• last year
Over the years, I’ve found that many like to complicate their existence for the sole purpose of looking good from the outside. Let me tell you now that ‘busyness’ is not a great way to live your life.

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00:00Good morning. I come to you from France. I would say as you can see,
00:05but this could be anywhere, but this is a beautiful place.
00:08I actually slept just over there. Wolf is down here. We're pretty relaxed.
00:14It's, it's actually morning. Uh, I wanted to get this video out, uh,
00:20out of my head basically, because yesterday's video,
00:24parasitic complicators had so many people reply to me.
00:29I have a daily email list. So, and I send my, um,
00:32videos via email and had lots of people, uh,
00:36interested in that video and giving me their, um,
00:43ideas of complications, et cetera.
00:47And what I wanted to talk about today, which,
00:50which is a topic that came up in the emails is, um,
00:55why the, why the complexity,
00:58why do people like making things complicated?
01:02My thought process is twofold.
01:05One, I think it's more a case of that.
01:08They don't understand that they're being,
01:11that they're making things complicated. Okay.
01:14Well, you can always learn.
01:16That's what I'm here for in a way with your tech.
01:20Anyway, not life. I'm not a life coach at all.
01:25But the second thing is, I think it's more to do with busyness,
01:30not business, but busyness, meaning people like,
01:35like the air of, like the air of busyness.
01:38They like being busy because they think it portrays that
01:43they're important, that they are busy actually doing stuff,
01:48but all they're doing is busying their life.
01:52So what, what they try to do is make things so overcomplicated.
01:58This is, this is my thought process.
02:00Cause I have seen it as well,
02:02but make things so overcomplicated that people from the outside
02:08see that they're busy.
02:10So they must hire them or must work with them or whatever it is.
02:15It's, it's kind of the keep up with the Joneses,
02:18which is an English saying like, you know,
02:21make sure that you have things that your neighbors can see.
02:24Well, fuck your neighbors. It should be about me, me, me.
02:28It shouldn't be about anyone else.
02:30You should enjoy what you're doing.
02:32And when it comes to your business and the tech and stuff,
02:35you should be able to get your work done without worrying about
02:40showing that you're busy.
02:43Who gives a fuck like why you're busy?
02:47You shouldn't be busy.
02:49You should be enjoying your life and working incidentally to your life,
02:55not the other way around.
02:57So it was really interesting having all that feedback yesterday.
03:01Got me thinking about a few things as well.
03:05So I might make another video about this.
03:08Anyway, I'm going to say goodbye from France.
03:11In fact,
03:12France is so big that I'm going to be in France for the next couple of days,
03:16but I'm making my way back to the office.
03:19Have a great day and I'll see you in the next one.