The Young and the Restless 9-19-24 (Y&R 19th September 2024) 9-19-2024

  • last week
00:00Hi baby girl. Hey dad.
00:14Very sorry we couldn't stick around longer and wait for your mom.
00:19How's Christian's earache? Oh, it's better. Yeah, thanks.
00:23Yeah, I'm sorry I bailed too. Tessa was closing here and then we had an emergency with the
00:28babysitter. So tell us, what happened when Sharon came home? Did you guys talk?
00:37Not exactly. What happened?
00:40It got so late, I went to bed. This morning, she was gone.
00:46Gone? I woke up to a text from her. She came home
00:51last night, packed a bag and took off. I never even heard her.
00:55What do you mean? Where did she go? What did she say?
00:58Madison. For a Cassidy First meeting. That meeting was on my calendar. Why would
01:04she take it instead? I don't know. The only other thing she said
01:09was that she wanted to make sure that whatever is bothering me could wait until she got home
01:13from the trip. At least she was checking on you.
01:18Did you respond to the text? It sounded so rational, so like mom. I think
01:27I messed up, dad. I choked. I told her that it wasn't urgent, that she didn't need to
01:32rush back. If anything happens to mom, it's my fault, isn't it?
01:49You worried that your loving family is going to screech into the parking lot?
01:57No, of course not. They should be. Because your cover story
02:03is flimsy as hell. Well, it was your idea, so you don't get
02:11to criticize me now. No, no, no, sweetheart. This is all on you.
02:17I'm just cheering you on from this lovely, seedy dive of a motel in the very wrong side
02:25of town. Oh, I'm sorry. I mean Madison. Would you shut up?
02:29I'm just making an observation. For someone as smart as you, how could you come up with
02:34such a dumb story? Telling your girls that you have to leave in the middle of the night
02:39for a last minute meeting in Madison? How hard is that to fact check?
02:44Shut up! And they will fact check it, you know, because
02:48your family didn't believe you. And what do you think is going to happen when they find
02:53out you lied?
03:14So, now that Winters is just Winters again, I want to revisit you joining the board.
03:22I'd welcome that. Good.
03:27Oh, hello. Are you two playing hooky?
03:32Just fueling up for the long day. Yeah, how are you doing?
03:37I'm good. How are you doing?
03:40I'm good. How are you doing?
03:43I'm good. How are you doing?
03:47Just fueling up for the long day. Yeah, how are you doing?
03:51Any updates on getting control of the Chancellor again?
03:55Are you still considering taking Billy to court over your wrongful termination?
03:59Well, turns out lawyers might not be necessary. What does that mean?
04:04Has Billy come to his senses? Or has Jill finally stepped in?
04:07Let's just say I have a plan and I am very confident it's going to work out.
04:12Okay. Well, that's good because Billy sounded pretty damn confident in his ability to have success with Abbott Chancellor.
04:19Yeah, well, the difference is I actually have a plan and he's just cocky, which will be his downfall as usual.
04:25Okay. It's nice to hear that you have confidence.
04:28What, you don't think I can make it happen?
04:31I don't even know what you're trying to make happen, but I just don't want you to underestimate what Billy's capable of if he feels threatened.
04:39Alyssa, I need you to be very specific with me. What reason did the CEO of Odyssey 7 give for pulling out of the meeting?
04:48He said he wanted to look over the terms of the contract before he was comfortable with committing. That's exactly what he said.
04:55That means he's bailing on the deal.
05:00This was practically a done deal. So, what happened?
05:05What happened?
05:06Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. We said he was eccentric, right? He's maybe waiting for his biorhythms to be right or the stars to align.
05:16Okay, but I gave him a deal that no one in their right mind would turn down.
05:21So, someone got to him and that someone is someone who hates me and wants to see me fail.
05:29Victor is trying to sabotage this deal.
05:33I mean, who do you think would go to Victor to tell him?
05:37Lily teed it up for him.
05:39Makes perfect sense. Honestly, she wanted to steal the company out from under you.
05:45Now she's mad, so she would have no problem giving Victor some big fat juicy secret about Abbott Chancellor.
05:52And then he runs with it because he wants nothing more than to see me go down, especially if he's pulling the trigger.
05:57Yeah, they have the same vision, the two of them.
06:02They're possibly in this together, Billy.
06:07When Lily was throwing around her threats, I told her she's got nothing to fight with.
06:12And her response was one of bet.
06:15She knew.
06:18She had Victor in her back pocket as her secret weapon.
06:21You know, Billy, even if Lily did align herself with Victor, she's.
06:33And she's not as smart and savvy as she thinks she is.
06:37What do you mean by that?
06:40Remember when you told me.
06:43That Victor warned her about getting out because he was going to come after Abbott Chancellor.
06:49Mm-hmm. Yes.
06:51You know, remember what I said? I said it's very odd that Victor would try to protect someone outside of his family.
07:00But what if it wasn't about that at all?
07:05He set a trap.
07:09If it was just calculated to manipulate her.
07:15I mean, Victor really does fancy himself the master chess player, doesn't he?
07:20So Victor set up Lily in order to use her.
07:24Yeah. I mean, coming to her with all this fatherly advice, you could trust me.
07:33It was just manipulating her with that.
07:37So in turn, she feels loyalty to him.
07:39So she goes to him and arms him with all this Abbott Chancellor intel so he can pull a sneak attack like this.
07:48OK. I mean, that sounds like something Victor would do.
07:51But Lily is smart enough to realize when someone is trying to pull the wool over her eyes and she knows that she can't trust Victor.
08:00Oh, but it's not about being smart or savvy.
08:05She's emotional.
08:09That's her weakness.
08:11She truly thinks that you took this company out from under her. She's not quitting without a fight.
08:21She's not focused.
08:23She's not thinking about the long game.
08:26Or she knows exactly what she's doing and she doesn't care about the fallout, even if it affects her as long as I go down.
08:32Good luck to us trying to prove this. Victor is so good at covering his tracks.
08:37Well, we're going to bet that Lily isn't.
08:39And maybe she'll gloat or maybe I will tick her off so much that she'll let something slip.
08:45At least we'll know we're on the right track.
08:48Do you think it's wise to go to her?
08:51Phyllis, I worked too hard to get this deal done.
08:55A deal that's going to take Abbott Chancellor to the next level.
08:57So I am not going to let Victor or Lily take that away from me.
09:02Billy is way too busy tripping over his own ego to be a threat. Trust me.
09:08Sure, that's usually the case. But don't forget that we've underestimated him before.
09:13Because he came to Chancellor Winters as a temporary replacement for you and then weaseled his way into a C-suite.
09:19And despite our efforts, he pulled that off.
09:22He pushed for the demerger, slapped his name on Chancellor and fired you.
09:27Now he's king of the hill.
09:28My guess is it was his ultimate plan all along.
09:32Well, it's not over yet. And I am not giving up until I'm back where I belong.
09:37Okay. Well, just remember that you have options.
09:41And my offer still stands for you to come back to Winters with us.
09:44It would be great. Our family working together again.
09:49I know. Thank you. I really appreciate the offer.
09:52But I'm not going to let Billy burn in hell.
09:55I'm always in your corner, Lily, but you've got to know this is going to get a lot uglier before it gets better.
10:01That's fine. I'm ready for it.
10:03Genius that you are. There's no guarantee you're going to win.
10:07Look, trust me. Okay. While Billy is going around pretending like he's this master dealmaker, my plan is already in place.
10:15And when he realizes what's happening, it's going to be too late to stop it.
10:19And what exactly are you going to do?
10:22Well, that's fascinating.
10:25What? Who is it?
10:27It's Billy. He wants to meet.
10:30Why does he want to meet you?
10:32Because my plan is already working. Okay.
10:36And he is feeling like he's going to win.
10:40He's feeling like he's going to win.
10:43He's feeling like he's going to win.
10:46He's feeling like he's going to win.
10:48Okay. And he is feeling the heat.
10:54Look, it's absolutely not your fault. Nothing is going to happen to you, Mom.
10:59What if I had just stayed awake?
11:01Yeah, and if we hadn't have left, but you know what? We did. So let's not play the blame game, okay?
11:07When you saw Sharon at the coffeehouse and you told her that we needed her to come home for Faith, did it seem like she had any clue what we were planning?
11:14Like I said, she's with Daniel and she's same contrite, remorseful.
11:22I don't know. It seemed like there was something off about it.
11:27Like it was an act?
11:32What if Mom figured it all out? Left town to avoid us?
11:40Oh, it's from Sharon.
11:42What does it say?
11:44The man that I was supposed to meet with wanted to speak with her directly, so she decided it was best to take the meeting herself.
11:53That's it?
11:55Also, she's sorry for the last minute change in plans and that she didn't let me know sooner.
12:01I mean, it almost sounds legit.
12:03Maybe it is. Maybe Mom felt she needed to do this.
12:07Take the meeting. Prove that she's getting better. That her meds are finally working and she's pulling herself together.
12:14Yeah, I really want to believe that.
12:17But you don't, do you? You think Mom is in trouble.
12:28I'm not saying that Sharon is in trouble, okay?
12:33There's a lot about this situation that makes total sense and there's some that doesn't.
12:40Like her leaving in the middle of the night.
12:43What do you think?
12:46I gotta be honest. For her to leave, spur of the moment on this business trip.
12:52I don't know. I mean, Sharon's a mom first.
12:56Nothing comes before her children.
12:58And for her to leave after I told her that you needed her, doesn't sit well with me.
13:05But I did tell her it was nothing urgent.
13:08After she texted you. After she left town.
13:11So, you are worried.
13:13When you spoke to Sharon at the coffee house, are you sure that she didn't suspect anything?
13:18I don't know. I told her that I would drive her home.
13:21But she insisted on driving her own car. She said she would be right behind me.
13:25And instead, she waited until we were gone.
13:29And Faith was a slave and packed a bag and left.
13:33I'm afraid she may have used this business trip as an excuse to run.
13:40Well, there's only one way to find out.
13:47I had to tell them something, alright?
13:50Nick, those girls, they're smart, they're worried, and they know something's up.
13:57So, you gotta know they're gonna call that hotel in Madison to make sure you showed up.
14:01Oh, I've got that covered. I did a remote check-in for Mike Bones.
14:05So, as far as that hotel is concerned, I'm there.
14:08I don't care what the hotel thinks. It's what Nick thinks that matters.
14:13Faith? Mariah? They're probably calling that hotel right now.
14:20Here's a fun thought.
14:22What happens when Mariah calls the guy that you're supposed to have the meeting with
14:27and he doesn't have any idea what the hell she's talking about?
14:32She's gonna run straight to Nick. And then what are you gonna do?
14:35How are you gonna talk your way out of that or what?
14:37Are you just gonna run away and never come back?
14:39How are you gonna talk your way out of that or what?
14:41Are you just gonna run away and never go home again?
14:44I said stop!
14:46You are in a bind of your own making. It doesn't look good.
14:52Everything was so last minute. I did the best I could.
15:00I'm starting to suspect that it isn't your best.
15:27Lily tried to screw you over and now she's playing victim?
15:31Where'd she get off thinking that she could run your family's company?
15:35Why did Jill give her control anyway?
15:37That's my question. I mean you tried to make it work.
15:40Where'd that get you?
15:42Oh, it got you a knife in your back.
15:46It's Lily.
15:50Unless you're willing to give Chancellor back to me, there's nothing to say.
15:55Give Chancellor back to me?
15:58This is crazy. Where does she get off making demands like this?
16:02I don't know.
16:04But we're gonna find out.
16:08Oh, it's Billy. What a surprise.
16:12Don't you know her?
16:14Are you kidding? And miss what he's gonna say?
16:17I don't think so.
16:21Well, I wasn't sure you'd pick up.
16:23Oh, and miss you telling me that you're in over your head running Abbott Chancellor alone?
16:28Actually, things are going great over here. But we need to meet up.
16:33I'm not gonna waste my time.
16:34Lily, I know what you're up to.
16:38And you're making a serious mistake.
16:46I'm making a mistake? I mean, you're the one who sounds worried. You need some help?
16:52Actually, I'm hard at work here. And let me guess, you're on an all-day coffee break?
16:57I'm gonna hang up now.
16:58Wait, Lily. I'm worried about you and what you're getting yourself into.
17:03Oh, you're worried about me? Where was this worry when you were kicking me out the door?
17:07Believe it or not, I'm trying to give you a lifeline.
17:10No, you fired me. Okay? I don't have time for this.
17:14No, you're gonna have to make time.
17:16Bye, Billy.
17:29So Billy really wants you to believe that he's worried about you?
17:33Does he have reason to be?
17:35No, of course not. Just Billy being Billy. Trust me, I have everything under control.
17:41Are you sure?
17:43Sorry, are you doubting me?
17:45No, I believe in you 100%. You just haven't shared this plan of yours with us.
17:50So, maybe if you do that, we can help you.
18:01Hey, Sharon, it's me. I was just calling to check in about the meeting.
18:09Let me know if you need any help prepping.
18:12Okay, love you. Bye.
18:15What now?
18:20Why don't I go to Madison?
18:23I can track Sharon down. I can see how she's doing.
18:27You just showing up like that, what if it freaks her out and she really takes off?
18:31Well, we don't know for sure that your mom knows we were planning an intervention or that she took off because of it.
18:37I won't let her know that we're concerned. I won't confront her.
18:42I'll just claim that I'm up to speed on the negotiations, see if she needs any backup in the meeting.
18:49We can do the meeting together and then come home together.
18:56What do you think?
18:59How soon can you leave?
19:03Did you just send Mariah's call to voicemail? Boy, you are hitting it out of the park today.
19:09Well, what would I say?
19:12I don't know. I'm fine prepping for the meeting. Everything's under control.
19:18Maybe, I don't know, throw in some mom crap so they maybe believe that you're the mom they want you to be.
19:26I just need some time to think, okay?
19:30Well, for God's sake, I hope you get to the thinking part soon because you are not doing yourself any favors.
19:37Unless this is what you want.
19:42What is that supposed to mean?
19:45Maybe you're trying to get caught.
19:49Oh, that is ridiculous.
19:51But it seems to me like you're intentionally making bad choices.
19:57Trying to give yourself away because we all know what happens then.
20:02Nick the hero rides to the rescue saving little old you yet again.
20:09That is not what I want.
20:13Are you sure, Sharon?
20:15Because I know just how smart you are.
20:20How capable and how when it comes time to bury the knife, you don't hesitate.
20:27So I don't think you'd be making these asinine mistakes if you didn't want to get caught.
20:36Maybe I am not clever enough.
20:41Maybe this whole thing is a disaster.
20:44Obviously, I'm past the point of having any rational thoughts.
20:48Look at me for God's sake. I'm talking to a dead man who once wanted to kill me.
20:52I loved you.
20:55You are a madman who is only in my head.
21:01And maybe the reason why you're here is because I have gone over the edge.
21:06Maybe I do need my family to intervene. Maybe I do need to be put away.
21:11As tough as you are, you don't need to do this alone.
21:15We've got your back, whatever you need.
21:18Well, thank you, but I can handle myself.
21:21We know you can, but it never hurts to have backup.
21:24Look, what I just have some faith that I can hold my own against Billy or anyone else for that matter.
21:30Yeah, sure.
21:32Yeah, I guess we'll then just cheer you on from the sidelines and be ready to celebrate when you have Chancellor back in your hands.
21:37Where it belongs.
21:39Good luck.
21:41Well, thank you, but I don't need luck.
21:49I'm glad I caught you.
21:51Are you for real? Are you actually stalking me now?
21:54No, I just thought I could buy you a cup of coffee.
21:56Okay, don't do that. Don't try and be charming.
21:58And if you think that you're going to bully me, I promise you it's not going to work.
22:01I wouldn't dare do that, Lily.
22:03Okay, great. Well, I'm going to go on my day.
22:05Actually, we need to talk.
22:08Okay, I'll start.
22:12I'm going to get Chancellor back, and you're not going to see it coming.
22:16You know exactly how you're coming at me.
22:19And I'm telling you right now, it's not going to work.
22:25You didn't eat much breakfast.
22:27I'm not hungry.
22:28Hey, um, do you remember that time you were just a tiny little thing,
22:37and you decided that you wanted to spend all night in the backyard by yourself
22:44just to prove you were a big girl?
22:50Mom set you up with that little tent, filled it full of snacks,
22:53gave you a flashlight. Do you remember that?
22:56And I lasted about 20 minutes.
22:59The rustling in the bushes, that owl,
23:03all of those noises seemed so much scarier in the dark.
23:07I couldn't get back to the house fast enough.
23:10And what did your mom do when you came running into the house?
23:14She told me that sometimes it's easier to be brave together.
23:18And she was right.
23:20We were brave together.
23:22And she went outside with me,
23:25and we counted the stars,
23:27and ate the snacks.
23:30And we saw the owl fly, and it was beautiful.
23:33It's one of my favorite memories.
23:37And who made you the best bacon and eggs you've ever had
23:41in your life the next morning?
23:44That's right, it's me.
23:48this family is so much stronger
23:51than any scary noises in the dark.
23:54And your mom is the strongest of all of us,
23:57and the bravest.
23:59Faith, she's gonna be okay.
24:01All right?
24:03We're gonna make sure of that.
24:09Go away!
24:11It's over. I'm done.
24:13I do not want this. I do not want to be crazy.
24:17You finished?
24:19Go away. I want you gone. This is over.
24:22No, you don't, Sharon.
24:25And now that you've gotten all that fear and that anger out of your system,
24:29now we can start the real work.
24:34Like getting you out of my head and getting my sanity back.
24:39Oh, let me ask you,
24:41exactly how happy were you with all that so-called sanity, huh?
24:44A sad, boring little life,
24:47shuffling along, dreaming of the past,
24:50never admitting to yourself what you deserved, what you lost.
24:55But now, your eyes are open.
24:58You know what you want,
25:00and you know what you gotta do to get it.
25:03And that's why I'm not going anywhere.
25:06You need me.
25:08No, I don't.
25:13my one purpose
25:16is your happiness.
25:18How to get it.
25:20And all those ideas bouncing around in your head,
25:23who else can you share those with, huh?
25:25No one. Me.
25:27I shouldn't even be having these ideas.
25:30See, that's your problem right there. Stop judging yourself.
25:32Stop doubting. Stop running.
25:34And let's get to it.
25:39My family...
25:41They are not your salvation, Sharon.
25:44They are your reward.
25:47But in order to get that reward,
25:49you're gonna have to right the wrong that was done all those years ago.
25:54You do that,
25:56and you will have everything you have ever wanted.
26:00Starting with Nick.
26:04You don't know that.
26:06Oh, I do.
26:08I do think about it.
26:09Instead of having to save you,
26:12you're gonna do
26:14what you need to do to save yourself.
26:18And he will see that.
26:21And he'll feel that power.
26:23And he'll be drawn to it.
26:25And he'll realize
26:28he never should.
26:32It kills me to say this, but...
26:36I finally see it.
26:40He never could have loved me.
26:42Did you love him?
26:45And even though I'm dead by your hand,
26:50God help me, I still love you.
26:53And I want you to be happy.
26:56So let me help you with this.
26:59Just think of it as my gift to you.
27:04But so many things could go wrong.
27:07No, no, baby. We won't let that happen.
27:09Because starting now,
27:12you are taking control.
27:15You're gonna make a plan, and you're gonna see it through.
27:19I know that you've got the courage and the strength to make this happen.
27:24I do.
27:26But remember something.
27:28It's just as important
27:31to be smart enough not to get caught.
27:40Shouldn't we step in?
27:43No, I think we should
27:46do what Lily asks and trust that she can handle herself.
27:50She thinks she's got a hand, we'll step in, though.
27:53I mean, really, how desperate are you ambushing me like this?
27:56That's not what this is.
28:00This is a private conversation.
28:02I'm aware of that.
28:04Okay, well, you're still here.
28:06Yes, I'm with him.
28:08I am Abbott Chancellor's new COO.
28:19Are you kidding?
28:21I mean, could you possibly stoop any lower?
28:32I'm sorry, but I can't
28:34imagine anything lower than pretending
28:38to be partners with someone and then screwing them over.
28:42Excuse me?
28:46Billy, he trusted you to run Abbott Chancellor with him,
28:49and what did you do? You double-crossed him.
28:51Okay, you clearly have one side of the story.
28:55You're getting what you deserve.
28:57I'm showing my loyalty.
28:59Something you know very little about.
29:03Your guard dog is trained so well.
29:06Actually, Phyllis agrees with the vision for Abbott Chancellor,
29:11and she's ready to work towards a common goal
29:14without all the interior motives, you know?
29:16Because that's what I'm looking for in a COO,
29:18someone I can trust that won't lie to my face.
29:23Did Chance lie to your face?
29:25Is that why you got rid of him?
29:27Or was he too honest with you about how you can't run Abbott Chancellor without me?
29:29Actually, Chance had very specific expectations on his position at the company,
29:34and I didn't think that he had the experience for that,
29:36so I accepted his resignation, and I wished him well.
29:39Oh, okay. Well, clearly, by your latest hire,
29:42you're surrounding yourself with yes people.
29:45Um, my goodness, for your information, I'm partly—
29:48Actually, you know, Phyllis speaks her mind.
29:51It's one of the things I appreciate about her.
29:54And she's got a fantastic corporate background
29:57and a hell of an IT background.
29:59So I think she's very well prepared to handle the company.
30:03Yeah. Well, I mean, until she decides to fake her own death again,
30:07then I don't know what you're going to do.
30:10But my goodness, that was uncalled for.
30:12If you think that you can trust Phyllis, you're an idiot.
30:15Well, maybe, because I thought I could trust you.
30:18Okay, well, if there's nothing else, I'm going to go now.
30:22No, there is something else, starting with Odyssey 7.
30:24What about Odyssey 7?
30:27Trouble with your negotiations?
30:30Negotiations were going just fine,
30:32until someone got to the CEO, and he started to pull back.
30:36Yeah, he probably saw the numbers again
30:39and realized what a bad deal it is.
30:41No, it's a fantastic deal, and he knew that.
30:44You got to him, Lily.
30:47I got— I got to him?
30:50There was only three people that knew about this plan.
30:51Me, you, and Chance.
30:54And Chance doesn't play dirty.
30:56Oh, but I do.
30:58Well, you said you wanted to fight back,
31:00even though it was well within my rights to fire you, given your betrayal.
31:03So maybe you figured out that if you did take this to the court of law,
31:06you were going to lose. What'd you decide?
31:08You decided to swim big.
31:10And you went to Victor,
31:12trying to convince him to sabotage the deal.
31:14Oh, my God. You think that Victor and I are teaming up?
31:18I mean, Billy, you're so paranoid.
31:21Billy, you know damn well the CEO of Odyssey 7 isn't going to answer your call.
31:25But he definitely will answer Victor's.
31:30Okay, where's your proof for these accusations?
31:33I respected you.
31:36I mean, you were one of the few in the corporate world that had real integrity,
31:39but this move,
31:41taking confidential information to Victor, that's beneath you.
31:45So if there's any chance that you're going to get caught,
31:48if there's any chance for you, you will realize,
31:51and you will be ashamed of what you just did.
32:04What he said.
32:18Is everything he said true?
32:24I mean, can you believe, Billy, like how paranoid he is?
32:28And Phyllis as his COO? I mean, that is ridiculous.
32:33Come on, be straight with us.
32:35Are you really colluding with Victor to take down Billy?
32:40Are you out of your mind?
32:48I'm sorry.
33:19Here it is.
33:22That's the look I've been waiting for.
33:24It needs to be done.
33:26And it's going to work.
33:29It has to.
33:49Hey, Mom, it's me.
33:52Are you in there?
34:04What if I did go to Victor?
34:07The man doesn't help people out of the goodness of his heart.
34:11No, he's like the definition of ruthless.
34:14Okay, well, maybe I need some ruthlessness on my side.
34:16And what if it comes back to bite you?
34:19Our families have known each other for years.
34:22Devon's going to be his son-in-law.
34:24He's been very supportive of my career.
34:26Really, you know, he doesn't care about stuff like that.
34:28He's cut out his own family when it comes to business.
34:30Who the hell are you?
34:32Okay, I am confident that our partnership is going to work.
34:36Your partnership.
34:38You already, you have a deal with him?
34:40Okay, fine.
34:42I will tell you, I am going to help Victor.
34:46Take Billy out.
34:48And take back control of Abbott Chancellor.
34:51And then he's going to reinstate me as CEO.
34:54Did you get that in writing?
34:56Based on my history with the man, I guarantee you he has other plans.
35:01Because you were burned, Nate?
35:03This is a very different situation.
35:05Lily, I've been on the inside.
35:07I've seen the man in action.
35:09Victor is not going after a white well like Chancellor.
35:12And not planning to keep it in the family.
35:14Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Nate.
35:16And whatever he promised you.
35:18Just be careful, will you?
35:20Okay, do you both think that I'm that stupid?
35:23No, nobody thinks you're stupid.
35:25Okay, well I know what I'm doing.
35:27I know what Victor's capable of.
35:29So instead of worrying about me, why don't you have some respect for what I'm capable of?
35:33We do not mean to upset you.
35:35Okay, well then stop underestimating me.
35:37I know what I want and how I'm going to get it.
35:39Okay? I will show you.
35:47Well, Lily definitely tried to play it cool, which is to be expected.
35:51Yeah, she has a chip on her shoulder.
35:54Okay, Phyllis, tell me.
35:56What's your gut say?
35:58Well, she's guilty.
36:00I mean, she's definitely guilty for conspiring with Victor.
36:03So he can torpedo your deal with Odyssey 7.
36:07So he can sink your company before it even has a chance to launch.
36:11I'm right there with you.
36:12What do we do about this?
36:14Before we go there, I just have to say, you showing up at Crimson Lights, I'm not a fan.
36:19I was expecting to have a one-on-one with Lily.
36:21All right, you're not a fan. I'm sorry.
36:23You know what it showed Lily?
36:25It showed that you have reinforcements.
36:28That's one way to look at it.
36:30Yeah, it's the only way to look at it.
36:32Billy, come on.
36:34I'm your wingman.
36:36You know, I'm here for you.
36:38I believe in you.
36:39I believe in this company.
36:41I believe in everything that you stand for.
36:44I'm here through the thick of it.
36:46I'm standing right beside you.
36:49Hell, I'm standing behind you.
36:53Come on, if you have a problem with that, we need to rethink our arrangement.
37:00Something's telling me that we're going to make a very good team.
37:04Oh, there is no team.
37:06A good team.
37:08Oh, there is no doubt in my mind.
37:15I see it now.
37:18This is the only choice I have.
37:23And the scales have fallen from her eyes.
37:35It's Mariah, again.
37:37She's called twice already.
37:39And maybe Andra should better answer.
37:44Hi, sweetheart.
37:46I'm sorry I missed your call.
37:48I'm getting ready for the meeting.
37:50Can I call you back when it's over?
37:53Actually, that's the thing.
37:54I'm here in Madison, outside your hotel room.
37:58Where are you?
