• last year
In her experience, Maitland says porn shoots typically have a guy passing out water -- kind of like at a marathon -- and the same dude also provides the lube so they can keep banging. No baby oil in porn, BTW.


00:00I feel it's like a kid to running a marathon like and like training for some sporting event because people think that people in porn like you just go in and have sex and film it is just like this sloppy crazy thing but,
00:13you have to prepare you really do you have to be hydrated but we're good on sets like they have like a guy with we have a lube guy who also provides hydration like in the middle of the scene instead of the baby oil stuff,
00:25he actually provides you know lube that's healthy for your genitals and so in the middle of the kill just come in and in the middle of sex will just be squirted on the deck,
00:38i'm not joking this is a guy he's the lube guy and he has other functions to which includes handing water bottles in the middle of it like the kind of like a it's kind of like a stopping station for a marathon like you know where they get the water that's what we do like it's,
00:54it's actually i find it easier in an orgy situation to refuel and to recalibrate and regroup because there's so many people in the scene so you don't like the cameras will be focused on one section and another so i mean i feel like it these events with,
01:12these people in these music parties and crazy crazy things going on hollywood and music industry parties than they do on sets that we're doing but,
01:21i feel like they were just like all going at it at once we like can we know how to like take steps you know like to pace ourselves in the twelve hours of sex so but definitely there's been vomiting.
01:35Done but that's mostly dick induced in the throat they stop the scene and i've seen seen stop when people like don't look like they're well or they're too hot or they're too like sweaty and you just go i need a minute i need a minute you step off set and stuff so,
01:51i think people have this idea that it's like boogie nights on our sets where we're just you know,
01:56having these wild orgies that are uncontrolled and it's scary as we're so regulated i mean,
02:03the amount of documents that i have to sign before it's doing a scene like to with my identification and,
02:08and everything and i have to get my testing done right before it's sti testing and then when you're in right before the scene you have to say all your nose and yes it is and they can make you do it on film so they have like exactly what you said and if somebody breaks the rule they get in trouble and it's very yeah.
02:23So i'm sorry i'm taking the fun out of a scene but it's it's not that wild sex part but then when we're actually in the scene we are having a lot of a lot of fun it allows us to go wild but yeah.
02:35They're at the loop guy i don't want him i didn't i don't want him administering an IV to me.
