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آپ زندگی کیسے گزارنا چاہتے ہیں
00:00Ma'bub said, do you know when a daughter is born in someone's house?
00:04Huzoor, what happens? He said, my master sends two angels.
00:08He said, they come and say Salam to the family.
00:11Other than Jinn and humans, the whole world listens to their Salam.
00:17He said, then those angels cover that daughter with their wings.
00:21And then they cover her head with wings.
00:24And he said, then they tell their father to raise them properly.
00:28Then they tell their elders to raise them properly.
00:33If you listen to their words, my beloved.
00:36Huzoor said, the angels of Allah said, if you raise them properly and marry them.
00:41Then Allah will help you till the Day of Judgement.
