Tales of Magic Merlin's Cave Extra Stories

  • il y a 4 jours
00:00No White, by the Brothers Grimm
00:04Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a lovely kingdom with green forests and clear lakes.
00:13But suddenly, the kingdom was struck by terrible misfortune.
00:17Their beloved queen, on a cold, wintry day, died while giving birth to her first daughter.
00:22The kingdom was greatly saddened by the loss, and they all came forward to pay their last respects to their queen.
00:29But their sadness soon turned to joy when they saw the baby daughter.
00:33Her lips were as red as blood, her hair as black as ebony, and her skin as white as the falling snow.
00:39She was christened Snow White.
00:42After a year, the kingdom had a new queen.
00:45She was very beautiful, but her heart was black as night.
00:49She could not bear to think of anyone being more beautiful than herself, and spent many hours just looking at herself in the mirror.
00:58Oh, but this was no ordinary mirror.
01:01Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of all?
01:06Thou, O Lady Queen, art the fairest in the land!
01:13That's right, it was a magic mirror.
01:17But as the years passed and Snow White grew older, she turned into a most lovely young girl.
01:23And so, one day...
01:25Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of all?
01:29O Great Queen, the most beautiful girl in the land has lips as red as blood, hair as black as ebony, and skin as white as snow.
01:40Her name is Snow White!
01:42What? Did you say Snow White?
01:46Snow White, is it?
02:00Oh no! That wicked queen has sent a woodsman to slay Snow White!
02:06Oh no! That wicked queen has sent a woodsman to slay Snow White!
02:10So that she may once more be the fairest in the land.
02:13If he could not bring himself to do it, he could never kill anything so lovely.
02:20Quickly, fair maiden, you must flee deep into the forest where the queen can never find you.
02:25If she does, we both shall die!
02:28Hurry, run!
02:31The woodsman had to bring some proof to the wicked queen to show that Snow White was dead.
02:37So he cut the liver from a wild pig and returned to the castle.
02:45Poor Snow White didn't know what to do, so she ran and ran.
02:51Snow White had no place to go. The forest seemed to be endless.
02:55Only one thing was certain, she could not return to the castle.
02:59Night began to fall, leaving her all alone in the forest.
03:08Snow White had to find a place to stay.
03:12Wait, what's that across the pond? It looks like someone's house!
03:17Snow White quickly ran over, hoping to find a friendly face in a warm pot of stew over the fire.
03:23My, what a tiny little house!
03:31Snow White had to find a place to stay.
03:34My, what a tiny little house!
03:42Inside, Snow White found a wee little table with seven play settings.
03:47Why, it looked almost like a doll's house with all the tiny little pieces.
03:51What a strange place!
03:53And then she found seven little beds, all lined in a row.
03:57It was quite late and Snow White was very sleepy.
04:01She lay down and quickly dropped off to sleep.
04:04But what's that? It sounds as though someone's coming.
04:14Why, it was seven little dwarfs, returning from their day of work.
04:19Quiet! Hush! Stop! Stop, I said!
04:31You're right, someone has been here. I'm scared.
04:34Ah, look!
04:36I must get out of here!
04:42Hey, fellas, what are we going to do?
04:46Maybe it's an ogre or a monster.
04:49Slowly, the seven dwarfs crept back into the room.
04:54She's no ogre. She's beautiful!
04:59And the dwarfs saw how soundly Snow White was sleeping.
05:02They decided not to disturb her and let her sleep till morning.
05:06Then they could decide what to do with her.
05:23Of course, Snow White was surprised to see the seven little dwarfs,
05:27all piled up like straw and snoring like that.
05:30But she could tell at once that they were kind and generous,
05:33and her heart heaved a sigh of relief.
05:40So Snow White decided to repay them by making a delicious breakfast.
05:50Mmm! Sure smells good at the zoo!
05:53Mmm! Wow! Mmm!
05:57Mmm! Yummy! Yummy!
06:01In no time at all, Snow White's innocence and kindness
06:05had completely won the hearts of the dwarfs.
06:08And it was decided that Snow White could live with them for as long as she liked.
06:13Meanwhile, the jealous queen had received the wild pig's liver
06:17and was relieved to know that once more her beauty was unsurpassed.
06:22Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of them all?
06:27Thou art, O Queen, the fairest in this land!
06:32In the far distant forest where the seven dwarfs dwell,
06:35Snow White remains alive and well.
06:38No! It can't be true!
06:42The mirror never lies! She must be alive!
06:45I can't rest until...
06:48A thousand curses on your soul!
07:08This poison apple will take care of you, my dear.
07:12The wicked queen disguised herself as an apple lady
07:15and set off for the seven dwarfs' forest to find Snow White.
07:21Oh no! There's Snow White now!
07:23I hope she sees through the queen's trickery.
07:33Well, how are you this fine day, my dear?
07:36Won't you try one of my delicious red apples?
07:39This is a rare one.
07:41It comes from a tree that blossoms but once every thousand years.
07:44Please, try it.
07:46It contains a magic potion that will keep you young and beautiful for years.
07:54It was as though the queen had cast a spell over her
07:57as Snow White took the poisoned apple and placed it to her lip.
08:11Well, now you see what fate lies in store
08:14for those who would challenge this queen's beauty.
08:25When the seven dwarfs returned home from work,
08:27they found Snow White and nothing they could do would revive her.
08:30But the queen had a plan.
08:32She had a plan.
08:34She had a plan.
08:36She had a plan.
08:38She had a plan.
08:40Nothing they could do would revive her.
08:42They were heartbroken to lose such a good friend
08:45and they spent day after day keeping a vigil over her casket of flowers.
08:49Never had they known such sadness,
08:52nor could they imagine anyone so wicked as to take their beloved Snow White away from them.
08:58Even as she lay there, her beauty did not diminish
09:01and she looked as lovely as she had in life.
09:05But then one day, the prince from the neighboring kingdom
09:08happened to be passing through the forest.
09:10When he saw Snow White lying there in all her beauty,
09:13he knew he could not bear to be without her.
09:16The seven dwarfs recognized him to be kind and generous
09:20and agreed to let him move her to his castle.
09:23But as they were rolling along the wooded path,
09:26a most incredible thing happened.
09:28A cart wheel struck a stone so violently
09:31that the bite of poisoned apple that had stuck in Snow White's throat popped out.
09:41Permit me to introduce myself.
09:43I am the prince from the kingdom on the other side of this forest.
09:46Won't you do me the honor of accompanying me to my castle?
09:52When they reached the castle,
09:54news of their wedding was proclaimed throughout the land.
09:57It was a grand wedding.
09:59And of course, no one was happier than the seven dwarfs.
10:07And Snow White and her handsome prince lived in peace and happiness
10:10for years and years thereafter.
10:12Oh yes, about that wicked queen.
10:23When she heard that Snow White had defeated her once more,
10:26she flew into such a rage that in her fury,
10:29she melted fast away.
10:32Now it can be safely told,
10:34Snow White's beauty shall ne'er grow old.
10:52Our story today is from the kingdom on the other side of the forest.
10:55Our story today is from the East European country of Czechoslovakia.
11:00It is called the Twelve Months.
11:04Have any of you heard the story of the twelve spirits of the twelve months of the year
11:08who gather together in the dead of each winter to plan the seasons for the coming year?
11:13Well, I know one little girl who has.
11:17Her name was Marushka,
11:19and she lived deep in the countryside with her stepmother and stepsister.
11:24Even though this was not Marushka's real family,
11:27she was grateful for a place to live,
11:29and she did everything she could to help out around the house.
11:34But I'm afraid her kindness was not appreciated.
11:38Ah, Marushka, isn't breakfast ready yet?
11:40Oh, good morning, mother. I hope you slept well.
11:43I'll have breakfast ready for you in a minute.
11:45Why don't you be seated?
11:49Marushka's stepmother was very lazy,
11:52and her sister, very selfish.
11:55They made Marushka a servant,
11:57and Marushka's stepmother, a maid.
12:00Marushka's stepmother was very lazy,
12:03and her sister, very selfish.
12:06They made Marushka do all of the housework
12:09without so much as lifting a finger to help.
12:12But Marushka never complained.
12:15She went about her chores cheerfully.
12:18Today is her sister's birthday, and a big party is planned.
12:22You know who has to make all the preparations
12:25while her stepmother and sister spend the day
12:27trying to make themselves pretty for the party.
12:30Her sister invited all of the children from the village,
12:33and they brought many wonderful presents.
12:35But after they had all been presented,
12:37they all gathered around and began to talk to Marushka.
12:40The selfish sister was very jealous,
12:43and she complained to her mother.
12:45She could not stand to see Marushka getting so much attention.
12:49Don't worry, dear.
12:51I think I have a way to get rid of Marushka for good.
12:56Come over here right this minute, Marushka.
12:58Did you forget what day this is, or are you just being selfish?
13:01Why, no. I haven't forgotten that it is my sister's birthday today.
13:04Did you hear that, mother?
13:05Even though she knew it was my birthday,
13:07that stingy girl still hasn't given me a present.
13:09Oh, I'm so sorry, sister.
13:11Marushka, I think it would be nice
13:13if you gave your sister a bouquet of violets from the forest.
13:16Did you say violets?
13:18Yes, I must have some violets.
13:19Make her go, mother, right now!
13:21But everyone knows you can't pick violets
13:23in the middle of winter, dear mother.
13:25I might have expected excuses from an ungrateful sister like you.
13:28Well, I'll have no more of your obstinance.
13:30You're not getting back into this house
13:32until you've found a bouquet for your sister.
13:41And so it was that the wicked stepmother
13:43sent Marushka out into the cold and loneliness
13:46of that midwinter day.
13:55Oh, what a mean trick
13:57to send a young girl like Marushka out on a day like this
14:00to find something that's not even there.
14:10Finally, Marushka could go no further.
14:12It was useless.
14:14All she could do was lie there in the snow
14:16crying and thinking of home.
14:24But wait, what is that sound?
14:27Maybe Marushka is not alone.
14:30It sounds like someone is having a party
14:32over amongst those trees.
14:35Sure enough, there was a huge bonfire.
14:39Oh, it looked so warm and inviting
14:41to the nearly frozen little girl.
14:43And so Marushka gathered up
14:45all of her remaining strength
14:47and set off to find out
14:49who could be having a party.
14:51Can you imagine her surprise
14:53when she discovered that it wasn't a party at all,
14:56but a meeting of the twelve spirits of the year
14:58from January to December.
15:17And so Marushka told them of her search for violets
15:20for her sister.
15:22After listening to her story,
15:24the wise old spirit of December
15:26asked the youthful spirit of March to stand.
15:29March, step forward.
15:31I think you may be able to help this girl.
15:57What? Why, real violets?
15:59Hurry up and pick them.
16:01You'd best be home by dark.
16:03Oh, thank you.
16:04Thank you so much.
16:15Mother, sister, I'm back.
16:17Look, I brought you your presents.
16:18You didn't steal those, did you?
16:20You know you could get us all in trouble
16:22if you did steal them.
16:23Why no, I'd never do that.
16:26When I couldn't find any violets,
16:28the spirit of March turned the forest into springtime for me.
16:32Why doesn't anything like that ever happen to me?
16:39Don't worry.
16:40I've thought of a way to take care of Marushka once and for all.
16:43Listen, I wonder what that wicked stepmother is plotting.
16:49Oh, who would believe what that terrible stepmother
16:52has ordered Marushka to do now.
16:55Satisfied with the violets,
16:57she has now asked Marushka to bring back
16:59a basket of fresh strawberries
17:01for everyone to enjoy at the party.
17:11Marushka, what brings you back here
17:13on such a cold winter's day?
17:16And so Marushka told how she had been sent out
17:18to gather fresh strawberries.
17:20Surely you must know that it is not yet
17:22the season for strawberries.
17:24Don't your stepmother think you will find them beneath the snow?
17:27Of course Marushka knew.
17:29But she also knew that without the strawberries,
17:31she would never return to her home.
17:33I see.
17:34But perhaps the spirit of June will help.
17:44There, Marushka.
17:45Take all you need for the party.
17:47Oh, thank you.
17:48Thank you so much.
17:52Their surprise quickly turned to glee
17:55because it seems that fresh strawberries
17:57were their very favorite food.
17:59But do you think they offered to share them
18:01with anyone else at the party?
18:03No, of course not.
18:13But I'm afraid that even strawberries
18:15were not enough to warm their cold and greedy hearts.
18:18Marushka, next I'd like an apple.
18:20Bring us a whole basket of apples.
18:23Marushka tried to tell them
18:24that it was impossible to find fresh apples
18:26in mid-December.
18:28And she pleaded with them
18:29not to send her back out into the cold.
18:32But her pleas were fruitless
18:33and once again she had no choice
18:35but to seek out her friends,
18:37the spirits of the twelve months.
18:39Perhaps they would be willing to help her one more time
18:42to honor the unreasonable wishes
18:44of her wicked stepfamily.
18:46Marushka, once more you have come to visit us
18:49with tears in your eyes.
18:50Tell us what evil request
18:52your stepmother has made to you now.
18:54Marushka told them of her search for fresh apples.
18:57And I suppose that once more
18:59if you return empty-handed
19:01they will leave you out in the cold.
19:03Well, we can't let that happen.
19:05Come, September it is your turn to help.
19:20And once again,
19:21the miracle of the seasons
19:23unfolded before Marushka's eyes.
19:26And the forest was filled with
19:28ripe, delicious, fresh apples.
19:30Come, Marushka,
19:32take all that you can carry
19:34and maybe your kindness may yet win the hearts
19:36of your ungrateful family.
19:40Oh, thank you, September.
19:42Thank you all.
19:43I will never forget you.
19:45And so it was that Marushka
19:47bid farewell to her friends the seasons
19:50and returned home once more
19:52hoping to please her adopted family.
19:54Marushka, where did you steal those apples?
19:57Why, the forest was full of them.
19:59Then why didn't you bring more home with you?
20:02I left them for my friends.
20:03You left them for your friends?
20:04Well, what about your own family?
20:06Don't you ever think of us?
20:07She doesn't have any friends around here.
20:09I'll bet she's hidden them from us.
20:11Oh, no, Mother,
20:12I would never do a thing like that.
20:14You must believe me.
20:15No, no, no, no, no.
20:16I know she's hidden them from us.
20:18Mother, I know I can find them.
20:19I'll be right back.
20:21Soft, wait for me.
20:22I'll bring a bag, too.
20:24That greedy sister grabbed the biggest bag she could find
20:27and went running off through the snow
20:29before anyone could stop her.
20:31She ran and she ran,
20:32but nowhere could she find the magic apple tree.
20:37By this time,
20:38the greedy sister had gone too far
20:40and she could not remember the way back
20:42to her warm country home.
20:44She was destined from that day forth
20:46to spend the rest of her life
20:47searching the Czechoslovakian snow forest
20:50for the magical apple trees of September.
20:59The same fate lay in store for the wicked stepmother.
21:03She, too, let greed run away with her,
21:05and to this day,
21:06she still searches an unfriendly forest
21:08for the path back to their home
21:10beneath the trees.
21:13Of course, Maruska was greatly saddened
21:15to be left all alone once again.
21:18But the cold of winter soon gave way
21:20to the warmth of spring,
21:21and the land around her cabin
21:23soon burst forth in a rhapsody
21:25of wild flowers and butterflies.
21:28And Maruska was soon adopted,
21:30this time by a kind and generous family,
21:33with a son who looked magically
21:35like the spirit of March.
21:37They quickly became the best of friends
21:39and lived happily ever after.