Mr Impossible

  • le mois dernier
02:00Hello, said William.
02:03I'm William.
02:05I'm Impossible.
02:08Really, said William.
02:10Sure am.
02:12Smiled Mr. Impossible.
02:14Could you do impossible things, asked William.
02:19Haven't come across anything I couldn't do.
02:24William thought.
02:26Can you climb up that tree here, pointing to the biggest tree in the wood?
02:29Oh, I can do better than that, replied Mr. Impossible.
02:33I can walk up that tree.
02:36And he did.
02:45William thought again.
02:47Can you stand on one hand, he asked.
02:51Oh, I can do better than that, replied Mr. Impossible.
02:55I can stand on no hands.
02:57And he did.
03:05That's impossible, replied William.
03:08Sure is, replied Mr. Impossible.
03:13Then William remembered that he was on his way to school.
03:16Why don't you come with me, he asked.
03:19But I've never been to school before.
03:24Then it's time you did, replied William.
03:27Come on.
03:34William and Mr. Impossible sat at the back of William's classroom with all the other children.
03:39The teacher came in, but didn't notice that there was somebody extra in his class that morning.
03:44Morning, children, he said.
03:47I have a very difficult sum for you to do today.
03:50It will take you most of the morning to work out the answer.
03:54And he wrote the sum on the blackboard.
03:58It really was the most difficult sum William had ever seen in his whole life,
04:02full of adding up and taking away and multiplications and divisions
04:07and other things William didn't enjoy.
04:10The teacher was right.
04:12It would indeed take up most of the morning to work out the answer,
04:15if not most of the afternoon as well.
04:19Mr. Impossible whispered in William's ear.
04:23William put up his hand.
04:25Yes, William, said the teacher.
04:27Is there something about the sum that you don't understand?
04:32Please, sir, said William.
04:35Is the answer 23?
04:38The teacher was very, absolutely, totally, completely amazed.
04:45How did you work out the sum so quickly?
04:48It's impossible.
04:50Ain't nothing impossible, mister.
04:54Said Mr. Impossible from the back of the class and stood up.
04:58Well, I never did, exclaimed the teacher.
05:02After that, Mr. Impossible spent all day at the school.
05:05He showed the teacher how he could read a book upside down.
05:10But that's impossible, said the children who were watching.
05:14Yes, sir, said Mr. Impossible.
05:17Then William asked Mr. Impossible if he'd like to play in the school football match.
05:20We sure would, replied Mr. Impossible.
05:23But I ain't never played football before.
05:27And do you know what he did?
05:29He kicked the football so high into the air
05:32that when it came down, it had snow on it.
05:38Then it was time to go home.
05:41Mr. Impossible said goodbye to all the people at the school
05:45and then he said goodbye to William.
05:47Goodbye, Mr. Impossible, said William.
05:50So long, William, said Mr. Impossible.
05:54He just disappeared.
05:56William rubbed his eyes and went home.
06:02William's mother and father were waiting for him.
06:04Hello, William, they said.
06:06Did you have a good day at school?
06:09Yes, he replied.
06:11And I met someone who can do anything in the world.
06:14Oh, really, William.
06:16They both laughed.
06:18You're impossible.
06:20William smiled and went inside.
06:27And a hundred miles away,
06:29a small figure was listening to what William's mother and father were saying.
06:34And then he went to sleep.
06:39Standing on his head, he said,
06:42standing on his head.
06:44And we all know that this is impossible.
06:47Yes, sir.
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