• letztes Jahr
Im neuseeländischen Abentuerfilm Bookworm wird das Leben der 12-jährigen Mildred (Nell Fisher) auf den Kopf gestellt, als ihr ewig abwesender Vater (Elijah Wood), ein abgehalfteter amerikanischer Zauberer, plötzlich wieder vor der Tür steht. Um wieder eine Beziehung zu seiner Tochter herzustellen, schlägt der vor, zusammen in der Wildnis Neuseelands zelten zu gehen und nach dem legendären Canterbury Panther zu suchen.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/bookworm


00:00I'm Mildred, and I'm commonly referred to as a bookworm.
00:05I'm top of my class.
00:07Straight A's all the way.
00:08School is like heaven for me academically and socially.
00:12I'm borderline obsessed to tell the truth.
00:15I like hunting.
00:18Look at this great big burger!
00:19You know, stuff of adventures.
00:22You don't...
00:23Talk like a normal child.
00:25I know.
00:30Mildred, it's me, your dad.
00:32I just flew halfway across the world to be with you, little lady.
00:38Sorry for the whole absent father thing.
00:41What's this?
00:42This is the Canterbury Panther.
00:44No one's ever caught definitive proof.
00:47I could take you.
00:49We leave at first light.
00:54Hey, stick with me. You'll be fine.
00:57You know where you're going, right?
01:00So, what does the average day for an illusionist look like?
01:03I do appearances.
01:05You think it's easy making a hundred balloon animals with Vin Diesel's kids?
01:09What the hell is a Vin Diesel?
01:21I heard a creepy sound.
01:22Really? You're 42, Dad?
01:26What did I ever do to you?
01:27Most daughters see their dads more than once a decade.
01:33It's alright to be scared.
01:35I'll look after you.
01:36Go, go, go!
01:37I can't do it!
01:38Yes, you can!
01:42Nice kitty!
01:44Okay, that's officially the craziest thing I've ever seen.
01:46I know. I'm pretty dressed, too.
01:56So, can I make one thing perfectly clear?
02:00What's that?
02:01This tent is a fart-free zone. Clear?
02:09I'm so sorry.