Trouble follows you home as strange happenings once again disquiet the small town of Harvest, Oklahoma. Play as Joni Evers, a self-reliant loner estranged from her family. Much of the massive Cunningham House, where she lives alone, stands forgotten and forsaken. After an unexpected fight with a close friend, Joni comes home one night unprepared for the mystical snare that awaits her. She must face her past to secure her future. But can she do it in time?
00:00Edith, I... No. I'm not sorry. You know what I've been through. How they left me. This
00:19damn house. My family's been here for so long. Now it's just me. I feel like I'm
00:29holding on for something, but I'm not sure what.
00:40The storm must have knocked out the power.
00:45Candles? I didn't light these. Where did this come from?
00:54How do you recognize this?
00:59What's going on?
01:05A big gun. What's a big gun?
01:14If I can't leave, I'll go deeper.