to him rudely.
07:08He throws his food.
07:10After seeing this Mick says.
07:12Don't consider me such a maid.
07:13I only work for the princess.
07:16The jailer gets even more angry when he hears the name of the princess.
07:19He says I don't want to hear this name again.
07:21Actually he has a daughter.
07:24Which he considers a princess.
07:26But due to lack of money.
07:27He had to give his daughter to someone else.
07:30That's why he is always sad.
07:33Roscuro hears all this here.
07:36And he tells Desperado.
07:37That all this happened because of me.
07:39The queen lost her life because of me.
07:41After which the whole kingdom is in chaos.
07:43There is sadness everywhere.
07:45And one reason is that the princess is always sad.
07:49Roscuro decides that he will apologize to the princess.
07:52That's why he goes to the princess in hiding.
07:55When the princess sees him.
07:57She recognizes that because of this.
07:59Her mother, that is, the queen's life was lost.
08:01She starts screaming.
08:03He tries to explain to Roscuro.
08:06But the princess does not listen to him.
08:09And now the soldiers come here.
08:10Who follow Roscuro.
08:12Although Roscuro saves his life.
08:15But now he too hates the princess.
08:18He thinks that the princess has insulted him.
08:21That's why he wants to take revenge on her.
08:23He goes to Mig.
08:24To the maid who thinks of herself as a princess.
08:28Roscuro starts spitting poison in his ears.
08:31He says that if we imprison the princess.
08:34Then you can take her place.
08:36Mig listens to him.
08:37And she takes the princess to the basement of the jail.
08:41But Roscuro also deceives Mig.
08:43And locks them both in the cell.
08:46When Desperado finds out this.
08:48Then she goes to the princess.
08:50The princess gives him a locket around her neck.
08:52And says give it to my father.
08:54Desperado risks his life.
08:56He takes the locket from all the traps.
08:58And goes to the king.
09:00But that locket falls from him.
09:02And when he reaches the king.
09:04He tries to tell him.
09:06That his daughter's life is in danger.
09:08But the king is still in mourning.
09:10He can't hear him.
09:12And now Desperado sees only one way.
09:15And that way is his family.
09:17He goes to his family.
09:19But as soon as his family sees him.
09:21Everyone is scared.
09:23They think he is a ghost.
09:25No one comes out of the darkness.
09:27Where Desperado was thrown.
09:29Desperado tries to convince them.
09:31That he is alive.
09:33But they all run away.
09:35That's why the bell in the town.
09:37Desperado rings the bell.
09:39To convince everyone that he is alive.
09:41We are shown the chef.
09:43Who used to make soup.
09:45He sees vegetables in his dreams.
09:48And he hears the bell.
09:50And he decides to make soup.
09:52And he starts making soup again.
09:54And as soon as the smell of soup.
09:56Spreads throughout the town.
09:58His genie also comes back.
10:00Who used to help him make soup.
10:02And now.
10:04The famine in this kingdom.
10:06Also ends.
10:08It starts raining here.
10:10Desperado goes to the chef and his genie.
10:12And tells them that the princess's life is in danger.
10:14We have to save her.
10:16The chef does not pay attention to him.
10:18But the genie goes with him.
10:20To save the princess.
10:22The princess is shown.
10:24Who is in the middle of the wild rats.
10:26Who have kept her captive.
10:28Now she is in the grip of the leader of the rats.
10:30Who is very cruel.
10:32And he is very happy with Roscuro.
10:34He tells everyone.
10:36That Roscuro has brought a princess for us.
10:38And now all the rats.
10:40Are going to eat the princess.
10:42Here Desperado and Genie also reach.
10:45But when they go up the stairs.
10:47Both of them fall.
10:49Because of which Genie breaks.
10:51He tells Desperado to go.
10:53And save the princess.
10:55The same is shown to the leader.
10:57Who tells Roscuro to ring the bell for food.
10:59But he clearly refuses.
11:01Because he has realized.
11:03That he has made a mistake.
11:05He should not have done this to the princess.
11:07That's why the leader himself rings the bell.
11:09And now all the rats.
11:11Are going to eat the princess.
11:13But here Desperado also reaches.
11:15And he frees the captive.
11:17The captive attacks all the rats.
11:19With which they all save their lives.
11:21And run away from here.
11:23Roscuro is fighting for the princess.
11:25Like a warrior.
11:27But he is caught by the leader.
11:29At the same time.
11:31After many years.
11:33It is sunny outside the town.
11:35And a ray of sunlight.
11:37Falls on the locket of the diamond.
11:39Which the princess had given to Desperado.
11:41So that she can give it to her father.
11:43And the light from the diamond.
11:45Reflects and comes to the mouse world.
11:47Because of which.
11:49There is light all around.
11:51Desperado sees a magnifying glass there.
11:53Whose light he directs.
11:55To the eyes of the leader.
11:57The leader falls in the arena below.
11:59Where the cat is.
12:01And to save himself from the cat.
12:03He goes inside his cell.
12:05The cat also follows him.
12:07And then the princess closes the gate from outside.
12:10In this way, the cat kills the leader.
12:12After this, it is shown.
12:14That the princess has forgiven Roscuro.
12:18Because of her, her mother's life was lost.
12:20But she has understood.
12:22That it was just an accident.
12:24The same is shown to the princess's maid.
12:26Which is still in the cell.
12:28When the jailer goes inside the cell.
12:30He sees a mark on his neck.
12:32And it is recognized that this is his daughter.
12:34Whom he had given many years ago.
12:36To raise someone else due to lack of money.
12:38He is very happy to have his daughter.
12:40Mick has also got his father back.
12:42Mick apologizes to the princess for his mistake.
12:44And with his father.
12:46Goes to live in his farm.
12:48The king also realizes his mistake.
12:50And that soup day.
12:52Which is known as Royal Soup Day.
12:54Which was famous all over the world.
12:56It starts again once.
12:58Despero is now a good friend of the princess.
13:00The same Roscuro is shown.
13:02Which is like before.
13:04Once again.
13:06Despero goes to the end of the world.
13:08While traveling across the sea.
13:10And with this.
13:12The story has a happy ending.
13:14I hope you liked this story.
