何ひとつ無駄にしないプロジェクト~テレ東、農家はじめました~ 2024年9月16日 ゼロから畑作り&SDGsトレンド取材

  • 22 hours ago
何ひとつ無駄にしないプロジェクト~テレ東、農家はじめました~ 2024年9月16日 ゼロから畑作り&SDGsトレンド取材
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00We've arrived in Taiko!
00:08It feels so good!
00:10Sasaki Akiko-ana, Nakahara Minami-ana, Fujii Yui-ana
00:15Actually, this time, TV Tokyo is going to start a big project here in Yamanashi Prefecture.
00:21Are you serious about TV Tokyo?
00:23Yes, I'm serious!
00:24However, if it's just the three of us, we're not strong enough.
00:28So, let's introduce the members who will be our partners!
00:33Thank you for having us!
00:39The three members of Amuse Entertainment,
00:42Airi Matsui, Masaki Ota, and Nayuta Fukuzaki.
00:48And the narrator is Kanata Hosoda, who is the same age as Nayuta.
00:58And the other one is...
01:01Kimi from Taiwan. Nice to meet you.
01:06Kimi is an actor and singer who grew up in Japan and is active in Taiwan.
01:11He is so popular that he appeared in a commercial for a Taiwanese version of Pocari Sweat.
01:17What we're going to do together this time is...
01:23We're going to start a big project with the goal of not wasting anything.
01:30I was born in a rural area, so I was very interested in the field.
01:36I wanted to do agriculture, so I'm very happy today.
01:41Agriculture that doesn't waste.
01:44The stage is...
01:47This is the field where we're going to start farming.
01:52Here it is!
01:55Is this a field?
01:56It's not a field!
01:57This is not a field!
01:59This is a jungle!
02:03The land is about 2,000 square meters at the foot of Mt. Fuji.
02:09The more you can't see the soil, the more many rocks you can see.
02:13It's not a field, it's a jungle.
02:17This is a factory that hasn't been in the field for about 50 years.
02:22It's been abandoned?
02:24I haven't used it for 50 years.
02:26There are about 90,000 factories like this in Japan.
02:333,000 hectares!
02:36I can't imagine.
02:38It's a waste.
02:41We're going to make good use of the land that's been wasted.
02:44We're going to do agriculture that doesn't waste.
02:46That's the big project of TV Tokyo.
02:48I see, that's what it's all about.
02:52Yes, this project is...
02:55The SDGs aim to eliminate waste land,
02:59and to make sure that waste products and weeds from the field are not wasted in agriculture.
03:07It's a waste.
03:08In addition,
03:10Perfume Kashiyuka is collaborating with Professor Muda Zero to eliminate the waste of the livestock industry.
03:17I don't know if I'm going to get in trouble for this.
03:22I'm glad the soup after this is green onion soup.
03:27It's delicious.
03:28I did it.
03:32TV Tokyo has started a project that doesn't waste anything.
03:41First, I'm going to start with this weed.
03:46At the foot of Mt. Fuji,
03:48to remove the waste land that had been abandoned for about 50 years.
03:53First, start with weed hunting.
03:57Look, it's higher than my height.
04:0150 years?
04:0250 years. It's not alive.
04:04It's not born yet.
04:05Akko, you're the same.
04:06It was born.
04:08I'm sorry.
04:09If you grow such a big weed, the soil must be very good.
04:14That's right.
04:17I got a lot.
04:18Did you get it?
04:20You got it all at once.
04:21I got a lot.
04:23The weeds you bought may be used for something later, so let's put them together over there.
04:28Don't waste anything.
04:29That's right.
04:30Muda Zero.
04:31Muda Zero.
04:33All right.
04:36Wait a minute.
04:37I'm getting distracted.
04:39I know.
04:40I worked so hard.
04:42All right.
04:43I'll do my best.
04:44All right.
04:45A little more.
04:46A little more.
04:47It may not end.
04:48This is a little...
04:50This is a little...
04:52A little...
04:56This is bad.
05:02Like this...
05:07It's impossible.
05:09It's terrible.
05:13It's already too hot!
05:14It's already hot.
05:16It's already hot.
05:18It's totally midsummer.
05:19It's totally midsummer.
05:20The temperature on this day is 35 degrees Celsius.
05:23Seven people's physical strength is taken away by the usual work and work.
05:27The temperature on this day is 35 degrees Celsius.
05:30It's been an hour since we started, and the walls of the huts are expanding in front of us.
05:42The roots of the huts are as hard as the branches of a tree, and it's hard to cut them.
05:50We are completely amateurs in agriculture, so we'd like to ask our senior farmers to help us.
06:01Look, everyone!
06:03Look at that!
06:07It's amazing!
06:09It's so cool!
06:16It's like Armageddon!
06:18It's so cool!
06:20The people who came to help us are the senior farmers of Amuse.
06:28In 2021, Amuse moved to Saiko, Yamanashi Prefecture.
06:35To promote the revitalization of the local community, Amuse started a new business based on the natural environment.
06:43As part of that, Amuse started farming.
06:47The five seniors moved to this area and are committed to farming.
06:54It's an agricultural competition.
06:56Agricultural competition?
06:58Is it a specialized stage?
06:59It's a specialized stage.
07:01The tools they have are different from ours.
07:04They have a lot of things!
07:06Lend me some from the beginning.
07:09The 12 of them are back to work.
07:15We might be faster than them.
07:19This is huge.
07:20It's huge.
07:22As expected of Fukusawa.
07:24The senior farmers are speeding up their work.
07:29Who are you?
07:31Are you an employee of Amuse?
07:35Yes, I'm an employee of Amuse.
07:38I'm a former employee.
07:40What did you do?
07:42I was a member of the circus group called Silk Road Soleil.
07:46Were you on the show?
07:47I was on the show.
07:49I see.
07:51All the senior farmers were not involved in agriculture until two years ago.
07:59I happened to read in a book that
08:05it's really bad for the soil to continue to grow without a break.
08:18It's called continuous cultivation.
08:22If the next crop doesn't grow well, the soil won't grow well.
08:29The soil is a living thing, so you have to let it rest.
08:33After a year, you mix fertilizer and let it rest.
08:38You let it take a break and then you plant it.
08:41That's how the next crop grows.
08:44I see.
08:45The field needs a break.
08:47The soil needs a break, too.
08:50My back hurts.
08:51My back hurts.
08:52My back hurts.
08:58It's harder than I imagined.
09:02The most difficult thing to do is...
09:06I don't know.
09:08It's hard.
09:14Kayano roots have been left for nearly 50 years and are covered in soil.
09:31It's heavy.
09:34It's a big one.
09:35It's a big one.
09:36It's a big one.
09:37You can do it.
09:40He's good at pulling it.
09:42Here we go.
09:47It's really big.
09:48You can do it.
09:49This is bad.
09:54It's the biggest one today.
09:59It's amazing.
10:01The roots are really thick.
10:04Then, he sees more soil.
10:08There's a lot of soil.
10:10This soil is a waste.
10:12I see.
10:13So, I'm going to remove some of this, too.
10:17You're going to use it.
10:21This soil looks really good.
10:25It's going to be fertilizer.
10:27Mr. Yoshitaka Inoue, the supervisor of this project, gave us some advice.
10:34He's a professional farmer who runs a large farm of 17 hectares in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture and Nirasaki City.
10:43We've been doing this for a long time.
10:46We've been doing this for a long time.
10:48We've been doing this for a long time.
10:50We've been doing this for a long time.
10:52He's going to use a heavy machine.
10:56He's speeding up the work.
11:02But there's another problem.
11:06There's a lot of stones.
11:08There's a lot of stones.
11:10He's removing weeds.
11:12Then, he sees a huge pile of stones.
11:17If there's a big stone on the ground, it's a hindrance to the roots and growth of vegetables.
11:25Can you put the stones in the bucket?
11:30Let's do it.
11:32Put the stones in the bucket.
11:34Let's do it together.
11:38Watch out for your hands.
11:42This is great.
11:46Be careful.
11:47I'm going to drop this.
11:49He's going to make good use of the stones he collected later.
11:56It's been six hours since he started working.
11:58It's finally time for the last spurt.
12:08This is a lot of work.
12:12It's been eight hours since he started working.
12:15He removes the weeds and stones.
12:17Finally, he uses a heavy machine to dig them out.
12:21Everyone, I'm done digging.
12:24Look at this.
12:31Everyone, look at this.
12:33It's amazing.
12:35It's green from left to right.
12:38It's amazing.
12:40I'm going to fall.
12:45I'm going to fall.
12:49It's amazing.
12:54Since we're here, let's name this field.
12:58That's a good idea.
13:00What should we name it?
13:02I've been thinking.
13:13Since we're here, let's make a sign with crayons.
13:18What's the name of our field?
13:31The second day of work.
13:34What are we going to do today?
13:36Today, we're going to work on the soil for the field.
13:42Can't we just grow it like this?
13:46As you can see when you step on it, it's still hard.
13:50What kind of image do you have of the field?
13:53It's soft.
13:55If you don't make it soft and easy to grow, you can't grow vegetables.
14:00I see.
14:02The grass and stones have been removed, but this land has been abandoned for nearly 50 years.
14:08So, Inoue-san is going to grow it in a tractor.
14:13It's being grown.
14:15It's amazing.
14:17The color is different.
14:19It's different.
14:22It's very soft.
14:24It's very soft.
14:25It's amazing.
14:27It's amazing.
14:29It's very soft.
14:31It's very soft.
14:33They have to dig up soil many times with a tractor and a heavy machine.
14:37To make a field, it is necessary to grow at least 20 cm from the ground.
14:43Masaki is also driving a tractor for the first time.
14:47I'll step on it more.
14:50It's amazing.
14:51It's amazing.
14:56However, a new problem occurs here.
15:00It's big.
15:02There are a lot of stones.
15:04There are stones.
15:06A huge stone came out of the soil.
15:10It's amazing.
15:11It's amazing.
15:12It's impossible.
15:13One, two, three.
15:16It's amazing.
15:17It turned from green to brown.
15:19It turned from green to brown.
15:21It's amazing.
15:25TV Tokyo is working towards a diverse and rich society.
15:31This week is SDGs week.
15:35We will talk about people who are working on social issues and business activities in many programs.
15:45A new problem occurs when they grow soil.
15:50It's big.
15:52There are a lot of stones.
15:54There are stones.
15:55If you dig up soil, you can dig up little by little.
15:59The soil becomes softer and softer.
16:01Now it's just flat, but you can dig up more and more.
16:05At that time, there is a possibility that stones will come out again.
16:07If you don't do it over and over again, the soil will become soft and you can't get rid of it.
16:15The stones buried in the soil come out one after another.
16:19In addition.
16:20Didn't you take it yesterday?
16:22That's right.
16:23I took it so much, but it came out like this.
16:27Kayano couldn't take it just by hunting grass.
16:33It's good.
16:34It's good.
16:35It's coming.
16:36It's amazing.
16:37This is big.
16:38It's amazing.
16:39It's amazing.
16:40Are you okay?
16:42Can you do it?
16:43With both hands.
16:44It's amazing.
16:45It's big to the root.
16:46It's big.
16:47It's big.
16:48It's big.
16:49If there is such a stone, it will not grow.
16:53If there is no stone, the roots will grow firmly.
16:55It will get in the way of the roots.
16:57That's right.
16:58If it's a radish, it will go down, so it's easier to grow because there are no obstacles.
17:04After that, Nayuta also drives a tractor and grows the same place over and over again.
17:12There is a stone hanging here.
17:15Is it a stone?
17:16It's a stone.
17:17Is this a stone?
17:19It's amazing.
17:20It's amazing.
17:22There are quite a few.
17:24I wonder where it was rattling.
17:30It looks big.
17:31Wait a minute.
17:33He found a huge stone.
17:37He digs back stones that he thinks are impossible to dig with a tractor.
17:44It's big.
17:46It's amazing.
17:47It's impossible.
17:48It's impossible.
17:50One, two, three.
17:53Be careful of this.
17:55From the top.
17:56That's right.
17:57One, two, three.
18:00It's heavy.
18:01It's amazing.
18:02Four people.
18:03It's huge.
18:04It's amazing.
18:05It's heavy.
18:27It takes two hours to remove the roots of stones and pebbles while being lucky.
18:35It's amazing.
18:36I didn't know there were so many stones.
18:37It's amazing.
18:38I didn't know there were so many stones.
18:40It's amazing.
18:41It's amazing.
18:42It's amazing.
18:43It's completely different.
18:44It's different.
18:45It's completely different.
18:46I'm impressed.
18:49This is amazing.
18:51I'm impressed.
18:53Finally, we will plant vegetables here.
18:56This is a fertilizer.
18:58Yes, they just planted the soil that has been planted for 50 years.
19:02It is important to make soil for vegetables.
19:07This is called pH adjustment.
19:11It is a fertilizer used to adjust the acidity and alkalinity of the field.
19:16Does soil also have acidity?
19:18That's right.
19:19I see.
19:20The fields that are not cultivated tend to lean towards acidity.
19:25So, we put strong alkaline fertilizer and adjust the pH.
19:29I see.
19:30By the way, this persimmon shell is reused.
19:36Persimmon shell?
19:37It's a fruit.
19:38It's a fruit of the sea.
19:39It's a fruit of the sea.
19:40It's not a persimmon.
19:41It's a persimmon.
19:42It's a persimmon.
19:43It's fun.
19:44In soil with strong acidity, the roots of the vegetables tend to be damaged.
19:48So, first, we use three types of cuttings to adjust the pH.
19:54I didn't think the fertilizer was like this.
19:56What kind of image did you have?
19:58I had the image of stabbing the fertilizer like this.
20:00Like an ampoule.
20:01That's right.
20:02That's the image I had.
20:08But this is a lot of work.
20:10That's right.
20:12It's about 10 kilograms per person.
20:16It's a lot of heavy work.
20:24Agriculture is all about physical strength.
20:28I think this is hard for the elderly.
20:35After adjusting the pH of the field with cuttings,
20:38Can I get used to farming?
20:40In order to grow plants,
20:43It is said that these three elements are required, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
20:48All three fertilizers prepared to compensate for these three nutrients are useless.
20:57I'm going to put in a bat gun.
20:59I'm going to put in a bat gun.
21:00A total of 60 kilograms of fertilizer is wound up evenly.
21:05It is grown again in a tractor to mix fertilizer and soil.
21:15It's mixed.
21:16It's mixed.
21:17I'm impressed.
21:20However, in order to make better vegetables, there is another commitment to soil cultivation.
21:26After this, there is another fertilizer I want to put in.
21:30It's a very special fertilizer.
21:32It's a special fertilizer.
21:33It's special.
21:34It is said that this special fertilizer is handmade by a certain person.
21:41Immediately to Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture, where the person lives.
21:44Like bowling.
21:45That's right.
21:51Are you making a special fertilizer?
21:55Yes, I'm Yotsui.
21:56Nice to meet you, Mr. Yotsui.
21:58I'm Chisato.
22:00This is Shinji Yotsui, who makes special fertilizer.
22:05He is 52 years old.
22:07Do you live here?
22:10Yes, this is my house.
22:13It's a wonderful house.
22:16Do you cook rice here?
22:18This is a stove.
22:19Do you cook rice here?
22:20This is a stove.
22:22There is also a stove over there.
22:26That's great.
22:27That's great.
22:28That's great.
22:29That's great.
22:31I think this is a stove that everyone sees often.
22:33This is also a stove.
22:35Did you make it all?
22:36That's right.
22:38Mr. Yotsui?
22:39That's great.
22:40This is a stone pot.
22:43Do you make pizza?
22:44That's right.
22:45Do you make pizza?
22:46Do you cook meat?
22:47That's great.
22:50Mr. Yotsui has been living on his own for 17 years in a 2,000-tsubo land in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture.
23:00He grows more than 60 kinds of vegetables and more than 60 kinds of fruits in the field.
23:08He doesn't use as much energy as possible, such as gas and electricity,
23:12and makes what he can make on his own.
23:14He is living a sustainable life.
23:20I heard that you have a special fertilizer.
23:23It's not a fertilizer, but a compost.
23:28What Mr. Yotsui is most particular about in making soil in the field is...
23:34Is this a compost hut?
23:36That's right.
23:37Isn't it a chicken coop?
23:38It's not a chicken coop.
23:39A chicken coop.
23:40A chicken coop.
23:41I buy chickens in a compost hut.
23:42Excuse me.
23:44This is Mr. Yotsui's homemade compost.
23:48What is it?
23:52It's delicious.
23:53It's delicious.
23:54I have no choice but to say it's delicious.
23:57I'm recruiting people who want to make it into a product.
24:04This is Mr. Yotsui's homemade compost.
24:08What is it?
24:11Let me smell it.
24:13Smell it.
24:14I wonder if it smells.
24:15Can you tell by the smell?
24:19It smells like soil.
24:20You can touch it.
24:21I'll touch it.
24:22It's soil.
24:23It's fluffy.
24:24It's fluffy.
24:25It's warm.
24:27Because it's fermented.
24:29Because it's fermented.
24:30If you ferment it, it'll be warm.
24:31I smelled it earlier.
24:36What's in here is our family's poop and pee.
24:45It's poop, isn't it?
24:46That's right.
24:47There's a lot of poop in the chicken coop.
24:49Mr. Yotsui's...
24:51Mr. Yotsui's...
24:52What is it?
24:53It's a fertilizer for people's poop.
24:56It's a fertilizer.
24:57It's a fertilizer for people's poop and pee.
25:02There's a system in the house to make compost into fertilizer.
25:09There's a corridor here.
25:10There's a corridor here?
25:12I see.
25:13Is this it?
25:15This is a compost toilet made in Canada.
25:18If you add water, you can get the fallen leaves here.
25:23Put it in a bucket.
25:24I see.
25:25Put it in a bucket.
25:29If you put it in, you can pull out the leaves.
25:32I see.
25:33If you turn this, you can stir the compost.
25:37I see.
25:42Then the compost is made.
25:45If you ferment it for half a year to a year,
25:49it becomes a compost with rich microorganisms and no smell.
25:53Now, people flush the compost into the seawater.
25:57It flows from the river to the sea.
25:59It never comes back to the soil.
26:01That's true.
26:02But in our life, we can compost here by eating and excreting.
26:08This compost becomes the source of vegetables and nutrients and enriches the field.
26:14That's amazing.
26:16In short, you can make soil by living.
26:19I see.
26:22Let's take a look at Mr. Yotsui's field, where he lives a sustainable life.
26:28It's like a dream.
26:29It's wonderful.
26:30I named this place, Mushizuka, because it's a place where many insects live.
26:35They live in the gaps between the trees.
26:40Insects and lizards.
26:43That's why there are so many creatures here.
26:48There are lizards.
26:49I see.
26:50It's nostalgic.
26:51Lizards play a role in Mushizuka.
26:53Lizards eat insects.
26:56I see.
26:57Instead, they don't need pesticides.
26:59That's right.
27:00That's how they keep the balance in the nature.
27:03It's very spacious.
27:04It's spacious.
27:05It's spacious.
27:06It's spacious.
27:07What's this around here?
27:09It's a rebarb.
27:11It's a rebarb.
27:14Do you want to bite it?
27:15Bite it?
27:16Can you bite it?
27:18It's wild.
27:21Try biting it.
27:23I want to bite it.
27:25Can I eat it as it is?
27:26Can I eat it as it is without peeling?
27:28You can peel it.
27:29You don't have to peel it.
27:30I'll eat it.
27:31I'll eat it.
27:34It's not sour.
27:35It's sour.
27:36It's sour?
27:37It's delicious.
27:38It's delicious.
27:39It's sour.
27:40It's sour.
27:41It's sour.
27:42It's true.
27:43It's refreshing.
27:44It's delicious.
27:45There's a peban over there.
27:46There's a peban over there.
27:47It's grown well.
27:48It's grown on a standing fire.
27:49It's grown well.
27:50This is grown on a standing fire.
27:51Do you want to pick the peban?
27:53The peban is great.
27:54Are you going to pick it?
27:55Can we pick it?
27:56Can we harvest it?
27:57It's okay.
27:59I got it.
28:01The peban is really pretty.
28:02It's glistening.
28:04It looks yummy.
28:05It's refreshing.
28:06Here is a cucumber.
28:08Look at it.
28:09It's amazing.
28:10It's big.
28:11It's big.
28:12They harvested various vegetables.
28:17It's red like paprika.
28:20It's like a theme park.
28:24It's fun.
28:26It's fun every day.
28:28That's true.
28:30It's really rich.
28:33And the vegetables they harvested...
28:36And outside.
28:40I'm so happy.
28:42Chisato, the wife, cooked for us.
28:45It's a luxury.
28:47This is what it's like to be alive.
28:49That's true.
28:51Let's eat.
28:53I'll start with the eggplant.
28:59The eggplant is sweet and delicious.
29:01It's sweet, isn't it?
29:03All the vegetables are sweet.
29:05This is amazing.
29:07It's too good.
29:10I'll try the tomato.
29:12The tomato is good.
29:14It's good.
29:16I'm happy.
29:18It's really good.
29:20The miso is good.
29:22The miso is handmade, right?
29:24It's handmade.
29:26The miso is also handmade.
29:29And they eat it all for free.
29:33It's a waste of everything.
29:37Even if you make a lot of this and there's some left over,
29:40you can go back to the land.
29:42That's right.
29:43It's not a waste.
29:45This is the ultimate waste.
29:49Now that we're full,
29:52let's get back to work.
29:54All right.
29:56Let's do our best.
29:57They'll share the original Taihi made by Yotsui.
30:02One, two, three, four.
30:04This machine is handmade, right?
30:06It's handmade.
30:08It's handmade.
30:10That's amazing.
30:14They put the Taihi in the old machine made by Yotsui
30:18and take out the uncut curry leaves.
30:23It's fluffy.
30:25It's fluffy.
30:27It's amazing.
30:29It looks good.
30:31There's a lot of fiber.
30:38It's quite black.
30:40It's very black.
30:42It looks heavy.
30:44It does.
30:46All right, let's carry this.
30:48All right.
30:49There are 18 bags of 15 kilograms.
30:53That's 270 kilograms.
30:59It might be impossible to carry all of this.
31:02Let me help you.
31:05It takes two hours by car.
31:10It's a waste farm with Mr. Yotsui.
31:13It's amazing.
31:15You put the Taihi in here.
31:19It's to compensate for the organic matter.
31:22From today, a lot of microorganisms will start to live here
31:25and the soil will be made.
31:28They start rolling the Taihi.
31:32The soil is getting wet.
31:34That's right.
31:35This is organic matter.
31:40Organic matter and microorganisms are rolled up like this.
31:47It's good soil.
31:51When I heard it's Mr. Yotsui's,
31:54I didn't feel anything at all.
31:59I thought it was organic matter that made the soil rich,
32:04but I even feel affection for it.
32:08After rolling the Taihi, which weighs about 270 kilograms,
32:12evenly all over the soil,
32:17they mix it with the soil.
32:20Who is it?
32:22It smells really good.
32:24It smells good.
32:27After this, they finally start to roll the Taihi.
32:30But before that...
32:34There are still items in the world that are used for useless purposes.
32:39The one who will investigate it is...
32:41I'm Kashiyuka. Nice to meet you.
32:45Kashiyuka is a senior who is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.
32:52In fact, she is the owner of a virtual shop in a magazine project
32:56and introduces traditional crafts from all over Japan.
32:59She is usually interested in SDGs.
33:04What I try not to waste is electricity and water.
33:11When I released my album,
33:13I tried a hair donation that I wanted to do.
33:17It was since I was in elementary school that my hair got this short.
33:21But I was happy.
33:23I thought that the hair I cut would be useful to someone.
33:27By the way, Kashiyuka, do you know the word up-cycle?
33:31It's like finding the next possibility or value.
33:37That's right. Up-cycle is to add a new value to something that should be thrown away.
33:46First, they prepare two up-cycle products.
33:49What are they reusing?
33:53This is a crayon.
33:55A crayon.
33:57Actually, I'm using materials that have been used for useless purposes.
34:00Do you know what it is?
34:02The color is different from the one I used when I was a child.
34:08Is it a material for flowers or plants?
34:14It's a vegetable that is discarded.
34:17It's a vegetable.
34:19Does it come out of the color of the vegetable?
34:22That's right.
34:23That's great.
34:24This product is a vegetable crayon.
34:27Parts that were cut during processing,
34:30unsold products that cannot be shipped,
34:33and useless vegetables were used as coloring materials.
34:37Green is spinach,
34:39and orange is carrot.
34:42Each is the color of a vegetable.
34:46The color is softer than the usual color, right?
34:52That's right.
34:53It's cute.
34:54By the way, the annual harvest of vegetables in 2022 is 12.84 million tons.
35:01Out of that, 13% of the total harvest is about 1.7 million tons.
35:08That's a lot.
35:10The bad guys there change the shape and get the role again.
35:16What is the second up-cycle product?
35:19Here it is.
35:21What is it? It's like a raw ham.
35:24This is edible, right?
35:32It's delicious.
35:34It's easy to eat. It's light.
35:37In fact, this was made by a professor at a certain university.
35:42I wonder what this is made of.
35:46So we came to the University of Japanese Veterinary Science.
35:52I wonder what kind of professor he is.
35:55I'm looking forward to meeting him.
35:59Excuse me.
36:01Wow, amazing.
36:03Wow, this is amazing.
36:07This is an amazing place.
36:10Hello, nice to meet you.
36:13Nice to meet you.
36:15This is Professor Takayuki Miura, a professor of zero-waste in the livestock industry.
36:22It's fun to change clothes and take a shower.
36:29The answer to raw ham immediately appears.
36:34It's huge. It's just meat.
36:40The answer to raw ham immediately appears.
36:45It's huge. It's just meat.
36:47Yes, this is beef.
36:50Is it raw ham of beef?
36:52It's raw ham of beef.
36:53It doesn't work very well, does it?
36:55When you think of raw ham, you think of pork.
36:59This is called the outer thigh of a cow, and it has a lot of red meat.
37:04Doesn't thigh meat go well with grilled meat?
37:08The outer thigh of a cow is very hard.
37:12Even if you want to make it into steak or grilled meat, it's hard to get it.
37:16Such a big part?
37:18In order to get rid of that waste, they developed raw ham, which can be eaten in the softest state.
37:26Raw ham is very expensive.
37:28This is very cheap.
37:30I have a personal question.
37:32Is it okay for animals to have such a price difference?
37:35I want to increase the value of raw ham.
37:40The teacher also uses a liquid called whey, which is wasted in the cheese production process,
37:46to research and commercialize ground cheese, which is characterized by sweetness.
37:53There are still other things to study.
37:57What is that?
37:59What is this?
38:00What is this?
38:01I've never seen this shape before.
38:04You can touch it.
38:05Can I touch it?
38:07It's hard.
38:10This part is the ribs of a cow.
38:13When I saw this being thrown away, I thought it looked delicious.
38:18So I got it right away, including the unnecessary parts.
38:22I cut it, boiled it, and ate it.
38:26Yes, cow cartilage contains a lot of gravel-like bones,
38:31so it's hard to eat like chicken or pork.
38:35So in the industry, we have no choice but to throw this away.
38:38I see.
38:39So Miura-sensei came up with a soup that is good for beauty and health from the waste of ribs.
38:47Would you like to try it?
38:48Oh, I'll try it.
38:50I'll try it.
38:51Let's try it.
38:52Let's try it.
38:54Let's start the waste-free experiment using rib cartilage.
39:01First, put 3 kg of rib cartilage cut from the ribs into the pot.
39:07Miura-sensei came up with something like a weapon.
39:10I'll hold this down.
39:13Can you cut this part, Kashiyuka-san?
39:19What angle should I use this?
39:21You already know.
39:23I'm scared.
39:25I'll try it for the first time.
39:28I can't cut it at all.
39:31Is it pretty hard?
39:32It's pretty hard.
39:33It's in.
39:34It's in.
39:35I'll try it.
39:36I hope I won't get in trouble for doing this.
39:40Can you cut it with this?
39:42Yes, I can.
39:44This is the cartilage part.
39:47Like this.
39:48Look at this.
39:49It looks like a crab when you take a picture of only the cross section.
39:52That's true.
39:53It looks delicious.
39:54It's nice to talk to people from different genres.
39:57It looks like a crab.
39:58It looks like a crab.
40:01Next, put 6 liters of water into the pot.
40:08Put the pot into the pressure cooker.
40:12Close the lid and put it on the fire.
40:16How long do you leave it?
40:183 hours.
40:193 hours?
40:20From here?
40:213 hours?
40:23It takes time to make something good.
40:25That's right.
40:26And it takes 3 hours to simmer.
40:30I'll put it in.
40:36That's a lot of oil.
40:39After simmering, take out the meat from the cartilage.
40:46I want you to taste it.
40:48It looks like fat, but it's not.
40:52It's like beef tendon.
40:54It's soft.
40:55Yes, it is.
40:56Wow, it looks delicious.
40:59Do you think about this every day?
41:03Yes, I do.
41:04Every time you do research?
41:05It's a big problem.
41:07When I go home, I think my wife is going out to play.
41:13Don't you season it with anything?
41:15You don't have to season it.
41:18I don't have to season it?
41:20I tell you to eat it with the sodium of the meat.
41:23Eat it with the sodium of the meat?
41:25Yes, eat it with the sodium of the red meat.
41:29Does sodium taste good?
41:31Please feel it.
41:32Okay, I'll eat it.
41:40It's delicious.
41:42I'll eat it with soy sauce.
41:45I think soy sauce is the best.
41:49The students also taste it with the sodium of the meat.
41:54Can you feel it?
41:55I can feel it.
41:57It's time to feel the sodium.
41:59It's delicious.
42:01I have no choice but to say it's delicious.
42:06Finally, sieve the soup with a net.
42:10Is this done?
42:12Yes, it's done.
42:15It's amazing.
42:17The soup made from cow ribs is finally complete.
42:22How does it taste?
42:28It's delicious.
42:30I did it.
42:32I only added salt and pepper.
42:34I didn't add any other seasonings.
42:36But there's only a little salt.
42:39There's only a little.
42:40Moreover, it contains a lot of collagen, so it's good for beauty.
42:46If you eat it as a soup, you'll be satisfied with your meal.
42:51And you can get nutrients from it.
42:54I wish it would spread more.
42:58I'm looking for people who want to make it into a product.
43:02In addition, the teacher is doing research to make use of waste products.
43:08While we're shooting this video,
43:12there's a product that Kashiyuka applied to her body.
43:20Before I knew it?
43:22Did you apply it to your body?
43:23Yes, I did.
43:28It's a button.
43:29A button?
43:30The button on the box has a different shape.
43:33It's made from milk.
43:35Casein plastic.
43:38I've heard of casein.
43:40This is a so-called milk button.
43:44It's a button made from casein, which is used in the production process of butter.
43:54I didn't expect it to change its shape and become a product.
43:59Another good thing is that you can change it into soil.
44:02You can disassemble it.
44:06That's right.
44:08I think it's a good idea to know how to use it.
44:15Here's a suggestion from Kashiyuka to the teacher.
44:19I'm wondering if there's anything we can do to make use of human hair.
44:25I saw it on foreign news.
44:28It's said that human hair adsorbs oil the most.
44:35I think we can make use of the hair that falls on the floor in beauty salons.
44:41In terms of protein science, human hair is a very good teaching material for students to learn the structure of protein.
44:50I think we can apply it to things that haven't been done so far.
44:56I'm looking forward to it.
44:58How was it meeting the teacher today?
45:01It was interesting.
45:02There were a lot of things I didn't know.
45:04I learned that there were a lot of wasted parts that we didn't see.
45:11And I was very happy to learn that there was a teacher who was researching how to make use of it.
45:19It was fun.
45:20It's impossible to change everything.
45:23It's impossible to go from 0 to 100.
45:25But I hope I can change my daily life little by little and make the world a better place.
45:31I had a lot of fun today.
45:33This project is perfect.
45:37On the other hand, in a waste farm that has been open for a month,
45:43they started to make a real field.
45:46It looks good.
45:49After putting a multi-sheet to keep the temperature of the soil and prevent the growth of weeds, it's time to plant.
45:57What is the first vegetable in the waste farm?
46:01This is Chinese cabbage.
46:03Chinese cabbage.
46:05It's a winter vegetable.
46:06I love it.
46:07I think I eat it the most.
46:09Chinese cabbage is easy to put in soup.
46:12That's right.
46:13It's easy to cook.
46:15Chinese cabbage is not planted in the field.
46:18It is planted in the greenhouse.
46:22The reason is...
46:25Chinese cabbage is oily.
46:28But I love Monshiro-cho.
46:31I'm going to grow it without using pesticides.
46:35So if I plant something big in this state, it will be more accurate.
46:42That's right.
46:43The number of Chinese cabbages planted is 180.
46:47I'm glad.
46:48Is it done?
46:50It's done.
46:52But they are not happy.
46:54There is a problem.
46:57I can see Monshiro-cho.
47:03I can see Monshiro-cho.
47:06I can see a butterfly.
47:07That's right.
47:08They set up a net so that the butterfly does not lay eggs on Chinese cabbage.
47:15I don't want insects to get in.
47:20There is another vegetable to grow.
47:24This is radish.
47:27I make two kinds of winter vegetables.
47:30The seeds of the radish are wrapped in three grains in one hole.
47:35But there is a reason for that.
47:38Why do you put three seeds in one hole?
47:40If three seeds come out, two seeds are removed.
47:45At the end, only one seed is left.
47:48Only the good ones are left.
47:52It's a waste of farmland.
47:54But you can eat the radish.
47:57I'm glad.
48:00There are many things I want to eat.
48:03I want to eat Chinese cabbage.
48:05I'm looking forward to it.
48:08The seeds of the radish were wrapped for an hour.
48:11There are 540 seeds.
48:15I think this is the best farmland.
48:18This is the best farmland so far.
48:21Then, they surrounded the field with a net to prevent insects.
48:25Finally, it was completed.
48:29The land, which had been covered with moss for 50 years, was reborn as a field in just one month.
48:37Autumn harvest festival.
48:39I want to do it.
48:41The first harvest was in November.
48:44Will the vegetables grow well?
48:47And the members who finished the field work.
48:58It's delicious.
48:59It's the best.
49:01The seniors ate barbecue with vegetables and meat from their hometown.
49:12This is Koshu wine beef.
49:14It looks delicious.
49:16Let's eat.
49:23It's the best.
49:26The juice of the meat spreads and melts in my mouth.
49:31As soon as I put it in my mouth, it's very juicy.
49:34It has a sweet scent.
49:36It's sweet.
49:37I noticed it again.
49:39This is deer meat.
49:42This is the loin of the deer.
49:46It looks soft.
49:51This is delicious.
49:54It's not greasy at all.
49:56It's refreshing.
49:57It doesn't have the smell I imagined at all.
50:00Fresh vegetables from the Amuse field.
50:05The best Himemasu.
50:09The topic is about the future of useless farming.
50:13You need money to run it.
50:16You have to think about selling it.
50:18You have to make it a business.
50:21If you make a little profit, you can sell it.
50:25You can sell it.
50:27You can make people remember that you made the vegetables.
50:31I want to run a restaurant.
50:34You can run an event.
50:38That's good.
50:39You can do it at the Sumida River Fireworks Festival.
50:44I'm looking forward to it.
50:46I'm looking forward to it.
50:48Next is the second part.
50:50Please look forward to it.
50:53Please wait.
50:56Please wait.
