Matthew 28 Explained: Resurrection & The Great Commission’s Lasting Impact

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Douglas Vandergraph invites you to explore the powerful themes of Matthew Chapter 28, focusing on the resurrection of Jesus and the Great Commission. In this enlightening review, Douglas explains how these pivotal events in the New Testament can inspire a life of faith, purpose, and action. Watch now to gain fresh perspectives on the Gospel and find spiritual encouragement for your own journey. Stay tuned for more in-depth Bible studies!

#GospelOfMatthew #Matthew28Review #JesusResurrection #GreatCommission #BibleStudy #NewTestamentInsights #SpiritualGuidance #ChristianFaith #DouglasVandergraph
00:00The Gospel of Matthew chapter 28. Imagine waking up one morning to discover that
00:07everything you thought was final has been reversed. The moment you thought
00:12marked the end is in fact just the beginning. How would you feel? This is
00:18exactly what happened in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28. It's a chapter that
00:24begins with despair, turns into astonishment, and ends with a powerful
00:30call to action that is echoed throughout centuries. The message is not just for
00:36the disciples of Jesus 2,000 years ago, it's for us today. In this chapter we
00:43find a profound challenge to live with purpose, hope, and a sense of mission.
00:48Let's walk through this transformative chapter together and discover what it
00:53means for our lives. The Resurrection of Jesus. The chapter opens with two women,
01:01Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, heading to the tomb of Jesus. They had
01:07watched him die just a few days before. Their hearts were likely heavy with
01:12grief and hopelessness, but when they arrive something unexpected happens.
01:19There's a violent earthquake and they see an angel dazzling an appearance
01:24sitting on the stone that once sealed the tomb. The angel's first words? Do not
01:31be afraid. This moment is nothing short of miraculous. The angel announces that
01:38Jesus has risen from the dead just as he promised. The resurrection is the
01:44cornerstone of the Christian faith and it changes everything. Death no longer
01:50has the final word. Jesus's victory over death brings new life and hope to all
01:56who believe in him. The empty tomb isn't just an ancient story, it's a symbol for
02:02us today that no matter how dark or final a situation may seem, there's
02:08always hope for resurrection and renewal in Christ. Now think about this. The
02:16resurrection is a reminder that God has the power to bring life where there is
02:20death, hope where there is despair, and new beginnings where there are endings.
02:26When we place our faith in Jesus we are never without hope. The angels command
02:35and the women's response. After the angel announces Jesus's resurrection he
02:41gives Mary Magdalene and the other Mary a clear instruction. Go quickly and tell
02:47his disciples that he has risen from the dead. These women who were among the
02:53first to witness the miracle of the resurrection were given a mission. They
02:58did not hesitate. The Bible tells us they hurried away from the tomb, afraid
03:04yet filled with joy. Despite their fear they responded in obedience. On their way
03:12to deliver the message something even more extraordinary happens. Jesus himself
03:18meets them. He greets them with a simple word, greetings. Can you imagine what must
03:25have been going on in their minds when this occurred? The one that they had seen
03:29crucified was now standing before them alive. Their response was immediate. They
03:36clasped his feet and worshiped him. Jesus repeats the angels command, do not be
03:43afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee where they will see me. What
03:48stands out here is that Jesus entrusts his message of hope first to women,
03:54showing us that God's calling transcends societal norms of the time and
04:01expectations. You know we all have a role to play in sharing the good news. And
04:07think about this, these women responded to fear with faith. They didn't wait
04:13until they had all the answers or until they felt fully prepared. In the same way
04:18we are called to be messengers of hope even when we feel uncertain or afraid.
04:24God equips those he calls. Now the Great Commission. Later in the chapter the
04:33risen Jesus meets with his disciples on the mountain in Galilee. It's here that
04:38he gives what has come to be known as the Great Commission, a command that has
04:43shaped the mission of the church ever since. Jesus begins by declaring his
04:49authority. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Now this
04:57declaration is crucial. Jesus is not just a teacher or prophet, he is the risen
05:03Lord with authority over all things. And with this authority he commissions his
05:09followers to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
05:16of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
05:23everything I have commanded you. Now the command to make disciples is not limited
05:29to a specific group or nation. Jesus's message is for all people everywhere. He
05:35calls his followers to teach others not just to believe, but to live in obedience
05:41to his teachings. This is a call to live a life of purpose, continually growing in
05:48faith, and helping others to do the same. Now think about this. The Great Commission
05:55reminds us that we are part of something much larger than ourselves. We have a
05:59purpose that goes beyond our daily routines. To share the love and truth of
06:05Jesus with the world. Now every act of kindness, every word of encouragement, and
06:11every moment we spend helping others grow in their faith is part of
06:16fulfilling this mission. Jesus's promise of his presence. Now Jesus concludes the
06:25Great Commission with one of the most comforting promises in all of Scripture.
06:29And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age. He doesn't send his
06:37disciples out on a mission alone. He promises his presence with them every
06:43step of the way. And this promise just wasn't for the disciples who stood on
06:48that mountain. It is for us too. In every challenge, in every moment of doubt or
06:54fear, Jesus is with us. His presence gives the strength and courage to step
07:01out in faith and fulfill the calling he has placed on our lives. So consider this.
07:09We are never alone. Whether we're sharing the gospel with others, navigating
07:15personal struggles, or pursuing our dreams, Jesus is with us. His presence is
07:22the source of our strength, and we can face any challenge knowing that he is by
07:28our side. So the gospel of Matthew chapter 28 is a chapter that starts with
07:35the unimaginable, the resurrection of Jesus, and ends with an incredible call
07:42to action. It reminds us that we serve a risen Savior who has conquered death,
07:48that we are his messengers and messengers of hope and love, and that we
07:55are called to make a difference in the world. The Great Commission is not just
08:00for pastors or missionaries. It's for every single one of us. Each day we have
08:07opportunities to live out this mission in our homes, in our workplaces,
08:13communities, and beyond. And we don't do it alone. Jesus has promised to be with
08:20us every step of the way. So as we part today, I'd like to encourage you to
08:27think about how you can live out the Great Commission in your own life. Who
08:32can you share hope with? How can you be a light to those around you? Remember, you
08:39are part of something much bigger than yourself. You have a purpose. And with
08:44Jesus by your side, there is no limit to what you can accomplish. So go
08:50confidently. Go boldly. The world is waiting for your light. And never forget,
08:57you are not alone. Jesus is with you always and to the very end of the age.
