Kevin the steamie

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Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video


00:00Kevin, the steamy.
00:06On the island of Sodor, all the engines like to be busy.
00:12They huff and puff, heave and haul, and lift and lower to be really useful.
00:24One morning, the steamworks was very busy.
00:28Vector rushed and raced. Thomas and Percy had just been cleaned.
00:34They sparkled and shone like the sun.
00:40I have to pick up a new boiler for Spencer.
00:43Kevin, you will be in charge of the steamworks while I am gone.
00:47Work well, think hard.
00:51Yes, boss. Of course I will, boss.
00:56Kevin was excited. He rolled over to Thomas and Percy.
01:02Good luck, Kevin. You're the best.
01:06Thomas pumped his pistons to puff away.
01:09Then he biffed his buffers against the flatbed of oil drums.
01:15They bashed and crashed into Percy.
01:19Percy was surprised.
01:22Flatten my funnel!
01:24Then Percy giggled.
01:28Biff bash boss, Thomas!
01:31Thomas chuffed and chuckled.
01:35Biff bash boss, Percy!
01:39Kevin watched Thomas and Percy's new shunting game.
01:44It looked fun. Kevin liked fun.
01:48Can I play?
01:51Of course you can, Kevin. Biff bash boss!
01:55Kevin giggled and jiggled.
01:58Biff bash boss!
02:00Kevin bumped into the flatbed with a clang and a bang.
02:04The flatbed tipped off the track.
02:07The oil drums rocked and rolled to the ground.
02:11Kevin gasped.
02:13Heaving hooks! That wasn't supposed to happen.
02:16Don't worry, Kevin.
02:18But Kevin was worried.
02:21He wanted to play the shunting game like Thomas and Percy.
02:25I don't have buffers like you steamies, so I can't play the game.
02:30Thomas and Percy didn't want Kevin to feel badly.
02:34We'll do our jobs, then we'll hurry back, Kevin.
02:37So you can try the biff bash boss game again.
02:41That made Kevin feel better.
02:45Then, an idea whirred in his wheels.
02:51I'll work my hardest to shunt like a steamy.
02:55Then I can play biff bash boss with Thomas and Percy.
02:59Just then, Emily wheezed into the steamworks.
03:04Kevin, my buffers need buffing.
03:08Of course, Emily. Right away, Emily.
03:11Kevin rolled towards Emily.
03:14An oil drum was in his way.
03:16Kevin smiled.
03:18Practice makes perfect.
03:21Kevin biffed the oil drum.
03:24Biff bash bosh!
03:26It whizzed into Emily's wheels.
03:30Fizzling fireboxes! That oil drum has scratched my wheels.
03:36Kevin gasped.
03:38Sorry, Emily. Didn't mean to, Emily.
03:41Slippin' a yook, Emily. Be right with you.
03:44Then, Spencer steamed sternly into the steamworks.
03:50I'm here for my boiler.
03:53Kevin stuttered and stammered.
03:56Of course you are, Spencer. Be right with you, Spencer.
04:00Kevin raced round the steamworks.
04:03But another oil drum was in his way.
04:06Kevin smiled.
04:08Practice makes perfect.
04:10Biff bash bosh!
04:12Kevin biffed the oil drum.
04:15It skidded into Spencer.
04:19Rattle my rods! That oil drum has banged under my buffers.
04:25Now I can't chuff.
04:28Kevin stammered and stuttered.
04:31Sorry, Spencer. Didn't mean to, Spencer.
04:34Slippin' a yook, Spencer. Be right with you.
04:38Kevin rattled towards Spencer.
04:41Faster and faster, right into another oil drum.
04:46The drum rolled smooth and straight.
04:49Hooray! Biff bash bosh!
04:52Just like a steamy shunt.
04:55Victor chuffed in.
04:58Then there was trouble.
05:00An oil drum whizzed and whirled towards Victor
05:04and covered him in gloopy goo.
05:08Hey, Vinox!
05:10Victor was upset.
05:14Fenders and funnels!
05:16What have you done, Kevin?
05:18I'm covered in gloopy goo.
05:22My wheels are scratched.
05:25And my wheels are jammed.
05:28Kevin felt terrible.
05:31I'm sorry.
05:33I wanted to play Biff bash bosh with Thomas and Percy.
05:37So I was trying to shunt like a steamy.
05:40But I can't shunt like a steamy.
05:43And I didn't look after the steamworks.
05:47Just then,
05:49Thomas and Percy chuffed back into the steamworks.
05:54Hello, Kevin. Are you ready to Biff bash bosh?
05:57Kevin really wanted to play with Thomas and Percy.
06:01But he didn't want to look silly again.
06:04He wanted to be a really useful crane.
06:08No, thank you, Thomas. I have a lot to do.
06:14So Kevin carefully lowered a new wheel from his hook.
06:21It's new and perfectly polished for you, Emily.
06:26Thank you, Kevin.
06:28Next, Kevin had to help Spencer.
06:33Sorry to keep you waiting, Spencer.
06:36I'll have your wheels whirring in a flash of your fender.
06:41Kevin's hook whisked the drum high and away.
06:46Flickering fireboxes. I can chuff again.
06:50Thank you, Kevin.
06:52Kevin beamed. He liked being really useful.
06:57Now he had to clean Victor.
07:00Coming over with the bubbles, boss.
07:03But Spencer had to puff past.
07:06Out of my way, please.
07:10Of course, boss. Er, Spencer.
07:14Kevin trundled to Victor.
07:18Here I am, boss.
07:21But, Kevin, where are the bubbles?
07:25Kevin stopped. Kevin stammered.
07:29He couldn't see the bubbles, but Thomas and Percy could.
07:34They're over here, Kevin.
07:37Hide and peep.
07:39That's a great game.
07:42Hiding things with your hook is the best game of all.
07:46That made Kevin very happy.
07:50Soon, Victor was ready to go.
07:54He had to find the bubbles.
07:57He had to find the bubbles.
08:00He had to find the bubbles.
08:04Soon, Victor was clean and gleaming again.
08:09Go, Kevin. Now you are free to play your game.
08:13So, Kevin hid with his hook.
08:19And Thomas and Percy hunted and huffed.
08:24No steamy could ever hide as well as you can with your hook, Kevin.
08:29Kevin jiggled with joy.
08:33That's what's good about being a crane.
08:37And everyone cheered to that.