• last year
00:03Every day we make choices that shape our life story.
00:06What would your life look like if you let godly principles guide those choices?
00:11Over the next week, we'll begin to explore seven principles from my Divine Direction
00:16book to help you find God's wisdom for your daily decisions.
00:20If someone asked you to tell your life story, what would you say?
00:24You might start with where you were born and how you were raised.
00:28You might mention your first love.
00:31Maybe you'd talk about the big move your family made or when you left for college.
00:36If you're married, you might describe how you met your spouse.
00:40If you're not married, you might describe why.
00:43If you're a parent, you might scroll through some photos on your phone and show off your
00:49Or maybe you'd describe your career path.
00:52What's in your story?
00:54Most of us have chapters we'd rather not share with anyone.
00:58Maybe you've ended up somewhere you never wanted to be.
01:02You didn't mean to blow it, but you did.
01:05You made decisions that took you farther than you ever intended to go.
01:09You did some things that cost you more than you ever thought you'd have to pay.
01:14You hurt people.
01:15You compromised your values.
01:18You broke promises.
01:20You did things you feel like you can't undo.
01:23Your story is not over.
01:25It's not too late to change the story you'll tell one day.
01:29There's good news.
01:30Your story is not over.
01:32It's not too late to change the story you'll tell one day.
01:36Regardless of what you've done, your future is unwritten.
01:40You have more victories to win, more friends to meet, more of a difference to make, more
01:45of God's goodness to experience.
01:48Whether or not you like the plot so far, with God's help, you can transform your story into
01:53one you're proud to share.
01:56Here's one way to change your story.
01:58Start something new.
02:00No matter how uncertain, afraid, or stuck you may feel right now, your story continues
02:07What will you start today?
02:08Praying daily with your spouse?
02:11Reading a YouVersion Bible plan every day?
02:14Going to counseling to deal with an unresolved issue?
02:18Living with greater generosity?
02:21Serving at your church or in your community?
02:24Now is a good time to jot it down.
02:27Open your notes and record your thoughts.
02:30Don't overthink this, but do take a moment to get it on paper.
02:35Just a sentence or two.
02:37Ask yourself, what do I need to start doing to move in the direction of the life story
02:41I want to tell?