Scott Adkins In DEATH DROP

  • last week
An ex-soldier must protect his sister and his niece from a powerful drug cartel who are searching for a flash drive. He must not only contend with the criminals, but also a corrupt sheriff with a crew of unquestioning deputies.
00:01:20I can't be so...
00:01:26Same as you, asshole.
00:01:41Hey, cuidado!
00:03:03¡Ahí vienen!
00:03:10Open it.
00:03:19If I find out that she's hurt,
00:03:22or you even so much as fucking touched her,
00:03:24then I'm gonna make you pay.
00:03:26You didn't touch her arms.
00:03:27I swear, nobody did.
00:03:29Nobody did.
00:03:40Hailey, it's your uncle, Colton.
00:03:43You remember me?
00:03:46I'm here to get you home, sweetheart.
00:03:48Are you hurt?
00:03:49No, I'm not hurt.
00:03:52You sure?
00:03:54Nobody's hurt or touched you in any way?
00:03:57Please, just get me out of here.
00:03:58I told you, nobody touched her.
00:04:00Yeah, and for that, you're gonna get off easy.
00:04:03Be back in a second.
00:04:29Okay, we're safe now, all right?
00:04:36I'm gonna need you to keep your eyes closed for me, okay?
00:04:39There's things out there that you don't need to see.
00:04:42Okay, I'll see you.
00:04:48Come on.
00:04:49That's it.
00:05:28You're welcome.
00:05:36Those guys...
00:05:40Why did they take me?
00:05:43You're gonna have to ask your dad, then.
00:05:52Nah, stepdad.
00:06:28I know it wasn't another cartel.
00:06:30They would never choose a gringo.
00:06:37The girl...
00:06:41Who was she?
00:06:42The daughter of our contact in Viena, Wales.
00:06:52Walt Reynolds.
00:06:55He put Manuel Paquete in the last delivery we made at his ranch.
00:07:01He thought he was robbing us, so we took the girl.
00:07:05He tried to kill us,
00:07:07and we killed them.
00:07:13And yes.
00:07:14When he stole the package, he said he lost it.
00:07:18Your nephew knew he was lying,
00:07:20that's why he told us to take the girl.
00:07:23To make him suffer a little.
00:07:27I think he even liked the girl.
00:07:29My brother could have any whore he wanted.
00:07:34Why the fuck would he care about a gringo girl?
00:07:38That's not what happened.
00:07:40He didn't want to let her go.
00:07:42He wanted to protect her.
00:07:49And let me guess.
00:07:51The key.
00:07:53To the room.
00:07:55Where this poor girl was kept.
00:07:59Is it also in the chain?
00:08:06With the record.
00:08:10I don't know.
00:08:12You don't know?
00:08:13Why don't you know?
00:08:15He must have taken the fucking gringo.
00:08:18Now he's a fucking gringo.
00:08:29It's okay.
00:08:31Everything is okay.
00:09:03I can't stop thinking about you.
00:09:22Oh my God.
00:09:26Are you all right, sweetheart?
00:09:28I was so worried about you.
00:09:30Did they hurt you?
00:09:32Okay, okay.
00:09:36I had nowhere else to turn.
00:09:38I didn't do it for you.
00:09:40Or that asshole husband of yours.
00:09:42I did it for her.
00:09:44But you still did it.
00:09:47Well, the men I did it to are gonna have friends, Angie, and they'll be coming, so...
00:09:51Better go get your stuff together.
00:09:59You're chasing bad guys, Dad?
00:10:04Well, I know you're doing your best.
00:10:11Look, Weston, I gotta go, but I'll see you at the game later tonight, okay?
00:10:15I love you.
00:10:16I love you too, Dad.
00:10:20I thought I was the only one dealing with Victor these days.
00:10:23Victor is dead.
00:10:26I'm sorry to hear that, Senor Garcia.
00:10:29He play roulette, a young man's game.
00:10:32A bullet one.
00:10:34Regardless, it seems that Walt Reynolds may have a houseguest.
00:10:38I would like to speak with him about it.
00:10:41Yeah, look, with all due respect, I can't do this anymore.
00:10:46You're still receiving our payments, yes?
00:10:50Well, with all due respect, Sheriff, I am not Santa Claus delivering gifts without expecting anything in return.
00:10:57Tu sabes.
00:10:58I'm listening.
00:10:59I want you to go to Walt's place.
00:11:02And I want you to detain him, this guest, if he's there.
00:11:05With Walt and his daughter.
00:11:07And I'll be down there shortly.
00:11:09And I will deal with them myself.
00:11:11Yeah, who is this houseguest, anyway?
00:11:14I'm sending you his picture now.
00:11:30That's Colt McCready.
00:11:32He's Walt's wife's brother.
00:11:34Do you know this man?
00:11:36Yes, I do.
00:11:38He was a soldier, but no one's seen him around for a few years.
00:11:41He's been on the run.
00:11:42Well, this gringo killed some of my men.
00:11:45Y mi sobrino.
00:11:50I have my own way of delivering justice.
00:12:00Uncle Colton?
00:12:05I, uh, have a clean shirt for you.
00:12:13You know, I hardly remember you.
00:12:17I spent a lot of time overseas.
00:12:20I remember we went hunting once.
00:12:24A lot of time overseas.
00:12:27I remember we went hunting once.
00:12:30You remember that?
00:12:31Yeah, you shot a deer.
00:12:34Yeah, that was before your dad died.
00:12:37That was before a lot of things.
00:12:39Before Walt.
00:12:44Yeah, well, I didn't exactly have a lot of options.
00:12:48Well, there's always options.
00:12:54You must have thought I was easy, but I'm not easy.
00:12:57I'm a beast, you call it, and I'm a bullseye.
00:13:00You don't know that Jose is a dangerous man.
00:13:03You can't resist him, he's a dangerous man.
00:13:06Fuck that!
00:13:07I'm with my team, I'm with my team.
00:13:09I'm number one, no doubt.
00:13:12I'll be the best, I'll be the best.
00:13:14The studio's coming in all directions, so listen.
00:13:17I'm too shy.
00:13:18Look, look, Jose's got a mirror behind his back.
00:13:21I'm loaded and ready for any fucking rum attack.
00:13:24I'm ready to be masticado para masticar.
00:13:27Every time I make you look at me, it's like you're too hard.
00:13:30Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:33I got the wonderful friends for when you bring it on.
00:13:36Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:37Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:38Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:39Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:40Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:41Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:42Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:43Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:44Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:45Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:46Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:47Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:48Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:49Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:50Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:51Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:52Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:53Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:54Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:55Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:56Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:57Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:58Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:13:59Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:00Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:01Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:02Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:03Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:04Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:05Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:07Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:08Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:09Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:10Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:11Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:12Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:13Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:14Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:15Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:16Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:17Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:18Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:19Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:20Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:21Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:22Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:23Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:24Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:25Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:26Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:27Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:28Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:29Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:30Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:31Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:32Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:33Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:34Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:35Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:36Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:37Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:38Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:39Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:40Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:41Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:42Yo soy Marillero, soy capitán.
00:14:43I told you you shouldn't have called.
00:14:56You got any idea of the shitstorm that's going to rain down on us now?
00:14:59I had to do something, Walt.
00:15:01For all I knew, you were in hiding and you were never coming back.
00:15:04And who could blame you, after you screwed over the people that you did?
00:15:08What are you talking about?
00:15:10I had everything under control.
00:15:12You can't even control your own five senses.
00:15:16Get in the car.
00:15:17We're leaving.
00:15:18I'm not going anywhere with you.
00:15:23How many people you ghost trying to get her back here, huh?
00:15:28They ain't safe here no more.
00:15:30None of us are.
00:15:31You listen to me.
00:15:33My sister and her kid are going to put you and this place in the past.
00:15:36You are never going to see them again, understand?
00:15:40Now look, I already gave them back what they thought I took.
00:15:47I didn't even think they'd miss it.
00:15:49I gave it back.
00:15:50They were supposed to give her back.
00:15:52Yeah, well, they didn't.
00:15:53This is all your fault, goddamn son of a bitch.
00:15:59Angela, listen.
00:16:02I told you I was going to get her back.
00:16:04You got to believe me.
00:16:07I came back here for you.
00:16:09For both of you.
00:16:10So we can all get the hell out of here.
00:16:14Goodbye, Walt.
00:16:18We're going.
00:16:20Come on, Hanley.
00:16:37This ain't right.
00:16:41This is our home.
00:16:42Well, you should have thought about that before shacking up with that son of a bitch.
00:16:48How dare you put this on me?
00:16:50Oh, what, like you didn't know?
00:16:51Don't give me that.
00:16:52You know.
00:16:54Maybe not everything, maybe not the ins and outs, but you ain't stupid.
00:17:00With me, he found a piece of property where he could make some money running drugs across
00:17:04the border.
00:17:06But without it, we would have lost this place a long time ago.
00:17:08Our family put their lives into this place, and you let him run it into the ground.
00:17:15What was I supposed to do?
00:17:17Jim died and Haley was left without a father.
00:17:20God bless him.
00:17:22He was a good man.
00:17:24But he left me with bills and debts that I couldn't pay.
00:17:27And where were you?
00:17:29Away doing God knows what.
00:17:48Ain't no good ever come from me talking to the police, Angie.
00:17:51Ain't no good gonna come from me talking to these here.
00:17:55Quick, hide in there.
00:17:57Come on.
00:17:58These are cops, not cartel.
00:18:00I'll take care of this.
00:18:01All right.
00:18:12I'll get back to you, and then you take Haley and you get the hell out of here.
00:18:21Is everything gonna be all right?
00:18:28Son of a bitch.
00:18:59Come on.
00:19:04Morning, Angela.
00:19:09How's it going out here?
00:19:16What the hell is all this about, Sheriff?
00:19:18Well, Walt, unfortunately, it's about I'm gonna have to put you under arrest.
00:19:26What for?
00:19:29This is bullshit.
00:19:30I didn't do anything.
00:19:34Why you stirring the pot, Calloway?
00:19:36Me and you were cool.
00:19:40I'm afraid there's no getting around the stirring.
00:19:43Ain't my call.
00:19:52All right, give me your hand.
00:19:53Let's go.
00:19:55Look, you'll never see my ass again, all right?
00:19:58Just tell him I wasn't here.
00:20:00Come on.
00:20:08What exactly brought you and your boys out here?
00:20:10Come on.
00:20:11Damn it, Sheriff.
00:20:12Hey, just listen to me.
00:20:13Get over here, damn it.
00:20:15Where's Colt, Angela?
00:20:17Where is he?
00:20:20I haven't seen my brother in years.
00:20:24Harboring a fugitive is a hefty crime.
00:20:28What is it you think Colt did, Sheriff?
00:20:32Well, word is Walt here hired him to cut down some people over in Sonoma.
00:20:37Hey, I had nothing to do with that.
00:20:39Get him out of here.
00:20:40That was all her idea.
00:20:41Get him out of here.
00:20:42God damn it.
00:20:47They kidnapped my daughter.
00:20:52Sheriff, they had it coming.
00:20:54Wait, kidnapping?
00:20:56Is this true?
00:20:58Look, Sheriff, I don't know what the hell's going on here,
00:21:01but if what she says is true, we should be getting this girl some help and trying to figure this shit out.
00:21:05Relax, we'll call Dr. Braces and have her come down here.
00:21:08Calloway, you're not the Sheriff, Wyatt.
00:21:10Am I clear?
00:21:12Don't ever question my authority.
00:21:15Since when do we give a shit about what goes on across the line?
00:21:18Since it trailed its blood back over into Santa Cruz County, that's when.
00:21:25And your brother killed a couple of cops over there to boot.
00:21:28Then they were dirty if he did.
00:21:30Colton may be a lot of things, but he ain't a cop killer.
00:21:33And you know it.
00:21:35Not for no reason.
00:21:36Angela, there's warrants out for Colt's arrest.
00:21:40Have been. You know that.
00:21:41But just because I know him doesn't mean that I'm going to stop doing my job.
00:21:45I'm the law down here.
00:21:46Now, where is he?
00:21:49I told you, I ain't seen him.
00:21:52He's in the bunkhouse.
00:21:54Colt, he's in the bunkhouse.
00:21:56He's the one you want, not me.
00:22:07You asshole.
00:22:21I'm going to figure out what the hell is really going on here, somehow.
00:22:24All right?
00:22:26Come on.
00:22:37Come on, let's go.
00:22:39Stay back here until we get sound, all right?
00:22:49Colt, it's Jasper Calloway. It's been a while.
00:22:53Now, we know you're in there.
00:22:56We just want to talk.
00:23:06Come on, Colt.
00:23:07Come out with your hands up and nobody else has to get hurt, including you.
00:23:21Colt, this is your final warning. I'm coming to you as a friend.
00:23:29All right.
00:23:30Wyatt, Logan, go in there and drag his ass out.
00:23:38Come on.
00:23:41What his sister said was true.
00:23:43He won't try and kill you.
00:23:45Angela's first husband, he used to be sheriff.
00:23:50Him and Colt were close.
00:23:52Cop killing ain't his thing.
00:23:54Not if he ain't done dirt.
00:23:57Is that why we're here, Sheriff?
00:23:59Is he going to kill you?
00:24:02Wyatt, why don't you just do your job and I'll do mine, huh?
00:24:18Look, please don't hurt him.
00:24:20He saved my life.
00:24:22He saved my life.
00:24:30You're the ones who should worry about getting hurt.
00:24:33I can do this, Sheriff.
00:24:52Come on.
00:24:58That's good.
00:25:28Colt, don't make me shoot!
00:25:49Don't shoot!
00:25:50Get him back alive.
00:26:15We're going to get him.
00:26:20Where the hell is he?
00:26:21Just keep looking.
00:26:28Over there!
00:26:29It's almost a bit.
00:26:30Now I gotcha.
00:26:31Now I gotcha.
00:26:48There you are.
00:26:56What would you have done if someone had taken your boy, huh, Jasper?
00:26:59I would have called the police.
00:27:00Let's go.
00:27:01Your phone, please.
00:27:08Can't we at least cut some kind of deal here now, huh, Calloway?
00:27:11I mean, we've technically both been working for the same spicks, right?
00:27:15I already made my deal, Walt.
00:27:17Calloway, come on, man.
00:27:19I gave you Colt.
00:27:20I just want to go.
00:27:22We all make deals.
00:27:23Will you at least tell Senor Garcia when he gets here that I tried to help catch the guy that 86'd his man?
00:27:29Can you do that?
00:27:30Will you at least do that for me?
00:27:33Shut up, Walt.
00:27:53Oh, my God!
00:28:24Oh, my God!
00:28:25Oh, my God!
00:28:26Oh, my God!
00:28:27Oh, my God!
00:28:28Oh, my God!
00:28:29Oh, my God!
00:28:30Oh, my God!
00:28:31Oh, my God!
00:28:33Come in, boys.
00:28:34Did you get him yet?
00:28:36Still working on it, Calloway.
00:28:37We're on his ass.
00:28:39What's really happening here, Jasper?
00:28:44Sometimes we just get in over our heads.
00:28:54Come on.
00:29:06We all have a part to play, Angela.
00:29:09Whether we like it or not.
00:29:20I'm going to shoot his tires.
00:29:21Okay, what the hell are you waiting for?
00:29:42The tires, damn it! Not the window!
00:29:52Oh, my God!
00:30:09Where the hell did he go?
00:30:43So, does Walt have a houseguest?
00:30:46McCready took off toward them hills back there.
00:30:48My deputies are in pursuit as we speak.
00:30:51This hombre killed some of my best soldiers, Sheriff.
00:30:55A few of you guys might just not got it.
00:30:58Reina, vete con Cruz.
00:31:01Y busca al gringo.
00:31:03Senor Garcia, sir.
00:31:05I just want to apologize.
00:31:07See, I didn't have nothing to do with any of this.
00:31:10This is all my wife's doing.
00:31:12This has all just been some big misunderstanding.
00:31:15Apology accepted.
00:31:30Apology accepted, Reinos.
00:31:34If you could tell me about the drive,
00:31:37my nephew Victor wore around his neck.
00:31:42The what?
00:32:03You go this way.
00:32:05I'm gonna go back.
00:32:31Get out.
00:32:36Get out.
00:32:48I can see why my nephew went so crazy.
00:32:51Don't you touch her.
00:32:55Please don't hurt us.
00:32:57Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:32:58Don't make me.
00:33:01Listen, listen, listen.
00:33:03Let's talk.
00:33:05I'm sorry my nephew has taken you, okay?
00:33:07I'm sorry.
00:33:09It's not something I ever would have allowed
00:33:11if I've ever known.
00:33:14I put Victor in charge for a reason, though.
00:33:17He's very smart most of the time.
00:33:20I trusted him.
00:33:24I had him keep this chain.
00:33:26Keep this chain around his neck.
00:33:33You're safe now, all right?
00:33:38Do you know what I'm talking about?
00:33:45The one with the flash drive.
00:33:48So you have seen it.
00:33:53It's not something I ever would have allowed.
00:33:56It's something that everyone wears.
00:34:01Do you know where it is?
00:34:07It's okay.
00:34:26It's the gringo McCready.
00:34:28Put them in the house.
00:34:42There's the gringo.
00:34:56There's the gringo.
00:35:26Fuck it.
00:35:43You ever shot anybody before?
00:35:47Drop it!
00:35:49Drop the gun!
00:35:56Drop the gun!
00:36:28We got him.
00:36:30You know what to do.
00:36:32Find out if he's got it.
00:36:34If not...
00:36:36Kill him.
00:36:43With pleasure.
00:36:48Friends of yours?
00:36:50I don't got no fucking friends.
00:36:55Hey, gringo!
00:36:57He just went to drive!
00:36:59What the hell is he talking about?
00:37:05What is that?
00:37:08I don't know.
00:37:15All right, they got the high ground.
00:37:16We gotta move.
00:37:19What about my partner?
00:37:21Your partner's dead.
00:37:22You stay here, you're gonna be dead too.
00:38:37You killed my brother.
00:38:41Then I'm gonna kill you, you little bitch.
00:38:42Let's go.
00:40:30Haven't been able to raise my deputies either
00:40:34Do ya gila? Tomen uno de los vehículos y vayan a ver si pueden encontrar a Cruz
00:41:11Man called
00:41:12You said you knew him?
00:41:15Yeah, he saved my life once
00:41:17years ago, I
00:41:19Drove my car into a pond. He saw it pulled me out
00:41:24You ran your car into a pond because you'd been drinking all day
00:41:29But you said he was wanted for what
00:41:35All right, he was a soldier a highly decorated one at that
00:41:41It was a loose cannon. He went crazy in Iraq
00:41:44Put his superior officer in the hospital. They tried to jail him for it. He's been on the run ever since
00:41:51My brother disobeyed an order that would have disgraced him and his uniform something you clearly know nothing about
00:41:59He gave them everything they just turned their back on him
00:42:05He's a gun-for-hire
00:42:07Armed robberies abductions sometimes gets paid to kick people's asses
00:42:12He's a lowlife drifter
00:42:15Stays off the path
00:42:17Impossible to track no real possession some
00:42:21Nothing, he can't walk away from
00:42:24Nothing he can walk away from
00:42:29My brother's coming back for us he's gonna kill all of you
00:43:03Kill him
00:44:15The girls back at the house
00:44:17They still alive
00:44:21The drive what's on it
00:44:28Bank accounts
00:44:34The drivers the only place information exists, it's the only way Garcia can find them
00:44:48Why welcome to you copy
00:45:07Wyatt Logan come in
00:45:20Still no word for my men. They're probably out there lying dead somewhere because of all this soldiers die sheriff
00:45:27They're not your soldiers. They were cops and they were here because of you. What do you think was going to happen? I
00:45:35Didn't have a choice
00:45:37But you had to consider the possibility
00:45:39Look, I told you I don't want to be a part of this anymore. I've done all I can here haven't I?
00:45:45The girls you've got them they're not going anywhere surely your soldiers can take it from here. I
00:45:52Say you earned your salary today. Yes
00:45:59How's your kid these days
00:46:03You don't just walk away from a guy like me sheriff
00:46:07We'll take care of things on our end. You just do your part figure out how to clean up your mess like you always do
00:47:45Know you're out there
00:48:15If you don't come out I will kill them
00:48:31This is your last chance
00:48:33if you don't come out I
00:48:36Will kill your niece
00:48:37Like you killed my nephew
00:49:09You want to drive right you have it maybe
00:49:20Mantengan supposition no say lo que este gringo pueda hacer. Where is it?
00:49:30They go first
00:49:33If you don't have it we could kill you where you stand and then rip it off your corpse
00:49:38You're not in a position to negotiate
00:49:42If I have it
00:49:45You better be sure first
00:50:07The drive
00:51:07Get back
00:51:14Thanks for coming back
00:51:26They killed Walt
00:53:23Come around the back get upstairs
00:53:37We need to try calling someone for help who we gonna call the cops already know we can call state police we can't
00:53:55Colt has warrants. This is not the bad guy here mom. Not today
00:54:44Nuestros hombres
00:55:07Need you to send the state police to 1 1 6 5 4 thing you wrote as fast as you can
00:55:12No, no, wait
00:55:54Sorry, I couldn't make it out to your game today buddy. There was
00:56:07How'd you do
00:56:12I'm gonna have to call you back Weston. Okay
00:56:16Bye, I love you. Bye son
00:56:24What do you got Chelsea
00:56:31Yeah, I sent him out on an errand they're probably out of cell range
00:56:43What else you say
00:56:55Yeah, well, you know how they get out there Waltz probably been drinking that's all
00:57:16Reynolds is your domain. What do you want me to tell her?
00:57:27Get Tom I'll be right out there
00:57:37Sheriff the line went in
00:59:37Tom in La Casa
01:01:16Ellos están entrapados arriba
01:01:29Got ammo. No, you're here. I'm alright. I'm so sorry
01:01:39This is all my fault, I just wanted something better for her, but I could end up getting us all
01:01:44No, no, nobody getting killed here today, but then you understand me, yeah
01:02:54Gringo I just want to drive. Fuck you
01:03:05What the hell is on this thing that he wants it so bad records bank accounts, I don't know drug dealers shit
01:03:15The roof go get out of here just go what about you don't you worry about me? I'll keep them off you
01:03:21No, I already called the state police. They're on their way right now. We'll already be too late. Just get out of here go
01:03:25Get out of here now
01:03:57Just go go
01:04:14Despairing I'll take you
01:06:24Segura td bloquear su camino
01:08:50Hold it drop the gun drop it out out
01:09:53Only need one of you
01:10:20Never should have threatened my son
01:10:27Where's the drive
01:11:40Cut yourselves
01:12:51Your choice
01:13:53Love you, Dad
01:15:22Maybe you can do something with this
01:15:34State police that time
01:15:40Ain't no good ever come for me talking to the police inch
01:15:44Ain't no good gonna come for me talking to these here
01:15:49Hey Cole
01:15:53Don't be such a stranger anymore
01:16:01To get
01:16:13Been standing up like a tree
01:16:16Birds in the sky made a home out of me
01:16:20Walking this road trying to carry this load, you know, sometimes
01:16:25Everybody got to fall down
01:16:31Everybody got to fall down sometime. Everybody got the ball
01:16:38Everybody got to fall down
01:16:48You know that your best friend is so I've got the phone
01:16:55Joe man, you know, we had to fall
