Love Ages Like Fine Wine Full Episodes | Short Movie

  • 17 hours ago
Full Episodes of the Short Movie Series Love Ages Like Fine Wine
00:00:00Come on Austin, where are you? Pick up.
00:00:05Finally honey, is everything okay? The wedding's about to start.
00:00:10Austin's not coming. Not only is he not coming, he's breaking up with you.
00:00:16Grace Mitchell.
00:00:19Who are you and how do you know my name?
00:00:22Wait, why do you have my fiancé's phone?
00:00:26You mean my fiancé?
00:00:28Not only do I have his phone, I also have his bank cards, house key, car keys, you name it.
00:00:35And of course I know your name. He sent me here to break up with you.
00:00:40Oh, I see. You have the wrong Austin.
00:00:44My Austin, he doesn't, or we don't have any houses or cars. I mean, we're still paying off our student loans.
00:00:52You have no idea who Austin really is, do you?
00:00:55What do you mean?
00:00:57Here is his trash.
00:01:01This is the engagement ring I gave to Austin. He said he would never take it off.
00:01:05You really think Austin would wear cheap shit like that?
00:01:10Oh, and here is a check for $200,000.
00:01:16Probably more than you'll ever make in your lifetime.
00:01:19Austin says, thanks for the memories. It was fun while it lasted.
00:01:23No, you're lying. I don't believe you. Austin loves me. We're getting married today.
00:01:29Face it, sweetie. You and Austin are done. You're never going to see him again.
00:01:43I don't understand. How could he do this to me?
00:01:50That's Austin's signature. It really is his signature.
00:02:06No. No, this has to be a misunderstanding. It...
00:02:10No, Grace, stop lying to yourself. If he wanted to marry you, he'd be here already.
00:02:22It's not like he's kidnapped or dead in a ditch somewhere.
00:02:30Grandpa? You kidnapped me.
00:02:34Wait, it's my wedding day. I have to get back to Grace. She's waiting for me. You have to let me go.
00:02:39I did what I had to do. You didn't return my phone calls, and this is the only way I could get you home from Europe.
00:02:46When your father and brother died, you're the only one I have left in the Beaufoy family.
00:02:51And you think I'm going to let this vineyard rot without you?
00:02:55One month ago, I was a bastard son that no one cared about.
00:02:58Now they die in a car accident, and you want me to come save them?
00:03:01No, I... I want nothing to do with you or this family. I don't even know you.
00:03:05I have a life in America, and if you don't let me go, I'm going to kill myself.
00:03:10You want me to come save them? No, I... I want nothing to do with you or this family.
00:03:14I don't even know you. I have a life in America and a fiancée that's waiting for me.
00:03:17You have a fiancée? You mean Grace Mitchell?
00:03:21What? You looked into her?
00:03:23Yeah, she's a sweet girl. But without the Beaufoy family, you have nothing.
00:03:30You think she'll still want to be with you?
00:03:33Grace doesn't care about money.
00:03:35Grace doesn't care about money, eh?
00:03:38Well, Grace has $100,000 in debt and student loans.
00:03:42Her grandmother's in the hospital getting cancer treatment, and those bills are astronomical.
00:03:47Her parents can't pay the damn mortgage.
00:03:49She's drowning in bills, and you're telling me she doesn't care about money?
00:03:54Hey, it's all here. Look for yourself.
00:03:59It's all here. Check it for yourself.
00:04:06Well, Grace never told me any of this before.
00:04:08Well, why would she? We all keep secrets from the people we love, right?
00:04:12Just like you didn't reveal your name was Austin Beaufoy, not Austin Harrington.
00:04:16I did that because...
00:04:17Yeah, I understand. The big family name, I get it.
00:04:20But listen, Austin, I know love is precious, but love doesn't pay the bills.
00:04:25If you're a real man, you'll provide for your wife.
00:04:28You'll buy her a house. You'll put a roof over her head.
00:04:31You'll put food on the table. You'll make her feel secure and safe.
00:04:35And I can offer you that.
00:04:37You give me one year of your life, and I will make you the Beaufoy you are.
00:04:41Just play your part, manage the chateau, and one year later you can marry Grace,
00:04:45do what you want, and give her the life she deserves.
00:04:48Hey, what is one year of your life when you can give the woman you love everything?
00:04:53Why now?
00:05:01Stomach cancer.
00:05:04I just want the winery and our business to live on.
00:05:09One year is all I ask. Just one year.
00:05:15One year.
00:05:18One year, Grandpa. Thank you.
00:05:22One year for Grace.
00:05:24I just hope she's waiting for me when I get back.
00:05:31Oh, Frankie, thank you so much for helping me with this marketing pitch.
00:05:34If I don't close this deal with our new clients, Veridia and Vineyards, I'm going to end up on the street.
00:05:38If you need rent money, I can spot you, honey boo boo.
00:05:41Thank you, Frankie, but I really believe that I can close this deal with Veridia and Vineyards.
00:05:46Holy shit. Is that your cheating ex, Austin Harrington?
00:05:50Breaking news. After one year of secrecy, the Beaufoy family is officially engaged.
00:05:56Is that your cheating ex, Austin Harrington?
00:05:58Breaking news. After one year of secrecy, the Beaufoy heir has finally been announced.
00:06:04Austin Beaufoy has been named the sole heir of the Beaufoy Winery, taking over the helm from his grandfather.
00:06:11Beaufoy Winery has been valued at over $30 billion, making Austin the youngest billionaire ever.
00:06:19Stay tuned for an exclusive interview after this commercial break.
00:06:23Beaufoy? Austin Beaufoy?
00:06:27You have no idea who Austin really is, do you?
00:06:36So this is why he wouldn't return my calls.
00:06:39Why he disappeared without a trace. He's a billionaire and I'm a nobody.
00:06:43I loved him with all my heart. And in the end, I didn't even deserve a proper goodbye.
00:06:49I thought his last name was Harrington.
00:06:52People lie, Frank. I mean, he messed with my feelings and left me out the altar. Of course he has a fake name.
00:06:57OMG, girl, are you okay? Don't cry.
00:07:01I'm fine. Okay? It's been a year. I'm so over Austin Beaufoy.
00:07:07You know, I'm actually, I'm glad that we broke up because now I know what kind of person he really is.
00:07:13You dated Austin Beaufoy?
00:07:16Yeah, right.
00:07:17Why would a French wine heir get with some poor bitch from Indiana?
00:07:25Why would a French wine heir get with some poor bitch from Indiana?
00:07:31My dating history is none of your business. But come on, Frank, let's go somewhere we can concentrate.
00:07:35Oh my god. You're such a liar. I mean, we always knew. Right, Kathy?
00:07:43Just admit it, Grace. You are delusional. And you suck at your job.
00:07:48Not only did Grace date Austin, they almost got married.
00:07:51Oh, yeah. Then why isn't she with him now?
00:07:57We broke up. They're happy?
00:08:05F off, bitches.
00:08:06Be careful. Don't fall too hard.
00:08:09Oh, look. His interview.
00:08:11So, Mr. Beaufoy, we heard that you are going to L.A. What are your plans in America?
00:08:18Well, the woman I love is in L.A. and I'm going back for her.
00:08:22Oh my gosh. That's so sweet. I wonder where the lucky girl is.
00:08:27Not Grace, obviously.
00:08:33Hey, thanks so much.
00:08:34Oh, my pleasure.
00:08:35Boss, are you sure you want to rush back to L.A. next week? We have a lot of unfinished business here. We have to take care of it.
00:08:40Grace and I have been away from each other for a year. I'm not going to wait a second.
00:08:44Mr. Beaufoy, I brought your favorite fruits and champagne.
00:08:47Monica, you're my employee, not my nanny. Just do what your job entails.
00:08:51Your grandfather told me to take care of you.
00:08:53Well, my grandfather is no longer your boss. Remember, you report to me and I'm asking you to be professional.
00:08:58Next time, knock before you come in.
00:09:00Wait, Austin.
00:09:01I leave for L.A. next week. Just go back to the vineyards, okay? Thanks.
00:09:05He's going back to L.A. to see that bitch, Grace Mitchell?
00:09:11No. I cannot let that happen.
00:09:17You're useless, Black. Did you see the news?
00:09:20Austin is flying back to the States to see that stupid ex of his.
00:09:24It's been a year and you still haven't gotten with him.
00:09:26I can't hold him back.
00:09:28It's been a year and you still haven't gotten with him.
00:09:30I can't hold off the long shots much longer.
00:09:32You're going to take our house.
00:09:33Papa, don't worry. No one can take Austin from me.
00:09:37He and Beaufoy Winery will be mine.
00:09:40I know where Grace is. I've been keeping tabs on her.
00:09:43I'll fly tonight.
00:09:51It's... it's you.
00:09:54Your colleague said you'd be here.
00:09:56Who's this?
00:09:57It's the fiancée.
00:09:59I was just shopping in the neighborhood and thought I'd bring by this.
00:10:02For old time's sake.
00:10:04Austin and I are getting married. In France.
00:10:07On our vineyard. Next month.
00:10:10Come if you want.
00:10:13You probably can't afford to go to France.
00:10:16Your boyfriend, I assume, doesn't look like he can afford it either.
00:10:21Excuse me, bitch.
00:10:22Catch me outside. How about that?
00:10:25You want to fight?
00:10:26I don't care if you're a woman. I know how to stick a bitch.
00:10:29How dare you come over here and insult my best friend like that?
00:10:34I'm sorry.
00:10:35I'm sorry.
00:10:36I'm sorry.
00:10:37I'm sorry.
00:10:38I'm sorry.
00:10:39I'm sorry.
00:10:40I'm sorry.
00:10:41I'm sorry.
00:10:42I'm sorry.
00:10:43I'm sorry.
00:10:44I'm sorry.
00:10:45I'm sorry.
00:10:46I'm sorry.
00:10:48Bitches like you is why I don't like women in the first place.
00:10:59Are you okay, honey?
00:11:02Yeah. I'm okay, Frank. Thank you.
00:11:05You're the best.
00:11:07Wait. That's obviously her gay best friend.
00:11:10But Austin doesn't know that.
00:11:14Came to check on the L.A. vineyards and ran into your ex.
00:11:20Thought you should know, she has a boyfriend.
00:11:24Mark, move our meeting with the ad agency up and reschedule all of tomorrow's meetings
00:11:32I'm flying tonight.
00:11:33But I thought we were...
00:11:34No, no, no.
00:11:35Change of plans.
00:11:36But I...
00:11:37I don't care.
00:11:38Prep my jet.
00:11:39I need to see Grace.
00:11:40Sir, you're not going to be able to get sleep.
00:11:41Hey, guys, change of plans.
00:11:46Our big client, Viridian Vineyards, is sending someone over today to review our campaign
00:11:51We've been working on this for a month, so we need to deliver Grace.
00:11:53This is your case.
00:11:54I expect you to take the lead.
00:11:56Sir, they're a week early.
00:11:57I'm still wrapping things up.
00:11:58Then you better get on it.
00:12:01Viridian Vineyards is an L.A. staple, but I heard that Beau Foy Winery bought them out.
00:12:08I'm not sure if it's true or not.
00:12:10I wish it's true.
00:12:11Maybe then we can meet Austin Beau Foy.
00:12:14He's so hot.
00:12:15Dream on.
00:12:16The Viridian deal is nothing to the Beau Foys.
00:12:17Austin is the heir.
00:12:18He will never come for something this small.
00:12:19A girl can dream.
00:12:20But there is a fine line between dreaming and being delusional.
00:12:21Did you know?
00:12:22Grace claims she dated Austin.
00:12:23As if.
00:12:24Look at her.
00:12:25That's what I said.
00:12:26I can't concentrate with the three of you.
00:12:27I have to go.
00:12:28I have to go.
00:12:29I have to go.
00:12:30I have to go.
00:12:31I have to go.
00:12:32I have to go.
00:12:33I have to go.
00:12:34I have to go.
00:12:35I have to go.
00:12:36I have to go.
00:12:37I have to go.
00:12:38I have to go.
00:12:39I have to go.
00:12:40I can't concentrate with the three of you gossiping.
00:12:55Richard, I'd like to present first.
00:12:59Welcome to my presentation about the Viridian vineyards.
00:13:02Um, this is my campaign proposal about...
00:13:06Vivian, you stole my campaign proposal.
00:13:11I was up until this morning working on my presentation.
00:13:14How dare you accusing me of stealing?
00:13:16Are you sure you're not projecting?
00:13:18Sounds about right.
00:13:19Is that why you insisted on presenting first?
00:13:22So that you could steal my PowerPoint and then blame it on me?
00:13:25What are you even talking about?
00:13:27You don't even know how to use PowerPoint correctly.
00:13:29Why are you doing this to me?
00:13:31It's not fair and you...
00:13:33Can't play the victim if you don't have evidence.
00:13:37Of course I have evidence.
00:13:43Then why is my name on your PowerPoint?
00:13:45Vivian, why would you do this?
00:13:47I must have grabbed the wrong USB by accident.
00:13:50Sit down.
00:13:52Grace, this is your presentation.
00:13:54Please share it with everyone.
00:13:56Thank you, Richard.
00:13:58This wine takes a year to mature.
00:14:01And a lot can happen.
00:14:03This wine takes a year to mature.
00:14:06And a lot can happen in a year.
00:14:0825 typhoons occur.
00:14:10In the US, about 3.6 million babies are born.
00:14:13And around 3.2 million people will die.
00:14:16Out of a thousand marriages,
00:14:18around seven of them within that year
00:14:20will end in divorce.
00:14:24All these flavors are condensed into this one bottle of wine.
00:14:29This bottle is a time capsule of life.
00:14:32Moments in time.
00:14:34And that's what I want to lean into.
00:14:36Show off.
00:14:37A lot can happen in a year.
00:14:52A lot can happen in a year.
00:14:55That was excellent.
00:14:57That is just what we're looking for
00:15:00I run a campaign at Viridian Vineyards and Beaufoy wines.
00:15:03And I truly look forward to working with you.
00:15:07Austin Beaufoy.
00:15:09What is he doing here?
00:15:11Ms. Mitchell, right?
00:15:13It's just an excellent presentation.
00:15:16And really exactly what we've been looking for at the vineyard.
00:15:20Mr. Beaufoy, sir.
00:15:21Actually, we have some other proposals for you to review.
00:15:23Oh, no.
00:15:24That's all right.
00:15:25I'll be going with Ms. Mitchell's campaign.
00:15:28That's really Austin Beaufoy?
00:15:30He's even more handsome than on TV.
00:15:33With all due respect, Mr. Beaufoy.
00:15:37I wouldn't trust her with your business.
00:15:39She's a pathological liar.
00:15:41Vivian, what are you saying?
00:15:43This woman goes around claiming she dated you.
00:15:47And you're basically a French royalty.
00:15:50And she's a nobody.
00:15:52If you give her this campaign,
00:15:55you might be risking dealing with some serious stalking behavior.
00:16:00She's a patho.
00:16:02It's not a good look.
00:16:03I think Vivian is right.
00:16:05I don't think that I am the right fit for this campaign.
00:16:07I don't think that I am the best match for Mr. Beaufoy.
00:16:12I quit.
00:16:15I quit.
00:16:20We will be going with Ms. Mitchell's campaign.
00:16:23I don't want to collaborate with anyone else at the company.
00:16:25Especially employees that slander their co-workers.
00:16:30And secondly, I'd like to clear something up.
00:16:33Ms. Mitchell didn't spread any rumors.
00:16:36We did date.
00:16:40And I'm the idiot that lost her.
00:16:43He dumped me.
00:16:45And now he's rewriting history and playing the victim?
00:16:49I don't want this account, Richard.
00:16:51I want someone else.
00:16:55Oh, my God.
00:16:56Austin Beaufoy is your ex?
00:16:58Why didn't you tell me sooner?
00:17:00Anyway, it's not the point.
00:17:01The point is, we need this account for the company to survive.
00:17:04I am begging you.
00:17:06I will give you a healthy bonus, please.
00:17:08Richard, if I could just have a moment with Ms. Mitchell to discuss next steps.
00:17:13No, I...
00:17:18We'll take the room.
00:17:25Hey, we spoke yesterday?
00:17:27Yes, I'm happy to provide you with inside information if I get the promotion and Grace Mitchell out of the company.
00:17:36Hi, Grace.
00:17:38How are you?
00:17:39Mr. Beaufoy, I don't think that we've met.
00:17:42I knew an Austin Harrington, but not some French bop named Austin Beaufoy.
00:17:46That's funny, because if we never met before, why did you tell people we dated?
00:17:52I must have been confused.
00:17:55Moving forward, our relationship will be that strictly of a client and contractor.
00:17:59So if you're not interested in discussing the campaign, I'll be leaving.
00:18:04Then let's discuss the campaign.
00:18:07Our product is wine, and I truly believe that to write good copy, you need to know the product.
00:18:13So, come with me.
00:18:16To where?
00:18:18A wine tasting.
00:18:20No, I'm at work. I'm not going out drinking with you.
00:18:23Well, if you remember, you do work for me, and I think you really need to understand the product.
00:18:30And I don't think Richard would mind.
00:18:32We go, right?
00:18:36Austin, Mr. Beaufoy, why are you here?
00:18:40And don't tell me it's some coincidence that you just pop up at my work.
00:18:43It's not a coincidence. I wanted to see how you are.
00:18:48Well, now you can see. I'm doing wonderfully, so now can I go?
00:18:53No. You're the marketing campaign manager, and if you want to keep this account, you'll come with me.
00:19:00Let's go.
00:19:06So, how does it taste?
00:19:08Smooth on the palate, kind of sweet.
00:19:11Come on. Is that the best description you can give?
00:19:15Our product deserves better than that.
00:19:17Okay, Austin, what do you want?
00:19:19Alright, this is enough. I've already drank half a bottle.
00:19:22What is it that you're looking for?
00:19:24I just wanted you to taste the wine.
00:19:26I mean, if you can't understand our product, how can you create a successful marketing campaign for it, right?
00:19:33Plus, I designed this wine for you.
00:19:41Wait, Grace, not so fast. You're gonna get drunk.
00:19:57You're still the same. You never listen.
00:20:00Grace, can we talk?
00:20:03Talk? About what?
00:20:07Oh, do you want to talk about your cheating?
00:20:11Or how you've been lying about your identity?
00:20:14Or, you know, we can talk about how you just made me fall in love with you,
00:20:19and then you abandoned me out of nowhere.
00:20:21That was fun.
00:20:24I didn't cheat on you. What would make you think that?
00:20:27And I didn't abandon you, Grace.
00:20:29I thought about you every second of every single day.
00:20:33And you can't sit here and honestly make me believe you didn't think about me once that entire year.
00:20:37Oh, wait. Stop. I'm done talking. You know, it's been a year.
00:20:42I have a new life, Mr. Bullfoy.
00:20:45A new life? With your boyfriend, Frank Collin?
00:20:50Did you hook into me? Stalker.
00:20:54Did you hook into me? Stalker.
00:20:57I was interested.
00:20:59You know, Frank is the best.
00:21:01We have amazing dinners, and amazing conversations,
00:21:06and amazing sexual things.
00:21:09You know, every moment that I spend with him fills me with happiness.
00:21:13You want to know why?
00:21:16Because he helps me forget about you.
00:21:20Amazing sexual things? Yeah.
00:21:22Forget about me? Mm-hmm.
00:21:24So you want to be with him?
00:21:25After you left me, Frank was there.
00:21:30And if he wasn't, I don't think I could have continued.
00:21:33I love him. I really, really do.
00:21:36You love him? Mm-hmm.
00:21:38You love him. Well, what about me? What am I to you then? Grace, look at me.
00:21:43You said that you would love me forever. Am I the only one that took forever seriously?
00:21:52I'm sorry. I lost my temper.
00:22:00You know what?
00:22:04I didn't mean it when I said that I would love you forever.
00:22:11You don't deserve it.
00:22:41Don't say that. I love you.
00:22:46I don't think I feel so good.
00:22:50I think I need to go home and sleep.
00:23:00Frank, get me some water.
00:23:06Are you going to marry him one day, Grace? Tell me.
00:23:09Marry? No.
00:23:12Frank and I are just friends.
00:23:15You're just friends?
00:23:18I'm not his type.
00:23:21I'm not his type at all.
00:23:24I'm not his type at all.
00:23:28Let's get you to bed.
00:23:41Wait. Austin, don't go.
00:23:45Grace, if there's anything I can do to win you back, I'll do it.
00:23:57Where are you? Are you still sleeping? Get up!
00:24:00We have to Zoom meeting with clients from overseas.
00:24:06Oh, God!
00:24:11Hey, what the team leader said?
00:24:20Meet with the team leads to finalize the action plan by end of day
00:24:23and ensure everyone is on board with the...
00:24:26Oh, God!
00:24:29Grace, that's not a six-pack. That's an eight-pack.
00:24:32Wait, that's Austin and Will Floyd.
00:24:35Oh, my God, did they sleep together?
00:24:38Wait, what?
00:24:41Good morning, beautiful.
00:24:44Norwegian Benedict, your favorite.
00:24:48Where am I?
00:24:51You were just getting drinks last night.
00:24:57You had too much to drink last night and you stayed over.
00:25:00What a wild night it was.
00:25:03I mean, you kept me up until the wee hours.
00:25:06What? A wild night?
00:25:09I love that account.
00:25:12Can you please put some clothes on?
00:25:15You're a slutty clout chaser.
00:25:18I just saw Grace Mitchell at Austin's mansion.
00:25:21They definitely boned.
00:25:27Are we really not going to eat anything?
00:25:30I don't get how you can leave it with all that energy you burned last night.
00:25:33And is your back okay?
00:25:36You're really cute when you're mad.
00:25:39We're about to get a lot cuter. I'll count to three.
00:25:45Stop! I'm going to count to three.
00:25:51Excuse me, Richard.
00:25:54I hate to interrupt, but what does your company policy
00:25:57on sleeping with a client?
00:26:00It's clear that Grace sealed the deal with Mr. Beaufoy last night.
00:26:03Vivian, I think we should focus on business.
00:26:06You definitely serviced him.
00:26:09The video screen seems to be frozen.
00:26:12I think it's time we end the meeting now. Bye.
00:26:18Why did you say that?
00:26:21Why are you parading around half-naked in front of my boss and my co-worker?
00:26:24I'm just telling the truth. You did sleep over last night.
00:26:27Did we? No, you know what? That's impossible. I would remember.
00:26:30Do you remember the noises you were making last night?
00:26:33Because the housekeeper was really worried.
00:26:37No. They were there this morning.
00:26:40Oh, my God.
00:26:43I drunkenly slept with my ex.
00:26:52He didn't use a condom and he slept with me while I was drunk?
00:26:55What the fuck?
00:26:58What the fuck?
00:27:01Okay, okay. I was joking. I'd never take advantage of you while you were intoxicated.
00:27:04But you did say some pretty interesting things while you were asleep.
00:27:07Oh, yeah? What did I say?
00:27:10You were calling out my name.
00:27:13Well, maybe you didn't hear the full sentence. I'm pretty sure I said,
00:27:16Austin is a cheating douchebag.
00:27:19Grace, let me just explain what really happened the year I was gone.
00:27:22Are you going to get that?
00:27:25No, no. It's fine. Hold on.
00:27:28Mr. Beaufoy, your grandfather is in critical care.
00:27:31I need you to call me back.
00:27:34It's my grandpa. I got to take it. It's an emergency.
00:27:37Just stay here. I'm going to explain everything, okay?
00:27:40It's fine. Take it.
00:27:43I'll be right back. Just stay there.
00:27:53Get the fuck out of my fiance's house, bitch.
00:27:57Get the fuck out of my fiance's house, bitch.
00:28:03Wasn't he your fiance last year? That's a long engagement.
00:28:06Did he get cold feet?
00:28:09If we weren't together, why would I have a key to his house?
00:28:12You're just a fucking side piece.
00:28:15I'm his fiance.
00:28:18I don't know what Austin told you, but we are getting married next month.
00:28:21If you have an ounce of self-respect left,
00:28:24you will get the fuck out of our house now.
00:28:27Whatever this is, it's over.
00:28:30I can't believe I allowed myself to be fooled by this asshole again.
00:28:33He's all yours.
00:28:41$13.10, East Orange Road, Pasadena.
00:28:44Madam, this is not a taxi. You have to order through there.
00:28:49How did I get Austin's wallet?
00:28:55Keep the change, just go.
00:28:58Wow, so I heard Austin Buffo is living there. Is that true?
00:29:01He does. He actually gave me so much money because he felt guilty because he couldn't get it out.
00:29:06Monica, what are you doing in my house? Where's Grace?
00:29:09Did you say something to her?
00:29:12I just told her you were taken. It didn't take much.
00:29:15She just left. It's so easy.
00:29:18Get out of my house now before I sue you for trespassing.
00:29:22I'll make sure Grace never comes back.
00:29:25Austin will be mine.
00:29:29Where were you last night? Did you bone some dude?
00:29:32Ew, no, I wasn't...
00:29:35Boring. Then you have no excuse for not hitting me back up.
00:29:38I texted you like a bajillion times.
00:29:41Our dumb water heater broke again and we were supposed to see new places today.
00:29:44I'm sorry, Frank. Something came up.
00:29:47Like...Austin Boat Boy?
00:29:50Austin Boat Boy? I saw on the news that he's back in town.
00:29:54I am so sick of hearing the name Austin Boat Boy.
00:30:01It's my photo. Why does Austin still keep it?
00:30:05Wait, why do you have Austin Boat Boy's wallet?
00:30:09OMG, you little klepon. Did you sleep with him?
00:30:13No! I...I just spent the night.
00:30:16What? Details?
00:30:19Okay, he is my client, alright? I just went over to his place for work.
00:30:23Is code for...fucking?
00:30:27No, okay? We didn't sleep together and we're not going to sleep together ever because he has a fiancée.
00:30:32Fiancée schmiancée. He has your photo in his wallet. That means there's a chance.
00:30:38I'm so confused. Why is he back now? Does he want to rekindle?
00:30:42Wait, he's European nobility, right?
00:30:46He's European nobility, right?
00:30:49Don't nobles like to, like, keep mistresses?
00:30:52Maybe he's still not over you, but his family insists that he marry someone of equal social standing.
00:31:00This is some preacher tin shit.
00:31:02Wait, you think he wants me to be his mistress?
00:31:07There's one more appointment for an apartment. This one is really decent and cheap.
00:31:12Let's go get your mind off of that billionaire ex of yours.
00:31:19This apartment is the best we have available. The landlord was having issues with roommates, so he'll only rent to couples.
00:31:26That's why we're doing a couples discount.
00:31:29That's exactly why Frank and I are pretending to be a couple.
00:31:33We had a deal, but it fell through because the couple's relationship completely fell apart.
00:31:38So, are you two sure you're ready to move in together?
00:31:42Oh, of course we are.
00:31:45There is no one I would rather spend my entire life with than this girl.
00:31:51Yes, I am head over heels for my man. He's my forever.
00:31:55He's your forever, huh?
00:32:00Austin, what are you doing here?
00:32:02Are you two here for the couple's discounts as well?
00:32:05What a handsome looking couple.
00:32:08Why is Austin renting an apartment with some girl?
00:32:11What about Monica? How many girlfriends does he have?
00:32:15So, you two are moving in together?
00:32:18Hey, man. I'm Frank.
00:32:21I love your Merlot, bro.
00:32:24Oh, Frank. Yeah, I've heard so much about you.
00:32:28Quick question for you, Frank. Does Grace like chocolate chip or peanut butter cookies better?
00:32:36Peanut butter cookies.
00:32:38Trick question. She's allergic to gluten. She can't have either cookie.
00:32:42Grace, I mean, come on. What are you doing?
00:32:44This guy doesn't even know your allergies. How can you be with someone so clueless?
00:32:47Oh, hey, man. I'm not the clueless one. You left her.
00:32:51Wait, what is going on here?
00:32:54Wait, what is going on here?
00:32:56Austin, I've moved on. Can you please leave me alone?
00:32:58I'm just concerned about you. I mean, this guy doesn't even know you're allergic to gluten. You could die.
00:33:03At least he doesn't lie to me or cheat.
00:33:05Okay, just answer me. Are you happy? Is this what you want? This is what makes you happy?
00:33:10Shouldn't you be paying attention to your new girlfriend?
00:33:12Just answer me, if you're happy, and I'll leave.
00:33:15Yes, I am happy. I have a great new life, and I don't need your money or you.
00:33:23Hey. Fine.
00:33:28Um, are you still interested in looking at the apartment?
00:33:33Yes, yes.
00:33:35Just to reiterate, the promotion discount is for couples only. Are you sure everything's okay?
00:33:44If this is too much, we can leave. I don't want to make things too complicated for you.
00:33:48No, this place is exactly what we're looking for. We're staying.
00:33:52And honey, I heard that the tub upstairs has a room for two. Can we see it?
00:33:57Right this way.
00:33:59I feel like you should tell her that you're my cousin and that my husband is on the way.
00:34:04She said she doesn't want to talk to me, so I'm giving her what she wants.
00:34:17So not only does Austin have a fiance, he also has a young girlfriend and she's really pretty.
00:34:22Why am I jealous? No, we broke up a long time ago. He's a jerk who abandoned and cheated on me.
00:34:28She has a new boyfriend and is happy now, but am I just supposed to give up on us?
00:34:36Grace, you've been working so hard. Go take a break and eat lunch.
00:34:39I will. I just have to finish this one thing up real quick.
00:34:42Grace, Mr. Bouffoy is hosting a lunch and he'd like you to join.
00:34:50No, thank you. You can tell Mr. Bouffoy that I'm not interested.
00:34:58God, I'm starving to death. I'd give my leg for a pizza and a drink right now.
00:35:05Hello, everyone. Mr. Bouffoy just wanted to bring a gourmet lunch and happy hour drinks to you all.
00:35:12And we'll be serving our finest wine selection.
00:35:15Wow, that's amazing.
00:35:18I didn't know you were a wine lover.
00:35:21I'm a wine lover. I'm a wine lover.
00:35:24I'm a wine lover.
00:35:26I'm a wine lover.
00:35:28I'm a wine lover.
00:35:30I'm a wine lover.
00:35:32Finest wine selection.
00:35:34Wow, that's a Bouffoy wine.
00:35:36Miss Mitchell, this wine and this pizza have both been prepared just for you.
00:35:41And they're gluten free.
00:35:45Wait a minute. Why does Grace get the $2,000 wine?
00:35:47Well, if that Zoom is any indication, she's getting it for reasons other than work.
00:35:52He remembered the olives.
00:35:54They only sell them at this one shop.
00:35:59Mr. Bouffoy, thank you so much for treating us.
00:36:02You're welcome. I just wanted everyone on the team to feel appreciated.
00:36:05I'm overthinking. He's just being nice. This has nothing to do with me.
00:36:09Did everyone enjoy the brick oven pizza?
00:36:11Oh, yeah. It was delicious.
00:36:13It was so good.
00:36:15It was so good.
00:36:17It was so good.
00:36:19It was so good.
00:36:22It was delicious.
00:36:24Something I like to make for people I'm close to.
00:36:26The olives come from this little shop downtown.
00:36:28I know they aren't for everyone.
00:36:30But someone special turned me on to them.
00:36:34Oh, my God. Thank you for making this.
00:36:37It's so good. I miss peaches so much.
00:36:39I think I'd marry it if I could.
00:36:41Oh, should I be worried?
00:36:43The olives are the best part.
00:36:45On pizza?
00:36:49If you love me, you'll try it.
00:36:56Okay. You know what?
00:36:58You're going to enjoy this because I'm only going to say it once.
00:37:00You were right. It's amazing.
00:37:02No, I think you'll say it again.
00:37:04Austin Beaufoy.
00:37:06What are you trying to pull?
00:37:13Okay. So...
00:37:15I got the lease for the new place.
00:37:17Are you sure you want to go through with it?
00:37:19Of course. Why wouldn't I want to go through with it?
00:37:21The whole pretending to be a couple thing?
00:37:23And your very dreamy, rich ex-boyfriend?
00:37:27It's the perfect apartment.
00:37:29And I don't care what Austin thinks.
00:37:31I honestly haven't even thought about it.
00:37:35Then why have you been acting so weird since we saw him?
00:37:37Okay, fine.
00:37:39I thought about him, but he fucked me over.
00:37:41And even if he hadn't,
00:37:43what am I supposed to be, his mistress
00:37:45behind his fiancée and his young hot girlfriend?
00:37:47Wait, what?
00:37:49Girl, when in doubt, Google.
00:37:53That is Austin's cousin.
00:37:57Are you serious?
00:37:59But that still doesn't change the fact
00:38:01that Monica is his fiancée.
00:38:16This made me think of you.
00:38:18Bought it for the launch party.
00:38:24You may have fiancée,
00:38:26but he remembers your size
00:38:28and is giving you Chanel.
00:38:30This boy has it bad.
00:38:32This boy has it bad.
00:38:34And it is $10,000.
00:38:36Holy shit.
00:38:38I'd be his mistress.
00:38:40I think that's what he wants.
00:38:42Because Austin and I knew he would never.
00:38:44Who cares?
00:38:46Wear the dress.
00:38:48This is your big presentation.
00:38:50If it goes well, good for your career
00:38:52and good for his company, too.
00:38:56You're right.
00:38:58So, what are you waiting for?
00:39:00Chanel is calling.
00:39:14You look amazing.
00:39:16Do I have the honor of giving you this ride?
00:39:18Thank you for the dress.
00:39:20I know it's really important to you
00:39:22how this presentation looks.
00:39:24Well, that's not why I bought it.
00:39:26I bought it because I saw it
00:39:28and it reminded me of you.
00:39:30And I want to make you happy.
00:39:34I want to make you happy.
00:39:36I want to make you happy.
00:39:38I want to make you happy.
00:39:40I'm so confused.
00:39:42Is he hitting on me?
00:39:44I appreciate that.
00:39:46But we're colleagues now
00:39:48and I think it's inappropriate
00:39:50for you to keep buying me gifts like this.
00:39:52Why? Because of your boyfriend?
00:39:54Because it's not right.
00:39:56It felt right to me.
00:39:58And if you leave him,
00:40:00I could buy you houses,
00:40:02more dresses, cars,
00:40:04whatever you want.
00:40:07I can be his mistress.
00:40:09I'm not some gold-digging side piece, okay?
00:40:11I don't care about how much money you have
00:40:13or how rich you are.
00:40:15I have morals and I won't be with you
00:40:17like this.
00:40:19She just won't leave Frank.
00:40:23You know what? You're right.
00:40:25And I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable
00:40:27so from now on I'll keep my distance
00:40:29for both of us.
00:40:31Of course.
00:40:33He already has his fiance.
00:40:53This is so awkward.
00:40:55I hope he doesn't talk to me again.
00:40:57Oh my God.
00:40:59Is that Chanel?
00:41:01That's like a $5,000 dress.
00:41:03$10,000 dress.
00:41:13Where did you get this?
00:41:15There is no way someone like you could afford it.
00:41:17You're right, Vivian.
00:41:19It was a gift from Mr. Beaufoy.
00:41:21He thought that his most important staff
00:41:23should be dressed for the occasion.
00:41:25So weird he didn't buy you one.
00:41:27Probably because I never talked to him.
00:41:31I'm going to ignore that you said that
00:41:33and I'm going to head up to do my presentation.
00:41:35Good luck.
00:41:55I think it just decreased in value.
00:41:57It's a little ungrateful of you
00:41:59ruining Mr. Beaufoy's
00:42:02$10,000 dress, don't you think?
00:42:04But what else do you expect
00:42:06from a sloppy bitch?
00:42:10Excuse me.
00:42:20Good afternoon, everyone.
00:42:22As you can see by my dress,
00:42:24I'm wearing the product.
00:42:26But good news is Beaufoy wines
00:42:28increases the value of everything it touches.
00:42:30Including Chanel.
00:42:32But it's not your grandfather's wine.
00:42:34It's elegant
00:42:36without being pretentious
00:42:38or afraid to get a little messy.
00:42:40It creates moments
00:42:42and memories.
00:42:44So cheers
00:42:46to Beaufoy wines
00:42:48and creating memories
00:43:00I can't be mad at him
00:43:02after I rejected him.
00:43:04He said he'd give me space.
00:43:08Your presentation was brilliant, Grace.
00:43:10I'm going to give you a bonus for this.
00:43:12How does $30,000 look?
00:43:18I'll be promoted next month
00:43:20and then my position is very likely
00:43:22to be yours.
00:43:26I was next in line to take Richard's job,
00:43:28not this bitch.
00:43:30Thank you so much, Richard.
00:43:32I really appreciate it.
00:43:34Now if you'll excuse me,
00:43:36I'm going to go get changed real quick.
00:43:50What do you want?
00:43:52You're not getting that promotion.
00:43:54It's mine.
00:43:57Richard is only rewarding you
00:43:59because you're Austin's whore.
00:44:03Don't you ever talk to me
00:44:05like that again.
00:44:07I have tried to hold my tongue back to be professional
00:44:09but I have worked for everything
00:44:11that I have.
00:44:13The reason that you're not getting this promotion
00:44:15is because you are nothing but a jealous, incompetent
00:44:21You know what?
00:44:23Forget it. I'll change my clothes later.
00:44:29Oh my God! Be careful!
00:44:31I warned you not to
00:44:33stand in my way.
00:44:37Oh my God! Be careful!
00:44:49Are you okay?
00:44:55Hey, what the hell were you trying to do?
00:44:57I didn't do anything. She just tripped and fell.
00:44:59No, I saw it. You pushed her. You tried to kill her.
00:45:01She could have broken her neck.
00:45:03I didn't do anything. She tripped.
00:45:05Don't worry. We're going to get you to a doctor, okay?
00:45:07Mark, I need you to take this woman to the police immediately
00:45:09and get our best lawyer on retainer.
00:45:11I'm going to sue you for attempted manslaughter.
00:45:13I didn't do anything.
00:45:15She's faking it. It's not that bad.
00:45:17You're lucky she wasn't badly injured.
00:45:19What's going on, Grace? Are you okay?
00:45:21Richard, Grace tripped and fell
00:45:23and you're accusing me of pushing her.
00:45:25Mr. Bill Foy is confused.
00:45:29Mr. Bill Foy is confused.
00:45:31Say I'm confused one more time
00:45:33and my lawyer is going to make sure
00:45:35you spend the rest of your life in jail.
00:45:37Richard, I need you to fire this woman.
00:45:39I don't want to associate with a firm that hires criminals.
00:45:41No, no, no. Please, please don't.
00:45:43Richard, that wasn't a suggestion.
00:45:47Good luck finding another job after this.
00:45:49Goodbye, Bimmy.
00:45:57You're fired.
00:45:59No, this job is all I have.
00:46:01Please, I need this job.
00:46:03Please don't do this to me. I didn't do anything.
00:46:07Thank you for saving me.
00:46:09If you were here, I don't want anything like what happened.
00:46:13Is this okay?
00:46:17Does it hurt?
00:46:19Does it hurt?
00:46:22Uh, yeah. It's all right.
00:46:24I can handle it.
00:46:26Handle it? Grace, you shouldn't have tolerated
00:46:28her pouring wine on you in the first place.
00:46:32And I am that woman, Vivian.
00:46:36I was waiting for you to ask for my help,
00:46:38but you never came to me.
00:46:40Austin, I can take care of myself.
00:46:42Plus, the product launch was way more important
00:46:44than making a scene with someone like Vivian.
00:46:46I just, I hope I didn't embarrass you.
00:46:48Embarrass me?
00:46:50Grace, you were amazing up there.
00:46:52Just next time you need help,
00:46:54you can come to me.
00:46:56Come to you?
00:46:58You wouldn't even look at me all day.
00:47:00That's because I was angry about what you said to me in the car.
00:47:02It hurt me.
00:47:04But no matter what you say,
00:47:06I'll be there for you.
00:47:08Thank you for saying that.
00:47:14When he's like this, it's just like before.
00:47:16But he's engaged.
00:47:18It's so confusing.
00:47:20If he won't keep his distance,
00:47:22I should.
00:47:24I guess she has nothing else to say.
00:47:26She clearly feels awkward
00:47:28because she wants to be with her boyfriend.
00:47:40Um, I'm really sorry about
00:47:42how the last year went down,
00:47:44but I just want you to know
00:47:47that whoever you're with,
00:47:49I'm going to be there for you.
00:47:51Thank you, Austin. I really appreciate it.
00:47:53If you love this Frank guy,
00:47:55then great.
00:47:57I'd love to meet him.
00:48:01Goddammit, Frank.
00:48:03You can see this.
00:48:09I just thought that
00:48:11we should kiss goodbye photonically.
00:48:17That's normal.
00:48:19Um, I know that
00:48:21you're with someone else now,
00:48:23but I really did want to
00:48:25explain last year to you.
00:48:27My grandpa was really sick,
00:48:29and he...
00:48:33Wait. That's Frank, right?
00:48:35What is he doing?
00:48:37He just really likes to
00:48:39be very affectionate with his friends
00:48:41He says goodbye with his tongue?
00:48:43Yeah, he's European.
00:48:49Yeah, he's European.
00:48:57So you were saying
00:48:59about your grandpa.
00:49:01You want to talk about my grandpa
00:49:03when your boyfriend's making out with that guy, right?
00:49:05They're just friends, so your grandpa.
00:49:07Uh, yeah, I'm just...
00:49:10making out with that guy.
00:49:12Did you have an arrangement?
00:49:16Okay. I mean, if he's gay, bi, straight, whatever.
00:49:18I don't care, but he's clearly cheating on you.
00:49:20No, no, I said...
00:49:24What are you doing?
00:49:26I mean, I was gonna accept your relationship out of respect for Grace,
00:49:28but you're cheating on her?
00:49:30Help me, please.
00:49:32Who is this?
00:49:34That's his live-in girlfriend, dude.
00:49:36Okay, this just got complicated.
00:49:38Shut up.
00:49:40No, no, Ori, no, wait.
00:49:42It's not what it looks like.
00:49:44Well, what's it supposed to look like?
00:49:46He's clearly cheating on you with that guy.
00:49:48You're living a complete lie.
00:49:50Wait, just calm down, right?
00:49:52I'll explain everything.
00:49:54Frank, can you please go upstairs?
00:49:58Okay, wait, wait, wait, what about me?
00:50:00I don't care, just go with him.
00:50:02Okay, so Frank is gay.
00:50:04We were pretending to be a couple to get a discount at the apartment.
00:50:06Just please don't tell the landlord about this.
00:50:08The landlord, Grace?
00:50:10I don't care about any landlord.
00:50:12I care about the fact that you've been lying to me this whole time.
00:50:14I didn't mean to.
00:50:16I just thought it would be easier for the both of us
00:50:18if I were off the table, because you weren't even...
00:50:20Wait, what are you talking about?
00:50:22You have a fiancé, and I wanted you to think
00:50:24that I was taken, too,
00:50:26and Austin, I don't want to be your mistress.
00:50:28Mist... Grace, I don't have a mistress,
00:50:30and I don't have a fiancé.
00:50:33Stop playing dumb with me, all right?
00:50:35You're an aristocrat, you have mistresses,
00:50:37and you've two-timed me before.
00:50:39What would make now any different?
00:50:41I'm tired of your lies, Austin.
00:50:43Okay? I'm leaving.
00:50:47I'm tired of your lies, Austin.
00:50:49Okay? I'm leaving.
00:50:51Grace, don't...
00:51:03I'm so sorry about earlier.
00:51:05No, I'm so sorry.
00:51:07I ruined your date.
00:51:09If we get the apartment, great,
00:51:11but I don't think that we should pretend to be a couple anymore,
00:51:13and I'm sorry if Austin ruined our chance at getting it.
00:51:15We both know this isn't about the apartment.
00:51:17What's going on?
00:51:19Austin told me he still has feelings for me,
00:51:21and I don't know, it felt so sweet and so good, and...
00:51:23And the problem is?
00:51:25He has a fiancé.
00:51:27He has a fiancé?
00:51:31And the problem is?
00:51:33He has a fiancé.
00:51:35He obviously doesn't love her.
00:51:37If he did, he wouldn't be spending every minute with you.
00:51:39Just call him out and make him choose.
00:51:41Like The Bachelor.
00:51:43It's not just about his fiancé.
00:51:45I mean, he's a billionaire now.
00:51:47What if I'm not good enough for him anymore,
00:51:49and that's why he left me?
00:51:51Gracie, you are good enough for anyone.
00:51:53Noblemen are still human beings.
00:51:55If he's an asshole and makes you be his mistress,
00:51:57screw him.
00:51:59I'm ready for something true and real, but...
00:52:01Excuse me.
00:52:07Hey, Grace.
00:52:09I wanted to check in about the second presentation.
00:52:11The partners were really impressed today,
00:52:13and if you do anything like that,
00:52:15I want to give you an even larger bonus.
00:52:25You have another pair, Cinderella.
00:52:29If my feet weren't so big,
00:52:31I'd wear these.
00:52:33I want a man who buys me
00:52:35fancy heels.
00:52:41Wow, boy, it's coming in hot!
00:52:43No, I can't accept.
00:52:45He needs to stop.
00:52:47What do you think?
00:52:51You look stunning, no matter what you wear.
00:52:53But these are better.
00:52:57Morals, whatever.
00:52:59I get it.
00:53:05Thank you, but I can't accept these.
00:53:07Why? You don't like them?
00:53:09Of course I like them,
00:53:11but it's not appropriate.
00:53:13You don't return a gift.
00:53:15If you don't like them, you can just throw them out.
00:53:24$38,000. Will you do something for me?
00:53:30God, they're beautiful.
00:53:32But Monica's here.
00:53:34I can't accept.
00:53:44Oh, my God, Miss.
00:53:46I am so sorry.
00:53:56Wait right here. I'll be right back.
00:54:02Where did Grace go?
00:54:04She's gonna be late.
00:54:06She won't be showing up.
00:54:10Not like that.
00:54:16No way.
00:54:18This can't be.
00:54:36Wow, she looks gorgeous.
00:54:38That's an outkatore dress.
00:54:40Those shoes are super expensive.
00:54:42His feet.
00:54:44His fiancée, Monica,
00:54:46is allegedly French nobility,
00:54:48but with Grace looking like that,
00:54:50they're definitely boning.
00:54:52Boss, Miss Mitchell is wearing
00:54:54the dress and shoes you picked out for her.
00:54:56She looks amazing.
00:54:58Her beauty has nothing to do
00:55:00with what she's wearing.
00:55:06Grace, just let me help you.
00:55:08Just this once.
00:55:30You look absolutely beautiful.
00:55:33Hello, everyone.
00:55:35Thank you so much for being here.
00:55:45What are you going to do now?
00:55:49It seems like
00:55:51I'm not the only one
00:55:53who's been waiting for you.
00:55:55I've been waiting for you
00:55:57for so long.
00:55:59I've been waiting for you
00:56:01It seems that my script
00:56:03is not on the tablet,
00:56:05but that's okay.
00:56:07Go. Immediately print out another speech.
00:56:09If Grace encounters any problems, you'll take over.
00:56:11No need. She can handle it.
00:56:13I'm not wearing the product today,
00:56:15but I clearly
00:56:17took a lot of inspiration by the color
00:56:19of my dress.
00:56:31Can I talk to you?
00:56:35you were amazing.
00:56:39what exactly happened?
00:56:41Oh, someone switched my speech.
00:56:43What? Who?
00:56:45I don't know, but
00:56:47it turned out okay.
00:56:49Thank God it did.
00:56:51I was about to jump in, but
00:56:53Mr. Beaufort really had your back.
00:56:55Where is Mr. Beaufort?
00:56:57I'd like to talk to him.
00:56:59Where is Mr. Beaufort? I'd like to thank him.
00:57:05Your grandfather's very sick. I think we should go back to France.
00:57:13Austin, your grandfather's very sick.
00:57:15I think we should go back to France.
00:57:17I trust the nurses and doctors I pay will tell me
00:57:19if something's wrong.
00:57:21You came all this way for Grace, Mitchell, and you're miles away from your family.
00:57:23Is she really worth it?
00:57:25Well, I've sacrificed enough
00:57:28for my family, and Grace is worth everything.
00:57:30You came all this way, she's not even interested.
00:57:32She has a boyfriend.
00:57:34That's not true.
00:57:36You think she's just trying to make you jealous?
00:57:38You want to make her jealous?
00:57:40I'm so dumb.
00:57:42Look at them. She's not lying.
00:57:44They are a real thing.
00:57:48Monica, if you touch me
00:57:50again like that, I will send you back
00:57:52to France.
00:57:54Austin, but...
00:57:58Why am I still jealous?
00:58:00Who Austin is with has nothing to do with me.
00:58:02I'm sorry I had to interrupt you.
00:58:04I just wanted to congratulate you
00:58:06on a great presentation.
00:58:08I'm Philip Mayer.
00:58:10I do business with your agency.
00:58:12It's nice to meet you, Mr. Mayer.
00:58:14Could I have the honor
00:58:16of buying you a drink?
00:58:18Do you want to get out of here?
00:58:20It's time to move on, Grace.
00:58:22It's time to move on, Grace.
00:58:24It's time to move on, Grace.
00:58:26Of course.
00:58:32where are you going?
00:58:36None of your business, okay?
00:58:38I did my job.
00:58:40I'm going to go out, have a drink,
00:58:52You really shouldn't have another drink, sir.
00:58:54Fine, I just...
00:58:56I don't get it.
00:58:58First she lies to me,
00:59:00then she parades around with her new boyfriend
00:59:02in front of me, and it's like
00:59:04if she doesn't want me anymore,
00:59:06what was everything I gave up
00:59:08that whole year for, you know?
00:59:10If you give me one year
00:59:12of your life, I will make you
00:59:14the boy for a year.
00:59:24Hey, boss.
00:59:26With all due respect,
00:59:28I think you should talk to Miss Mitchell directly.
00:59:30Go tell her everything.
00:59:32Tell her how hard you've worked this past year
00:59:34so that you two could finally be together
00:59:36and see what she says.
00:59:38You know what?
00:59:40You're right.
00:59:42I'm going to find out the truth,
00:59:44the whole truth,
00:59:46and nothing but the truth,
00:59:48right now.
00:59:51I'm going to find out the truth,
00:59:53the whole truth,
00:59:55and nothing but the truth,
00:59:57right now.
00:59:59Okay, but let's have some water first.
01:00:09I'm sorry, Mr. Romero. Did you say something?
01:00:11You can just call me Phil.
01:00:13You seem distracted.
01:00:15Is anything bothering you?
01:00:17No, I'm sorry.
01:00:19I just, um,
01:00:21I haven't been on a date in a really long time.
01:00:23If you consider this a date.
01:00:25I'd like this to be
01:00:27the first date of many.
01:00:29You know, I've noticed you at company events
01:00:31and I just feel like you're perfect in every way.
01:00:35Baby, I don't want you to be perfect.
01:00:37I want you to be you.
01:00:39There's nothing you can do to make me stop loving you.
01:00:41It's been a long time
01:00:43since I've met someone like you.
01:00:45If you don't mind,
01:00:47I'd like to get your number
01:00:49and get to know you better.
01:00:51Mr. Mayor, I'm so sorry
01:00:53if I gave you the wrong impression,
01:00:55but I'm really not ready to date.
01:00:57Here's my card.
01:00:59If you need anything business-related,
01:01:01you're more than welcome to contact me,
01:01:03but it's going to rain,
01:01:05so I should probably get going.
01:01:07Thanks for the drink.
01:01:10I can't even have drinks with a great guy.
01:01:12Frickin' Austin.
01:01:14What is wrong with me?
01:01:18I can't just let this go.
01:01:24No, no.
01:01:26I can't just let this go.
01:01:32No, no.
01:01:44I need to let go and move on.
01:01:46Once Austin's project is done,
01:01:48I'm resigning.
01:02:02I can't lose you again.
01:02:04Can we just talk?
01:02:06Can I please talk to you?
01:02:08You're soaking wet.
01:02:10What are you doing?
01:02:12Are you drunk?
01:02:14You hate me so much,
01:02:16you're not even going to talk to me?
01:02:18Yeah, you'd be correct.
01:02:22Austin, you're hammered.
01:02:24Please go home.
01:02:26Grace, you have no idea how much you hurt me.
01:02:28You lost the right to say that to me when you left me.
01:02:30I can be with whoever I want.
01:02:32What if I don't want you to?
01:02:52Okay, I'm going to get some water.
01:03:12you have no idea how much you can hurt me
01:03:14because I'm just a boy
01:03:16standing in front of a girl
01:03:18asking her to love me.
01:03:21How much did you have to drink?
01:03:23See, with that guy.
01:03:25What guy? Do you mean Phil?
01:03:27Phil? Oh, Phil.
01:03:29Great. Is he better than me?
01:03:31You're too drunk to be having this conversation.
01:03:33No, no, no. Answer me. Is he better than me?
01:03:35Is that what you're saying?
01:03:37Girl, why are you back so soon?
01:03:39I thought you were out with that hot Philip guy.
01:03:41I looked him up, and he is so fine.
01:03:43Not as fine
01:03:45as Austin broke for you,
01:03:47though Austin is just a snack.
01:03:51Austin Beaufoy,
01:03:53I meant snack.
01:03:57No, thank you.
01:03:59I am a snack.
01:04:01How do you get like this?
01:04:05How do you get like this?
01:04:07I had a lot to drink
01:04:09because I wanted to see Grace.
01:04:11Those two things are not related.
01:04:13Just help me get him to the couch.
01:04:15Come on.
01:04:17Oh, God.
01:04:21God, his body.
01:04:23She must lift.
01:04:25Okay, I will leave
01:04:27the two of you alone to figure out
01:04:29whatever this is.
01:04:31Nice seeing you.
01:04:33I'm going to get
01:04:35some water. I like you.
01:04:39How are you feeling?
01:04:43Thanks for taking care of me.
01:04:46I just...
01:04:48I need you to give me a chance.
01:04:50A chance to what? Be your mistress?
01:04:52No, Grace, what are you talking about with all the mistress stuff?
01:04:54I would never do that to you.
01:04:56You lied to me
01:04:58about who you were. Were you afraid I'd just use you
01:05:00for your money?
01:05:02I didn't tell you about the money because that...
01:05:04Because what? You just wanted me to be your poor girl you could
01:05:06fuck on the side and then leave me the second
01:05:08it got inconvenient for you?
01:05:10Grace, you are the most important thing
01:05:12in my life. I would never think of you that way.
01:05:14Then why did you leave me
01:05:16without a word?
01:05:18I had no idea where you were.
01:05:20You didn't answer my calls. I didn't even know if you were okay.
01:05:22I didn't leave you.
01:05:24My grandfather kidnapped me.
01:05:30Wait, so let me get this straight.
01:05:32You disappeared because your
01:05:34grandfather kidnapped you?
01:05:36I would have called you. I would have, but they took my phone.
01:05:38I was in another country. I had no way to
01:05:40communicate. And after my biological
01:05:42father and brother died, my grandfather abducted
01:05:44me to France and
01:05:46asked me to save the vineyard.
01:05:48Sounds rough.
01:05:52My grandfather's dying of stomach cancer.
01:05:54And he said that if I made the winery
01:05:56500 million dollars in the first year,
01:05:58I could go back to you with
01:06:00whatever I wanted.
01:06:02Well, I didn't want you to marry some
01:06:04penniless nobody, so I did it for you.
01:06:06I was always going to come back to you, Grace.
01:06:16I blocked you.
01:06:18I changed my number. I thought that you had
01:06:20abandoned me.
01:06:22I never abandoned you. I did this for you.
01:06:24For us.
01:06:26Is your grandfather's stomach cancer better now?
01:06:28Yeah, he's in remission, but
01:06:30it's been rough.
01:06:32I am so
01:06:34sorry, Austin.
01:06:36I never even gave you a chance to explain.
01:06:38I apologize.
01:06:41I've actually
01:06:43been carrying
01:06:45this custom 10-carat diamond
01:06:47engagement ring this whole time.
01:06:49And every moment
01:06:51I've been with you, I've wanted to propose.
01:06:53And I guess what I'm
01:06:55saying is
01:06:57I want to propose to you right now.
01:07:01I want to propose to you right now.
01:07:05I think I like these better.
01:07:09did you get my ring?
01:07:11Monica gave it to me.
01:07:13You said you would never take it off,
01:07:15so I thought we were over.
01:07:17She said that you were an aristocrat and you
01:07:19would never want to marry some nobody
01:07:21from the Midwest like me.
01:07:23I was just so in shock. I tried to get
01:07:25rid of them, but I couldn't.
01:07:27You're not a nobody. I did
01:07:29everything for you.
01:07:31I was the one that thought that you didn't want
01:07:35Austin, I don't care if you're a millionaire or what.
01:07:37I just want you to be with me.
01:07:39Without you,
01:07:41all the money just means
01:07:43nothing. You can have it all.
01:07:47In fact, I'll have a lawyer draft something up
01:07:49transferring all my assets to you.
01:07:53In fact, I'll have a lawyer draft something up
01:07:55transferring all my assets to you.
01:07:57Are you crazy? No, you're still
01:07:59wasted. No, this is the most
01:08:01sober I've ever been in my life, Grace.
01:08:03The cars, the money, the property,
01:08:05all of it means nothing if I
01:08:07don't have you in my life.
01:08:09What are you saying?
01:08:11What I'm saying is
01:08:13I lost you for
01:08:15a year, and I don't want to
01:08:17go another second of my life
01:08:19without you.
01:08:21So I'm asking you
01:08:25Will you marry me?
01:09:03Good morning.
01:09:05Good morning.
01:09:09This is new. Fancy.
01:09:11I've been dreaming of this moment for a long time.
01:09:13Just tell me you're real.
01:09:15I'm real.
01:09:21This is delicious.
01:09:23I know.
01:09:25It's so good.
01:09:27It's so good.
01:09:29It's so good.
01:09:31This is delicious.
01:09:33I know.
01:09:35I do have a question, though.
01:09:37If Monica isn't your fiancee,
01:09:39Why'd she come after me?
01:09:41Well, her father Laurent Jones
01:09:43was the manager of the Winery,
01:09:45and she worked in the PR department.
01:09:47So I think my grandpa sent her
01:09:49with the rings.
01:09:51He said something about
01:09:53trying to give you money.
01:09:55She did.
01:09:57She gave me a check,
01:09:59I am so done with that liar.
01:10:01I'm sick.
01:10:02Hey Mark, let's fire Monica.
01:10:05Just remove all her belongings from the mansion,
01:10:07toss them on the street,
01:10:08we'll have the trash truck pick them up tomorrow.
01:10:10You got it, boss.
01:10:11Oh, by the way,
01:10:12I'm sending the numbers for the new wine sales.
01:10:14They are through the roof.
01:10:16Wow. Okay. Thanks, man.
01:10:19So, the campaign for the new vintage line is a huge success,
01:10:24and that is thanks to you.
01:10:26I mean, the sales exceeded our expectations.
01:10:28So, it's Beaufoy tradition to throw a huge party
01:10:32anytime we hit a sales mark,
01:10:33and I want you to be there.
01:10:34You're going to be the guest of honor,
01:10:35the most important person in the room.
01:10:38Yeah, and my grandfather's going to be there, so...
01:10:40I would like to take this opportunity
01:10:42to introduce the world to you as my fiancé.
01:10:45I would love that.
01:10:48You worked for the Beaufoy family for 40 years
01:10:52and I have to go for something.
01:10:53Please, leave with Claude and get me my job back.
01:10:56If you had just gotten Austin in the first place,
01:10:59we wouldn't have to deal with this.
01:11:01Now my job is on the line, too.
01:11:03Does the old man still trust you, doesn't he?
01:11:06We still have a chance.
01:11:07I have been demoted, which is worse than being fired.
01:11:11There's no way I can pay off my debt.
01:11:13I have been demoted, which is worse than being fired.
01:11:16There's no way I can pay off my debt.
01:11:18Actually, there is a way.
01:11:21I'll get rid of Grace Mitchell once and for all
01:11:23and we'll finally be in full control.
01:11:26The old man is in town for the party.
01:11:30I have an idea.
01:11:32I have an idea.
01:11:38Your wife is really brilliant.
01:11:48You're welcome.
01:12:02It's 10 carat square cut diamond.
01:12:05It's worth billions.
01:12:07I hope I don't end up in two bottles of 20-year-old
01:12:10Armani Conti to celebrate.
01:12:13Armani Conti?
01:12:15The $30,000 bottle of wine?
01:12:19It's slut.
01:12:26Grace, this is my grandpa Claude.
01:12:29Grandpa, this is Grace.
01:12:30It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Gouffoy.
01:12:35So this is the girl that stole my grandson's heart.
01:12:38Please call me Claude.
01:12:40You're more beautiful than I imagined.
01:12:44And don't worry.
01:12:45He's already fulfilled our obligations
01:12:47and I will no longer stand in the way of true love.
01:12:50And we recently renovated the chateau in the south of France.
01:12:52I'd like to invite you both there to get married.
01:12:55I heard you always wanted a vineyard wedding.
01:12:58Mustn't Claude do that?
01:12:59That's all the boy's been talking about for a year.
01:13:02Oh, by the way, I have a gift for you.
01:13:11This is the ring I proposed to my late wife with
01:13:14and we were married for 45 years.
01:13:17Our love was a lot like wine.
01:13:19The grapes have to be pressed, fertilized, aged, and filtered
01:13:22before it becomes a flavorable red wine.
01:13:27Now, there will be hardships,
01:13:29but through patience and understanding,
01:13:32it will emit a sweet taste.
01:13:37This is the love I see between you and Austin.
01:13:39Thank you so much, Claude.
01:13:43What are you waiting for?
01:13:44Put the ring in the girl's finger.
01:13:47Come on now.
01:14:02That woman is a liar and a fraud.
01:14:05She has no right to be around this family.
01:14:08She has no right to be around this family.
01:14:13That ring is worth a million dollars.
01:14:15I'd take it off her finger before she tries to run away with it.
01:14:17Monica, I've warned you. Security.
01:14:19Grandpa is like family to me.
01:14:21He invited me here and I deserve to be here.
01:14:23Right, Grandpa?
01:14:24Austin, Monica has been essential to us this year,
01:14:27so let her stay for the party.
01:14:30Let's open the rome conté.
01:14:32Oh, I don't know.
01:14:33She might steal it and try to sell it because she's so cheap.
01:14:36If you say one more word about my fiancée,
01:14:38even my grandpa won't be able to protect you.
01:14:42Only a few people had access to the code on this safe.
01:14:46Nobody here needs the money, except you, Grace.
01:14:50She stole the rome conté.
01:14:56She stole the rome conté.
01:14:59She makes a point.
01:15:01She's a liar.
01:15:03She's a liar.
01:15:05She's a liar.
01:15:07She's a liar.
01:15:10She makes a point.
01:15:12If she sells the wine and the ring on her finger,
01:15:15she's set for life.
01:15:17You do realize spreading false accusations
01:15:19has legal consequences, Monica?
01:15:21If you continue to slander my fiancée,
01:15:23my lawyers will make sure you end up in jail.
01:15:25That's your back.
01:15:27If you're innocent, why don't you let us do a little search?
01:15:29So you can frame me? No.
01:15:31If you didn't steal it, what's the harm?
01:15:33Okay, if you insist.
01:15:35Grace, you don't have to do this.
01:15:37I haven't done anything wrong.
01:15:39There's nothing to hide.
01:15:41Everyone, follow me.
01:15:46Subtle as bullshit, once and for all.
01:15:48That bitch is going down tonight.
01:15:51Austin can't marry a thief.
01:15:53Say goodbye to being Mrs. Beaufoy, Gracie.
01:16:08Sir, these are the wines we prepared for today.
01:16:16I knew it.
01:16:18She took the bottles.
01:16:20Grandpa, you can't have trash like this in your family.
01:16:22How can you prove that I stole them?
01:16:24Of course, you wouldn't have the decency to admit it.
01:16:26Unfortunately, there are no cameras to prove otherwise.
01:16:28So you used the lack of cameras to pin it on me.
01:16:31Grace couldn't have stolen the bottles
01:16:33because she doesn't know the password.
01:16:35That's what the judgment of the winery does.
01:16:38What exactly are you insinuating?
01:16:40I have a witness.
01:16:47It's her.
01:16:48She asked me to assist her,
01:16:50and she was selling the black market,
01:16:52and we split the profits.
01:16:53I have never seen this man in my life.
01:16:55This was just a long con.
01:16:57Poor Mr. Beaufoy.
01:16:58We have an eyewitness and physical evidence.
01:17:00What else do we need? Get rid of her.
01:17:02Grace, I can have them leave him.
01:17:04I can't watch.
01:17:07It's just about to get interesting.
01:17:12Monica, so you're saying that I attempted
01:17:14to steal these two bottles of Romani Conti
01:17:16and then hired that man to help me sell them on the black market?
01:17:20You seduced Austin and then stole from his family.
01:17:23So my fiancé, who is the heir to an estate worth billions,
01:17:26and I supposedly stole wine worth tens of thousands
01:17:30and would split the profits with that man?
01:17:32So if this is some elaborate con like you say it is,
01:17:36why blow it all in 10K?
01:17:39Well, she makes a point.
01:17:41Because it's not about money.
01:17:44It's about revenge.
01:17:46You don't love Austin.
01:17:48You're mad at him for leaving you for a year,
01:17:50so you wanted to embarrass him and make a profit off of it.
01:17:53You're out of your mind.
01:17:54By the way, you said that there's no cameras,
01:17:56but what if I told you that there is video footage
01:17:58proving my innocence?
01:18:05That's impossible.
01:18:07What if I told you that there is video footage
01:18:09proving my innocence?
01:18:11Okay, you have to let me go get ready to meet your grandpa.
01:18:14No, I'm never going to let you go.
01:18:16I'd keep you in my pocket if I could.
01:18:18I could take a bath in your wine glass.
01:18:20Do not distract me by talking about you being naked.
01:18:48Want to see the video, Monica?
01:18:54Want to see the video, Monica?
01:19:03I think it's pretty clear who stole the wine.
01:19:05And I've already called the police.
01:19:07Laurent, I've been suspicious of you and your daughter
01:19:09stealing from our winery's warehouse for years.
01:19:12Only the winery's management has the passwords
01:19:14to the cellars where we keep the expensive bottles.
01:19:16And since Laurent's tenure as manager,
01:19:19bottles worth billions have gone missing.
01:19:22So I opened an investigation,
01:19:24and it's very clear that you and your father
01:19:26are the real thieves, Monica.
01:19:29Please, I cannot go to prison.
01:19:31I've worked for you for 40 years.
01:19:33If you needed help, I'd have given you money.
01:19:36But you stole from me.
01:19:37I was like your son.
01:19:39I managed the vineyard.
01:19:40Everything was fine until your bastard grandson came along.
01:19:44But the employees, they all love me.
01:19:46You send me to prison, I'll turn them against you.
01:19:49Austin, he's right.
01:19:51We don't want revolt on our hands.
01:19:53Just calm down.
01:19:54Grandpa, you can't let this man near our winery.
01:19:57Grandpa, you can't let this man near our family.
01:19:59You don't know what he's done.
01:20:00After I was suspicious of him, I demoted him.
01:20:03But he's also the one that had my father and brother killed.
01:20:08That was an accident.
01:20:09In a van driven by someone you hired.
01:20:18In a van driven by someone you hired.
01:20:21Mr. Jones, I can confirm that both Mr. Buffoy
01:20:24and his son didn't make it.
01:20:26Okay, you're absolutely certain it looked like an accident?
01:20:29No doubt, sir.
01:20:32The remainder of your fee will be wired to you soon.
01:20:35Pleasure doing business with you.
01:20:37Now God will leave the winery to me.
01:20:40The sooner he dies, the better.
01:20:46Sir, there's been a bit of a problem.
01:20:49Were you aware that Pierre Buffoy
01:20:51has a bastard son in the States?
01:20:55After my team concluded their investigation,
01:20:57we found your ties to mafia gangs, Loren.
01:21:00And you've been stealing from our family for years.
01:21:03And you also arranged the death of my father and brother.
01:21:07How did you?
01:21:08You killed my son.
01:21:11You killed my grandson.
01:21:14You will pay.
01:21:15Oh, don't worry, Grandpa.
01:21:17I'll have them taken care of.
01:21:19No, Austin, you can't.
01:21:22I'm pregnant.
01:21:26I'm pregnant.
01:21:32I've been waiting for the right time to tell you, but...
01:21:38I'm two months.
01:21:39What? I would never touch you.
01:21:42You don't remember?
01:21:44You were so drunk.
01:21:47Grace, I know you didn't want to believe me, but...
01:21:49take a look.
01:21:50Well, that doesn't prove it's mine.
01:21:53I knew you would deny it.
01:21:56I didn't know if we would ever be together again, but...
01:22:00took a photo, wanted a memory, so...
01:22:02here it is.
01:22:05Grace was dumb enough to think Austin was cheating the first time.
01:22:08She'll fall for it again.
01:22:10Grandpa, I don't want anything from your family.
01:22:13I just want this baby, your bloodline,
01:22:16to be safe and taken care of.
01:22:20If there really is a child,
01:22:22I'll make sure that happens.
01:22:26Austin, is what she's saying true?
01:22:28Grace, I promise it's not. You have to believe me.
01:22:33Grace, I promise it's not. You have to believe me.
01:22:37Of course, I believe you.
01:22:39Remember, I stand by you, you stand by me.
01:22:45Austin, if this is true,
01:22:47that baby's family, the next boy for you,
01:22:50and regardless of your marital status,
01:22:53the mother needs to be provided for and protected.
01:22:57That is our duty.
01:22:59Grandpa, I would never have a baby with this monster.
01:23:03Austin, our baby needs a home.
01:23:05What are you going to do,
01:23:06have him be a bastard like your father let you be?
01:23:09You're evil.
01:23:10Unless there's a real doctor here,
01:23:11no one can tell my records are fake.
01:23:13Once this is done, I'll bribe a doctor
01:23:15and find a way to actually get pregnant.
01:23:19Monica, you said he was so drunk he could barely stand up.
01:23:23It's none of your business.
01:23:24How can a man who can barely stand get a woman pregnant?
01:23:27Unless you're taking advantage of him.
01:23:30That makes sense.
01:23:31Austin doesn't have a hard time keeping it up for me.
01:23:34Must be you problem.
01:23:35So you're two months pregnant,
01:23:37you are taking the proper precautions
01:23:38to make sure the baby's healthy, right?
01:23:39Who are you to ask me that?
01:23:41Well, it's just that I've been seeing you do a lot of drinking
01:23:43and smoking today.
01:23:44I mean, you could have had a miscarriage,
01:23:46but you don't seem to be worried about that.
01:23:48I think you're lying.
01:23:49You're jealous of me.
01:23:51Sorry to interrupt,
01:23:52but we do have a prenatal nurse here.
01:23:55Who? Who is that?
01:23:56It's Frank.
01:23:58I am.
01:24:00I am not letting some random quack examine me.
01:24:04I am not letting some random quack examine me.
01:24:07Chill out, Mama.
01:24:10I have some pregnancy test samples from work.
01:24:12End this and just take one here and now.
01:24:16I have reports.
01:24:18And I'm not peeing on some dirty stick for you.
01:24:23As a health care practitioner,
01:24:26I can confirm that no hospital would issue
01:24:28pregnancy records like these.
01:24:30And these ultrasounds have someone else's name on them.
01:24:36How could you stoop so low?
01:24:38Mark, let's get her out of here
01:24:40and hire a lawyer to file a restraining order
01:24:42against both of you.
01:24:43I need a lawyer to file a restraining order
01:24:45against both her and Lorraine.
01:24:47I never want to see either of them ever again.
01:24:50Austin, you can't do this.
01:24:51That's not fair.
01:24:52We should be like family.
01:24:53My father has worked for you for 40 years.
01:24:55Come on, does that mean nothing to you?
01:24:57I've given my entire life to you, Austin.
01:24:59That's really not fair.
01:25:04Are you okay?
01:25:05I didn't know that was a lot for you.
01:25:06I'm fine.
01:25:07I'm just mad at myself for believing
01:25:09Monica's lies before.
01:25:10No, it really wasn't your fault.
01:25:12I should have been honest with you about my family.
01:25:14It's just I thought if you found out
01:25:16I was some bastard's son
01:25:18that you would leave me like my dad.
01:25:21Austin, I don't care about any of that.
01:25:24I know.
01:25:25It's just that growing up,
01:25:26I was this rumor that people would gossip about
01:25:30and I just wanted to be accepted.
01:25:32But going forward,
01:25:33I'm going to be completely honest with you.
01:25:35There will be no more secrets between us.
01:25:37And I promise to do the same.
01:25:39And we will age together like fine wine
01:25:41and our impurities will make us stronger.
01:25:51You know,
01:25:52that blend is actually really special.
01:25:56We started working on it last year
01:25:58and I named it after a very important person.
01:26:06It's called Amazing Grace.
01:26:09You named it after me?
01:26:12Every time I would get tired or I'd miss you,
01:26:15I'd start working on it.
01:26:17And I just hope that one day
01:26:20if we never got back together,
01:26:22a bottle would make its way to you
01:26:24and you'd think about me.
01:26:26And it starts bitter,
01:26:28but it ends in sweetness,
01:26:30just like us.
01:26:33I love it.
01:26:34I really do.
01:26:39We are on the ground
01:26:41at what's been called
01:26:42the wedding of the century.
01:26:44Globally renowned,
01:26:45vendored heir,
01:26:46Austin Beaufoy,
01:26:47is live streaming his wedding
01:26:49to Grace Mitchell
01:26:50for the whole world to see.
01:26:52This much anticipated wedding
01:26:54is finally here.
01:26:55It was supposed to be me.
01:26:57I should be Mrs. Beaufoy!
01:27:05We can't hire you.
01:27:08You're on the blacklist.
01:27:11Austin Beaufoy is live streaming his wedding
01:27:13to Grace Mitchell
01:27:14for the whole world to see.
01:27:15Shouldn't you be working?
01:27:29I've been dreaming of this moment for so long
01:27:31and if I'm dreaming,
01:27:33please don't wake me up.
01:27:35I won't.
01:27:36I promise I'll stay in it with you forever.
01:28:07It's like a Cinderella story come to life.
01:28:10Oh, she's not a princess.
01:28:12She's a queen.
01:28:14Oh, my God.
01:28:15Is that the bouquet?
01:28:16I heard it's damaged in there.
01:28:18Elena, take it down the lodge, okay?
01:28:19That bouquet is mine.
01:28:21Hey, this is my spot.
01:28:37And we will open this on our 20th anniversary.
01:28:41You know what?
01:28:42Make it 30.
01:28:44So, did you enjoy the vineyard wedding,
01:28:47Mrs. Beaufoy?
01:28:48You know, I would say it was pretty magical,
01:28:50Mr. Beaufoy,
01:28:51but what really matters is I get to spend
01:28:53the rest of my life with you.
01:28:55And I get to spend the rest of my life
01:28:57giving you nothing but the best.
01:29:01How many times do I have to tell you?
01:29:03I don't need the best.
01:29:05It's not about the wine.
01:29:06It's about who you drink it with.
01:29:08Well, I'm gonna save a case of this
01:29:10for our kids and our grandkids
01:29:13to drink long after we're gone.
01:29:15Oh, so we're having kids.
01:29:16Yeah, and, um,
01:29:17I would like to start on that right away.
01:29:20Oh, of course.
01:29:27I love you.
01:29:28I love you, too.
