Till Death Do Us Part (2024) Full Movie Recap | Horror Recaps Studio

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Police psychologist Kate investigates what appears to be the murder of a husband by his wife, who claims he was the victim of a sleep demon.

Till Death Do Us Part (2024) | Movie Recap | Recapss Horror
Original title: Sehidup Semati

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00:00At the beginning of the movie, a preacher on TV declares that women who constantly fuss about
00:05equality are sinful and do not understand religion or their own nature. He explains
00:11that God created Adam from clay and Eve from Adam's rib, implying that women are inherently
00:17less than men. We then see a girl named Renata who hears her parents fighting and is scared to
00:23death as she hides under a table and covers her ears. Her dad beats her mother and leaves,
00:28while the preacher on TV says that men and women can never be equal. He asserts that men have
00:33control over women and that it is in a woman's nature to submit to men. Renata's mom tells her
00:39that what God has united cannot be separated and asks her to pray with her. As they pray,
00:45Renata watches her mom crying, and the scene cuts here. Years later, Renata is married to
00:51a man named Edwin, and we see bruises on her body. Later, the preacher on TV claims that
00:57the key to a perfect and happy marriage is a wife who submits to her husband. According to him,
01:03a devoted wife will bring harmony in this world and the afterlife. He emphasizes that it is a
01:09great sin for a wife to disobey her husband, warning that God will be furious with wives who
01:15disobey and that they will receive punishment in hell. We then see Renata and Edwin having breakfast,
01:22and it's clear that their marriage is not happy. Renata notices that Edwin doesn't like the food
01:27and asks if she should make something else for him. Edwin checks his phone and tells her that
01:31he is heading out. Before he leaves, he checks her face and tells her to stay at home, keep the door
01:37locked, and not let anyone in. She asks if she should clean his office, to which he threatens
01:42her to stay out of it. Later, while she is washing dishes, Renata becomes saddened when she hears a
01:48woman moaning next door. Afterward, she watches a TV show where a man talks about ending his marriage
01:54with his wife. Renata imagines herself in the woman's place and speaks her dialogue. Just then,
02:00she hears the sound of a door opening and quickly turns off the TV. She goes to check,
02:05and suddenly someone tries to open the door and starts knocking. Fearfully, Renata opens the door
02:11to find a woman named Maya, who tells her that there is a cake package for her. Maya tries to
02:16come inside, but Renata takes the cake from her hand. Maya asks if her husband is around, and as
02:22Renata tries to go back inside, Maya asks if she saw her. At that moment, the neighbor intervenes,
02:28and Maya leaves. The neighbor asks Renata if she still wants to live there, mentioning that the
02:33place is no longer fit for habitation, to which Renata just goes inside and locks the door. Later,
02:40Renata receives a call from her mom, who wishes her a happy birthday. Her mom asks if she is
02:46alright, and Renata reassures her that she is fine and thanks her for the birthday wishes.
02:51After some time, while sleeping, Renata has a dream in which she is very happily dancing with
02:57Edwin. Suddenly, she sees a woman there, which disturbs her greatly, and she wakes up from her
03:02sleep. She notices that Edwin has returned home and immediately goes to him, asking if she can
03:07bring him something to eat or drink. However, he says he is very tired and is going to bed.
03:13The next day, Renata watches the same TV drama where a woman is confronting a prostitute over
03:18her husband. The prostitute argues that men prefer women who are expressive and not presumptuous.
03:24So, before insulting her, she should realize her husband is a hypocrite and learn that whoever
03:30dominates in bed also dominates in life. Later, Renata encounters the woman next door,
03:36who remarks that she hasn't seen her much since she moved in. The woman introduces herself as
03:41Asmara and says she must be Renata. She is quite a legend here, and people call her the devout wife.
03:48She expresses that if being a devoted wife means tolerating your husband beating you,
03:53she would prefer to be an unfaithful wife. She asks if she thinks she can hide the bruises on
03:58her face and comments that even a loyal dog will attack its owner if mistreated.
04:03Later, in the laundry room, Asmara's boyfriend joins her, and they both start getting intimate
04:08there. After a while, they both leave, and as Renata collects her clothes, she gets startled
04:14seeing a woman in the mirror, and only then does a man ask her to hurry up as he's closing up.
04:19As Renata is leaving the place, she hears the sound of a woman singing, but when she turns back,
04:24there is no one there. Her attention is then drawn to a notice about a missing woman named Ana.
04:30Suddenly, the lights start turning off, and as Renata leaves, we see Maya standing behind her.
04:36When Renata reaches home, she receives a call for Edwin from his company. The caller informs
04:41her that they have been trying to reach Edwin's cell phone without success, and that he has been
04:46absent from work without notice for the past few days. Just then, Edwin returns home and asks Renata
04:52who is on the phone, to which she says her mom. During dinner, Renata hesitantly asks Edwin if
04:58everything is going well at work. He responds sharply, asking why she would ask such a question,
05:04and insists that her only responsibility is to take care of the house, not to meddle in his work.
05:09Only then, he gets a notification on his phone, and he tells her that he has some work to do,
05:14so she should go to bed. The next day, Renata visits the church with Edwin, where the preacher
05:20states that in the history of life, Adam was created first, with Eve following later. He
05:26emphasizes that men should not be tempted by women, but rather, women appear as temptations
05:32to men, as Mara asks, why women are always made scapegoats for men's poor morals. The preacher
05:38continues, saying women were born as accomplices of the devil, and their lips are like venomous
05:43snakes. As Mara tells Renata that all his preaching degrades women because he is impotent, she asks
05:49Renata to tell her husband that if he wants to ogle other women, he should not do it in a place
05:54of worship, or in front of his own wife. Renata then notices the woman there, whom Edwin was staring
06:00at. That night, Renata has a nightmare again, in which she sees the woman, and suddenly wakes up
06:06gasping. Only then does she hear a woman laughing in the house, so she comes out and starts walking
06:12towards Edwin's office. Edwin confronts her, asking what she is doing. He grabs her by the
06:17throat, and reminds her how many times he has told her to stay out of his office. Renata mentions
06:23she heard a woman's voice, but Edwin dismisses it, saying there is no one else there. Renata then
06:28hears a woman singing from his office, but when Edwin asks if she doesn't believe him, she hesitantly
06:34suggests it might have been a dream. The next day, Renata visits Asmara's apartment and asks
06:40if she has ever experienced anything strange, like hearing voices or seeing unusual things while
06:46living there. Asmara responds that many people are leaving because the building is run down
06:51and rumored to be converted into a mall. She suggests that if there really is a ghost, Renata
06:56should befriend it as a way to keep herself company when she is lonely. But if she makes friends with
07:01a ghost, her husband might beat her again. Renata protests that her husband is not like that, and
07:07starts to leave. But Asmara stops her, insisting that no one deserves to be treated that way.
07:13She offers Renata wine to help her relax, and the next moment, Renata is fully drunk and reciting
07:20dialogues from the TV drama. Asmara chuckles and asks Renata to say all men are jerks, and Renata
07:26complies. Encouraged, Asmara asks her to say it louder, and soon joins in herself, and we see
07:33Renata actually enjoying herself in the moment. Later, Asmara tells Renata that she is beautiful,
07:39but too naive. She remarks that men love having a wife like her, but also get bored quickly with
07:45women like her. Asmara then asks Renata when was the last time her husband had sex with her,
07:51and if he looked her in the eye during that moment. Renata recalls the moment, and Asmara
07:56suggests that she ask her husband who he was thinking of during sex with her. Feeling
08:00uncomfortable, Renata abruptly says she has to leave as it's getting late, and before she goes,
08:06she asks Asmara not to let her husband know she was there. Later, when Renata goes to throw out
08:12the garbage, she finds a lipstick in it. She brings the lipstick back home and keeps it in a box,
08:18and as she does so, she is startled to see a woman in the house. Renata comes out but
08:22encounters Edwin there. She attempts to seduce him, but he asks her to go to bed and not wait
08:28for him. The next day, Renata finds Asmara in the laundry again, and they once again drink wine
08:33together and enjoy each other's company. After a while, Asmara asks Renata what would make her
08:39happy, to which Renata shares that she wants to have children because her mother told her it could
08:44improve her relationship with Edwin. Then, Asmara and Renata play act as if Renata is giving birth
08:50to a child, and afterward, they both leave the laundry room together. When Renata returns home,
08:56she discovers two glasses of wine on the table. Furious, she picks up one of the glasses,
09:02and at that moment, she notices a woman passing behind her. Renata can't discern whether there
09:07is truly a woman in the house, or if she is hallucinating, but then she hears the sound of
09:12running water. Frightened, she moves towards the bathroom, only to find no one there but the tap
09:18running. Renata retreats to her room and is horrified to see the woman's reflection in the
09:22mirror. On the other hand, in Maya's apartment, we see some kind of ritual going on, and meanwhile,
09:29Renata is praying fervently to God to save her marriage and keep Edwin safe from temptations.
09:36After a while, the shaman tells Maya that she saw her with a man, and something terrible happened.
09:42She whispers something to Maya, and just then, Edwin breaks in. He asks Renata to take pills,
09:48suggesting she is afraid of her imagination. Renata insists she didn't imagine it and claims
09:54to have proof. However, when Renata comes out, she discovers that the wine bottle and glasses
09:59are no longer there. Edwin insists she takes pills to calm down, to which Renata expresses
10:05fear that the pills might hinder her chances of conceiving. Edwin coldly informs her that the
10:10doctor said she cannot get pregnant, suggesting that perhaps it's for the best, as God knows she
10:16isn't fit to be a mother. He then forcibly gives her the pills before leaving. Later, while Renata
10:21is under the influence of her medication, she overhears a woman asking Edwin why he doesn't
10:27just kick Renata out so they don't have to look for another house. Renata peeks into Edwin's office
10:32and is devastated to witness him being intimate with a woman. She gets deeply disturbed by the
10:38sight and as she sees the woman's face, she recalls the missing poster she saw recently and
10:43realizes it's the same woman she saw at the church as well. The next day, Renata asks Asmara if she
10:49knows the missing girl Anna and why she went missing. Asmara speculates that she probably
10:55ran off with someone's husband and questions why she wants to know about her. Renata remains quiet,
11:00prompting Asmara to suggest that she is young and could find someone else, but Renata responds by
11:06saying she doesn't want to ruin her marriage. Later, when Edwin returns home, he finds Renata
11:12dressed provocatively and waiting for him. She approaches him and tells him he can do whatever
11:17he wants, as she just wants to please him. As they begin to get intimate, Renata sees Anna's
11:22reflection in the mirror in her place, which disturbs her. At that moment, Edwin interrupts
11:28and asks her who taught her to behave like this. He grabs her by the neck and forces her to look at
11:33herself in the mirror, calling her a cheap whore. He asks if she thinks he would approve of this.
11:38Renata calls him a hypocrite, which infuriates him, and he slaps her in anger. He then tries to
11:44give her the pill, but she refuses. This makes him even angrier and he takes out his belt and
11:50starts beating her. The next day, Renata visits her mom's house, where she is told that no husband
11:55would ever beat his wife without cause and that it is the wife's responsibility to protect the
12:00marriage in any case. They suggest she learn to be a better wife and reflect on her behavior.
12:06Renata expresses that she has to leave because Edwin would be furious if he knew she was gone,
12:11to which her mother asks if she came without his permission and warns her not to do it again.
12:16Renata returns with a very sad heart, but then she sees Anna passing by. Renata starts following her
12:23and reaches Maya's apartment, where she sees Maya sitting in front of a mirror and mumbling
12:28something. As Renata moves forward, Maya suddenly asks her to have a seat and offers to make her
12:33something to drink. While Maya goes into the kitchen, Renata enters a room and, to her shock,
12:40finds Anna's photos on the wall. She finds more photos in a drawer, one of which is of her and
12:45Edwin, along with a used pregnancy test kit. Seeing this, Renata becomes very upset and she sees Anna
12:52again, but when she goes after her, Maya stops her and asks what happened. Renata runs out of
12:58the apartment, looking for Anna, and recalls Edwin telling her that the doctor said she couldn't be
13:03pregnant. When Renata comes to her floor crying, Asmara asks her why she chooses to be treated
13:09this way and why she doesn't just leave him. Renata says she doesn't need her advice and moves forward
13:14to enter her apartment, but Asmara tells her that no matter how much she holds on, Edwin doesn't
13:20love her. The next day, Renata finds Anna in her house and watches her go into Edwin's office. She
13:26shares this with Asmara, telling her that her husband is having an affair with Anna. Asmara
13:31asks why she doesn't kick her out, reminding her that as his lawful wife, she has the right to do
13:37so. She even offers to do it for Renata if she's scared. Renata tries to stop her, but Asmara storms
13:43into the house and confronts Anna, demanding that she leave. Renata overhears them arguing and hears
13:49Anna pleading with Asmara not to hurt her. Renata rushes to her apartment and gets terrified seeing
13:55Anna's lifeless body on the floor. She tells Asmara that she didn't ask her to kill her and insists
14:01she is not involved, to which Asmara responds that she can't simply walk away since her husband's
14:06mistress was killed in her house. Both of them place Anna's body in a suitcase, take it away,
14:12and dispose of it in a lake. Later that night, Edwin falls asleep on the couch outside while
14:17watching TV. Renata comes out to check on him, but then Edwin's phone rings, and Renata is horrified
14:23to see that it is Anna calling. The next day, Asmara tells Renata that perhaps Edwin is having
14:28another affair with a different Anna. Renata asks, what if she isn't dead? To which Asmara says she
14:34is being too paranoid and should take her medication before things get worse. Renata asks,
14:40how does she know she take medication? To which Asmara tells her to calm down and never bring up
14:45Anna again to avoid arousing suspicion. She asks Renata to leave and assures her that she will
14:50take care of Edwin. When Renata asks what she means, Asmara simply shuts the door. When Renata
14:56returns to her apartment, she finds Maya trying to open Edwin's office door. She warns Maya to leave
15:02or her husband will be furious. Maya claims she knows everything, but Asmara interrupts and demands
15:08to know what she knows. Asmara takes the scissors from Maya and tells her that she is old and won't
15:14be around much longer, so she should relax and enjoy her old age. Frightened, Maya runs away,
15:21and Asmara reassures Renata to leave everything to her. The next day, Renata discovers that someone
15:26in their building has died, and when she asks about it, Asmara informs her that Maya was killed
15:32by someone the previous night. Later, Renata hears a woman laughing in the house again, and when she
15:38comes out to check, she is shocked to see Asmara sitting with Edwin. After Edwin leaves, Renata
15:44confronts Asmara, asking her what she is doing there and urging her not to do anything rash.
15:49Asmara stands up and picks up a photo, asking if it's Renata's engagement picture, and mentions
15:55that the lake in the background looks familiar. Edwin returns with wine for Asmara and asks if
16:00the two of them already know each other. Asmara then returns to the couch, and Edwin brings pills,
16:06asking Renata to take them. Despite her reluctance and confusion, Renata is compelled to take the
16:11pills, unsure of what is happening around her. Sometime later, under the influence of the
16:16medication, Renata sees Asmara and Edwin sitting together, enjoying themselves. The next day,
16:22while Renata is in the bathtub, she is horrified to see Ana watching her. Suddenly, Ana attacks her
16:29and tries to drown her in the water, but Renata manages to escape from it. She rushes to Asmara
16:34and tells her that Ana is still alive and is here. Asmara angrily tells her not to mention that name
16:40again, and curses at Renata. Renata insists that she's worried about their safety, and she must
16:46believe her. However, Renata is shocked when she sees a photo of Asmara with Edwin together,
16:51and then finds Edwin sleeping in her bedroom. She asks her why she is doing this to her,
16:56and then leaves there in shock. Later, we see Renata praying to God to save her marriage,
17:02and suddenly she hears Asmara scream. She rushes to Asmara's apartment, and to her horror,
17:08she finds Asmara's lifeless body lying on the floor, covered in blood. Renata returns to her
17:14apartment, horrified, and to her shock, she finds a knife covered in blood in the dustbin.
17:19Just then, Edwin arrives and asks what she is looking for. Renata confronts him and demands
17:25to know what he did, to which Edwin says he warned her to stay home, but she disobeyed him,
17:30went out without his permission, and lied to him. Renata tries to flee, but he knocks her down.
17:36The next day, when Renata wakes up, she is shocked to see Asmara in her house.
17:41Edwin informs Asmara that he has an urgent meeting and leaves. Confused, Renata comes
17:46out to confront Asmara and asks her what is happening. Asmara explains that she has been
17:51trying to protect Renata from Edwin and salvage her failing marriage. She accuses Renata of
17:57allowing Edwin to get away with everything all this time, deluding herself into believing that
18:02her marriage was perfect. Asmara bitterly suggests that Renata dreams of being like her,
18:08a desired woman, cared for and cherished by her partner. Renata asks Asmara to stop,
18:14but Asmara insists that Edwin no longer loves her and that Renata needs to face reality.
18:20She tells her that Ana is pregnant with Edwin's child, something Renata can never give him,
18:25and warns that it's only a matter of time before he completely abandons her.
18:29The scene shifts, and we see Edwin telling Renata that he doesn't love her anymore.
18:34Renata pleads that she doesn't want to split up and will do whatever he wants. However,
18:39Edwin insists that he has to leave and they will arrange the divorce later. As he starts to leave,
18:45Renata tries to stop him, but he becomes furious and knocks her down. After a while,
18:50Renata enters his office, and as he turns, she stabs him multiple times with a knife,
18:56ultimately killing him. Edwin's lifeless body collapses to the floor, and Renata breaks down
19:02in tears over what she has done. As Renata gets up, Edwin's phone receives a notification,
19:08and when she checks it, she discovers a message from Ana saying she is ready and waiting in the
19:13parking lot. Renata replies, instructing Ana to come to her place instead. After a while,
19:18Ana arrives at Renata's place. She notices a photo and picks it up, and throws it on the floor.
19:24Ana then searches the house for Edwin, and while Renata approaches her with a knife,
19:29Ana suggests to Edwin that he should just kick Renata out so they don't have to find another
19:34house. Later, Ani enters Renata's bedroom, where she encounters Renata, who attacks her. But she
19:40dodges and tries to escape, but Renata pursues her and stabs her with the knife. Ana pleads with
19:46Renata, insisting that she and Edwin have nothing going on. However, Renata grabs Ana by the hair,
19:53forces her to stand, and then stabs her multiple times until Ana dies.
19:58The scene shifts and Asmara confronts Renata, accusing her of being a murderer. Suddenly,
20:04Renata's expression changes, and she begins to laugh. She tells Asmara that all this time,
20:09everyone had assumed she was a fool, a weak woman easily manipulated. Renata says that they all
20:15entered her life, fulfilling her husband's desires, disregarding her feelings and dignity.
20:21She accuses them of being greedy, each wanting Edwin for themselves and trying to separate him
20:27from her. She then takes a cigarette and smokes it in Asmara's face. And then in a flashback,
20:32we see Renata's mother telling her that what God has united cannot be separated. However,
20:38it is then revealed that Renata's mother had mixed poison in her dad's tea, and Renata had
20:43seen her dad's condition deteriorating. We then see Renata watching a TV drama with Edwin's
20:49lifeless body next to her. She repeats the actress's dialogue, but this time it's the
20:55dialogue of the prostitute character, played by Asmara, and the character played by Asmara
21:00is killed by the other woman, whose husband is taken away by Asmara. Next, we see that Renata's
21:06house is very dirty, as if it has not been cleaned for many days. She sings the song that Ana used to
21:13sing, and prepares Edwin's favorite meal, asking him if he likes it. Renata then says I love you
21:19to him, and the movie ends there. Thanks for facing the frights with us. If you survived this
21:24video, drop a like, summon that subscribe button, and brace yourself for more horror. Until next time,
21:32stay spooked.
