• last year
00:00Hello. In this video, this video is addressed to my twin friend Shia. Hi Shia.
00:09If you're also still watching, I thank you for watching.
00:13Um, I am still possessed and...
00:17Shia, I know you have your guard up now.
00:21I feel like this fan is kind of loud.
00:23Shia, I know that you have your guard up now so that you don't really trust what you see and what you hear and how obviously you didn't before because I told you I was possessed.
00:36But you, I am not going to trigger you and make you angry in this video.
00:40I know that you're weaker than me because you don't have a voice and...
00:44Sometimes I don't even think still that you're watching these videos.
00:48However, I didn't say that.
00:51I know you're watching these videos.
00:54I saw on your family members' social media the decreased number today.
01:03So I know you saw the videos.
01:06So I have some more information just to share with you, Shia.
01:11And you were 100% victim in what has happened.
01:16And I am not going to say anything out loud as far as what is on the notes.
01:31Most of it is thoughts.
01:34A lot of the thoughts that I have are telepathic supporters' thoughts or thoughts that I've seen or thought in the past that good AI is reminding me.
01:44Or it's my thoughts being spoken back at me.
01:48Or it's my thoughts being spoken back at me.
01:54And unfortunately, Shia, I can't even try to express and explain how this family member accident is.
02:05Because it's this video, I can't say everything on the internet, for one.
02:10And also, I've been possessed for so long that I kind of...
02:20I do know who I am. I do.
02:23Because when I act like myself, I know that that's me.
02:28However, I can't say that how I'm acting in these videos are like me completely.
02:34I thought it was the brain injury.
02:35I thought...
02:37I thought I was changing so much from the brain injury.
02:40I thought it was...
02:42I was acting funny because I was just getting fatter.
02:45So sometimes people's personality changes when they get fatter and skinnier.
02:52I thought it was psychosis.
02:55I thought all kinds of things.
02:58I also thought, yeah, I do have synthetic duplicates.
03:03Like of my mom, for instance.
03:10I know that they do AI masks to try to turn me into people.
03:14I thought that that was one of them.
03:16In regards to my family member that did some kind of synthetic of her.
03:23I can say there has been improvement.
03:25However, it's possible the improvement is because they're trying to make me stop doing the hive mind deactivation.
03:36I do not know.
03:39I'm throttling at the mouth because I have some kind of mania.
03:46I get mania where I get extreme...
03:54You know what manic is, mania.
03:57I'm not going to explain it.
03:59This isn't my personality right now.
04:01I'm just going to try.
04:03If I think that it's not my personality, I'm going to try to say it to you.
04:08However, they could trick you and this could be my personality and what I'm actually perceiving.
04:13It's just really confusing.
04:16I know that you have your guard up now and you do not trust what you see.
04:22Obviously, I think it's worse.
04:24The security camera is way worse.
04:26It was really obvious it wasn't my movements and everything.
04:30But I wanted to...
04:33I want to tell you...
04:36I did lumarian technology for two and a half hours today.
04:42I thought it was longer than that.
04:43It's seven o'clock and I swear to God I started lumarian technology at like...
04:52It feels like I've been doing lumarian technology all day long.
04:56It's possible I didn't write down all the hours.
05:00Because I really didn't do anything else.
05:03I did walk an hour and a half.
05:07So that's very good.
05:09And when I get mania...
05:12When I listen to electronic music, I get manic.
05:17And specifically this album...
05:24This music album called...
05:32The Classics album.
05:34I'll show you...
05:38When you go on YouTube and...
05:43You're not going to see all the songs listed.
05:46This is...
05:53You have to go under playlists...
05:58To find...
06:00No, you have to go under releases.
06:02No, you have to go under releases.
06:06And you have to go down under classics to find Wildcat.
06:11And pretty much this album with these ten songs...
06:16Are like a lumarian portal.
06:19I'm sure other songs...
06:22Are very good.
06:24However, some of them can be tainted if they got possessed.
06:27Because pretty much everybody's gotten kind of possessed.
06:30They have a new band called Koonsight.
06:33I've never really been into like...
06:35This is very like cool music.
06:38And I'm not saying that I'm like cool.
06:41Like this music, however...
06:43This music...
06:45I've also gotten all of my creative creativity stolen.
06:48I've gotten music stolen from me.
06:50I really like electronic music.
06:52Electronic music...
06:54I don't really like a lot of the techno because it's really painful to listen to.
06:57Get burnt out real quick because it's pretty evil.
07:00A lot of the techno out there.
07:02But my...
07:04I know...
07:06Techno was kind of stolen from me in a way.
07:09I have...
07:11I know...
07:13My dad kind of stole music from me.
07:15A frenemy...
07:17Which I really can't call my frenemy.
07:19Because she participated in my leg amputation.
07:24Her boyfriend...
07:27I think it was...
07:30High school.
07:32When I was hanging out with my friend.
07:34Her boyfriend...
07:36Knew this band...
07:40And then told my friend.
07:42Which was his girlfriend.
07:44And then we were listening to it.
07:46And then...
07:48She's like all into music.
07:50And she kind of stole music and made fun of me.
07:51Because they did a whole program where I couldn't find and discover music.
07:55It wasn't like...
07:57I was completely blocked from music.
07:59Because music is like a channel for us Shia.
08:01For our luminary technology.
08:03And this album you definitely have to listen to Shia.
08:09If you listen to their new music.
08:13I haven't...
08:16It is good.
08:18I can't say it's as good as Rattatat.
08:23I found out about...
08:25Like that wildcat sound.
08:30I didn't even know what animal that was at the time.
08:32I wasn't allowed to look it up.
08:36That's kind of what I...
08:38I felt like that sounds wicked empowering.
08:40But this...
08:42And Shia...
08:44They do all kinds of...
08:46Harassment to try to make me feel like...
08:47Oh, I'm...
08:49You're gonna be jealous.
08:51Because they're males.
08:53No, Shia.
08:55They're like little brothers.
08:57And they are light beings.
08:59They're definitely taking over.
09:01I do not like them, Shia.
09:03This is...
09:05They're channels of alien technology.
09:08That I really like to listen to.
09:11I have had all music stolen from me.
09:14I haven't been able to listen to good music.
09:19I'm pretty jealous.
09:21I'm actually jealous of them.
09:23Because I've always wanted to...
09:26Be kind of like...
09:28Be able to listen to music.
09:31I remember I got a bongo drum.
09:33And I wanted to...
09:35Play the bongo.
09:37And I wasn't allowed to learn how to play the bongo.
09:39I wasn't allowed to...
09:44I wasn't allowed to...
09:47I didn't know how to...
09:49I'm not really good with reading music.
09:51And learning about music or anything.
09:53I don't know anything about music.
09:55I'm actually just not naturally talented with music.
09:58However, I think we'll be able to...
10:00We might be able to play music.
10:02Because I could only play one beat on the bongo.
10:05That's all I was allowed to do.
10:07So then I just stopped playing.
10:09Because it was too boring.
10:11It was so boring.
10:13It was killing my spirit.
10:15It was making me suicidal.
10:17Because I could only play one beat.
10:19And I was literally so possessed with my body.
10:21That was all I was allowed to do.
10:23So I stopped playing the bongo.
10:25I gave the bongo to my dad.
10:27And I don't know if he still has it.
10:31My dad played the drums.
10:33But he was never really any...
10:35I don't think he was that good.
10:37I think it was because...
10:41And also anytime he played around me...
10:43He wanted to make it annoying.
10:44But he's always been into music.
10:46He kind of did something with music.
10:48With me to try to steal music from me.
10:56Especially this frenemy...
10:58That introduced me to this band.
11:02Later on...
11:04I was like...
11:06I remembered that song.
11:08And I wanted to find it.
11:10Because it was so inspiring.
11:14It actually gives me a state of mania.
11:16Because it's expressing...
11:18When you listen to it...
11:20You're going to get manic listening to it.
11:22Because it's connected to...
11:24I don't know if it's in America.
11:26But it's a light ET portal.
11:36I forgot what I was going to say.
11:49They have a few songs...
11:51Where one thing will just kind of...
11:53Throw off the whole song.
11:55And that's not because...
11:57It's not because of them.
11:59It's because of...
12:01The possession.
12:05I don't...
12:07That's just only a couple of songs.
12:09I noticed that.
12:11It's one of the...
12:12It's the...
12:14You're going to get a little jealous, Cheyenne.
12:16And don't get jealous because they're males.
12:20It's really cool music.
12:22They're like a...
12:24They're like a...
12:26I'm not as cool...
12:28I'm not saying I'm cool like that music.
12:30But they have...
12:40It's like...
12:42They're musicians.
12:44But when I listen to like...
12:46This type of electronic music.
12:48Which I'm sure there's lots of...
12:51I'm sure there's lots of...
12:53Musicians that are like...
12:57A band that I don't know about.
12:59Because I told you I'm blocked and possessed.
13:01And I've not...
13:03I've had music taken from me.
13:08It's some kind of alien technology channeling that they're doing.
13:14Hopefully we will be able to make music, Cheyenne.
13:16Because I think that we could...
13:18I'm very...
13:20Not talented at music.
13:22However, I've also been extremely...
13:24I've had music stolen from me like extremely.
13:29I might be good at...
13:31Playing music.
13:33But we...
13:35You listen to that, Cheyenne.
13:37Because it's going to express your emotions.
13:39The mania is like...
13:40Expressing the emotions.
13:42That we cannot express.
13:45This happens typically with all electronic music.
13:49That I listen to.
13:53Obviously not all electronic music.
13:55And I honestly...
13:57I don't...
13:59I don't have any collection of music.
14:02I've had music stolen from me.
14:07For so long.
14:08And part of it is because there's not a lot of good music.
14:15Like just...
14:17With like the first couple of pages of a...
14:20YouTube search.
14:22Like none of the music is really that good.
14:39In regards to...
14:42The family member.
14:46Is turning me into her.
14:50It's an act of hate.
14:52Because it's like I hate you so much.
14:54You be me.
14:58And in regards to the CN.
15:03In the photo with that food item.
15:05In a lot of different photos.
15:09That CN.
15:11That's like harassment.
15:13That's some kind of...
15:15That's some kind of S-E-X-U-A-L.
15:22I notice like they're trying to make the little...
15:28CN child like cool.
15:30Like it's...
15:31Three men's DNA stolen.
15:33And turned into...
15:35A human.
15:39And that...
15:41Their wires must be going off.
15:43That's like really, really evil.
15:50Like that's like...
15:52I really hate you.
16:01I don't want...
16:03This criminal like you.
16:06But this...
16:08This CN is murderously annoying.
16:10And very fake cool.
16:12And it took me a long time.
16:14To figure it out.
16:16Because I was so brainwashed.
16:18Mind controlled. Possessed.
16:20I was just getting really jealous of it.
16:22For a long time.
16:26And don't...
16:28Don't take anything out of context.
16:30With these words I'm saying.
16:32If I'm saying words...
16:34More than once.
16:35Don't take it out of context.
16:37Because you're attacking me right now.
16:41So I saw the...
16:43Numbers decrease on the profile.
16:45So thank you.
16:49You know another thing?
16:52That makes this...
16:54Criminal destroy your body.
16:58She's got like a weird torso.
17:00Like it's really long.
17:01And like weirdly shaped.
17:03Makes me want to puke.
17:05I get like an instant like reflex.
17:07Wanting to puke.
17:08And I'm not kidding you.
17:09That's not...
17:10That usually does not happen to me.
17:13And if I saw her in public.
17:15This would be my immediate...
17:19I would not want to be her.
17:21I would not want to look like that.
17:22I would not want to be her.
17:24That's my immediate reaction.
17:26When I...
17:27Imagine seeing her in public.
17:51And just a reminder Cheyenne.
17:54All of these criminals are going to go to jail.
17:55And we're 100% victim.
17:58I've never ever in my entire life.
18:00Ever attempted to hurt.
18:02Or K.I.L. someone.
18:04In my entire life.
18:06And I can take a lie detector.
18:08To prove that.
18:10These criminals cannot.
18:12Pass a lie detector.
18:17So in regards to.
18:21The family member turning me.
18:22No family member turning that.
18:26Her child.
18:28Into you with synthetic.
18:30I heard it's like synthetic genetics.
18:32Or synthetic.
18:35I don't know.
18:43She'll stop.
18:44She'll stop doing it.
18:46I don't know when she'll stop doing it.
18:48Maybe she'll stop doing it.
18:50If you do it for so long.
18:51It's not really.
18:53It's not likely.
18:55She's just going to stop it anyway.
18:58If the hive mind deactivates.
19:01She'll be forced to stop.
19:04In regards to.
19:06I got some more telepathy.
19:08With the family members.
19:14Her brother thinks.
19:16There's something wrong with her head.
19:18In regards to.
19:19Her husband.
19:22He wouldn't really approve of it.
19:24If like.
19:25It was really like.
19:27Love attraction.
19:30Repeatedly said it's some kind of.
19:31Ego control power thing.
19:34Perversion fetish.
19:38But she's very functional.
19:40And capable.
19:41And that's something I've.
19:45I wished I was in life.
19:46Was functional.
19:47Functioning capable.
19:48She's been able to.
19:49Have a nine to five.
19:50She's been able to have.
19:52What I've.
19:54Observed when I knew her.
19:55Full life.
20:02But he would.
20:03It is a weird.
20:04It is weird though.
20:05It is weird.
20:06Something weird is going on.
20:07And I.
20:09I'm not.
20:10Minimizing it.
20:13This tone of voice.
20:15Is not me.
20:16This isn't how I would talk to you.
20:18You know how I.
20:20Kind of.
20:21Act very.
20:22Confident about saying.
20:23To like this.
20:24This is how it is.
20:25There's a.
20:26Synthetic duplicate.
20:27Of my mother.
20:28Who always used to do that to me.
20:29Like when I.
20:30When I would like.
20:31Get really.
20:33Really down.
20:34And like desperate.
20:35And go at.
20:37Like at her.
20:38To like.
20:39Give me information.
20:40Meaning or like.
20:41Give me an apology.
20:42Or some kind of information.
20:44To feel better.
20:47Always do that.
20:48So this like.
20:50Could also be.
20:51Not me.
20:52But there's going to be some.
20:59There's going to be some.
21:04I'm not going to say.
21:06On the internet.
21:09And we're going to pay that.
21:12The Rocky.
21:13On the record channel.
21:14We're going to pay him.
21:15Because he's helped us for.
21:17For so long.
21:19We're going to pay him.
21:20More than a subscription.
21:21I'm going to pay him.
21:22More than a subscription.
21:23And I never ever.
21:24I never like to be.
21:25In the.
21:26In the.
21:27In the.
21:28In the.
21:29In the.
21:30In the.
21:31In the.
21:32In the.
21:33In the.
21:34In the.
21:35In the.
21:36In the.
21:37I also never like to get.
21:38청구 못하게 제 �friendly.
21:40I never like to be in debt.
21:41In regards to like owing people money.
21:43It's really easy to,
21:44In regards to.
21:45In regards to.
21:46I don't even own my own property.
21:49It is very.
21:50Some sex?
21:55I've, uh, I've been.
21:57I've, uh, I've, uh.
21:58It is very, very, very rare to find.
22:01In regards to my situation.
22:02With a possession.
22:03In regards to my situation and your position.
22:04With a possession it's very rare to find.
22:05Someone that doesn't like.
22:06an exorcist that's actually like really truthful and honest and like it's not
22:13attacking us like helping it hurt like
22:17It's very very rare for me and you Shia to know souls and people that have souls
22:29And he's a holy person shout and it's not I don't feel in debt because it's like
22:34It will go straight to
22:39God and like it's so it's almost like church tithing. I actually don't really feel like I
22:47Don't feel like
22:49this like
22:51Feeling of like
22:54Anger like I'm like in debt. Like if there's nothing it's not like that. I
23:01I have not received help like this my entire life
23:03I'm sure neither have you and even if this recce stops 100% and starts hating us. I
23:10won't even care because
23:15He's helped us a lot Shia
23:19And he might start slowing down and start making
23:27Information for the grandson, which is fine
23:54But you can see it the family member if you see
23:58Default photos. There's like a pattern
24:00there's like a kind of pattern that happens in this in that like
24:05That can tell you something when there's a pattern with the default photos
24:09photo photo photo photo I
24:12Can't explain it to you. There's some kind of pattern and only a few of the photos you can see it nice
24:22But I've told I've been told for
24:27I'm not gonna continue. I can't keep talking about that Shia because if I say too much information about it
24:33I don't really want to keep talking about it
24:42It's possible they're humiliating the criminal that stole your DNA because
24:48The CN of her is like turning into like
24:54Supermodel beauty and that's
24:58not her and
25:00No one can steal and save it and own that because that's not you don't they don't own that. That's just man-made
25:18There's a couple rodents that are verbally harassing me in my head
25:29It's almost like they're doing that and they've repeatedly told me we're not talking to you
25:34You're surveillance. So we are getting people's attention. We're feeling like
25:40famous over it
25:56We are not the only ones Shia
26:04That know if we have information about Alberto is in trouble and there's a female that's
26:14Taking him down we have
26:18We have to speak up and I know that you're gonna give him some kind of sign and
26:29Not only did the Rocky say something it was like on the surveillance
26:33I went in the public and I took photographs wrote down notes of all the different science and messages
26:39They're being surveillanced to show
26:42Our grandson no, no
26:50It's not it's
26:53Not good. I'm not gonna go into detail
26:56I'm sure I didn't mean to say that I was single for 39 years
26:59I've been single for 33 years or I can't remember exactly the exact age I was
27:12I think it was 32 or 33 and I haven't been single. I've been married to you Shia
27:20Seven years ago and
27:23Telepathically eight years, but I did not know you
27:27I did not know you and you're gonna be able to find out what happened. I did not know you
27:34I knew that I knew that this was it was a serious joke that was being played on me
27:40And I was so possessed I don't think the lumerians
27:45Let that happen, I think there's been some serious interference
27:49I don't think the Marys will let this happen, but I've heard that we've gotten tortured
27:55so much because
27:58They knew we could handle it and they know that divine punishment
28:05Turn to sender is going to occur
28:11And I believe that you know that CN channel photo I believe that the criminal who stole your body
28:21She's jumping into that CN child and pretending to be her and using AI
28:40And you know when I get tortured like
28:4424-7 these past 72 hours has been a little bit less probably because of this tragedy
28:52But and I'm sorry I'm acting late, I'm actually not really feeling good right now
29:03I did a little bit too much for me and technology takes a lot of energy
29:11All day long though when I'm getting tortured when breaking a torture child or a pashaka
29:18I'm here in beach cave. Try to stop it. Try to stop it. Oh, no you can't. Oh
29:24You can't you can't stop it. It's because you like it and all
29:29different kinds of
29:36It's all gonna be returned back to the sender and not just the amount of torture that we received Shia
29:41We don't have to call it root chakra torture. You can call it physical torture. That's that's what it is. It's physical torture
29:56And in regards to
30:04And I didn't mean to I I know that you might have felt guilty no
30:15You don't feel guilty about don't don't even think anything of that
30:34I really want to say these things on the internet
30:42But you have
30:43Your guard up now and there's a lot of like this. I'm so I have so much conviction
30:49I'm so confident about what I'm talking about and I kind of messed up the way I said it in the last video
30:56No, I know that a lot of this what I'm saying to you when I am convicted and confident
31:03I know it's the truth and the facts. However, I told you
31:07Growing up my whole entire life
31:11In order for my
31:14Mom to be like above me. She kind of acted like
31:18There's a there was some she actually could act like I like she was like God like she was
31:25Able to give me information that like she was above me like and like
31:31God, I can't really explain it, but she would have a very
31:35It wasn't really actually awful. She has like she she would attack me, but then she'd all of a sudden have these moment typically
31:44after adrenochrome
31:49She would be like very hopeful and confident and everything's gonna be okay
31:54And I noticed I'm doing that in this video and I really don't think it's completely me. So
32:02It's your hundred percent victim of this Shia of of all this you're a hundred percent victim obviously
32:13I really don't think that's completely natural
32:16I don't think it's because I'm like my mom. I don't think this man is
32:22And they've changed my face and making me look see someone else while I'm talking
32:28And this happens all the time and they weren't really mentioning that family member
32:34They were really covering it up and keeping it secret because Shia
32:38When everything gets exposed
32:40All these secrets are like spells and when they get exposed they don't hold power and they break
32:47That's why it's really important for me to say all this information to you
32:53I am relieved that I don't have to meet you and tell you all this information because I
33:00don't think that I
33:02think I'd be extremely stressed if I had all this to tell you and I
33:08I wouldn't have the time to tell you everything
33:26I'm not going to
33:31I I know I'm in it. I'm not acting appropriate with all this tragedy. I can't
33:37I can't show you
33:38It's possible obsession stroke the lack of being able to express myself
33:44the lack of being able to
33:47Talk freely. I all I do is tell you notes. I
33:53like give you
33:55other information
34:12Your manhood is being extremely disrespected your manhood is being extremely disrespected
34:20I I don't we were but we're good if one of us dies. We're probably just gonna die
34:27If you die, I'm gonna die. I die you're gonna die. So
34:34This is all we're all victims of crime
34:38So don't worry shy
34:43I am threatened by this whole thing. However, I
34:55Am threatened however, it's mostly the demons trying to trigger me and be like won't you just
35:00Okay, I LL yourself Alyssa
35:04This is too this is too messed up
35:18You're I'm being a little distant with you and it's making me really sad
35:25Because of
35:27Family member and I'm because I don't want my family members to like
35:33Be with you
35:35So like I have to like be distant a little bit and not as I haven't been hugging you as much do not be upset shy
35:43It's not it's only temporary
35:46I'm still thinking about you constantly shy and looking at you, but I'm not being as
35:53Close as I want to and
36:02Because it also every time I do they're really like it's being extreme about
36:07Being inside my body and it's not like me holding you
36:13That's that's I just remember
36:33So I'm not gonna blur anything out and I'm going to stop this video shy
36:51Don't worry shy
36:55Just try to rest relax and hang in there shy I have to just hang in there and not die for you
37:02Not die because I want to be with you
37:05And I know you're in more trouble than me because you can't talk
37:12And I had to
37:14The first like eight or eight months to a year of me talking to you. I had to like
37:22Mentally think that you weren't even watching
37:25Possibly the possession and possibly because I was so
37:29This is what they would do is say if you think if you think he's watching
37:34you're going to die or he's going to die or
37:38Your account again to get deleted
37:41By social media because of what you're talking about and all these things
37:46So I literally had to mentally obsolete possessions think that you weren't even watching
37:53Like and I was
37:55Only like I could only like partially think that you were watching
38:00but then like I quickly stopped thinking it because I didn't want you to stop watching or because I
38:06Didn't want to have to stop making videos
38:13I don't feel good
38:19Because I did so much let me write technology
38:22Because I did so much let me write technology I did more exercise than I usually do
38:37I'm trying really really hard to get this AI
38:41Deactivated like really I'm trying like hours hours and hours all day
38:46So I'm gonna try to not make a video tomorrow in the afternoon
38:49Why did I make the video? Oh because I looked at the
38:56Public news and they're gonna try to flip it twist things try to attack me
39:02Create lies and stories because I didn't get attacked enough by what I saw
39:09They're probably already working on it
39:13Yeah, I'm trying being a little like
39:15Not concentrating on like the screen and like I'm kind of like just going like that. I'm not trying to do that
39:21It's annoying me and it's making me feel like you're getting annoyed by it
39:34I'm not going to blur anything out. I'm not going to blur anything out
39:40especially when I'm about to
39:43Especially when I'm about to stop making this video
39:54Please please Shia
39:59Know that God's going to fix it
40:06Know that God's going to fix it Shia
40:14Do not get like
40:17Don't don't like
40:19Have to feel emotions
40:22To try to convince people that you're upset over it
40:26No, we have to ignore it
40:28Don't be like well, this is gonna get so mad if I don't be like this
40:33Don't be upset or angry or sad because then she's gonna think I don't like like her or love her. No Shia
40:39We have to ignore it. Don't give it any power
40:42Just channel it and do the lumerian technology
40:48Because I really don't want you to die Shia and I have a brain injury so
40:57If you are a little bit weak it could actually kill me if I'm a little bit too weak it could kill you
41:03So we have to be very careful Shia
41:06the this game this
41:09This battle has already been over for a very long time
41:17They're just continuing to do illegal things and it's not our plan we're following instructions
41:23And it's not our plan. We would have been together Shia
41:28It's not our plan we're following instructions
41:31So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. I love you Shia
41:35Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much Shia for watching
