英雄本色III夕陽之歌 A Better Tomorrow III 1989

  • 3天前
In 1974, during the final days of the Vietnam War, Mark Lee (Chow Yun Fat) arrives in Saigon, intending to bring his uncle and cousin Michael Cheung Chi-mun back to Hong Kong with him. After arriving at the airport, Mark is confined by corrupt security guards who strip and attempt to rob him, but he is saved by Chow Ying-kit, who seems to have some measure of influence.

Mark and Michael later encounter Kit in a nightclub where they learn of her criminal activities including gun running. Kit takes an interest in the cousins and invites them to accompany her on a deal with a local Vietnamese warlord. The deal sours but the three escape. Kit is impressed with how Mark and Michael handled themselves and helps them escape Vietnam, taking them under her wing.

Mark哥(張志強,周潤發 飾)和張志民(梁家輝 飾)是堂兄弟,志民是越南華僑,Mark則在香港發展。豈料越戰打響,Mark十分擔心仍然居住在越南西贡的志民以及自己二叔(志民之父)松叔(石堅 飾)的安危,為了湊夠錢將志民及松叔接到香港,便和志民決定幫當地黑幫走私軍火到越南。豈料他們在越南遭到了喪邦(南燕 飾)的伏擊,幸得香港黑幫老大的女友周英杰(梅艷芳 飾)及時相救,兩人才倖免於難;逃過一劫的三人在西貢渡過了一段快樂時光後,英杰辭別了兩人。


只是一場禍事也在悄悄逼近,英杰的男友何長青(時任三郎 飾)從荷蘭返港,得悉英杰與Mark的事後大為震怒,便於車行開張當日放置炸彈,松叔因驚嚇致心臟病發身亡。何同時下格殺令,要求倖免的Mark和志民離開香港。另一方面決定於西貢淪陷前,將當地資產從越南帶回香港;英杰遂與Mark、志民聯合,重返西貢,火拼何長青。
