• 2 months ago


00:30花一落堆积凡尘的凉薄 随着风仿若不留痕而过
00:57写诗借一笔笔墨 重写下你我甘苦与共和天地同游
01:10血染土 宿命纠缠无解的因果 乱世中会相逢的缘由
01:24并肩踏破了坎坷 重拾了灵魂 坎坷凉落明月照晨光
01:38我愿是一枪敢弹 铁马战歌响云端 只为那一句无憾 生死与不破不换
01:51人也随心意斗转 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
02:21人也随心意斗转 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
02:54他既然来得大大方方 那就让他看得明明白白
02:58到了长风屋谁盯着谁 不一定
03:07这长风卫的马 真是世间一等一的好马
03:12白瓜 我知道你没怎么见过世面
03:26童副将 伊副使 加油
03:35崔大哥 你说他们俩谁会赢
03:37我看啊 孔雀斗殴 两败俱伤
03:40嗯 就是 争出和胜负有什么意思 还不如自由驰骋来得痛快
03:46真是难为小慈了 明明心里啊 一直向往的是自在山野
03:51可如今啊 却被困在这马车里
03:58外面霜寒路中 你身体薄弱 当心受了风寒 劳损身体
04:06我想 等到明年春暖花开之时 小慈一定可以策马扬鞭
04:20我在想 姜姑娘的手 看起来能打死一头牛 好像跟薄弱也挂不上什么关系
04:36崔大哥 喝茶
04:41哦 侯爷 魏指会是 你们自便
04:56崔大哥 你快尝尝 这个是我亲手做的糕点
05:06嗯 手艺不错
05:12哦 侯爷 你最近总是咳嗽 你吃甜的 我怕对你嗓子不太好 你就别吃了吧
05:21魏指会是 你不爱吃甜的吧
05:26不爱归不爱 但我确实饿了 来 给我尝尝
05:40嗯 确实不错 看来魏马要趁这段时间 好好找姜姑娘打打牙迹了
05:48姜姑娘还有什么看家本领 尽管拿出来 千万别藏着
06:48只不过有一些看不到的地方 不知道里面藏了多少物 纳了多少的垢
06:56再深的水也有竹猴一通到底 能拔出多少泥 全看探得有多深
07:06少君是个聪明人 那我就有话直说了
07:11御史台审过何振文一番 据何振文交代 军械出问题皆是因为工匠经验尚浅 技艺不精
07:19御史台抓了一批涉事工匠 他们也都供认不会
07:25查清楚了 没有任何问题
07:28一案过必留痕 此番有三郎帮手 我心中多了不少把握
07:35恕魏某直言 少君若想官复原职 就要尽快查明军械案的真相
07:42但就怕军械案一案 牵扯甚广
07:46陛下虽在意此案 但他更在意的 便是这台面上有没有不清不楚的东西
07:54裴氏永远是陛下的臣民 南陵也始终是陛下的王土
08:00若裴氏真参与其中 裴也必将大义灭亲
08:05既然有了少君这句话 那军械案必定水落石出
08:19回小姐的话 民女没事
08:22我不是什么小姐 我叫江慈 你呢
08:27你都撑了一路了 你放那儿我来吧
08:32这样 你就当帮我个忙 我在里面坐着也闷得慌 你帮我透个气 来
08:41小慈 注意安全
08:44拿着 暖暖手
08:48你一会儿就在我旁边站着 帮我指路
08:58好了 站好了
09:09大人们 都坐好了
10:14崔大哥 你先回去吧
10:23这么大雨 你怎么站在这儿啊
10:27你常年在江上行船 这披风厚实 你留着
10:30不行的 这太贵重了 我不能上
10:32你就别跟我客气了 你在船上讨生活 我在别人手底下求生 我们同病相怜 当然要互帮互助
10:40这天色也不早了 来 拿着 赶紧回去
11:53此一杯酒 本应老夫携众族亲敬侯爷
11:58怎奈老夫上了年纪 腿足不便 还望侯爷包涵
12:07侯爷是官 我等为民 还是按规矩好
12:12免得传了出去 说裴氏欠缺家教 失之以礼啊
12:38侯爷荣归南陵 与我等同饮 实乃幸事一桩
12:44但老夫听闻 侯爷为了一个女子辞了官
12:53朝堂之事 恕侄儿不能向叔父言明
12:59这都不是朝堂 有什么不能说的
13:09侯爷当真以为庆康种种 传不到南陵吗
13:13侯爷虽贵为建鼎侯 但也是我裴氏子孙
13:17一切言行 当以裴氏为先才对
13:21小慈是我的婢女 自是裴府中人
13:25外面那些风言风语 叔父无须介怀
13:29这世人眼中 我裴氏最为光耀之人
13:37可他呢 老侯爷虽位极人臣
13:53贤侄肩上所载 实乃整个南陵裴氏啊
14:06侯爷 那奴婢先退下了
14:27老夫所言 何曾有过此意
14:41魏某看老族长 是久居南陵 老眼昏花了
14:47建鼎侯承袭爵位 辞不辞官都是朝廷住室
14:52你一介地方乡绅 按规制 该行叩拜之礼
14:57建鼎侯视您为族亲 免了礼也就罢了
15:02你见了我也不拜 有失礼数啊
15:06我 我乃光明司指挥使 官居三品
15:17老族长上了年纪 老眼昏花看不清楚了
15:50心力有迹可 不拘于形势
15:56少军 魏某终究是个外人
16:02今日多有得罪 还请三郎海涵
16:06侯爷 那奴婢也先退下了
16:39崔大哥 你怎么来了
16:45不如这外面的空气 来得清心自在
16:48多谢崔大哥 我没事
16:55就盘踞各方 作威作福
16:57你说说 他们读圣贤书 但不行仁义事
17:02这江山社稷 迟早有一天要被这些蛀虫们啃食殆尽
17:06听起来 崔大哥好像比我还讨厌他们
17:10我出仕入仕 是希望以己之身为民请命
17:30有匹夫汗术 也有蚂蚁搬家嘛
17:37小慈蓝心绘志 是我一叶障目了
17:46饿了吧 我听说南陵的夜市甚是热闹
17:50有好多好吃的 我带你去尝尝
17:52崔大哥 你先等等 我带你去个地方 走
18:16小慈 快点
18:23快 快跑快跑
18:32我家的是君子兰 君子兰姓韩 和酒混在一起
18:45走 咱们吃好吃的去
19:00请侯爷恕罪 奴婢等也不知为何会少了一个
19:06没事 退下吧
19:14崔大哥 这南陵好热闹啊
19:17这南陵啊 是有名的鱼米之乡
19:20俗话说得好 百姓肚中有粮 心中自然不慌
19:25说得好 百姓肚中有粮 心中自然不慌
19:31我在这侯府啊 栽的气都喘不上来
19:33还是这儿好 什么都有
19:50老板 你这什么馅的呀
19:53有牛肉的 有羊肉的
20:11小慈 你想吃什么 我陪你去
20:16我就随便逛逛 我边走边吃
20:19你放心 我不会瞎跑的
20:21好 那我们一会儿就在这儿会合
20:26来 公子 看看
20:28老板 这个怎么卖
20:37来 干
20:52叔父 今夜是侄儿多有怠慢 向您赔不是
21:04贤侄 并非叔父为难于你
21:09这一族之长 万事都要以裴氏荣耀为计
21:27这仕途之上 你若能帮他疏通打点
21:44叔父 侄儿明白了
22:06来 看看香囊吧
22:10老板娘 我能看看这个吗
22:37人生在世 随波逐流
22:40命运之舟 当真无人能撼动
23:41老板 我来碗糖粥
23:44姑娘 真不凑巧 今天晚上生意太好了
23:50要不给您拼个桌子 您看可以吗
23:52行啊 那我坐哪儿
23:54那边 墙那边有个桌子
24:37It seems that I came first.
24:42For the sake of you venting your anger on me just now,
24:44forget it.
24:46Who said that I was venting my anger on you just now?
24:49Then you are venting your anger on the Marquis.
24:57Why did you come to Nanling?
25:00I'm following the Emperor's order to investigate a case.
25:02This is a post, not a grave.
25:07Miss Jiang, when did you become so interested in me?
25:13If you didn't set me up, I wouldn't have set you up.
25:17The porridge is here.
25:24Father said that he would like to have a talk with you two.
25:27These two Songzhaobaba are for you two.
25:33What is Songzhaobaba?
25:35Songzhaobaba is for Grandfather Zao Shen.
25:37Grandfather Zao Shen will be happy when he eats something sweet.
25:39He will say good words to Heaven
25:41and pray that everyone will be able to fill their stomachs and not get sick in the coming year.
25:44That's right. Filling your stomachs is the most important thing.
25:47This is your family's business news.
25:48Thank you, Sister.
25:49Xiao Han, come over here and wash the dishes.
25:51What are you doing? So clumsy.
25:53I'm coming.
25:58I didn't expect you to thank me.
26:02It seems that Miss Jiang really has a big misunderstanding about me.
26:11Why do you like eating sugar so much?
26:16Could it be that Miss Jiang is really interested in me?
26:21When I used the Buku porridge to test you,
26:24you said that the porridge wasn't sweet enough.
26:26What does the real Buku porridge taste like?
26:30I don't remember.
26:33Aren't you from Yueluo?
26:35You are from Liang'an.
26:37Can you remember the taste of the porridge you ate when you were young?
26:40I remember.
26:41As long as it's the taste I've eaten, I'll remember.
26:43Let's just say this.
26:44There are so many delicious food in the world.
26:47You are so arrogant.
26:49What do you mean?
26:50Do I have to fight with you every day?
26:52That's called being alive.
26:55Why do you always stick to Buku porridge?
27:02I went down the mountain before
27:04just to go to Yueluo to pick old flowers
27:07and make Buku porridge for my master to celebrate his birthday.
27:09But who knew that I couldn't go out when I came to Qingkang.
27:15Does your master like Buku porridge?
27:20He drank it with his family when he was young.
27:24He said that it was a very important memory for him.
27:31Buku porridge.
27:37Buku porridge.
27:39It's not impossible to tell you.
27:43But everything has a reason.
27:46You have to do something for me, too.
27:48Don't even think about it.
27:50Don't worry.
27:51I know the rules of your work.
27:53I won't let you do those evil things.
27:57What do you want to do?
28:00I was ordered by His Majesty
28:02to supervise the relationship between Pei and Jun Xi'an.
28:05I need Zhu Shibin of Changfeng Guards to communicate secretly.
28:08What does this have to do with Jun Xi'an?
28:11You've seen the faces of Pei's people.
28:14Changfeng Guards are ordered by Pei Yan.
28:17If you know the movements of Changfeng Guards,
28:19you can know the movements of Pei Yan's investigation.
28:22Do you suspect that His Lordship will cover up for Pei?
28:25In order to get what you want,
28:27sometimes you can use any means.
28:31In this way, Pei Yan can return to his original position.
28:34You can also reunite with your master.
28:36I can give orders to His Majesty.
28:38It's rare to have such a three-way game, isn't it?
28:45Don't even think about it.
28:48I promised to help you hide your identity.
28:50I won't stop you.
28:51I won't break my promise.
28:52But I won't be used by you again.
28:58After all,
29:00you still can't let go of your Sword-Picking Marquis.
29:03Yes, I can't let go of him.
29:05Stop eating. I'll take it back to His Lordship.
29:15In the Moon Valley, there is a valley.
29:18It's called Mingyue Valley.
29:20That place is green all year round.
29:23There are flowers everywhere.
29:25But that place is also the burial ground of the Moon Valley.
29:29The people of the Moon Valley are never afraid of death.
29:32They sleep under the moon all year round.
29:35The yearning of family and friends
29:37makes their graves full of flowers.
29:40That is the Lingjiu Flower.
29:42They pick it and make a bowl of it.
29:45They feel the longing for the deceased
29:47and pour their life into it.
29:51I didn't ask you.
29:52You told me yourself.
29:53Don't force me to buy it.
29:58Everyone has his own needs.
30:01I wish you all the best.
30:11Why is this honey?
30:33Let's go.
30:34Uncle, are you all right?
30:36Wait a minute.
30:40I'm fine.
30:45My Lord, look.
30:47It's a bad omen to have a stomachache.
30:50My Lord, are you all right?
30:52I'm fine. I just drank the soup.
30:54Did someone poison the soup?
30:57I'll go to the kitchen to check.
30:58No need.
30:59It's a small matter.
31:00How is the investigation going?
31:03There are people from all walks of life in Nanling.
31:06The people don't say anything
31:08for the sake of you.
31:09I heard that some time ago,
31:10the Fourth Young Master took over the farm
31:12and killed someone.
31:13He spent money to suppress it.
31:15And the Second Young Master
31:16just took over the 17th room this year.
31:18He's still tied up in the mansion.
31:19The Second Young Master?
31:20Isn't he 68 years old this year?
31:23The reputation of the old Marquis
31:24will be ruined by them sooner or later.
31:26The Marquis has done so much
31:27for the Pei family.
31:29But they are so hard on the Marquis.
31:31It's not worth it.
31:32I protect the Pei family
31:34for my father's dignity
31:37and my own responsibility.
31:41By the way,
31:42have you found the whereabouts of the Yan sisters?
31:44I've sent people to investigate secretly,
31:46but there's no news yet.
31:47Send more people.
31:54Where's Xiaoci?
31:56She went out with Mr. Cui.
31:58She hasn't come back yet.
32:08Mr. Cui.
32:09The pouch you bought is so beautiful.
32:11You have a good taste.
32:16It's not for Miss Jiang.
32:18I'm ashamed.
32:20I saw that the pouch
32:22matches the relic I knew before.
32:25So I bought it.
32:26I thought
32:27a gentleman like Mr. Cui
32:29would be a good choice.
32:32I really want to see that girl again
32:35and return the paper dragonfly to her.
32:37Let me see.
32:40There's a beginning for everything.
32:42There's an end for everything.
32:44It means
32:46there's always a good start
32:47in the world,
32:49but there's rarely a good end
32:51and a good ending.
33:06Sanlang is also here.
33:08Young Master hasn't gone to bed yet?
33:13Xiaoci hasn't come back yet.
33:15I'm worried.
33:18It's late.
33:20You've been disturbing Sanlang and Ziming
33:22all night.
33:23Go back to your room and have a rest.
33:36Go back to your room and have a rest.
33:47Sit down.
33:50Don't lend others your cloak again.
33:53You're not strong enough.
34:00It's cold in autumn.
34:01Warm yourself up.
34:04Thank you, My Lord.
34:21Xiaoci doesn't like ginger tea.
34:25I was too full just now.
34:27I couldn't drink it.
34:29It seems that Xiaoci had a good time tonight.
34:32Did Xiaoci have fun
34:33with Sanlang tonight?
34:37When did you two
34:39become so close?
34:42We just happened to meet.
34:44The Commander
34:45took good care of me
34:47for the sake of you.
34:49I see that Xiaoci and Sanlang
34:50and Ziming are close to each other.
34:52I thought
34:53you liked someone
34:54among them.
34:56I don't like anyone.
34:58My Lord,
34:59have an early rest.
35:00I'm leaving.
35:03During this time,
35:04please stay in my room.
35:15Leave us.
35:30Sanlang came to Nanling this time
35:32not only to help me investigate the case,
35:34but also to monitor me
35:35every move I make in Nanling.
35:37His Majesty also wants to test me
35:39to see if I'm disloyal.
35:42Sanlang is very smart.
35:44He can't see
35:45the flaw between you and me.
35:49I know
35:50I made Xiaoci
35:51suffer a lot some time ago.
35:54I apologize to you
35:55for wearing the porcelain knife.
35:58It's about the safety of the company.
36:00Please give me a hand.
36:06I'll stay here tonight.
36:09My Lord,
36:11you live in lies
36:12every day like this.
36:14Aren't you tired
36:16of calculating with others?
36:19Everyone has a responsibility in life.
36:21If it's a responsibility,
36:22you can't cry.
36:24I know
36:25making any choice
36:26is a kind of harm.
36:28But I have to choose
36:30to protect the important people and things.
36:36You sleep inside.
36:38I'll stay outside.
36:56What's going on
36:57in Peiyan's room?
37:00The lights are out.
37:03Where is Jiang Ci?
37:05He should still be in there.
37:09Still in there?
37:14I see.
37:16During the banquet tonight,
37:17you must have deliberately
37:19adjusted the time
37:20to win Jiang Ci's trust and favor.
37:24The gentle knife
37:25is deadly.
37:28You are so clever.
37:30I thought he was the closest to Jiang Ci.
37:32But I didn't expect
37:33you have penetrated him.
37:36It seems that
37:37it's just a matter of time.
37:43You go to kill the snake tonight.
37:48My Lord,
37:49I'm afraid
37:50I can't.
37:53My Lord,
37:54it's so windy outside.
37:56It's getting darker.
37:57I think
37:58it's time for Changfeng Guards to move.
38:00My Lord,
38:01I have to go with you
38:02to the Department of Construction
38:04to investigate the military supply case tomorrow.
38:06My investigation of the military supply case
38:07is just a process.
38:10the most important thing
38:11is to find the Yan sisters.
38:16My Lord.
38:17My Lord.
38:21My Lord.
38:34I'm He Zhenwen.
38:35Nice to meet you, Patriarch Pei.
38:36It's such a big trouble.
38:39Mr. He.
38:40If you didn't have limited ability,
38:43how could you send the inferior weapons
38:45to Qingkang?
38:47It's my fault.
38:49I didn't realize that I was short of money in time.
38:52I had to buy the inferior weapons to attack.
38:55That's why this batch of weapons
38:57has a problem.
38:59Forget it.
39:00Don't mention it again.
39:02My nephew is smart
39:04and hard to deal with.
39:05This time
39:06he brought
39:07a wild Wei Zhao.
39:09The two of them are fighting.
39:11We need to be more careful.
39:14Mr. He.
39:15Don't let them
39:17get the hang of it.
39:20Don't worry, Patriarch Pei.
39:22The situation in Nanling
39:24is perfect.
39:25If Yushitai can't find it out,
39:27neither can
39:29Marquis Pei and Commander Wei.
39:38Thank you, Pei...
39:46Why do you look at their faces?
39:48The road to the army
39:50is the worry of the army.
39:52You are receiving the salary of the court.
39:54Why are you angry with Mr. Pei?
39:57You are so reckless.
39:59You need to polish it well.
40:01Otherwise, you will suffer sooner or later.
40:04We just sent Yushitai away
40:06and Pei Yan and Wei Zhao came again.
40:09What should we do?
40:12Take your people
40:13to Liu Minxiang.
40:15Arrest them.
40:17Find a secret place in the city
40:19and lock them up.
40:22Pei Yan and Wei Zhao
40:24will come to Zhuzao Temple.
40:27I need to be alert
40:29to deal with them.
40:41Marquis Pei.
40:42Commander Wei.
40:44Sorry for not welcoming you earlier.
40:45I am ashamed.
40:46I have resigned.
40:49I came with Commander Wei.
40:51Thank you, Commander Wei.
40:53Thank you, Mr. He.
41:12What is this place?
41:14Commander Wei.
41:15This is a fake stove.
41:17There was an accident
41:18a few days ago.
41:20It has not been repaired yet.
41:22It cannot be used.
41:24Why is there a fire?
41:28About two months ago,
41:30some craftsmen made a mistake
41:32and caused a fire.
41:33The fire was extinguished.
41:35These craftsmen
41:36also died here.
41:38I have prepared money
41:40to compensate their families.
41:43Why are there so many craftsmen
41:45in Zhuzao Temple
41:47in Mr. He's mouth?
41:49It's either a broken weapon
41:51or a fire.
41:57Commander Wei.
41:59I made a mistake
42:00and caused the fire.
42:02I have failed you.
42:04I am sorry.
42:06I am willing to take all the punishment.
42:08But I beg you
42:09to show mercy
42:11and forgive these craftsmen.
42:12They are inexperienced.
42:13I am willing to take all the punishment
42:15for them.
42:17I have no complaints.
42:30He Zhenwen's statement
42:32is clear and clear.
42:34I think the imperial censorate
42:35was sent by him in this way.
42:38There is a problem with the internal weapons.
42:40It concerns the safety of the imperial city.
42:42It's a capital crime.
42:44We can only blame the craftsmen
42:45for the crime.
42:47Then we can plead for them
42:48and make a good name for them
42:50in exchange for a chance.
42:52I think it's a drop in the ocean.
42:54There is no way to solve it.
43:00There is no problem
43:01with the account of Zhuzao Temple.
43:03Since the people all say so,
43:05the account
43:07is really credible.
43:09I didn't expect the case
43:10to be so serious.
43:11But I'm afraid Zhuzao Temple
43:12can't find out anything.
43:14It seems that we have to
43:16hide in the city.
43:17Since we have to hide in the city,
43:18why don't we pretend to go around the city
43:20and take a walk in and out of the city?
43:22They won't agree.
43:23Miss Jiang, let's do it together.
43:25There is a woman here.
43:26This play is real.
43:28Then I will do as you say.
44:12This unfulfilled wish
44:14The wind blows into my heart
44:17Like a smoke
44:21Dreaming together
44:23For a moment, for a few years
44:26Still together
44:31In the youth
44:33The sun goes up and the moon goes down
44:35I can't forget your figure
44:42Long-lasting love
44:44Falling into the water
44:46Love and hate forever
44:49I only want to find the star
44:51The sky is long and the earth is long
44:54The mountains and the deserts look back
44:57Two hearts as if wrong
45:00Only this time
45:02Enjoy the light
45:06Never stop
45:14In the youth
45:16The sun goes up and the moon goes down
45:18I can't forget your figure
45:25Long-lasting love
45:27Falling into the water
45:29Love and hate forever
45:32I only want to find the star
45:34The sky is long and the earth is long
45:37The mountains and the deserts look back
45:40Two hearts as if wrong
45:43Only this time
45:45Enjoy the light
45:49Never stop
46:04Thank you for watching!