The Young and the Restless 9-18-24 (Y&R 18th September 2024) 9-18-2024

  • last week
00:00I'm really glad that we could check in before the day starts.
00:08Me too.
00:09Do you have a lot going on at work today?
00:11I have a few meetings.
00:13Uh, just have to prep a few things for Harrison and our after-school playtime, which we take
00:19very seriously.
00:20Can I just say?
00:21Okay, well, slow down.
00:31I know.
00:32I'm sorry.
00:34No pressure, but things are clearly progressing.
00:42And that's more than enough at this point.
00:44I understand.
00:45I'm just so thrilled that things may be happening.
00:49You guys seemed really happy last night.
00:52We were.
00:53And you really deserve this set cautious.
00:55From what I saw last night, neither one of you is being very cautious.
01:01Hey, Fisher.
01:03Glad I caught you.
01:11I thought I made myself clear yesterday.
01:14You and I have nothing to talk about.
01:16I'm sorry, but I can't abide by your wishes.
01:32You've openly defied my wishes for you not to see my daughter anymore, and I don't appreciate
01:39And I haven't changed my mind about it either.
01:46I'm sorry.
02:16This is going to be the launch party of the year, of the decade.
02:26Every major power player is going to be there.
02:29And please let them know that there is going to be a game changing announcement made at
02:33the party.
02:34I have a chance there's going to be a force to be reckoned with.
02:36That's right.
02:38Keep me updated.
02:41That was a great phone call.
02:43I love the confidence.
02:44This is a surprise.
02:46I did not know we had a meeting scheduled this morning.
02:48There's going to be a party.
02:49I need to get a dress.
02:50You said you were invited, Phyllis.
02:52Well, I mean, I could crash it, of course.
02:54I've been known to do that.
02:55And honestly, is it really a party without me?
02:59Why are you here?
03:00I'm here to give you exactly what you want.
03:12Say what you came to say.
03:16I heard your ultimatums loud and clear, Victor.
03:19But you can't control my life any more than you can control Victoria's.
03:28You may not like it, but I care deeply for your daughter.
03:34We have a very special relationship.
03:37It's something that I never even thought was possible.
03:40But she and I get a second chance.
03:43We got our daughter back.
03:45And we're all grateful for that.
03:48Claire is my only child.
03:51Our miracle.
03:52She led Victoria and me back into each other's lives.
03:58And now we finally have an opportunity to be together and live a life that we missed out on.
04:08No lie?
04:10Well, Cole, the longer the shorter it is, you're not good enough for my daughter.
04:15That's your choice.
04:17I'm going to make Victoria happy.
04:19I mean, would you deny her that?
04:21Because you misguidingly feel that I've let you down somehow?
04:27You betrayed me.
04:30So I know you don't like to be disobeyed or challenged.
04:33I get it.
04:34But is it what Victoria wants?
04:36The only thing that should be considered in this case?
04:39I'm not going to go into details about how my relationship with your father has progressed.
04:46Please don't.
04:48But I'm curious where your mind is at.
04:52What are you thinking?
04:55Yesterday with Cole was, it was spontaneous.
05:00It was completely unexpected.
05:04But not in a bad way, right?
05:06No, it was lovely.
05:09Well, then I think that's wonderful.
05:12And romantic.
05:15But we're not going to get ahead of ourselves.
05:18Can I?
05:19Just a little bit.
05:21I really want to celebrate you two.
05:22It's about time.
05:26For both of you.
05:28It sounds like Dad hasn't been involved since you two got married.
05:35He hasn't been involved seriously with anyone since you left Genoa City.
05:40Yeah, you might be right about that.
05:42He mentioned that to me too.
05:45And you have been spending a lot of time and energy focused on me lately.
05:51I do that because I want to.
05:53I know.
05:55But now this is something that's just for you.
05:58This relationship, it's yours.
06:01It can be whatever you want it to be.
06:05I will admit, I care about Cole.
06:09I do.
06:10And while he was away, I missed him.
06:13I'm glad that he's back.
06:15And I'm very curious to see where this relationship might go.
06:18I mean, I do want things to work out.
06:23And there's no reason why they shouldn't.
06:27Look, I want you to know, I think the world of your father
06:31and my hesitancy is no reflection on him.
06:36What is it then?
06:39Just my instincts.
06:41I've been disappointed many times in my life before
06:43and I guess I'm just braced for it to happen again.
06:48I hate that people have let you down.
06:51But Dad would never do that.
06:54Not intentionally.
06:57I know that.
06:59I know, but there are other things that could get in the way.
07:01I mean, he's created this whole life in England.
07:06That can't be easy to give up.
07:09He's never seemed that eager to leave Genoa City.
07:13Maybe he misses being abroad more than he lets us know.
07:17I mean, it's possible that he has unfinished business there.
07:21Have you talked to him about this?
07:23Did he say that he was thinking about going back?
07:26Not lately, no.
07:29Then it sounds like these are all excuses that you've come up with to protect yourself.
07:35And you don't have to.
07:40Are you sure about that?
07:41My advice is to let the past go and follow your heart.
07:49It's what you would tell me to do.
07:53I don't think there's anything you could do that would impress me more than bringing me a Cherry Danish from Crimson Lights.
07:59I mean, that would be the right way to suck up.
08:01Well, what I'm bringing you is so much better than a Cherry Danish and has lasting value.
08:05Okay, that's intriguing.
08:06I considered your proposal to me being second in command.
08:10That was theoretical.
08:11I agree.
08:12I'm in.
08:13Sign me up.
08:15So your offer is you?
08:16Yes, me.
08:17Yes, me.
08:18All of my value, my wisdom, my expertise.
08:23That's what I am bringing to Abbott Chancellor.
08:26Hey, Phyllis, answer me this.
08:27Why do you want to do this?
08:29Because I want to be a part of your company.
08:33I want to build it from the ground up.
08:36Brick by brick.
08:37You know that you're not going to be running things.
08:38You'll be answering to me.
08:42Yeah, I have no problem having a secondary position.
08:46Yes, you do.
08:47No, I don't.
08:48I don't.
08:49I don't, Billy.
08:50I'm fine with it.
08:51This is your company.
08:52I realize that.
08:53I mean, it's your baby.
08:54It's your vision.
08:57I have no problem standing behind you.
09:01That was good.
09:02That was almost convincing.
09:05I want this job.
09:06I need this job.
09:08I promise you.
09:09I will do whatever it takes.
09:11Is there anything else I need to know?
09:15I mean, well, you know me.
09:18My lane is the express lane.
09:24I promise you.
09:25I'm committed in every way to take Abbott Chancellor all the way to the top.
09:37So do we have a deal?
09:39I didn't expect this.
09:43Are you having second thoughts?
09:44I just didn't expect you to accept the terms.
09:50Billy, I'm fine.
09:52I'm fine being the second in command.
09:56I'm fine being behind you.
09:59I'm fine with it.
10:01As long as you know that I'm going to bring my own ideas to the table.
10:03No, I am fine with it.
10:05As long as you know that I'm going to bring my own ideas to the table.
10:07No, I am fully aware of what you bring to the table.
10:11Believe me.
10:12And I do agree you are an asset.
10:20We have a deal?
10:21I mean, maybe we should discuss salary?
10:25Possibly a parking space?
10:30I will have Human Resources draw up a deal memo and we can figure out the details later.
10:36Does that work for you?
10:38I mean, as long as the deal memo reflects my worth...
10:42It will.
10:43I promise you.
10:45But if you're coming on board, we've got a lot of work to do because things are revving up.
10:48Yeah, yeah.
10:49I mean, I overheard there's some big announcement.
10:52What is it?
10:53There is a huge potential deal on the table.
10:56All right.
10:57I'm ready to go.
10:59I'm ready to be your chief operating officer.
11:08Welcome to the team.
11:13Look, man.
11:14I understand your passionate feelings for my daughter.
11:18I do.
11:19Very much.
11:21Doesn't mean a damn thing to me.
11:23We're Claire's parents.
11:24We're already connected.
11:26I don't give a damn.
11:29Who knows where you were in the interim?
11:31What you were up to?
11:33How the hell do I know?
11:34Well, a lot's happened, Victor, since the time I've been away.
11:38Let me explain something to you.
11:41I have seen my daughter fall in and out of love with a bunch of losers.
11:48Do you understand?
11:50We had a huge wedding in Italy with a schmuck who turned out to be a who knows what.
11:56You're next in line.
12:00The difference is, I'm devoted to her.
12:03I will not condone any connection between you and my daughter.
12:08Victor, I'm going to be in Claire and Victoria's lives in any way I can.
12:20I just hope that you can accept me.
12:23But if you don't, that's alright.
12:28You just know, I won't back down.
12:34Claire, I'm warning you.
12:53So how is it that you got to be so wise and insightful?
12:58Must be genetic. It's the only explanation.
13:03It is kind of funny though, right?
13:05Me handing out romantic advice, given my lack of experience.
13:12No, actually, I appreciate your perspective.
13:16It's really helpful for me to talk this through with you.
13:19Still, I've never been in love. I've never had the chance.
13:23So maybe that's why I can be such a good cheerleader for you.
13:27I think love has a way of sneaking up on you sometimes.
13:31It may very well happen for you.
13:34I've always wanted it.
13:36Wanted to know what it felt like.
13:38Growing up with Jordan, I always imagined all different kinds of love.
13:44Not just romantic love, but love of family.
13:48Love of family and friends.
13:50What it would be like to have people that I could rely on and trust.
13:54Instead of someone who used me for her own agenda.
14:00I'm sorry, Claire.
14:02I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that.
14:04But I hope you know that you're surrounded by people who love you now.
14:08Who all want the best for you.
14:11Promise me that you know that.
14:13I do.
14:15It's actually made me greedy.
14:18Now that I've gotten a taste of it, I want it all.
14:20I want everything.
14:24I really want us to be a family.
14:27You and me and Dad.
14:30And all of my siblings.
14:31That's um...
14:34That's a very big step.
14:36Yes, and I'm not putting any pressure on you.
14:38But if I'm being honest...
14:43I want to see you and Dad in love.
14:45We're not quite there yet, Claire.
14:48But it could happen, right? In time?
14:51You've both given me more than I could have ever dreamed.
14:56I just...
14:58I want the same for you too.
15:04You know, just knowing you has given me more happiness than I've ever imagined.
15:11Seeing you at the house with Johnny and Katie.
15:14I can hear you guys in the other room laughing about something.
15:18That sound is everything that I've ever wanted.
15:25And what about romance?
15:27Does it...
15:28Does it factor in for you at all?
15:34Whatever else comes with Cole is um...
15:38It's a wonderful bonus.
15:40I'll accept that answer.
15:44Speaking of general happiness and potential romance...
15:52I think I might have noticed something too last night at dinner.
15:57Between you and Kyle.
16:04Between Kyle and me have moved on.
16:07Between Kyle and me have moved slowly.
16:13But yesterday we took a step forward.
16:19Do you want to talk about it?
16:24We kissed.
16:26It was all so unexpected and spontaneous.
16:33How do you feel?
16:37I've played the moment over and over in my head.
16:40I fell asleep thinking about it.
16:44I woke up thinking about it.
16:47I think that's great.
16:50You deserve moments like those.
16:54I will have to come back to reality eventually though.
16:57I mean, Kyle's my boss.
16:58He's also my cousin's ex-husband.
17:00And he's also crazy busy.
17:02He's got a new business to run and he's got a lot of family dramas.
17:06It's all true, but every relationship has its challenges.
17:11And I also have zero romantic experience.
17:16At least not anything sincere.
17:19So it'll probably come to nothing.
17:22You know, I have had my own concerns about Kyle.
17:26About you getting hurt.
17:28So do you think I should back off?
17:32Not necessarily.
17:34You can predict the future.
17:35I think you should just go for what you want and enjoy yourself.
17:40But just try to tread carefully.
17:44I'm going to have to.
17:46For the sake of my job and for Harrison.
17:49I want to keep things professional.
17:56Would you want to pursue a relationship with Kyle?
18:00I'm not sure.
18:02I'd be interested in something more.
18:04But things would be better if he wasn't my boss.
18:10Which might not be a problem if I go work with Grandma.
18:19I didn't even...
18:21I didn't even know you saw that as an option.
18:23Kyle said that he wouldn't stand in my way if I wanted to consider it.
18:28Would you?
18:29Would you like to work with your grandmother?
18:31Honestly, I have not stopped thinking about it since she first mentioned it.
18:35I would love a chance to work with her again.
18:38And not under false pretenses.
18:42Well, you did say that the one thing holding you back was your concern for Harrison.
18:49But now that Kyle and Summer have reached a viable custody agreement, I'm not so worried.
18:54And Harrison doesn't really need me as much anymore.
18:58So I would miss seeing him every day.
19:00We'll always be buddies, no matter what.
19:04Wow, you really have given this idea some thought.
19:08You might actually come to work at Newman.
19:15Hey, I just saw Cole out by the elevators.
19:18I didn't know he was back in town.
19:21He looked a little worked up.
19:23Did something happen?
19:27He just told me that he has every intention of remaining a part of Victoria's life.
19:35Oh, that's very bold.
19:38Although I have noticed romance in the air between those two.
19:45I told him I didn't approve.
19:50Because he is not the right man for our daughter.
19:54Why not?
19:55He is Claire's father.
19:58It doesn't matter.
19:59It's not up to us.
20:01Victoria can make her own choices.
20:04My concern is Cole.
20:07I don't understand.
20:09He has proven to be respectful and ethical.
20:14God knows Victoria has had much less deserving men in her past.
20:18That she has.
20:20I just can't see what your objection is about.
20:25Unless there's something you haven't told me.
20:31Please sit.
20:33Now that you are officially on board, it's time to fill you in on everything.
20:37Now let's start with Victor Newman.
20:39I told you that he's coming after Abbott Chancellor.
20:42Oh, yeah.
20:43Because he thinks you're trying to discredit Catherine's legacy.
20:47And just to be very clear.
20:49I respect Catherine's legacy.
20:51But it's time to build upon it.
20:53Victor does not like that.
20:55He doesn't like me and he wants me to fail.
20:57So he can swoop in here and pick up the pieces.
20:59He's so power hungry.
21:01I'm not going to fail.
21:03I'm telling you that.
21:04And I have a plan to make sure that we don't.
21:08Well, this is the potential deal you have in the works?
21:11It's a major company my mother's been going after for years.
21:14And she couldn't lock it up.
21:16Odyssey 7.
21:18The AI company.
21:19That's right.
21:21I've been talking to the CEO.
21:22And he is ready to sell.
21:24You know, that guy's really weird.
21:26He's so excited.
21:27That is fine.
21:28I got him right where I want him.
21:30And this is days away from wrapping it up.
21:32And you can help me lock it down.
21:33Okay, I just have to ask this.
21:35I have to ask this.
21:36Is this necessary for your company?
21:39What do you mean?
21:40Okay, what I mean.
21:41Is this really an asset to Abbott Chancellor?
21:43Or are you just trying to prove something to your mom?
21:48I don't want to get your hopes up.
21:53But you have considered it.
21:55Working with your grandmother.
21:57It's so nice to have the option.
22:01For a long time, I didn't have any decision which direction my life went in.
22:08And now, the possibilities are endless.
22:14It's wonderful to be in control.
22:17I get to choose where I go next.
22:22Who I want to spend my time with.
22:27Oh, hey dad.
22:28Hey, sweetheart.
22:29How are you?
22:32Good morning.
22:33Good morning.
22:34So, your mom had texted me that the two of you are meeting up here.
22:37And I thought, well, I just find you both.
22:40You seem very energized.
22:42Where are you coming from?
22:44I just had something I needed to take care of.
22:46But what's most important is I am here to see my two favorite women in the world.
22:51And nothing is going to stop me from that.
22:54Well, sadly, I can't stay.
22:57It's time for me to get to the office.
22:59Hard at work, as always.
23:01We have that in common, don't we?
23:03I hope you have fun with Harrison.
23:06Your after school activities.
23:08Don't you forget what we talked about?
23:10Yeah, same to you.
23:13Here, I'll take this.
23:14Of course.
23:17So, I really liked seeing that text this morning.
23:22You sleep okay?
23:24Yeah, I sleep very well, thank you.
23:27Me too, yeah.
23:30I thought about you when I woke up.
23:34I think about you all the time.
23:37So maybe we can get together later.
23:40Yeah, I'd like that.
23:42Me too.
23:44So, good luck at work.
23:46Oh, thank you.
23:49We'll talk.
24:04You gotta be kidding me right now.
24:06You've been part of this company for five minutes and you're questioning my motives already?
24:09Hey, I'm not a suck up. I call it like I see it.
24:11That's fine, but a little tact wouldn't be nice.
24:13Okay, this is your company. I totally get that.
24:16But in order for me to stand beside you or behind you, I have to understand your choices.
24:21Phyllis, this is a sound business decision.
24:23Okay, that's all?
24:25So you don't trust me?
24:27Well, I do. I just know that when you're in a corner, you make rash decisions.
24:33Oh, really? Pot, kettle, black, Phyllis.
24:36Okay, we're getting off topic here.
24:39I mean, does this have anything to do with Lily? The fact that she's gone?
24:45I don't know why you would say that, okay?
24:47This is a phenomenal deal that is damn near closed. We need to focus on that.
24:51Okay, I'm sure it stung when your mother put all her faith in Lily to run Chancellor and not you.
24:57Phyllis, it has nothing to do with that, okay?
24:59Okay, well now that Lily's gone, I don't know.
25:02Maybe you feel like now you're running Chancellor and you have something to prove to Jill.
25:09My mother doesn't know the whole story about Lily's exit.
25:15She doesn't know that you fired Lily?
25:17I do not want to burden her with that information in this moment.
25:21Lily, oh my gosh, what?
25:25She's gonna find out.
25:27And then she's gonna wonder why you withheld that information.
25:31This deal is a coup. One of many under the Abbott-Chancellor umbrella.
25:35I just want to make sure you're doing this for the right reasons
25:38and not some misguided attempt to prove something to your mom.
25:42Phyllis, it has nothing to do with my mother, okay?
25:44It has nothing to do with Lily's betrayal.
25:48Lily's betrayal?
25:52How did Lily betray you?
25:58Sweetheart, you and I know that Victoria's made some pretty awful choices.
26:04Well, romantic liaisons are concerned.
26:06I mean, I'm thinking back on Ash and Locke.
26:12Followed closely by Billy Boy Abbott.
26:14Yes, I know it is your nature to swoop in
26:18and chase away any man that you deem to be unsuitable.
26:22I don't have a damn right to do that. I'm her father.
26:26I think you need to let Victoria and Cole figure this out.
26:31I mean, if this is what she wants, let her have her happiness.
26:36I don't like it, but I'll think about it.
26:38Besides, you have enough on your plate.
26:41I came here to discuss business.
26:44How did things go with Lily?
26:47Oh, Lily Winters, yeah.
26:51She just let me know that Billy Abbott intends to acquire a company.
26:57It's an artificial intelligence startup.
26:59Called Odyssey 7.
27:01Apparently the deal is on the table.
27:05I don't like the sound of that.
27:08If Billy is able to fold Odyssey 7 into Chancellor,
27:13it'll be nearly impossible for us to take him down.
27:16That is why I intend to blow his plan to smithereens.
27:23Billy Boy won't know what hit him.
27:29Ah, it's pretty obvious, huh?
27:32It's adorable how devoted you are to Mom.
27:36Can't argue with that.
27:39You seem different together now.
27:41Last night and this morning.
27:45It's not every day you get to watch your parents start up a romance.
27:49Okay, so how about you and Kyle?
27:52I sensed there was something there, too.
27:55So, am I going to have to make a move?
27:58So, am I going to have to have a dad talk with him?
28:01Are you going to ask him his intentions?
28:05It's not just any young man who's going to spend time with my daughter.
28:08First of all, please never do that.
28:10Second of all, we're not even there yet.
28:12Kyle and I are just good friends.
28:17Just friends?
28:18At this point, yes.
28:20I'll admit, there may be some other feelings there.
28:25I talked to Mom about it, she may tell you.
28:28Okay, well, I look forward to hearing more of that from you, too.
28:34When you're ready.
28:37Right now, I am ready to hear more about you and Mom.
28:47What exactly are you planning against Billy, Dad?
28:52I think it's best you don't know.
28:54You've made it perfectly clear in the past
28:58that you don't approve of any actions I take against Billy Boy.
29:02Well, I have thought about it.
29:04And I believe that there's another way for us to acquire Chancellor.
29:08In order for that to happen, Billy would have to step aside.
29:12I understand.
29:14That's why I have come up with a solution that will benefit all of us.
29:17And it will protect Billy's reputation.
29:20And I would like for you both to consider it.
29:26Once Chancellor Winters split, Lily claimed to be on my side.
29:30She agreed to run the company together, but it was all an act.
29:36Wow, what was her angle?
29:39She wanted to run Chancellor on her own.
29:41And once the companies were divided, then she would patiently wait
29:44and for her opportunity to kick me into the curb
29:46so she could have Chancellor all to herself.
29:52That is bold.
29:53Sabotage is what it was.
29:55I trusted her.
29:57I was committed to running this company together with her,
29:59but she was playing me the whole time.
30:07Wow, I mean, the level of deceit.
30:09I mean, it's just devious.
30:13Kind of like you and me, or no?
30:14Well, I mean, not like you and me, but...
30:17I just...
30:18All these years, I haven't seen this in Lily at all.
30:23I'm just glad I figured out her intention before she took it too far.
30:26Well, clearly, her actions shook you.
30:29Not enough to do any lasting damage?
30:34I still think that this is personal more than it is professional.
30:39What does it matter?
30:41Odyssey 7 is a damn good deal for this company, okay?
30:44It is a savvy business move.
30:48Whatever you say.
30:50You're gonna have to trust me on this one, Phyllis.
30:57What do you need from me?
30:59The first order of business as COO is to finalize a meeting.
31:04Set a date so we can sign these papers with the CEO and get this deal done.
31:08You got it, boss.
31:12And why in the world would I give a damn about protecting Billy Abbott?
31:16Look, the most important thing in all of this is for us to obtain Chancellor, right?
31:23And to have Mom run it.
31:28Billy doesn't care about the Chancellor aspect of this company.
31:32He has not prioritized Catherine's legacy.
31:35He's only trying to secure Jill's and his own.
31:38I would agree with that.
31:41And Billy lets his ego drive all of his moves, right?
31:45So if we go after him, he will not go down without a fight, Daddy.
31:50So then what is the answer?
31:52We give him another option.
31:56We offer to buy him out.
31:58Of Chancellor?
32:00Yes, it will all be up front and above board.
32:03Why the hell would he walk away voluntarily?
32:06The money that Billy receives from the sale, he can use it to create his own entity.
32:11His own Abbott Enterprises.
32:13That way we all win.
32:22Ask me anything you like, I'm an open book.
32:26Okay, well, I guess I want to know what you're hoping for with Mom.
32:33What's the endgame?
32:35Oh, so now you're asking me my intentions?
32:37Kind of.
32:40Don't tell Mom that I told you this.
32:43But she admitted to me that she's afraid of getting her heart broken again.
32:47By me?
32:49It's not you personally.
32:51I assured her that you would never do that.
32:53You're right, I never would.
32:56I just wanted you to know so that you can proceed accordingly.
33:00I understand that your mother's very cautious with her relationships.
33:05And I respect that.
33:07And we're going slow.
33:09And we're getting to know each other.
33:12We're just building trust.
33:15You really want to be with her, don't you?
33:18I am moving at her pace.
33:20But to answer that, yes.
33:23I believe you.
33:25Well, I have a confession.
33:28I think that once she gets past her fear, her heart being broken,
33:33that she is going to want to be with you just as much.
33:37You want us to fund an entirely new company for Billy?
33:42I will not finance a damn deal that has to do with an abbot.
33:45Would you please just listen to me?
33:49There might be some good in this for all of us.
33:53There must be parts of Chancellor that we're not interested in keeping.
33:57So those will go to Billy?
34:00And if the deal is lucrative enough, I don't see Billy turning it down.
34:04I think, I'm sure he'll at least entertain the idea.
34:10Why do you maintain allegiance to a man who's a loser?
34:15He's broken your heart many times.
34:18He's Katie and Johnny's father.
34:21I don't want them seeing Billy humiliated and stripped of his company by their grandfather.
34:29She has a point.
34:31She has a point.
34:33They're old enough to realize what's going on now.
34:37How do you think that's going to make them feel, knowing what you've done?
34:42I want to humiliate that no good bastard that's broken your heart many times.
34:49He is not going to make a deal with me.
34:56I tend to agree with that.
34:58So, where does that leave us?
35:03Right in the hell where we started.
35:11Hey, how'd it go? When do we sign the papers?
35:14I don't know.
35:16Um, I don't know. There's no date set.
35:21I'm sorry.
35:24Phyllis, what happened?
35:26Uh, I don't know. I called him. I introduced myself.
35:30I talked about a meeting. Then he hedged.
35:35I'm sorry. What?
35:37I know. I don't understand it.
35:41You know, I discussed a meeting and he said he had to look at the terms before we finalized anything.
35:46Okay. I mean, the last time I talked to the CEO, he was all about this deal.
35:51He was gung-ho and he wanted to sign those papers and get it done as soon as possible.
35:55I know. I know. Something must have happened to change his mind.
35:59Dad, I know that you have a problem with Billy.
36:04And I know that this will not be an easy negotiation.
36:08But I think I can convince Billy to sell.
36:11You really think he will listen to you?
36:14I think it's worth a try.
36:17For the sake of the kids.
36:18Sweetheart, please think.
36:20That man has had an empire handed to him on a silver platter.
36:24And they're going to give that up to start something brand new.
36:27Daddy, please, just let me try to make the offer so we can see what happens.
36:32What's done is done. My plan is in motion. No returning.
36:38No, no, no. This doesn't make any sense.
36:40The CEO of Odyssey 7, he's a quirky guy, but not to this extent.
36:45Phyllis, what did you say to him?
36:48It wasn't me. I didn't ruin this.
36:52I mean, I spoke to him about the meeting, and he was all nervous and shady.
36:59Okay, well, something happened. Since the last time I talked to him, something happened.
37:03Okay, do you think...
37:09You think Victor got to him? He certainly has the power and capital to change this guy's mind.
37:13This deal was kept under wraps, okay?
37:14There are only two other people besides you that knew about this, and that is Chance and Lily.
37:19Chance and Lily knew about it?
37:24Well, let me tell you something. Chance would never do anything to undermine his grandmother's company, ever.
37:30But Lily might. To get to me.
37:34Do you really think that Lily sold you out to Victor?
