प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के जम्मू कश्मीर दौरे के बीच उनके लिए कश्मीरी पोशाक फेरन तैयार करने वाले एक किसान की दिलचस्प कहानी सामने आई है। कश्मीर के अनंतनाग जिले के किसान इरशाद हुसैन नायकू ने अपने अनुभव को साझा करते हुए बताया कि, ‘मैं लंबे समय से नरेंद्र मोदी का प्रशंसक हूं और उनसे मिलना चाहता था। 2013 से मैंने उन्हें उपहार देने के लिए पैसे जमा करने शुरू कर दिए। कुछ सालों बाद मैंने प्रधानमंत्री के लिए पारंपरिक कश्मीरी पोशाक फेरन बनाने का फैसला किया। मैंने जो पैसे बचाए थे, उनसे एक अच्छा कपड़ा खरीदा लेकिन एक चुनौती थी कि मुझे पीएम मोदी के शरीर का माप नहीं पता था, फिर मुझे ध्यान आया कि मेरे पिता की कद-काठी प्रधानमंत्री से मिलती-जुलती है। इसलिए मैं अपने पिता को दर्जी के पास ले गया। उनके माप के साथ मैंने उन्हें बताया कि मैं फेरन कैसे बनवाना चाहता हूं। फेरन सिलवाने के बाद मैं प्रधानमंत्री के आवास पर गया, लेकिन सुरक्षा जांच के कारण मैं उनसे नहीं मिल पाया, इसलिए मैं कश्मीर लौट आया और कुरियर से फेरन भेजा। कुछ दिन बाद, मुझे एक कॉल आया। कॉल करने वाले ने मेरा विवरण पूछा और कहा कि क्या मैं प्रधानमंत्री के आवास पर गया था तो मैंने कहां, ‘हां’ फिर फोन करने वाले ने मुझे बताया कि वह प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय से हैं और प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने वह फेरन पहना हुआ है जो मैंने उन्हें उपहार में दिया था। दरअसल, प्रधानमंत्री कश्मीर में एक रैली को संबोधित करने आए थे और यहां उन्होंने वही फेरन पहना हुआ था जो मैंने भेजा था।
#narendramodi #pmmodi #srinagar #jammukashmirnews #kashmiripheran
#narendramodi #pmmodi #srinagar #jammukashmirnews #kashmiripheran
00:00In 2013, I thought about how I could meet the Prime Minister.
00:05I then thought about how I could save money.
00:10After 4-5 years, I saw how much money I had saved.
00:15What was I going to do with it?
00:17After that, I got the idea that there is a change in our culture.
00:22After that, I thought why not make a change for my Prime Minister.
00:27Then, I bought clothes from there.
00:29First, I chose which one to buy.
00:31Then, I was worried about how to get the measurements.
00:36From where should I get it?
00:37I didn't even know how much measurement would be required for our Prime Minister.
00:43After that, it occurred to me that my father has a similar body structure to the Prime Minister.
00:53So, I told my father to come with me.
00:56We will go to the tailor.
00:58I have to get something made.
01:01I told him to take the measurements for the dress and the pyjama.
01:05The tailor took the measurements.
01:08After that, I gave him the clothes.
01:10I told him to make it like this.
01:13After that, I went to the tailor again.
01:15He made it for me and gave it to me when I came back home.
01:19Then, I had to go to Delhi to give it to him.
01:23I again started my journey to Delhi.
01:26After that, I started thinking about how to give it to him.
01:29Then, I thought why not go to PMO Redency.
01:34I will give it to him there.
01:36There was security there.
01:38I said that I had to go inside.
01:41This is a gift for our PM.
01:44I brought it from Kashmir.
01:46We don't have permission to go inside from here.
01:49We will give it to you to go inside.
01:51We don't have permission to go inside from here.
01:53Then, I came back to Kashmir.
01:55Then, I couriered it from here.
01:59Then, I got a call one day.
02:01You had come to Delhi.
02:03When I couriered it, I had written a letter to him.
02:06I told him where I was coming from.
02:09I gave him my address and phone number.
02:12Then, I got a call from the PMO office.
02:15He asked me who I was and what I was doing.
02:17I told him that I was Irshad.
02:20He told me that he wore the gift that I had sent for the PM.
02:26He has come to Kashmir.
02:28He is in Srinagar.
02:29He is giving a speech.
02:31At that time, I was very happy.
02:34When I heard that he wore it,
02:38I got a call that he was giving a speech.
02:41But, I didn't know.
02:43I used to live in a village.
02:45I was working in a farm when I got a call.
02:48I was very happy.
02:50When I came back home in the evening,
02:53I told my friend to open the internet.
02:56I wanted to see what was going on.
02:59I had sent a gift to the one I love the most in the world.
03:05He wore it.
03:06I want to see it.
03:07After a few days, I saw the photo.
03:10He did such a big thing for the poor.
03:13I can't forget him.
03:15I want our Kashmir to move forward.
03:20Just like he made Gujarat develop.
03:24I want our Kashmir to develop in the same way.