• last year
We need to talk about MomTok. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the craziest things we found out on the first season of this controversial Hulu series.


00:00what is going on um i don't know i think that's more of a conversation between me and taylor
00:06welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the craziest things we found out on
00:12the first season of this controversial hulu series do you think it's trashy to take off
00:16your dress in front of my boyfriend what put your mic on what are you talking about
00:23number 10 the chip and dale show mormon wives have fun too just don't tell their husbands
00:29a fun outing to the chip and dale show would be no big deal on another series on this show though
00:34it ends up causing some major blow-ups amongst the married mormon mom talkers he said he's just
00:39done with everything pardon me done with everything
00:49you say i'm not going to be married to someone who doesn't have values and morals
00:53the girls get to go behind the scenes and jen affleck knows right away what the fallout will
00:58be when her husband zach finds out what's going on she and taylor frankie paul end up leaving the
01:03theater before the performers even hit the stage but it doesn't help okay what's going on i thought
01:08he was cool with you being here i mean i'm in trouble like he doesn't want to be married to me
01:14if i do stuff like that both women face heat from their partners and it leads to a conversation
01:20about what is and isn't appropriate for mormon women to do he has no right to like be saying
01:25those things threatening your marriage that's really weird to me someone who carried two of
01:30your freaking children and has been nothing but supportive and bending over backwards to try to
01:35support him through medical school and everything that's gross number nine whitney's pregnancy test
01:41throughout season one whitney levitt proves she never does anything the conventional way
01:46she continues that streak in the season finale it's family dinner night and we go to dinner
01:51every once in a while so i know they're not going to expect this but i have some news to share with
01:56them tonight not only is her pregnancy a major reveal but she finds a very special way to
02:01announce the news to her family so what does she do she puts her positive pregnancy test in the
02:07center of a cake and then serves it to them oh oh my god that is disgusting what did he put in the
02:14cake oh my gosh i know what it is it's certainly innovative it also raises a lot of safety concerns
02:23levitt's sister says what we are all thinking why did you put that in the there's a lid on it
02:29here's the residue that get like the germs that this is probably one of the most unsanitary
02:36pregnancy announcements ever number eight whitney's twenty thousand dollar deal while
02:41these mormon women are clearly trying to reinvent how the world sees their faith and community
02:46some topics are still plenty sticky sex has been such a taboo topic especially within the church
02:52for so long it's like if we're trying to break the mold and modernize and get to a place of like
02:56normalizing things that starts with us when whitney levitt is offered a lucrative promotional
03:01deal for an adult device she has to do some soul searching there are a lot of important
03:06enlightening conversations that are had which ultimately help whitney make her decision in the
03:11end she's bracing against a church and a code of conduct that sees women's sexuality as shameful
03:16after all do you think that like matches your platform though because you're all like oh my god
03:21kids homemaking vibrator i mean yeah like let's empower each other i don't think it does much
03:31the biggest shock though might be the amount of money involved here
03:35levitt was offered twenty thousand dollars to promote the product whitney levitt from spreading
03:40the good word door to door to spread in the word about vibrators who would have thought
03:45congratulations number seven the soft swinging scandal i was being torn to shreds for like
03:52ruining people's lives and then them using it for like clout okay did i ruin your life or did i help
03:58your life it's the scandal that started it all without the partner swapping controversy there
04:02might never have been a show to make all of mom talk was rocked by the swinging scandal that taylor
04:08frankie paul exposed on her own tiktok my husband wanted to share he did want to open that up so
04:12it's like i i caught feelings for a man that my husband welcomed into our our house in the midst
04:18of her divorce paul opened up about her open relationship with her husband and all hell broke
04:23loose on her tight-knit mormon community the secret lives of mormon wives immediately delves
04:27into how it affected her fellow mom talkers it puts a human face on a controversy many of us
04:33watched open mouthed from afar everyone was like picking apart mom talk picking apart people's
04:38relationship like oh is it them like whitney and connor had this whitney's husband's doing this
04:42and i feel like that's where it was hard for people number six the real reason whitney went
04:48to hawaii whitney levitt is seen as a de facto figurehead of mom talk however her life is far
04:54from perfect i don't want there to be any more secrets between us i don't want another scandal
04:58so i'm ready to tell the truth when she picked up and relocated to hawaii for months levitt placed
05:05the blame on taylor frankie paul's scandals but her castmates believe there was way more to it
05:10she eventually admits that her marriage to connor levitt was on the rocks and they went away to
05:15heal i literally said i was like this does not happen to me like this isn't something that
05:19happens to me i literally haven't told anyone it's just something that we're working through
05:24the reveal that connor had a secret tinder account and had been talking and exchanging
05:28photos with women on the app throughout his marriage to whitney is hard to hear
05:32luckily the group is there to listen and support and levitt apologizes to paul for using her as a
05:37scapegoat i just wanted to get away i wanted to get away from everything because i wanted to just
05:42think for myself and everything so i'm sorry because that wasn't the reason number five the
05:50truth behind the nick you dance video everyone was so quick to forgive taylor online swinging
05:56and then i just feel like i still get shredded to pieces almost every single video whitney levitt
06:02knows a thing or two about getting hate online the resident queen bee of mormon wives actually
06:07made headlines a few years ago for a tiktok she made while in the nick you with her child
06:11you have a vulnerable sick child in your video i understand that back then like tick tock was
06:16very different it was like you filmed everything and it was like just throw everything out and see
06:19what sticks yeah but looking back i'm like her dance video filmed next to her infant who was
06:25recovering from rsv became a hot topic and she was promptly lambasted for exploiting her child's
06:32condition the video comes up again while on a girl's trip when demi engelman alleges that
06:37levitt admitted she only did it for likes in her confessional engelman alleges levitt said this
06:42after they had a ketamine therapy session which is a whole can of worms all its own
06:47coming out of ketamine you are feeling things very deeply truths are coming out about yourself that
06:53you maybe wouldn't otherwise admit and in that moment she admitted to me that video that she
06:58posted was for sympathy likes clout and for recognition and number four the sinner sunday dm
07:06every sunday macy neely puts her platform to good use by encouraging her followers to submit their
07:11sinful confessions messy and hilarious as that already is one sinner sunday confession kickstarts
07:17a whole new dramatic storyline one of these anonymous users alleges that they were hooking
07:21up with taylor frankie paul's boyfriend dakota while they were dating this doesn't do dakota
07:27any favors with neely i've made it very clear that i do not trust dakota and this dm is the
07:32perfect example of why i'm right i don't know if that's true or not but makes me worry she's
07:36already been open about disliking him throughout the season but it forces neely to make a decision
07:41to support her fellow mom or keep the secret from her of course she tells her it's reality tv after
07:48all in my mind i would like to think that this isn't true but at the same time i'm in my head
07:53like this could be true because of things that have happened so i don't know what to think number
07:58substance therapy whitney and i did ketamine about eight months ago which is a therapy for
08:04physical trauma or emotional trauma demi engelman is unleashing an entirely different bombshell on
08:10the group when she casually drops that she and whitney levitt have done ketamine therapy
08:14regardless of the real applications of the substance in therapeutic settings it's a crazy
08:19thing to drop in the middle of a conversation more than that given that mormons generally abstain
08:24from various everyday substances like alcohol and even coffee it's a shocking development this
08:30is a group where soda is treated like a controlled substance we don't drink alcohol or do drugs and
08:35so it's kind of our vice engelman has since gone on record about how beneficial the treatment has
08:40been for her marriage it takes you out of your conscious state and you're able to kind of let
08:45down your like really just diminish your pride let down all the walls and be able to like speak
08:51heart to heart number two taylor frankie paul's arrest just when you think mom talk drama might
08:57be settling down things go left for taylor frankie paul let's get out of here i won't lie
09:03i'm drinking like tonight i'm getting i'm getting effed up the very first episode of mormon wives
09:09ends with her arrest after an argument ensues between her and her boyfriend dakota paul appears
09:14in body cam footage disheveled and crying soon after she's taken into custody on suspicion of
09:19domestic violence the fallout within mom talk is equally dramatic brand deals have gone down
09:26we need to make sure that we have a good reputation on social media because brands aren't
09:31going to want to work with us if they think we're going to jail and throwing stools at a wall
09:37we need to make sure to just completely get rid of that culture the group considers distancing
09:41themselves from paul whom they feel has worsened their image as a unit the couple stay together
09:47despite this with paul eventually giving birth to their son dakota he was such a good partner in
09:53the process and very supportive i'm like on cloud nine and this is like the first time i've been so
09:59confident in us in a future i just i hope that i can trust him before we continue be sure to
10:05subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have
10:11the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure
10:16you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one whitney levitt leaves
10:22mom talk after only half a season of drama whitney levitt does the unthinkable following a confrontation
10:28with her co-stars on their girls trip she officially makes her exit from the mom talk group chat
10:33levitt even flexes her blocking finger cutting off the mom talkers on all social media i don't know
10:39if she blocked my number i know she's blocked me on everything else i would not be surprised she
10:42leaves the group message blocks you on tiktok blocks on instagram why wouldn't she do that yeah
10:46if she thinks this will remove her from the drama however quite the opposite happens at the end of
10:51the season she is completely alienated from the group and her attempts to be friends with them
10:56are rebuffed i think it's extremely disappointing that whitney didn't show up for macy for her
11:00launch party i just feel like we don't need to continue to support her if she doesn't even want
11:05to be friends with us and support one of our friends she breaks up with mom talk seemingly
11:10for good they insist they can survive without her massive following she's not so sure hopefully
11:15there will be a season two to tell us how it all shakes out my parting words for mom talk
11:21good luck without me which of these made you want another season of mom talk drama
11:26sound off in the comments we are officially in our post whitney era and i couldn't be happier about it
11:32do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from ms mojo
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