O FC Porto partilhou esta quinta-feira, através das redes sociais, uma mensagem de Diogo Costa aos adeptos, no dia em que o guarda-redes celebra 25 anos de idade. Na mensagem, o capitão pediu união, foco e rigor. Depois de passar pelo habitual túnel de calduços, Diogo Costa teve direito a um abraço de Vítor Bruno.
00:00First of all, thank you all for your words. I wish you all the best for you and your families, especially for us as a team.
00:11We need to stay focused, united, the rigor we need to have throughout the championship to help the club and ourselves.
00:21We all win, everyone knows how to win. That's why I ask for unity, not only on the pitch but also off it.
00:29That's it, guys. Thank you and I wish you all the best.