• last year
Charlie visits a wealthy country home in England. Suspects in the murder range from a housekeeper, to a stableman, to a lawyer.

Source: IMDB
00:01:08That's got you just have a look here perhaps you've got me perhaps you ain't
00:01:17What's that no, no, I'm sure
00:01:26That's your sister
00:01:34Petition have you heard yet? It was rejected
00:01:42Well, that's that
00:01:49Paul Paul listen to me. You can't give up hope. I haven't Oh, what's the use?
00:01:55Listen Jeffrey Richmond has arranged. What can he do? He's been our best friend through all this horrible time
00:02:01Now he's arranged for me to meet the home secretary today. Don't you see how different it will be to talk to them personally?
00:02:07I'll make them see that they can't
00:02:11I'm an ungrateful devil. I
00:02:17Hope she won't be much longer. We've got to be at the home secretary's office by 1230
00:02:21I don't think it'll do much good Richmond. So it was decent of you to arrange the interview
00:02:31How is he I think he's a little more hopeful now shouldn't we be starting yes, we can just do it
00:02:38It's great
00:02:40Every particle of evidence in this case has been thoroughly sifted
00:02:44Finally before the Court of Appeal there is there for nothing that can be done to help your brother
00:02:49You must understand that in this matter. I am merely the mouthpiece of the state, but we're supposed to be civilized
00:02:56Surely there must be some way of stopping the state from committing murder state murder
00:03:01Isn't it murder if the state kills an innocent man? It's great
00:03:06Your brother has been tried and found guilty
00:03:08The Court of Appeal sustained the original verdict and a petition for a plea has been rejected
00:03:14There is absolutely nothing to be done. The law must take its course
00:03:22Have every sympathy of course for you
00:03:49Here it's great drink this let me have that
00:03:58Thank you
00:04:00I'm all right now. I
00:04:04Hope everyone will forgive me for behaving like this. Hadn't you better rest longer miss gray?
00:04:10No, thank you. I'm perfectly. All right
00:04:13Will you take me home down here? You're sure you're all right there
00:04:18Only ashamed of myself
00:04:22May I lend you my car
00:04:24No, thank you. Neil will drive me
00:04:27Thank you again. I wish I could do something that would really help. Oh, you've been wonderful Jeffrey
00:04:40Mr. Kim was that gray sister who just went out with those gentlemen? Yes poor child
00:04:46Fancy such a sweet girl like that having such a fiend for a brother that dreadful knife
00:04:53Say the head was almost severed from the body that will do miss Johnson
00:05:07You know, I have the most curious feeling about the gray case really mr
00:05:12Kim that poor child's faith makes me wonder whether in spite of all the evidence there could have been a mistake. I
00:05:20Wish that I had the power to help her
00:05:27Yes, sir, Lionel
00:05:29Close the barstow files today. Yes, sir. I suspect a chan arrived
00:05:34No, sir. Mr. Chan is not here yet. Excuse, please
00:05:39Observe a humble presence. Oh, I beg your pardon
00:05:43Sir, Lionel. Mr. Chan has just come in
00:05:47Certainly, sir. I
00:05:48I'm sorry. I'm afraid I didn't hear you coming. Excuse silent movement
00:05:53Habit of profession. Yes, if you will come with me the home secretary will see you immediately
00:05:59Thank you so much
00:06:03Inspector chance a lion
00:06:06Was that the Chinese detective who caught pasto in Honolulu and brought him over here
00:06:10Yes, a wonderful piece of detective work the British government. Mr. Chan is therefore very deeply indebted to you
00:06:18Much honored to be of humble service to British lion. It's remarkable. Mr. Chan how you ever suspected Basta
00:06:27He puts up an excellent front the front seldom tell truth
00:06:31To know occupants of house
00:06:34Always look in backyard provided. There is one excuse
00:06:39Every front has back and little things tell big story
00:06:44Even in this room. Why what do you mean?
00:06:48Today you have had most distressing interview
00:06:53with lady
00:06:56Disturbed lady who is very anxious
00:06:58Disturbed lady who is very anxious. That's quite true. How did you arrive at that?
00:07:08Observe please
00:07:11Tearing hands
00:07:13Suggest torn heart
00:07:15You certainly have sharp eyes. Mr. Chan
00:07:18Humble eyes and much practice. It just bears out what our chief inspector of the police told me today
00:07:24We were speaking of the Martin case he said no other detective in the world could have solved it
00:07:31Extravagant praise
00:07:32But thank you so much. And now mr
00:07:35Chan perhaps you'll tell me if there's anything we can do to assist you in your journey back to Honolulu very grateful
00:07:41But all passport mysteries have been solved
00:07:46Hello Knightbridge 4243 miss gray, please. Oh
00:07:54This is sir, Lionel bashford's private secretary speaking, would you ask miss gray to call me immediately she returns
00:08:01Thank you. Yes
00:08:44Mr. Chan
00:08:46That is humble name. I I'm Pamela gray
00:08:50A friend sent me to see you. I
00:08:53Must speak to you much regret but no time in one hour catch train for boat to Honolulu, please
00:09:00I'm desperate. I implore you at least to listen to me
00:09:06Pleased to enter
00:09:13Mr. Chan, I'm in the most terrible trouble. There's nobody in London. No one in the world who can help me except you
00:09:20World is large a lonely Chinaman. Oh you you must help me
00:09:27You are much troubled
00:09:29You rest
00:09:34You you know this trouble yes, my name is Howard Neil Howard miss gray and I are engaged to be married. Oh
00:09:43That is good
00:09:46If you will honor other room with your presence
00:09:50You stay here and rest here. I'll explain everything to him
00:10:03Excuse please, but I must catch train you talk I listen
00:10:10Begin at best place
00:10:15You must have read in the papers about the stable murder case only headlines
00:10:19Miss gray is Paul Gray's sister. He's only relative in fact
00:10:24That is bad. I knew the facts very briefly
00:10:27The murder was committed three months ago in the stables of a mr. Richmond's country house in Redfordshire
00:10:33Gray was Richmond's hunt secretary
00:10:36Hamilton was the murdered man. He was a weekend guest at the trial the circumstantial evidence against gray was overwhelming
00:10:42But his sister is utterly convinced of her brother's innocence and therefore she thinks that one moment, please
00:10:49You are oh, I should have explained. I'm a barrister what you would call an attorney. I defended gray at the trial
00:10:57You have appealed case. Yes, but in England, there's only one appeal Gray's was rejected
00:11:03He is to be hanged in three days
00:11:06Then only way to save brother is to prove someone else real murderer
00:11:12Exactly and find him before nine o'clock on Friday morning
00:11:15Now now four o'clock Tuesday
00:11:20Only 65 small hours
00:11:24Lady's faith in powers of humble self most puzzling
00:11:28Detective cannot work miracle yet. A miracle is the only thing that could save him
00:11:35One question, please very important
00:11:39You yourself believe brother innocent
00:11:43Well, is that question necessary, please
00:11:57Please you believe brother innocent
00:12:03No, of course I
00:12:05You don't try to excuse yourself, I never want to see you again
00:12:12Pamela wait
00:13:06Don't you think yes, I'm sorry. It's nearly over. So am I
00:13:10You don't know how swell it is to be back here again
00:13:13You know you Americans mustn't get too keen on hunting or there'll be no foxes left for us
00:13:18Horses either what I didn't say anything
00:13:23Where's the meat on Thursday here? That means a good day and just the country that's used for hunting
00:13:28That's what I'm talking about. I don't want to see you again
00:13:31Where's the meat on Thursday here that means a good day and just the country that suits Hellcat, by the way, Mary
00:13:37I've decided that you're not to ride that mare again. She's nappy. Isn't she Jody?
00:13:43Not a woman's horse
00:13:45Reluctantly compelled to agree the man in
00:13:52In course
00:13:54She's mine and the best hunter in the country
00:13:57Who are you to give me orders anyway your future husband darling had you forgotten
00:14:03Listen give you a word of advice
00:14:07Never get married
00:14:10Bunny, please be quiet
00:14:14See what I mean
00:14:16Well in spite of advice, I'm still going to marry you and in a month you'll do as I tell you
00:14:22You're just a bully
00:14:24Just a bully don't find someone who really appreciates me and I'll help you
00:14:32May I have a word with you sir, what is it Phillips? I
00:14:35Agree with Richmond on two counts
00:14:37One you're adorable Jerry, please to you shouldn't ride that mare. She's crazy
00:14:46Another bully. I can't bear the thought of you're ever being hurt galton. Excuse us a moment. Will you certainly what's the matter?
00:14:53Jeffrey Pamela's here. She wants to see us at once. I wonder what's happened
00:15:01Pamela hi
00:15:03What's the matter Pamela? Oh, I hope you don't mind my coming here like this my dear child
00:15:07You couldn't have done anything better. Could you Mary? Why of course not?
00:15:10I I feel as if the bottom had dropped out of everything. But what's happened Pam Neil thinks Paul's guilty what?
00:15:17Oh, it's impossible I have the trial he he's never believed Paul was innocent and today he told someone who might have helped
00:15:25No, I've got to start all over again. Oh, my dear
00:15:30Jeffrey what can we do? Hey, dear, don't worry. We'll think of something
00:15:33I tell you what you take her upstairs
00:15:35Give her the West room
00:15:37Then we'll get rid of everyone who isn't staying as quickly as we can
00:15:39Yes, and then the three of us will talk this thing over properly. Come on, dear
00:15:53Phillips that miss gray is staying she will have the West room. Yes, sir
00:15:58See to it that she's not disturbed on any account. Very well, sir
00:16:02Good evening
00:16:04Miss gray is here. Miss Pamela gray. Miss gray has retired if you wish to see her
00:16:11You must return in the morning a highly important. I see her now. Miss gray has retired. There are strict orders
00:16:16She's not to be disturbed return in the morning
00:16:21Will see her in the morning. Thank you. I'll see her in the morning
00:16:25I'll see her in the morning. Thank you. I'll see her in the morning
00:16:28She's not to be disturbed return in the morning
00:16:36Thank you so much
00:17:16Have a nice cup of tea miss it'll make you feel ever so much better
00:17:21No, I don't want anything. Not a nice hot cup of tea miss. Oh do
00:17:28Please leave me alone
00:17:49Excuse me, sir. Mr. Chair. Don't let him get his hands on your miss. Don't be stupid Perkins
00:17:54I know the gentleman now go please
00:17:58And don't say anything to anyone
00:18:04Thousand apologies
00:18:06Unceremonious entry due to butler's doubts of humble self. But why are you here? I
00:18:12Have seen your brother and you believe that what you think may be truth
00:18:17Then you are going to help humble endeavors will be in that direction
00:18:24Mr. Phillips, mr. Phillips, we'll all be dead in our beds. What's the meaning of this conduct?
00:18:30Why we do there's an audible murdering man climbing all over the house. Have you been drinking?
00:18:35I have not didn't I see him with me own eyes climbing into miss Grey's window. What swear me. It's the truth
00:18:42And he's hypnotizing. Yeah, I
00:18:46Think most of the people are justified to trial in here
00:18:51There's mr. Richmond
00:18:56Phillips take mr. Channon for study. Very well, madam
00:19:03This way, please. Mm-hmm. Thank you so much
00:19:09Hello there, oh
00:19:11I say what about a little drink?
00:19:14Well, what about committing a slight spot of hoppery? Sorry bunny. She's dancing with me. What again Oh bunny, please be quiet
00:19:27Can't we sit this one out I want to talk to you I thought you wanted to dance
00:19:31I just wanted to be with you. That's all. I wish you wouldn't go on like this Jerry. I can't help myself here
00:19:38So, please Jerry
00:19:57Explain later. We've got to get everyone here who gave evidence at great trial into the study
00:20:01Will you get rid of the rest darling make any excuse to get rid of them while I collect the others?
00:20:10Now you all know who mr. Chen is and why he's here and I feel certain that you'll all give him every possible assistance
00:20:19Thank you so much
00:20:21If you will all sit, please
00:20:29Now, please
00:20:31If mr. Gray not guilty then some other person is murderer
00:20:38Only method to save mr. Gray is to find this other quick in
00:20:4557 hours
00:20:48Now, please
00:20:51Tell briefly
00:20:52Events of sad night. Well after dinner gray came in here and Hamilton followed, please excuse
00:21:00They both live in this house. No, Paul Gray was my hunt secretary and stayed here during the hunting season
00:21:05But captain Hamilton was just down for the weekend
00:21:10Hamilton was soldier. No Air Force, but he and gray had never got on very well together. They were always
00:21:17used please
00:21:19ancient history not necessary
00:21:21Sorry on the night of the murder
00:21:24Hamilton followed gray into this room. There was no one else here, but they were heard quarreling violently
00:21:30Who heard mr. Father Gill major Jardine and mr. Garton? That's right. Never around
00:21:37Hamilton's shouting gray shouting
00:21:41sounded like a
00:21:45Political demonstration
00:21:47Bunny please sit down
00:21:50Thank you so much
00:21:53Are the witness, please? Yes
00:21:56They were quarreling. All right. I heard them from the hall
00:21:59It was about that chorus girl. Excuse please only events
00:22:07And third witness
00:22:17Where's got him
00:22:19He wasn't anywhere about I sent Phillips to look for him. Where could he have gone?
00:22:25Do you want to wait? No time is enemy here. I
00:22:30Think mr. Jordan
00:22:34Can tell events that took place after quorum
00:22:37well, I
00:22:41Thought I better stop the row before any of the women heard. I
00:22:43Was just outside the door the father girl was behind me, that's right
00:22:48Continue, please
00:22:50Through the door. I heard Hamilton say
00:22:53Remember what I've told you and then gray shouted something
00:22:57And then I heard those windows
00:23:00Opening and slamming shut. Yes
00:23:03You enter no
00:23:05obviously one of them had left the room and I I
00:23:09Decided to mind my own business
00:23:11I decided to mind my own business
00:23:14admirable British quality and
00:23:19Next event, please
00:23:21Oh two hours later Garton and Jardine went over to the stables and found Hamilton's body as they were walking over
00:23:27Garton noticed gray coming back towards the house. I
00:23:30Wonder where the deuce Garton is
00:23:34Why were you going to stable so late at night one of Garton's horses was sick
00:23:41We were going to have a last look at it before going to bed. I
00:23:45Then nobody see Hamilton alive
00:23:48after bang of window
00:24:29Hadn't been able to find mr. Garton sir, but I'll continue to look for him. Thank you so much
00:24:56There is something which belongs here is a twin of this yes
00:25:07Murderer use missing knife. It was lying by the body the police have it now. I see
00:25:14There were fingerprints. No, it was maintained that gray wore gloves
00:25:20Strange that
00:25:21Crime of passion should be committed with gloved hand
00:25:25Yes, but the prosecution held that this was a premeditated crime and unfortunately a pair of gloves wait, please
00:25:32If mr. Gray not murderer must forget all evidence at trial
00:25:38No time to expose lies
00:25:41must expose truth
00:25:44Now, please
00:25:45Would much like everybody to go with me to stables stables
00:25:50What for a crime to be reconstructed?
00:25:54method of French police
00:25:56Sometime very good
00:26:08Gotten was over there when he saw a gray disappear behind that hedge
00:26:15Where was body found in the stables near the end box? I see
00:26:21In absence of mr. Garton you and mr. Jordan help proceed with reconstruction certainly
00:26:32Let us proceed
00:26:35Humbly suggest you be Hamilton you be murderer seems like a lot of childish nonsense to me
00:26:41Look here Richmond. Do we really have to do this? Mr. Chan is in charge Jardine. Maybe I not clear
00:26:48Crime to be I understand I understand. Thank you so much
00:26:52Here what's all this? All right late go back to bed. Very well, sir. Big pardon, sir
00:27:02Oh, that's late my stud groom
00:27:05Regret do not understand English only American. Well, he's my chief groom
00:27:11My head lad bus horseman. Oh, huh. I can't
00:27:17Know what the juice only knife and study you are murderer
00:27:22You are Hamilton kindly going to stable, right?
00:27:29Please take I look at this is outrageous. Take knife, please
00:27:34Now you go in pretend to strike as prosecution say real Hamilton was struck
00:27:40Then leave knife where you find real night
00:27:56Now, please proceed with murder
00:28:29Say come to get out of here
00:28:33What troubles noble animal
00:28:48What's all the noise young cow that's lady Mary Bristol's horse
00:28:53See what happens with your foolery what you might have gone in to do Jardine
00:28:57Hell cattle be quiet now that Lake's here. He could do anything with her
00:29:01control of noble animal by lowly man
00:29:05Most interesting
00:29:11That light it was on when you find body of Hamilton no Garton switched it on after then not on now
00:29:22You think I'm going through with this tomfoolery now we can do is to follow instructions. Oh, all right. All right. I
00:29:34Wonder if they've forgotten all about us I wonder hmm
00:29:41Come on Johnny
00:30:01Betty please be quiet
00:30:06Look here, I've had about enough of this, please now drop knife in place where you find other night
00:30:12That is right. Yes
00:30:28Please write
00:30:34When can I do that?
00:30:36Please write
00:30:41When can I do something
00:30:43What's going on here? I'll explain. It's the reconstruction of the club
00:30:50No, the reconstruction of the crime the crime, you know, it's French
00:30:56Practical infallible. No you at what's happened and then you know who's done it. See Oh bunny
00:31:02Where have you been Jerry
00:31:04Just walking then in my room
00:31:07Heard an awful rack at the stables
00:31:09What horse is cutting up? Hell catch you always gets like that. You know if Lake isn't with her
00:31:14Where have you been? We've been looking all over the place for you. This is mr. Garton. Should you want to speak to him?
00:31:21Not now. All this is finished. Right. Well, shall we go back?
00:31:24Wait, please one question
00:31:26Mr. Gray was secretary to hunt. Is there new secretary? Yes, Major Jardim. Oh
00:31:34Please take ladies and gentlemen back to house. I stay here on to something
00:31:40I want to talk to number one horse boy, right? Can you find your way back? Yes. Thank you
00:31:47All right, everybody. Come along. Mr. Chan will join us when he's ready
00:32:10Excuse please
00:32:11What do you want? I am very curious man. I
00:32:15Ain't got no time to waste answering questions
00:32:17I got my sleep to get the same as other people it is on last question, which prevents sleep
00:32:23What are you trying to do?
00:32:25We don't like foreigners missing around here
00:32:28Englishmen mind on business not always Chinaman
00:32:33If you've got anything to ask me ask me and get it over. What is our answer?
00:32:39three questions only
00:32:42Very simple first you were here upstairs in your apartment when murder was done
00:32:50Apartment that ain't no blooming apartment. That's me loose box. You were in this box
00:32:57When murder was done
00:33:00Why don't you read the newspapers? I wasn't here because with me night off. I was out. See with Miguel
00:33:06See, I can prove it. I did prove it. I understand you make a holiday
00:33:13Thank you. Now second question
00:33:15This noble animal he was here in same place on night of murder if you mean Elkett
00:33:22She's a mayor
00:33:24Yes, of course. She was here. She's always here
00:33:27What are we I?
00:33:29See, thank you
00:33:32third question
00:33:35You did not then see
00:33:37Body of Hamilton lying there. I tell you I wasn't here. I was out. It was my night off
00:33:43Yes enough for present perhaps more later
00:33:50Thank you so much
00:34:05Mr. Chet
00:34:11Mr. Chan tell me have you found out anything? Yes
00:34:17Something I do not understand what is it?
00:34:21You were in house here the night Hamilton is killed. Yes. I was here for the weekend. Why?
00:34:30Did anyone in house here noise from noble animal the night of murder? Oh, you mean a horse cutting up?
00:34:38No, I remember no noise I haven't heard anyone else say there was
00:34:43Perhaps it wouldn't be heard. Oh, yes, mr. Garten here noise from house just now really
00:34:51No noise was mentioned at trial no
00:34:56Very good
00:34:58Tell me what all this means, please
00:35:00Don't you realize there's less than three days before I know I will tell you
00:35:05I will tell you
00:35:07certain noble animal
00:35:09cat of hell
00:35:11Always cut up when strangers near
00:35:14Unless Lake is present
00:35:16But noble animal make no noise
00:35:19When Hamilton killed outside its apartment. Oh, I see
00:35:27Yes, the lake was supposed to be out that night Oh, mr. Chan, have you spoken to him a little but enough what do you say
00:35:35Many words meaning nothing
00:35:38Except that he is afraid you mean you think he is really that
00:35:41Thoughts are like noble animal
00:35:44Unchecked they run away
00:35:47Causing painful smash-up, but what are you going to do? Aren't you going to see him now and make him tell?
00:35:56Later after sunrise, but if I waste time, oh, please don't you see how little time there is? Why must we wait?
00:36:04Lake now with himself
00:36:08Alone he thinks he is afraid
00:36:15He will be more afraid
00:36:18More fear more talk more talk more chance for us
00:36:24More chance for us
00:36:29What else can you expect but to have your throat cut when there's murder in men climbing all over the house
00:36:36Rogers said he looked like a nice kind gentleman kind. He's a sneaking murdering
00:36:44Look at him now creeping about
00:36:47Why did he leave the house at 6 and pretend he wasn't coming back till afternoon
00:37:20Good morning. Why what what are you doing down here? What I am asked to do
00:37:26You you mean you're helping Pam miss gray. That is humble endeavor
00:37:31But may I return question to you?
00:37:35Yes, I am
00:37:37I'm here to ask you a question
00:37:39I'm here to ask you a question
00:37:41I'm here to ask you a question
00:37:43I'm here to ask you a question
00:37:45May I return question to giver
00:37:48What do you do here?
00:37:50Well, I I wanted to see Pamela
00:37:53But I was thrown out
00:37:55Turned out?
00:37:57I mean she wouldn't see me she gave orders
00:37:59But you're still here
00:38:03Yes like the fool that I am
00:38:07Oh, what's the use of trying to explain you wouldn't understand
00:38:13There are many things I do not understand
00:38:39What do you want
00:38:41To see please Mr. Lake and talk to him
00:38:43You can see him
00:38:45But you can't talk to him
00:38:47How this
00:38:51And what's it got to do with you
00:38:53There's no need to take that turn Thacker
00:38:55This is Mr. Chan
00:38:57He's staying with me
00:38:59He's staying with me
00:39:01He's staying with me
00:39:03He's staying with me
00:39:05He's staying with me
00:39:07This is Mr. Chan
00:39:09He's staying with me
00:39:11He's a detective himself
00:39:13Chan this is detective sergeant Thacker of the county police
00:39:15Delighted to meet
00:39:17How are you
00:39:19What on earth induced Lake to kill himself
00:39:21When you talked to him last night did he
00:39:23One moment please
00:39:55It is all there
00:39:59Good imitation
00:40:01Imitation what do you mean
00:40:08Mr. Chan enjoys
00:40:10His joke
00:40:12Murder not very good joke
00:40:14Quite unfunny
00:40:16I don't understand what your idea is
00:40:18No idea
00:40:22Little things tell story
00:40:26Money talks
00:40:28What are you driving at
00:40:32In lawless station
00:40:34Does not kill self
00:40:36When possessing much money
00:40:38Aren't you rather jumping at conclusions
00:40:42Conclusions jump at me
00:40:46Man's hand
00:40:52Gun held with finger on trigger
00:40:56But death wound
00:40:58In center of brow
00:41:00Only way to make that wound
00:41:02Use thumb on trigger
00:41:06By Joe you are right
00:41:08To make that wound with
00:41:10Finger on trigger
00:41:14But who on earth
00:41:16Would want to murder Lake
00:41:18Answer to that question highly desirable
00:41:20I see what you are
00:41:22Driving at Mr. Chan
00:41:24You mean it wasn't suicide
00:41:26That was
00:41:28Humble deduction
00:41:30I must make a note of this
00:41:32Make notes of everything
00:41:34Large sum of money
00:41:40Of forehead
00:41:42Humbly suggest
00:41:44Only authority should know
00:41:46This not suicide
00:41:48I don't quite understand
00:41:50Let murderer
00:41:52Feel safe
00:41:54That's a good idea
00:41:56I'll have to take this up with the chief constable
00:41:58It's all right I'll speak to him
00:42:00He'll understand
00:42:02Hello Jeffrey
00:42:04They told us in the stables about poor Lake
00:42:06Awful thing
00:42:08Anything we can do?
00:42:10No nothing thanks everything's been done
00:42:12I'd have said he was the last fellow in the world to kill himself
00:42:14If you're sure we can't help
00:42:16I'm quite sure thanks everything's been taken care of
00:42:18Thank you
00:42:22I've noted it all down Mr. Chang
00:42:24Thank you so much
00:42:44Mr. Phillips
00:42:46What do you want?
00:42:48Have they told you about Lake?
00:42:50I heard that the unfortunate man
00:42:52He committed suicide
00:42:54Suicide or not it's death
00:42:56Don't forget the words of Alice Perkins
00:42:58There'll be death in this house
00:43:00Until we get rid of that creeping
00:43:02Murdering foreign man
00:43:04This is no time for gossip
00:43:06Go on about your work
00:43:08Who's gossiping?
00:43:10Oh Phillips
00:43:12Yes madam
00:43:14Have you seen Mr. Chang?
00:43:16No madam I have not
00:43:18But uh
00:43:21Really madam
00:43:23I had no idea the uh
00:43:25Gentleman was here
00:43:27Habit of being sometimes
00:43:29Invisible very useful
00:43:33Not British
00:43:35Is there anything further that you require madam?
00:43:37No thank you nothing
00:43:39Very well madam
00:43:43Mr. Chang have you seen Lake?
00:43:47What did he say? What did you find out?
00:43:49He is dead
00:43:53Someone killed him
00:43:55Trying to make it seem
00:43:57As if he killed himself
00:43:59Lake dead?
00:44:01Then all that you hoped for last night
00:44:05Oh I told you to see them then
00:44:07I'm sorry
00:44:09I was wrong
00:44:11We must start again
00:44:13Start again?
00:44:15With less than 48 hours?
00:44:17Oh I wish to heaven
00:44:19I'd never seen you
00:44:21You give me hope and then
00:44:29Hope is not gone
00:44:31Lake cannot talk
00:44:33But death talks
00:44:37It tells something
00:44:39We did not know before
00:44:41That real murderer of Hamilton
00:44:43Is here
00:44:47It does
00:44:49For lonely man Lake had too much money
00:44:53Hush money
00:44:55Given by murderer
00:44:57When I frightened Lake
00:44:59Murderer must kill
00:45:01Couldn't we tell them about Lake's murder
00:45:03Make them see that this proves that Paula is innocent
00:45:05Wait please
00:45:07Murder of Lake proves nothing
00:45:09Except to us
00:45:11Who believe your brother innocent
00:45:13But what are we going to do
00:45:15There's so little time
00:45:17I work here
00:45:19Your work is to see
00:45:21That brother is told of hope
00:45:23We have for him
00:45:27Yes you're right
00:45:31And thank you
00:45:43Good morning Philip
00:45:45Good morning sir
00:45:55Good morning
00:46:13Want something
00:46:15I'm busy
00:46:17Lot of hunt business to attend to
00:46:19Yes I see
00:46:21Business of chasing fox
00:46:23Very interesting
00:46:25Yes last meet tomorrow
00:46:29Military training useful
00:46:31For business of chasing fox
00:46:33Now what it gives to you
00:46:35You mean military training
00:46:37You are major
00:46:39Therefore soldier
00:46:41You are hunt secretary
00:46:43Therefore I think
00:46:47Now look here my good fellow
00:46:49In the first place
00:46:51Fox hunting has nothing to do with the army
00:46:55I was never a soldier
00:46:59Would you mind not interrupting me
00:47:01So sorry
00:47:03But understood major
00:47:05Army title
00:47:07If you must know
00:47:10Not the army
00:47:14Thank you so much
00:47:30What have you come for
00:47:32To tell you that Mr Chan
00:47:34Has he found out anything
00:47:36He has found out something
00:47:38Speak up lady
00:47:40I'm sorry
00:47:42Something has happened down at Jeffries
00:47:44Something that makes it certain
00:47:46That the real murder is still there
00:47:48Has he told them at the home office
00:47:50If they knew that
00:47:52His case isn't strong enough yet Paul
00:47:54They wouldn't realize any connection with you
00:47:56But he knows
00:47:58Oh Paul
00:48:00There's no time
00:48:02It's all useless
00:48:04Oh but it isn't useless
00:48:06Why can't they kill me now
00:48:08Why do they make me wait
00:48:10Please darling
00:48:12Please take hold of yourself
00:48:14Get out
00:48:16Don't worry about me
00:48:18Don't think about me
00:48:20I'm dead
00:48:22I've got a rope around my neck
00:48:24And in forty hours
00:48:26They're going to pull it tight
00:48:28And my neck's going to break
00:48:30And I'll be dead
00:48:32Stop for heaven's sake
00:48:34It's quiet like in here
00:48:36With just me and Bostock to look after him
00:48:38All right
00:48:40I'll go
00:48:52Is Miss Gray with her brother
00:48:54Yes sir
00:48:56Thank you
00:48:58I'll wait
00:49:14Please dear
00:49:16I've got to talk to you
00:49:18Why wouldn't you see me this morning
00:49:20When I was down at Richmond's
00:49:22Please leave me alone
00:49:24But you've got to listen to me
00:49:26You must give me a chance to explain
00:49:28Let me go
00:49:30Haven't you done enough
00:49:32I'll never see you again
00:49:42But how can Lake's death possibly be connected with the Gray case
00:49:44A case
00:49:46Like inside of radio
00:49:48Many connections
00:49:50Not all related
00:49:52You mean you've got something
00:49:56But do not know what is
00:49:58Frequent state of mind
00:50:00Do you have a state of mind for detective
00:50:02I want to think you're right about Gray
00:50:04But sometimes I
00:50:06Well I can't imagine all that evidence was wrong
00:50:08Lot of evidence
00:50:10Too much
00:50:14You can lend automobile in morning
00:50:16Why of course
00:50:18Where do you want to go
00:50:20To airdrome at Farnwell
00:50:22Air force camp
00:50:24What on earth for
00:50:26Charlie Chan very curious man
00:50:29He can answer too many questions
00:50:31Yes but what
00:50:33Oh Jeffrey
00:50:35I've been looking for you
00:50:37Good evening
00:50:39Chan and I were just talking about
00:50:41Homeless suggests such topics
00:50:43Not interesting at moment
00:50:45Excuse please
00:50:59Don't think about it dear
00:51:01But Jeffrey
00:51:03What's happening to us
00:51:05All these dreadful things one after the other
00:51:07You mustn't worry so Mary
00:51:09Well I'm frightened
00:51:11I keep feeling some other dreadful things
00:51:13Oh darling
00:51:15Don't be foolish
00:51:17But Jeffrey
00:51:19With poor Pam in the house
00:51:21I think it's awful to be leading our normal useless lives
00:51:23Why we're even going to hunt tomorrow
00:51:25It seems
00:51:27You're being what Chan wants us to
00:51:31I suppose I'm being very silly
00:51:33No darling
00:51:35You're being what you can't help being
00:51:37A very lovely person
00:51:43Now madam bed for you
00:51:45It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:51:57It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:51:59It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:01It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:03It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:05It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:07It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:09It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:11It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:13It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:15It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:17It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:19It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:21It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:23It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:25It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:27It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:29It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:31It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:33It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:35It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:37It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:39It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:41It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:43It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:45It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:47It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:49It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:51It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:53It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:55It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:57It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:52:59It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:01It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:03It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:05It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:07It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:09It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:11It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:13It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:15It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:17It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:19It's going to be a hard day tomorrow
00:53:21Here's the address
00:53:23Very curious missile
00:53:29From strong air pistol
00:53:31Yes, but why should anyone want to?
00:53:33Someone is afraid
00:53:45Hey, what's going on here?
00:53:47I've been acting part of bull's-eye
00:53:49I don't follow you, Mr. Chang
00:53:51Somebody's just tried to kill Chad
00:53:55We must have the ground searched immediately
00:53:57I'll call my men
00:53:59Wait, please
00:54:01Whoever tried to kill a humble self
00:54:03Has had much time to hide
00:54:07Good night, Phillips
00:54:09Good night, sir
00:54:11Now come along here
00:54:13Let's have a look at you
00:54:15As I was coming up from the terrace
00:54:17I didn't see anybody
00:54:19But I heard this drop
00:54:25What's that?
00:54:27I think original home of this
00:54:29I must make a note of this, Mr. Chang
00:54:33Excuse me, sir
00:54:35What is it?
00:54:37Two of the constables are asking for Sergeant Thacker
00:54:39They've captured a man lurking in the grounds
00:54:41Tell them to bring him in here
00:54:43Very good, sir
00:54:45There you are, Mr. Chang
00:54:47My men got him after all
00:54:57I don't know these affectionate gentlemen
00:54:59But if they'd let me alone for a moment
00:55:01I might take off my hat
00:55:03Who are you?
00:55:05Explain yourself
00:55:07Surname, Howard
00:55:09Christian name, Neil
00:55:11Social standing, somewhat...
00:55:13Wait a minute, wait a minute
00:55:15I can't write as fast as that
00:55:17This is ridiculous, Thacker
00:55:19I'm very sorry, sir, I've got my duty to do
00:55:21This man has got to explain why he's loitering about
00:55:23In your grounds at this time of night
00:55:25Mr. Richmond's a friend of mine and I...
00:55:27Wait a minute, wait a minute
00:55:29Excuse me, sir
00:55:31Were you aware of this gentleman's presence
00:55:33In the vicinity?
00:55:35I... I know Mr. Howard well
00:55:39What's the police force doing here anyway?
00:55:41The police are here because Lake's dead
00:55:43And they are investigating his death
00:55:45And what's more, a murder has just been attempted
00:55:47In this room
00:55:49Immediately afterwards, you're arrested in the grounds
00:55:51Having no satisfactory explanation
00:55:53For your presence
00:55:55I shall have to detain you
00:55:57Excuse, please
00:55:59But Mr. Howard has business here
00:56:01Why, what do you know about it, Mr. Chang?
00:56:03He come to see me
00:56:05To see you?
00:56:09I want private talk with Mr. Howard
00:56:11So I telephoned him this morning
00:56:13I see, Mr. Chang, I see
00:56:17But why didn't he come to the house
00:56:19In the ordinary way?
00:56:21Answer that
00:56:23Well, I... I...
00:56:25It is plain
00:56:27Mr. Howard is man of feeling
00:56:29He does not want to disturb household
00:56:33I must say I can't follow this, Mr. Chang
00:56:35Well, it's perfectly simple, isn't it?
00:56:37I'm very sorry, sir
00:56:39I know my duty under regulations
00:56:41I shall have to detain this gentleman
00:56:45Before you make arrest
00:56:47There is something you should see
00:56:57There is nothing to see
00:56:59Well, what?
00:57:03Not loud, please
00:57:05Want to talk to you privately
00:57:07I follow, Mr. Chang
00:57:09I follow
00:57:11Very smart trick, Mr. Chang
00:57:13If you insist that marksman
00:57:15Was Mr. Howard
00:57:17I insist whole affair
00:57:19One great big joke
00:57:23Meaning that you won't give evidence
00:57:25Or make a charge, Mr. Chang?
00:57:27You are good marksman, sergeant
00:57:29You hit bullseye
00:57:31Regulations are clear
00:57:33I ought to detain him
00:57:37If you want wild bird to sing
00:57:39Do not put him in cage
00:57:49Wild bird
00:58:01Good morning
00:58:03Good morning, colonel
00:58:05How are you today?
00:58:07Good morning
00:58:11Of course it's true
00:58:13Richmond just told me so
00:58:15Under the circumstances
00:58:17Do you think we should hunt?
00:58:19Yes, they particularly want us to go on
00:58:21As if nothing had happened
00:58:23You see, what's all the trouble?
00:58:25You fellows look as if you're going to a funeral or something
00:58:27Someone tried to kill Chang last night
00:58:29Yes, shot at him with some sort of an air gun
00:58:31Through the window of that study
00:58:33Have they any idea who did it?
00:58:35Apparently not, it was very late and nobody was about
00:58:37Why should they want to kill Chang?
00:58:39I haven't the remotest idea
00:58:41Thank you
00:58:43Oh, Phillips
00:58:45Have you seen Mr. Chang?
00:58:47Not since 7 o'clock, your ladyship
00:58:49He went away in the Rolls Royce
00:58:51Did he say when he'd be back?
00:58:53No, your ladyship
00:58:55All right, Phillips, thank you
00:58:59Mary, whatever's the matter?
00:59:01You look as though something awful had happened
00:59:03Oh, I don't know what to do
00:59:05If only Chang had been here
00:59:07But what is it? What's happened?
00:59:09Last night, just before I went to bed
00:59:11I happened to look out of my window
00:59:13And saw someone
00:59:15It seemed strange at the time
00:59:17But I didn't think anything of it until
00:59:19Just now I overheard something
00:59:21But what is it?
00:59:23If I leave a note for Chang
00:59:25Would you promise to give it him as soon as he arrives?
00:59:27Of course I will
00:59:47Morning, Master
00:59:49Morning, sir
00:59:57Morning, sir
01:00:01Well, Mr. Chang, what can I do for you?
01:00:03You were here
01:00:05When there was an unfortunate young officer
01:00:09Who was murdered
01:00:11Yes, I was
01:00:13He was a good officer?
01:00:17Splendid in the air and brilliant at theory
01:00:19He was quite an inventor, too
01:00:23Very interesting
01:00:25What did he invent?
01:00:27Oh, small improvements
01:00:29Gadgets, you know
01:00:31One of them was the adaptation of the Merton gyroscopic stabilizer
01:00:35I do not understand
01:00:37But they sound useful
01:00:39I should say it was
01:00:41It was taken up by the Air Ministry
01:00:43And is now in general use
01:00:45I see
01:00:47Can you say, please
01:00:49When was the last invention made by Hamilton?
01:00:51Oh, let me see
01:00:53I think about 18 months ago
01:00:55No more inventions since?
01:00:59About that time he got a lot of new outside interests
01:01:01Took up fox hunting
01:01:03Got tangled up with that girl
01:01:05And so on
01:01:07It would have been better for the lad if he had stuck to his work
01:01:09He was
01:01:11In the habit of
01:01:13Talking about invention work?
01:01:15To you? To anyone?
01:01:19He was a queer chap
01:01:21He was a gangster himself
01:01:23And not very popular with his brother officers
01:01:25He had no friend?
01:01:29Flight Commander King
01:01:31Commander King, he is still here?
01:01:33Oh, yes
01:01:35May I see him, please?
01:01:43Please think
01:01:45There is perhaps man's life on your answer
01:01:47There was one thing
01:01:49But I don't know how far he went with it
01:01:51This was
01:01:53Big invention, yes?
01:01:55He had a wild scheme
01:01:57For silencing war planes
01:01:59Silencing war planes
01:02:03You remember
01:02:05He do work on this?
01:02:07Drew plans?
01:02:09Not that I know of
01:02:11But he'd never show anything to anyone
01:02:13Until he was sure it was right
01:02:15Other question, please
01:02:17None of this was mentioned
01:02:19At trial of Mr. Grey?
01:02:21Why, no, of course not
01:02:23Why should it?
01:02:25That had nothing to do with anything
01:02:27I don't catch your drift, Mr. Chan
01:02:29Drift? Catch me
01:02:31Thank you so much
01:02:35But I tell you
01:02:37Chan has made me realize that Paul is innocent
01:02:39Oh, it's all so useless
01:02:41But Pam, dear
01:02:43Even if Paul is saved
01:02:45I can't ever forget that you told Chan he was guilty
01:02:47Suppose he believed
01:02:49But I did that to help you
01:02:51I believed Paul was guilty
01:02:53But I didn't want anyone else to have the chance
01:02:55Of making you believe it
01:02:57Oh, please understand
01:03:01I love you
01:03:03And I'm trying to help you
01:03:05Oh, Neil
01:03:07My darling
01:03:09Then you
01:03:11You do believe me?
01:03:15But don't you realize that there's less than a day and a night
01:03:17Before they take Paul
01:03:19Don't lose hope, dear
01:03:21I believe Chan's going to save him
01:03:23But there's so little time, only 22 hours
01:03:25Good morning
01:03:27I have looked for you
01:03:29Oh, Mr. Chan, what?
01:03:31Wait, please, no time to lose
01:03:33You have fast car?
01:03:37You know this fox chase today, which way they go?
01:03:39Wait for me now, I'll get the car
01:03:41Oh, Mr. Chan, what's happened?
01:03:43I've returned to house just now
01:03:45They give me this
01:04:05What does she mean?
01:04:07She's in much danger
01:04:09If murderer find she knows something
01:04:11He will strike
01:04:13Remember lake?
01:04:15Remember attempt on humble self?
01:04:17Must find lady at once
01:04:29This is speedy automobile?
01:04:31About 120 out of it
01:04:35Very nice
01:05:11There you are
01:05:13Told you I'd find them
01:05:15Nearly find ancestors
01:05:17Must be going off to draw another cover
01:05:23What are you doing here, Chan?
01:05:25Where is lady Mary?
01:05:27I don't know
01:05:29I haven't seen her for the last 15 minutes
01:05:31Say, Garton, where's Mary?
01:05:33I haven't seen her since we passed Old Spinney
01:05:35Have you seen Mary?
01:05:37Perhaps she's cast her shoes
01:05:39The last I saw of her, she was going strong
01:05:41I say, where's Mary?
01:05:43I don't know
01:05:49Hellcat, Mary, the chalkfish, come on
01:06:03Look at her, right here
01:06:07There she is
01:06:09Look at her, right here
01:06:11We can get down right over the other side
01:06:25Can't you tell me something?
01:06:27A serious fracture of the base of the skull
01:06:29With care and luck we may pull her through
01:06:31There is a chance, then
01:06:33Oh, very good one
01:06:49Is there... how is she?
01:06:51I think she has a very good chance
01:06:53Has she come to?
01:06:55Oh, no. She'll be unconscious for at least 24 hours
01:07:57Only a few hours to save Mr. Gray
01:07:59Therefore, this conference necessary
01:08:01This is all nonsense
01:08:03You've got no facts
01:08:05Why, you're no nearer anything than you were when you first arrived
01:08:07Oh, yes
01:08:09I know why real murderer killed Hamilton
01:08:13You mean you know definitely that Gray didn't kill Hamilton?
01:08:17But Gray was the only person that had a motive for killing him
01:08:19You are wrong
01:08:21There was another who had big motive
01:08:25Today, I find Hamilton had secret invention
01:08:27To silence war planes
01:08:31What's all this got to do with a murder?
01:08:33Plans of invention
01:08:35Stolen to sell for much big money
01:08:39Hamilton find thief
01:08:41Then thief must kill
01:08:43This is all wild theorizing
01:08:45Let him go on, Jardine
01:08:47Remember, he's trying to save Gray's life
01:08:49Everything nice
01:08:51For murderer until I come
01:08:53Then certain people to be made guilty
01:08:55Then certain people to be made quiet
01:08:59Lake, because he knows truth
01:09:01Me, because I near truth
01:09:05But where does this all lead to?
01:09:07To this
01:09:09Someone here
01:09:11In this room
01:09:13Is murderer
01:09:15This is just another of your S9 tricks
01:09:17You pretend to find out all sorts of things
01:09:19But really you know nothing
01:09:21I know this
01:09:23I can catch murderer
01:09:25If I find plans stolen from Hamilton
01:09:27But how would finding the plans
01:09:29Prove anything?
01:09:31On plans
01:09:33Will be fingerprints
01:09:35And fingerprints
01:09:37Will match the prints
01:09:39Of the plans
01:09:43And fingerprints
01:09:45Will match those of someone here
01:09:55Is he asleep?
01:09:57I don't know
01:09:59Shut up
01:10:01I'm not asleep
01:10:03What's the time?
01:10:05Pretty early
01:10:07I said what's the time?
01:10:09Quarter to five
01:10:15Five to six
01:10:17That's one
01:10:19Six to seven
01:10:21That's two
01:10:23Seven to nine
01:10:27Four more hours
01:10:29Would you like anything, mate?
01:10:31A cup of tea?
01:10:35No, I don't think so
01:10:39I don't want anything
01:11:07What the deuce do you want?
01:11:35No noise, please
01:11:41I want your help
01:11:43It didn't seem like that to me
01:11:45When all the others were in here
01:11:47You looked at me as if I might be your man
01:11:49Much regret
01:11:51But necessary to point suspicion to all
01:11:53I don't see what you expected to gain
01:11:55By telling everyone everything you know
01:11:57There is one thing I have not told
01:12:03I killed Lady Mary
01:12:05What do you mean?
01:12:07Mary's accident?
01:12:09No accident
01:12:11Alone with Lady
01:12:13Murderer blinds eyes of noble animal
01:12:15You mean
01:12:17Tonight I examined defunct noble animal
01:12:21On face were dried tears
01:12:25And something else
01:12:27I wipe it off
01:12:29Mr. Howe take it to analyst
01:12:31He telephoned me
01:12:33Just now report
01:12:35It was Pepper
01:12:41Who was it? Tell me
01:12:43I do not know
01:12:45That is why I want your help
01:12:47Yes, but how?
01:12:49Now murderer much afraid of fingerprints
01:12:51He will try to destroy plans
01:12:53We catch him then
01:12:55Do you mean you know where the plans are?
01:12:59I can study
01:13:01But that's impossible
01:13:03Attempt on my life made there
01:13:05Must have been nearing
01:13:07Hiding place
01:13:09I see
01:13:11All right, what do you want me to do?
01:13:13Come with me to study
01:13:15We wait for murderer
01:13:31What's the matter?
01:13:37Someone has been here
01:13:39Perhaps we are too late
01:13:47I was here
01:13:49In this room before I go up to fetch you
01:13:53I was here
01:13:55In this room before I go up to fetch you
01:13:59That was not open
01:14:05You watch
01:14:29You watch
01:14:59You watch
01:15:17Please excuse blank cartridges in pistol
01:15:25Stand back
01:15:27The police are in charge
01:15:35I find these plans earlier this evening
01:15:37But regret no fingerprints
01:15:41Fingerprints not necessary
01:15:43Thank you so much
01:15:45Jeffrey Richmond
01:15:47I arrest you on a charge of murder
01:15:49Better get him right sergeant
01:15:53Richmond is an alias
01:15:55His real name is Paul Frank
01:15:57And you?
01:15:59You have a real name?
01:16:01I'm Captain Seaton
01:16:03Military intelligence
01:16:07We've been after Frank for years
01:16:09We nearly caught him when he worked in England before
01:16:11But this time he put us off
01:16:13With all this front
01:16:15Very expensive front
01:16:17Yes he was playing for high stakes
01:16:19But he won't play anymore
01:16:21All right sergeant
01:16:23Take him away
01:16:27You call the governor of the prison
01:16:29And I'll get in touch with the home secretary
01:16:47And I've got another toast
01:16:49To the greatest detective in the world
01:16:51Not very good detective
01:16:53Just lucky old Chinaman
01:16:55Well I think it was miraculous
01:16:57The way you built up that chain of evidence
01:16:59In three days
01:17:01Chain not complete
01:17:03Most important link not yet in place
01:17:05Whatever do you mean Mr Chan?
01:17:07Link you dropped
01:17:09In my hotel room
01:17:11Observe please
01:17:21Case now complete
