Days of our Lives 9-17-24 (17th September 2024) 9-17-2024 DOOL 17 September 2024

  • last week
00:00Thanks for the coffee, Roman.
00:03Oh, I know it's not officially full yet, but I do love a pumpkin spice latte.
00:09Oh, don't tell anyone, though.
00:11I wouldn't want to be known as a basic bitch.
00:14Basic what?
00:17You know, someone chewy.
00:22Okay, what the heck is that?
00:26Come on, Roman, you gotta give us a chance.
00:28Yes, the kids say it.
00:29It means someone lame and unoriginal.
00:32Okay, well, um, you are neither one of those, sir.
00:38Y'all better believe it.
00:40Okay, you have yourself a good day.
00:42Yeah, you too, boy.
00:48Good morning.
00:50Hey, you have time to talk?
00:53Yeah, sure. What's up?
00:55Well, I'm afraid we have a bit of a problem.
01:05Mayor Price, this is Stefan DiMera.
01:08Hope I haven't caught you a bad time.
01:11Oh, no, you're in luck.
01:13I am sufficiently caffeinated.
01:15So, what can I do for you?
01:18I have a rather urgent matter to discuss with you.
01:23It's about my brother.
01:25Your notorious district attorney.
01:35Good morning, handsome.
01:37Um, good morning.
01:43So, my brother is out of his coma, and I thought that we could celebrate.
01:54I was under the impression that our night of passion was a one-time thing.
01:59The sole purpose of which was to get revenge on Stefan.
02:04And it was a total success.
02:07Which is why I thought that we could reward ourselves for the non-queer performance.
02:24Come on. Come on.
02:33Breakfast is served.
02:37Well, you seem to be in a good mood.
02:41I am, because today's the big day.
02:44Today, Gabby DiMera is finally going to get what's coming to her.
02:54Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries.
03:12I came this time to get you from Sweet Bits, so I just bought you one of everything.
03:17Isn't that a little excessive?
03:19Not when your boyfriend just came out of a coma.
03:25Besides, I was hoping that he'd share.
03:28Well, if you get a little closer.
03:36Like this?
03:39Like that?
03:43So, what were you thinking about when I walked in?
03:47You looked so pensive.
03:50Yeah, well, I think I may have remembered something about the day I was stabbed.
03:58I don't know.
04:00Yeah, well, I think I may have remembered something about the day I was stabbed.
04:17Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:31Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:35So, what do you remember?
04:38It's after I was stabbed.
04:41I was on the ground, barely conscious.
04:45I heard a voice.
04:48And I remembered it yesterday, but I wasn't sure it was real.
04:51But the more that I have thought about it, I am certain that it is.
04:57What did the voice say?
05:00Yeah, it's kind of garbled in my mind, but it was something like, um...
05:06That open grave is the least of your worries.
05:14My God.
05:16I can't believe Bobby was actually gloating.
05:19No, that's what was weird.
05:22I don't think it was Bobby.
05:26I'm pretty sure it was a woman's voice.
05:35That's funny. I'm a little sad my plan is coming to an end.
05:39That's because you're so, uh, good at it, exacting revenge.
05:45Oh, I'm an expert by now.
05:48Hey, if I could make a living doing this, I'd be rich.
05:51Honey, like I said before, all those true crime podcasts you've been listening to really aren't paying off.
05:57Right? I should start my own.
06:00I could call it, How to Get Away with Murder.
06:04I think that name is already taken.
06:07Oh, yeah, right. Too bad.
06:12So, um, what are your plans for Gabby?
06:15I mean, you already destroyed her marriage.
06:18What more can you do to her?
06:20Oh, I thought I made it clear yesterday.
06:24That bitch has to die.
06:33I don't think this is a good idea.
06:37Why not?
06:39Well, for one, we don't like each other.
06:44But as far as hate sex goes, what we had was kind of hot. You said so yourself.
06:48Yes, yes, I did. And while I stand by the disassent, you also had bias remorse the next morning, as I recall.
06:58Only because I still wasn't sure about my feelings for Stefan.
07:02But now I'm sure. I can't stand the sight of him.
07:09Still, I think we should exercise some caution.
07:15Gabby, you're in the middle of a very ugly divorce. If we continue these torrid little hookups, Stefan could use that against you.
07:23How? He cheated on me first.
07:27Besides, one more night of adultery with you, it won't make any difference.
07:36It might.
07:38I'm willing to risk it.
07:42I'm not irresistible, am I?
07:47Or are you doubling down just for the heart?
07:53Stefan broke my heart.
07:56I want to punish him as much as humanly possible.
08:04Gabby, you already have.
08:10At this point, I'm starting to think you're the only person intent on punishing yourself.
08:21What's so urgent?
08:24Didn't something happen with EJ? He didn't keel over or anything, did he?
08:28I wish.
08:30I wish.
08:32What was that?
08:34No, he's fine. He's fine, at least as far as his health is concerned.
08:39But his role as DA, that's a whole different matter.
08:44What are you talking about?
08:47I have some information. Some important information that I think you have the right to know, since you're his boss.
08:55Some information? Well, I'm guessing this isn't good news for EJ.
09:00Oh, it's not.
09:03And as much as I hate to rat out my own brother, I'm afraid it has to be done.
09:19So what's the problem?
09:21Has to do with you living here.
09:25Oh, let me guess. Kayla asked you to kick me out again.
09:29No, Kayla has nothing to do with this, and I'm not asking you to move on.
09:34At least, not yet.
09:37Not yet?
09:38Haven, you are behind in your rent.
09:42Money a lot.
09:45If what you're saying about EJ is true, this is very troubling indeed.
09:54Oh, it's the truth, sadly.
09:59I had to do my civic duty and report it, even at my brother's expense.
10:09Yeah, well, something tells me that you aren't very sad about it at all, are you?
10:17I don't know what you mean.
10:21Look, Mayor Price, all I did was pass along some information.
10:25What you choose to do with said information, that's on you.
10:31Have a nice day.
10:37I came here for a little fun.
10:40Last thing I need is to be psychoanalyst.
10:50I got a little taste of that myself yesterday.
10:54From Jolly, actually.
10:57When he found out that you and I slept together, he warned me that I was potentially destroying my family out of misplaced rage towards Eric and Nicole.
11:11He also pointed out that since I was the one who had blown on my marriage, my rage and anger was doubly misplaced.
11:20Sounds like he was being preachy as hell.
11:25Yes, but he had a point.
11:29I just received my divorce decree from Nicole.
11:34So, honestly, I'm not exactly in the right frame of mind to be engaging in sexual warfare.
11:41Though tempting it may be.
11:51Wait a minute.
11:55Are you seriously turning me down?
11:58Don't be offended, Gabby.
12:01I suspect that deep down, this isn't what you really want either.
12:12Hey, aren't you supposed to be some smarty pants lawyer or something?
12:16What did you think I meant yesterday when I was waving my knife around and I said there's only one way to make Gabby pay for what she did?
12:24That I was going to give her a bad haircut?
12:26No, of course not.
12:28I guess I hoped you had changed your mind.
12:31I mean, after all, Lee said that he didn't want you to kill any more people.
12:35Well, I told you yesterday, his way is not working.
12:38I mean, Gabby is living her best life right now, and that's not acceptable.
12:43Is it, Lee?
12:44Well, maybe you could just...
12:45Shut up.
12:47That is so rude of you.
12:49Lee was in the middle of saying something very important and you interrupted him.
12:54Did I?
12:57I'm so sorry, Lee. I did not hear you.
13:04I don't know how you put up with her. I mean, she's so rude.
13:09Oh, you naughty boy.
13:12I can't believe you're saying that. I mean, she's sitting right there. She can hear you.
13:19Oh, don't mind him. He's in a wicked mood today.
13:23It's all right.
13:24I know he's just joking.
13:28But hey, Lee, why don't you stop joking for a minute and remind Connie that you don't want her to hurt anyone else.
13:40Don't you dare try to turn him against me or I swear...
13:47What's that, darling?
13:51I know, and I don't want to kill anyone else, but with Gabby out of the way, I'll have time to focus all my energy on you and us and making you happy.
14:04Isn't that what you want?
14:08He says yes. That's what he wants.
14:11Are you sure? I could have sworn I heard him say, don't kill Gabby.
14:18You need to get your hearing checked because he told me I should do whatever it takes for us to have our happily ever after.
14:26Right, Lee?
14:29And that's a bad news for Gabby.
14:34And for you, too.
14:40Wait, are you saying that you think a woman attacked you? That it wasn't Bobby?
14:47I'm not 100% sure, of course, but I am pretty sure that it sounded like a woman's voice.
14:56Do you think that's possible? I mean, you told me that Bobby confessed in a letter.
15:05Yeah, a suicide note, but that suicide note, it just never sat right with me.
15:12I don't know, he couldn't put my finger on it, but there was just something that wasn't right. It just didn't sound like him.
15:17All right, so maybe this woman stabbed me and then framed Bobby for it.
15:25Are you sure it would do such a thing?
15:32Maybe it was Connie Beminski.
15:51Roman, I am so sorry. I knew I was behind on my rent. I just, I didn't realize how far behind.
15:59Yeah, I was trying to give you some layaway. I knew you'd lost your job, and you know, I didn't want to nag you about it, but I can't let this go on forever.
16:09No, of course not, of course not. And listen, I am going to pay you back as soon as I find some work.
16:15Look, I'm out there every single day looking. It's just that, I don't know, work's hard to come by right now.
16:23I know you can't buy it. I actually have a solution. Although I'm not sure you're going to like it.
16:40Excuse me, but I believe you're sitting on what was my side of the room.
16:45Gabby, the tape's gone. So can we cut the whole your side, my side crap?
16:56No, we can't. No.
17:01You know, I, uh, whether your brother will go, it's great news.
17:10It is. Yes.
17:14I was at the hospital most of the night. I went by his side.
17:18I don't know why you're so tired.
17:22It's one reason. The other is that, well, I'm tired.
17:33I'm tired.
17:35I'm tired.
17:37I'm tired.
17:39I'm tired.
17:41I'm tired.
17:43I'm tired.
17:45I'm tired.
17:46Well, EJ and I just had another amazing sex marathon. He totally wore me out.
17:57Is that so?
18:01I don't know why I wasted so much time hating him. He's clearly the superior to my brother in so many ways, especially between the sheets.
18:14You know, Gabby, don't you think it's painfully obvious you're trying to get under my skin?
18:26Well, well, I do enjoy doing that.
18:34You know, that's not the reason that EJ and I went for it a second time.
18:39It was actually because the first time was, uh, wow, kind of amazing.
18:53Plus, this isn't just about me and you. Your brother really enjoyed sticking it to you, too.
19:01And I'm willing to enjoy sticking it to him.
19:05What does that mean?
19:07What does that mean?
19:09It means little brother's gonna get a taste of his own medicine.
19:20Madam Mayor, good morning. What can I do for you?
19:23Oh, I'll tell you what you can do for me and every stand-up citizen in this fine town.
19:28You can pack up your office and get the hell out. You're fired.
19:37Who is Connie Verninski? The name sounds familiar, but, uh...
19:43She's Gabby's assistant. I'm not sure if you ever met her, but apparently she's a big fan of your sister and...
19:51Oh, wait, yes. No, I have met her. I remember now.
19:58Mrs. Zamora?
20:02I just wanted you to know how happy I was to hear you were exonerated.
20:05I'm sorry, do I know you?
20:07No, but I know Lee Shin quite well, actually.
20:10And I know he wouldn't be able to rest in peace while someone was being wrongfully punished for his murder.
20:15So thank goodness you got justice, and that his true killer was revealed.
20:20Thank you. That means a lot.
20:29How was life?
20:31A little strange to me.
20:34Maybe a little.
20:36So Connie knew Lee?
20:38That's what she said.
20:41So what do you think? I mean, since you remember her, do you think it was her voice that you heard?
20:48Honestly, I'm not sure. Why are you suspicious of her?
20:54Because she said some things that don't add up.
20:59Like yesterday, Stephanie told me that Leo Stark saw her coming out of Everett's hotel room at the Salem Inn one day, right?
21:07And when Leo asked Connie how she knew Everett, she told him that they go way back.
21:14But that's weird, because Stephanie and I, neither of us have ever heard of her name. Everett's never mentioned her name to us.
21:25And then when Stephanie invited her to Everett's funeral, she told Stephanie that she'd never met him.
21:33So clearly one of those times she was lying.
21:38Yeah. And we can assume that she has some type of connection to Everett. Or maybe she knew him as Bobby.
21:46Anyway, she has some connection to him that she wants to cover up.
21:50Yeah, like maybe she stabbed me and was framing Bobby for it?
21:56It's a possibility.
21:58Okay. Listen, I see where you're going here. The only problem is, with Bobby, he obviously had a motive for wanting to get rid of me, right? Because he wanted to be with you.
22:13This Connie woman?
22:15Why would she want me dead?
22:21Wait, wait a minute. Connie, I don't want to take offense to this, but I think you're confused.
22:28I mean, Lee would never approve of you hurting me. Right, Lee? Right, Melinda?
22:35Nice try, Melinda. But don't quit your day job. You're a terrible mimic.
22:39And I spoke to Lee. And as much as he'd like to spare your life, he understands that you know too much.
22:45So I'm sorry. It's time for you to go.
22:47Wait, wait, wait. Connie, Connie. But I haven't even had a chance to eat that nice breakfast that you made for me.
22:55Well, maybe it's for the best. Lee says you've really been packing on the pounds.
22:59Oh, you lousy bastard. How dare you?
23:03Melinda, don't get upset. Wayne doesn't matter in the afterlife. And I promise I'll make this as quick and painless as possible.
23:11No, no, no, no, no, no.
23:18No, no, no.
23:30You're offering me my old job back?
23:33Yeah, look, I know being a server here at the pub is not as glamorous as being an executive, but you know, you know, just try to find something else.
23:45That is so kind of you, Roman. But you know, I was talking to a server here last week and she told me you are cutting shifts.
23:54Something about closing the pub a couple days of the week to have a TV show shoot here?
24:08So you actually don't need to hire anyone, do you?
24:12Not really. But if I'm going to save my rent money, ever, I can find you ample work. And besides, I kind of like having you around.
24:28Even after everything I've done to your family?
24:31I meant what I said the other day. We all make mistakes. People do deserve to be forgiven, you know.
24:40And that includes you.
24:46You're firing me?
24:48Hell yes, I'm firing you. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, you'll be lucky if your evil heart itself doesn't end up in prison.
24:58For what?
25:00Like you can't figure it out for helping Sloane Peterson kidnap Nicole's baby.
25:06Are you insane? I do no such thing.
25:09Maybe it's more accurate to say you're an accessory after the fact.
25:14That isn't true either.
25:16Oh, you deny finding out about Sloane Peterson's kidnapping plot and keeping quiet about it?
25:24Of course I deny it. These accusations are all baseless. Besides which, they all came to light at my press conference which was months ago.
25:32Whatever public furore there was has completely died down by now. And rightfully so, because there was no evidence.
25:40Why are you harping on this now?
25:43Well, because this morning I got a phone call from a concerned citizen.
25:48Oh, let me guess. It was from my ex-wife, Nicole. Or perhaps her pathetic lover, Eric.
25:54Nope. Neither. It was from your brother, Stefan.
26:06Alright, let's hear it. What did you do to EJ?
26:11Let's just say that I give as good as I get.
26:17As your longtime lover, I'm not sure I agree with that statement.
26:25I'm getting the distinct feeling that you do not have any desire to save this marriage.
26:33It's because I don't want to.
26:37You know, I can remember a time not too long ago where I would not have been able to imagine you throwing away what we have because I made one mistake.
26:50A huge freaking mistake.
26:52Yes, a huge freaking mistake. I own that. I admit that.
26:57And if you had made that same huge freaking mistake, I'd be mad as hell.
27:05But that doesn't mean that I would not fight for you till the bitter end.
27:18Which makes me realize that...
27:26You don't love me the way I love you.
27:30And maybe you're right.
27:34Maybe this marriage is worth saving.
27:56I had no idea why this Connie Vininski woman would want to kill you.
28:02And although I did hear that, the woman is bad news.
28:06So, what did you find out about her?
28:09Well, after I talked to Stephanie about Connie, I ran into Ava.
28:13Who worked with Connie, right?
28:16Yeah. And Ava told me that that woman fabricated her entire resume.
28:22Lied about everything.
28:27Yeah. And then when it all came out, Melinda Trask went to Connie's apartment to fire her.
28:33But apparently Melinda never showed up.
28:36Yeah. Ava told me that she left town.
28:39Wait. Has anyone seen Melinda since she went to fire Connie?
28:44No. But I went to Connie's apartment to question her about everything.
28:49And when I got there, the door was unlocked. So I went in, but nobody was inside.
28:54Then I was going to explore further, but then I got the call about you waking up. So I left.
28:59So Connie could have possibly done something to Melinda to keep from getting fired?
29:03It's possible.
29:06Does Gabby know that her assistant lied about her resume?
29:10I'm not sure. But Connie is still Gabby's assistant, so probably not.
29:16Okay. So let's recap.
29:19Connie is a fraud. She may have done something to Melinda to keep from getting fired.
29:26And Connie has some crazy connection with Everett. I mean, how does this all tie together?
29:36Lee Shin.
29:39What about him?
29:41Lee Shin was both involved with Melinda and Gabby, right?
29:45And Connie, you said that you remember her saying that she knew Lee.
29:51And she's been living in his old apartment, where he was stabbed.
29:56Okay, but that...
29:58And remember Bobby said that he knew who killed Lee.
30:02And after Bobby died, we just assumed that he was lying.
30:06But what if it was Connie?
30:09What if he knew it was Connie who killed Lee?
30:14Then she stabbed me, framed Bobby for it, just to throw suspicion off herself.
30:23And then she killed Bobby and made it look like a suicide.
30:27Oh my God.
30:29That would explain why he tried calling 911 before he died.
30:33I need to get in touch with Gabby.
30:36Okay, while you do that, I need to bring in Beninski for questioning.
30:40All right, don't go there without backup. You don't know what you're going to be walking into.
31:07Close, but no cigar.
31:24What can I get you?
31:31Didn't realize you were working here again.
31:33Yeah, well I wasn't until about five minutes ago.
31:39Desperate times, desperate measures.
31:43I'm sorry.
31:45What for? It's not your fault.
31:48But it kind of is. You'd still have a job at DiMera if my wife wasn't hell-bent on revenge.
31:54I have slept with her husband.
31:57And, you know, if I were in Gabby's shoes, I probably would have done much worse.
32:03So, I'll take my legs for now.
32:06Yeah, but you shouldn't have to.
32:11You know what?
32:14You know what would help you out?
32:17Why don't you ditch that apron and come work with me over at the bistro?
32:25Stefan says you admitted your guilt to him months ago.
32:28He told Gabby all about it.
32:31Then she used the information to expose you at that press conference.
32:35Stefan said he was supposed to confirm the whole story with Rafe.
32:40Long time ago, but Rafe was attacked, so he never got the chance.
32:44Of course, my brother is the one who's leading the charge on all this.
32:48Oh, and now he's ready to fully cooperate, which means testifying against you.
32:55Which means I've got to fire you pronto to get ahead of the scandal.
32:59Damn him.
33:01Yeah, well, I don't know what you did to piss the guy off, but it must have been really damn rotten.
33:08You can say that.
33:18Miss Vininski, it's Commissioner Hunter.
33:21I'd like to ask you a few questions.
33:28Last time I was here, I just had to apply a little pressure.
33:36Miss Vininski, are you home?
33:41Is that blood?
33:48Yeah, it is. Put it in the corner of CSU.
33:55Oh, my God.
33:57Whose blood is this?
34:19Miss DiMera!
34:25Sorry, Commish.
34:27I can't have any interruptions.
34:32What are you doing here?
34:34Oh, well, I called the office and they said you hadn't come in yet, so I thought I'd drop by and see if you needed anything.
34:41And I so appreciate that.
34:45You're the best assistant ever, Connie.
34:49Ah, my phone. I've been looking for it.
34:53So how's your brother?
34:55He's great. Thanks for asking.
34:58Does he remember much about that horrible guy that attacked him? Bobby or Everett Lynch?
35:06No. He doesn't remember anything about being stabbed.
35:11That's good. I won't have to worry about him pointing the finger at me.
35:23You slept with your brother's wife?
35:28Wow, you are really one class act.
35:33Actually, it was my brother's utter lack of class that led to my involvement with his wife, but let's not get into that.
35:41Yeah, yeah, let's not.
35:43And as far as his accusations against me, it's his word against mine.
35:49Since Sloane Peterson is long gone and no one else besides my brother has stepped forward.
35:55So it's all hearsay, motivated by vengeance.
36:00Meaning that if you do fire me, Paulina, you'll only end up looking foolish when this case falls apart in court.
36:11Which is why I have to make sure that that doesn't happen.
36:14I'm replacing you with a brilliant DA.
36:19Well, if you are considering Melinda Trask for the position, the rumor is she's long gone.
36:31Come on. I'll even put you on the fast track back to the hospital.
36:38Come on. I'll even put you on the fast track back to manager.
36:43Oh, yeah? Oh, all right. Well, do I have to hide drugs in the tomato sauce this time?
36:51We are in a completely legit operation now.
36:55What about Gabby?
36:57You told me a while back you would have given me a job, but you didn't want to piss her off.
37:02Yeah, that was before she slept with my brother.
37:05Yeah, well, now the two of you are even.
37:08Not so much. Definitely happened more than once, according to what she just told me.
37:13Which means that she has no interest in saving our marriage.
37:18So, I might as well help out an old friend by offering her a job.
37:24You sure you're not just doing this to get under her skin?
37:27You sure you're not just doing this to get under her skin?
37:31I don't care about Gabby's feelings. And quite frankly, I don't give a damn what happens to her now.
37:46What? What are you talking about? Why would Rafe point the finger at you?
37:53Oh, did I forget to mention? I'm the one who stabbed your brother.
38:04Gabby called me back.
38:08Hey, Fernandez. About time you woke up, new Roman.
38:13Although you don't seem too happy about it. Something wrong?
38:17No, it... Sorry. It's great to see you. It's just, uh... I'm worried about Gabby.
38:27Jada and I think her new assistant might be dangerous.
38:48Oh my god!
39:00You stabbed Rafe.
39:08And you're next.
