They Drive By Night (1938)

  • 2 days ago
00:00:30What time do they do it?
00:00:54Nine o'clock.
00:00:55They always do it at nine o'clock.
00:01:05Come on then.
00:01:18Have those when you came in?
00:01:20They'll be so dry they'll burn your blooming lungs out.
00:01:24I'd smoke a bit of old rope after 18 months of this.
00:01:33Stand up there.
00:01:34All right, sit down.
00:01:36Full name?
00:01:37Jimmy O'Leary.
00:01:38Committed from?
00:01:39The Old Bailey.
00:01:40How long?
00:01:41One year.
00:01:42Warrant officer?
00:01:43Yes, sir.
00:01:44What's your name?
00:01:45Jimmy O'Leary.
00:01:46Committed from?
00:01:47The Old Bailey.
00:01:48How long?
00:01:49One year.
00:01:50Warrant officer?
00:01:51Yes, sir.
00:01:52What's your name?
00:01:53Jimmy O'Leary.
00:01:54Committed from?
00:01:55The Old Bailey.
00:01:56How long?
00:01:57One year.
00:01:58Warrant officer?
00:01:59Yes, sir.
00:02:00What's your name?
00:02:01Jimmy O'Leary.
00:02:02Committed from?
00:02:03The Old Bailey.
00:02:04How long?
00:02:05One year.
00:02:06Warrant officer?
00:02:07Yes, sir.
00:02:08Sign there.
00:02:09Come on.
00:02:11A drop in that early morning.
00:02:12Yeah, won't I be glad to get out of here before they do?
00:02:18Full name?
00:02:19Albert Owen Matthews.
00:02:21Albert Owen Matthews.
00:02:22Where from?
00:02:24Committed from?
00:02:26How long?
00:02:2718 months.
00:02:28One pound, eight and sixpence.
00:02:29Sign there.
00:02:30Come on.
00:02:39Come on, this way.
00:02:50Come on.
00:02:52Full name?
00:02:53Albert Owen Matthews.
00:02:54Where from?
00:02:56How long?
00:02:57Eight and sixpence.
00:02:58Sign there.
00:02:59Come on, this way.
00:03:00Come on.
00:03:02Full name?
00:03:03Albert Owen Matthews.
00:03:04Where from?
00:03:06Come on.
00:03:08Come on.
00:03:10Come on.
00:03:12Come on.
00:03:14Come on.
00:03:16Come on.
00:03:18Come on.
00:03:20Come on.
00:03:22Come on.
00:03:24Come on.
00:03:26Come on.
00:03:28Come on.
00:03:30Come on.
00:03:32Come on.
00:03:34Come on.
00:03:36Come on.
00:03:38Come on.
00:03:40Come on.
00:03:42Come on.
00:03:44Come on.
00:03:46Come on.
00:03:48Come on.
00:03:50Come on.
00:03:52Come on.
00:03:54Come on.
00:03:56Come on.
00:03:58Come on.
00:04:00Come on.
00:04:02Come on.
00:04:04Come on.
00:04:06Come on.
00:04:08Come on.
00:04:10Come on.
00:04:12Come on.
00:04:14Come on.
00:04:16Come on.
00:04:18Come on.
00:04:20Come on.
00:04:22Come on.
00:04:24Come on.
00:04:26Come on.
00:04:28Come on.
00:04:30Come on.
00:04:32Come on.
00:04:34Come on.
00:04:36Come on.
00:04:38Come on.
00:04:40Come on.
00:04:42Come on.
00:04:44Come on.
00:04:46for 18 moon. Give us a cup of the old Aca Maraca, Charlie, will you?
00:04:49Sure. It'll be like the old times, seeing you around the place again, Shorty.
00:04:52That's right.
00:04:54Give us a fresh packet of fags, will you?
00:04:57I had these when I went in, and they burn like your grandmother's feather bed.
00:05:00Here you are.
00:05:01How's all the boys, Murray?
00:05:03Oh, all right. Most of them are all right.
00:05:05Some of them have been away for a bit. You know how it is.
00:05:08Oh, then I know a lot of flatties after you all the time.
00:05:10Never give a fellow a chance.
00:05:12What have you been doing, Mike?
00:05:13Oh, a little of this, a little of that.
00:05:16I've been lucky.
00:05:17I'm running the pins and needles club now.
00:05:19Cutting into my business, he is.
00:05:20Oh, is that so?
00:05:22All the boys still hang out there?
00:05:25You'll be along again, I suppose.
00:05:27You try and keep me out.
00:05:28You better spend your money in here, Shorty.
00:05:31Your snooker will be too rusty to play with that bunch.
00:05:33I'll pick it up quick enough.
00:05:35I'll be seeing you then.
00:05:36So long.
00:05:37So long.
00:05:37See you tonight.
00:05:38All right.
00:05:40Ah, you know, Charlie, my boy,
00:05:42this is the real stuff out of the wash I've been used to.
00:05:44Got some milk in it.
00:05:45Mm, I should say so.
00:05:47What are you going to do, Shorty?
00:05:49Are you going back on the old lark?
00:05:50What else can I do?
00:05:52Why don't you get out of it?
00:05:53Get a straight job.
00:05:55Look at me.
00:05:56The boys are my best customers.
00:05:57But not yours truly.
00:05:59I stay off the crook and keep me nose clean.
00:06:02And when I go away, it's only the south end.
00:06:04Well, that's all right for you.
00:06:05But ever since I was a kid, they've had it in for me.
00:06:07Ah, come off it.
00:06:08It's not as bad as that.
00:06:09That's all you know.
00:06:10For once you've been inside, they keep on after you.
00:06:12And they'll put you in a stir for nothing
00:06:14just because you've got a record.
00:06:16Oh, what's your maple?
00:06:18Ton of packet of the usual.
00:06:27Here you are, sweetheart.
00:06:29Chalk it up, will you?
00:06:30Oh, all right.
00:06:39Long time since you've been that close to a duty, eh, Shorty?
00:06:42Too long.
00:06:45Who's she?
00:06:46One of the regulars.
00:06:49Remember Alice?
00:06:50Alice Carson I've hung out with?
00:06:52Is she still about?
00:06:53Is she still about?
00:06:54I should say she is.
00:06:55Got a job at the Palliative Dance.
00:06:58Dance hostess.
00:06:59And the clothes.
00:07:00I don't know where she gets them from.
00:07:01She's a million dollar baby now.
00:07:03Too rich for your blood, Shorty.
00:07:04She is, is she?
00:07:06Well, I can soon take care of that.
00:07:08Where does she live?
00:07:09Around the corner in Drummond Street.
00:07:11Over the newsagents.
00:07:12Well, I might go along on Wednesday and have a butcher's.
00:07:14Sure, why not?
00:07:15She'd be glad to see you, for old time's sake.
00:07:17Well, I must hurry, Charlie.
00:07:18That's all right.
00:07:19It's on the house.
00:07:20Glad to see you back again.
00:07:21Oh, well, thanks.
00:07:23I think I'll go along and see if I can find one or two of the boys, eh?
00:07:26Oh, sure.
00:07:27And if you don't find them, come back here about 7 o'clock.
00:07:30Someone will be in for a cert.
00:07:33Like your meal, Charlie?
00:07:34Er, Shorty.
00:07:36Give my love to Alice.
00:07:43How's that, lads? Lovely blooms.
00:07:45How much are your roses, ma'am?
00:07:46A shill in the market, thanks.
00:07:47I'll give you a tenner.
00:07:49All right, Ducks.
00:07:51God bless you.
00:07:52How's that, pal?
00:09:01Blimey, Alice.
00:09:02Turn off sleep.
00:09:29Alice, I...
00:10:19Well, young man?
00:10:21Morning, ma.
00:10:22Here, not so fast.
00:10:23What are you doing in my house?
00:10:25I was just looking for a pal of mine up the stairs.
00:10:28Oh, you were, were you?
00:10:30It's that Alice.
00:10:31I told her when she took a room here.
00:10:33I says none of your tricks here, miss, I says.
00:10:35I don't know what she's talking about.
00:10:36I don't know anything about no Alice.
00:10:38I was just looking for a pal of mine, like I said.
00:10:41Come on, I want to get out of here.
00:10:42I'm going upstairs to put her right out,
00:10:44so don't you let me catch you here again.
00:11:02Listen here, my girl.
00:12:32episode in our series of famous murder trials. This week we will reconstruct for you a case
00:12:39in which a murder was solved by one detail after another. It was built up into an unbreakable
00:12:45chain of circumstantial evidence. The murderer tried to prove an alibi, but it didn't help
00:12:49him. The evidence collected gradually and remorselessly.
00:13:32Call me another two minutes and you'll have been dragged.
00:14:00And so I told him where Alice lived and he must have went there. That's all I know.
00:14:07So he got sore when you told him she was too high and mighty for him, did he?
00:14:10Well, he didn't exactly get sore, but he didn't seem to like it.
00:14:13Did he tell you he was going around to see her?
00:14:15No. No. Not with as many words.
00:14:18He went there all right.
00:14:19Well, that's about all. We may want to talk to you again.
00:14:22Sure. Sure, any time.
00:14:31Well, who'd have thought it of the little blighter?
00:14:33Can you beat it? I'd split in on him, but what can you do?
00:14:36Oh, forget it. If a guy's crazy enough to croak a good girl like Alice, there's nobody of yours.
00:14:41How can a fellow come straight out of clink and do a thing like that?
00:14:45Well, there you go now. It's a bit slippy.
00:14:47Goodnight, madam. Goodnight.
00:14:49Goodnight, miss.
00:14:51Well, off we go.
00:14:59How do I stand for catching another bus up north?
00:15:01You won't get no bus tonight.
00:15:02There must be one somewhere.
00:15:03I'll tell you there ain't.
00:15:04Why, what's the hurry?
00:15:05Well, I got my mother ill and I'd better get up there, see?
00:15:07Well, I'm sorry, champ, but you've had a luck.
00:15:09Here, wait a minute. If you get up on the Great North Road, you might come and lift on my lorry.
00:15:11I can't.
00:15:12I say, there's a transport cafe a couple of miles from here. Try that.
00:15:15OK, pal. Thanks. Goodnight.
00:15:43You don't happen to be going up north, mate, do you?
00:15:45I might be. Why?
00:15:46Well, I want to get up to Sheffield.
00:15:48There's a missus up there.
00:15:49Well, I'll see what I can do.
00:15:50I'm going to have a cup of cha. I'd better come on in.
00:15:52Well, hello.
00:15:54Hello, boys.
00:15:55Hello, boys.
00:15:58Quike, are you going up north again already?
00:16:00Blimey, I go down to the yard and unload.
00:16:02They turn me round and send me back again like a blooming train.
00:16:04Well, what do you grumbling about? You get an extra ten bob for yourself, don't you?
00:16:06Ten bob.
00:16:07Ten bob.
00:16:08Ten bob.
00:16:09Ten bob.
00:16:10You get an extra ten bob for yourself, don't you?
00:16:11Ten bob.
00:16:12Even with the extras, you can't make a decent living at this job.
00:16:15If it wasn't for the missus making a bid on the side with the cafe, we'd blooming well starve.
00:16:19Come on, miss. Come on. Let's have a cup of tea.
00:16:21Get that tea now.
00:16:22What's yours, chum?
00:16:23No, mate. This is my treat.
00:16:25Same for me, please, and one of them sausage rolls, please.
00:16:29Leave it to me, ducks.
00:16:30How's business down your way, Walt?
00:16:31Oh, not so bad. The old woman's half dead at night serving tea, isn't her?
00:16:34Oh, I shouldn't know. You've got to work hard for your dough these days.
00:16:36It's a proper Charlie asking.
00:16:37You're right.
00:16:38Good evening.
00:16:39Hello, Wally.
00:16:40Lovely night, ain't it?
00:16:41Sorry, ducks. Nothing doing.
00:16:42What do you mean, nothing doing?
00:16:44I'm not going your way, and I can't give you a lift.
00:16:46Who asked for a lift, anyway?
00:16:48Now, look here. I can't lose my job over you lorry girls.
00:16:51Lorry girls? What do you mean?
00:16:52Aye, aye, aye.
00:16:53You keep your mouth shut.
00:16:54I ain't going to let no big stiff of a lorry driver get fresh with me.
00:17:03Take your filthy hands off me.
00:17:05I'll have the police on you.
00:17:10I'm going to keep fighting somebody who'll just drop me one or the other.
00:17:13That's enough of that, boys. It's all right now.
00:17:15Go on, it's all over. Just forget it.
00:17:17Knock him while you're at it.
00:17:18No, no, he didn't.
00:17:19Them giants are the curse of the road.
00:17:21They get tougher every day.
00:17:22Well, them too was tough, all right.
00:17:24Did you find many of them up and down the place?
00:17:26Yeah, dozens of them.
00:17:28Knock it.
00:17:29Take the butchers of that bloke with Wally.
00:17:31So your missus lives in Shelby?
00:17:34Yeah, she works there. She's got a business there.
00:17:39There you are. There it is.
00:17:41His name's Matthews.
00:17:42You and your Matthews. How could he get here?
00:17:45Oh, I don't know about that.
00:17:46But anyway, it says here he's a little bloke with dark hair wearing a grey suit.
00:17:51You'd better ask Wally.
00:17:52Come on, get your mind back on the game.
00:17:54What is it, mate?
00:17:56Oh, sorry, I just thought I saw a chap I know, so...
00:18:02Oi, Wally.
00:18:04Come here a minute.
00:18:05I jumped in to see you.
00:18:09What is it?
00:18:10Just take a look at this.
00:18:13I thought it was you.
00:18:18Wally, what do you take this place for? What's the matter with you?
00:18:20I'll teach you to go around running after another fella's missus.
00:18:24I ain't never seen this bloke before.
00:18:26No, and I ain't never seen you before neither, only once.
00:18:29But you've been seeing plenty of a certain party, ain't you, Mr. Bloomin' Smith?
00:18:35No, I know his office now.
00:18:36Now, don't you try that on with me.
00:18:37My name ain't Smith, and I never told no one it was.
00:18:39Of course he's not Smith. This man's name's Mackenzie.
00:18:43Wait a minute.
00:18:45Is this straight up?
00:18:46Of course it's straight up.
00:18:47You're not supposed to kill anybody.
00:18:48Well, I'm sorry.
00:18:50Well, a chap can make a mistake, can't he?
00:18:52You can't go on making mistakes like that.
00:18:55Well, you see, I only saw this fella once, and well,
00:18:57all I can say is if you ain't him, well, you're his twin, that's all.
00:19:03But I'd like to give you back that one you gave me.
00:19:05Take that on tea, will you?
00:19:06Go on, then.
00:19:09Here, Bill.
00:19:11Get a basinful of this.
00:19:12All the time we was talking about him, he was thinking I was no better than his lodger,
00:19:15and we thought you was a murderer.
00:19:17This Matthew's I'm looking for.
00:19:19Matthew's who's he?
00:19:20The bloke what done to that girl today.
00:19:21Oh, him?
00:19:23Come on, Lance, what's he gonna be?
00:19:24Rosie, leave for me.
00:19:25I'll have a cup of tea.
00:19:26What made you think I was this Matthew's?
00:19:27Well, the paper said he was a little bloke wearing a grey suit.
00:19:29I've been telling you, there's thousands of little blokes in this world,
00:19:32and thousands of grey suits, too.
00:19:35That's right, and there's one too many now, isn't there?
00:19:36Yes, all right.
00:19:38Oh, tell us, um, do you know this fellow Smith?
00:19:40George Smith, his name is, and he drives a lorry, too.
00:19:43No, no, no, no.
00:19:44That was jealous.
00:19:45If I knew that, I'd have gone there, wouldn't I?
00:19:46I suppose you would.
00:19:47Well, better drink up.
00:19:48You're coming along with me.
00:19:49Here, have a tea, Bill.
00:19:50How much is that, mate?
00:19:51I'll see you.
00:19:52Four teas now, and the other lot, give us a bob job.
00:19:53There you are.
00:19:54Good night, Wally.
00:19:55Good night.
00:19:56So long, my mate.
00:19:57So long.
00:19:58Well, no hard feelings, eh?
00:19:59No, that's all right, mate.
00:20:01If you come across this George Smith,
00:20:02give him the same wallop you give me, will you?
00:20:03All right.
00:20:04Good night, Bill.
00:20:05Good night, Wally.
00:20:06Nighty-night, matey.
00:20:07Bungo, go on.
00:20:32You going far tonight?
00:20:33To the side of Bedford.
00:20:34My wife runs one of these here, Caps.
00:20:35Does she?
00:20:36Must have rubbed your legs up in some of them sacks.
00:20:37We know up in Ippie.
00:20:39Now, look here, son.
00:20:40I don't think you proved you aren't this fella they're looking for.
00:20:41I'm not.
00:20:42I'm not.
00:20:43I'm not.
00:20:44I'm not.
00:20:45I'm not.
00:20:46I'm not.
00:20:47I'm not.
00:20:48I'm not.
00:20:49I'm not.
00:20:50I'm not.
00:20:51I'm not.
00:20:52I'm not.
00:20:53I'm not.
00:20:54I'm not.
00:20:55I'm not.
00:20:56I'm not.
00:20:57I'm not.
00:20:58I'm not.
00:20:59I'm not.
00:21:00Do you think you're this fella they're looking for?
00:21:01Don't worry, I'm a chum.
00:21:02I ain't.
00:21:03Who are you, anyway?
00:21:04My name's Thompson.
00:21:08Got something to prove it?
00:21:09Perhaps I haven't.
00:21:10Perhaps I haven't.
00:21:11What's it got to do with you anyway?
00:21:12Why do you take me up if you think I'm this fella Matthews?
00:21:15If I said anything in the camp, I might have got an innocent bloke into trouble.
00:21:18And I wasn't sure.
00:21:21You wasn't?
00:21:22Meaning you are now?
00:21:23I can always change my mind.
00:21:24How do you think you are running the rule over me?
00:21:27I ain't running the rule over you.
00:21:28Don't look at the fix I'm in.
00:21:29I'll give you a lift, and if you are this year, Matthew's also getting in trouble.
00:21:33What are you going to do?
00:21:35And when you get to Bedford, you'll have to explain yourself to the cops.
00:21:37Now look here...
00:21:38And don't you try any copers with me.
00:21:40I ain't so good-tempered as Jock.
00:21:46I admit it.
00:21:47I'm sorry, Matthews. I'm the fellow they're looking for, but I didn't do it.
00:21:49Swell for me, I didn't.
00:21:51You couldn't turn me in. You couldn't.
00:21:52You said just now you'd never get an innocent fellow in trouble.
00:21:54Well, I'm innocent, see?
00:21:55And why are you doing the scarper?
00:21:56Because they'd never give me a break.
00:21:57I've got a record, see?
00:21:58And once they caught me, well, they wouldn't even start looking for the fellow that really done it.
00:22:01Well, if you didn't do it, there must be some way of proving it.
00:22:03There isn't, I tell you. There isn't.
00:22:04They got me on this thing they call circumstantial evidence.
00:22:06You're only making it worse by running away.
00:22:08I've got to keep away from them.
00:22:10I might strike lucky, you never know.
00:22:12They might find the guy that really done it.
00:22:13By accident, perhaps.
00:22:14You sound as if you're telling the truth.
00:22:16They don't cut no ice.
00:22:17It ain't up to me to help you get away and lose my job.
00:22:20They topped me for the dead, sir.
00:22:22Look here, son. I've got a wife.
00:22:23Mind out!
00:23:55Hi, mate. What's up?
00:23:56I had a bit of a skid and nearly broke me ruddy neck.
00:23:58Are you all right?
00:23:59Well, I am if this Parisian wagon is. Have a look, will you, chum?
00:24:01Yeah, all right.
00:24:07She looks all right to me.
00:24:09Headlamp's a bit bent.
00:24:11How's the steering?
00:24:13Well, it don't seem so bad.
00:24:14I'll straighten her up.
00:24:15All right, go on. Back as you are.
00:24:26Chill down.
00:24:28Blimey, a bit shaky, ain't it?
00:24:29So would you be if you just missed copping a packet?
00:24:31Yeah, they stopped you tonight.
00:24:34The coppers.
00:24:35In our flat looking for some bloke from London.
00:24:37I've been stopped twice.
00:24:38You have?
00:24:40I ain't seen nobody.
00:24:41You will.
00:24:42Well, if your phone gets through, I'll back you up.
00:24:43You was dazzled.
00:24:44I was what?
00:24:45You was dazzled by headlights.
00:24:46I'll get you.
00:24:47Us drivers have got to stick together.
00:24:48Life's tough enough without losing your job over an accident.
00:24:51Sure. Well, I was dazzled by headlights.
00:24:52And if the phone cuts up rough, I'll let you know.
00:24:54Yeah, OK.
00:24:55Oh, I'm Sid Parsons, driving for Knoll Brothers, Lancaster.
00:24:58Thanks, chum.
00:24:59OK, so long, good luck.
00:25:00So long.
00:25:25How are you feeling, chum?
00:25:26Oh, it's...
00:25:27It's more heat.
00:25:28I thought you'd been in your Bastia brains house.
00:25:30Can we get up on the seat?
00:25:31I think so.
00:25:32Come on.
00:25:35Where are we?
00:25:36We've just come through a place called Midwell.
00:25:37Oh, yes.
00:25:38I know.
00:25:39How far is this cafe yours?
00:25:40Oh, about...
00:25:41About 10 miles.
00:25:54Ah, shit.
00:25:55What do you think of this place?
00:25:56You don't offer it bad to me.
00:25:57It hasn't lasted all right, me.
00:25:58I'll get to my place.
00:25:59I think I better get out the next place and try and get you something.
00:26:00You sit tight.
00:26:01I won't be out for much.
00:26:03Come on.
00:26:04Come on.
00:26:05Come on.
00:26:06Come on.
00:26:07Come on.
00:26:08You sit tight. I won't be out for much.
00:26:27Hello Molly. What are you doing up here?
00:26:28I've been up in Manchester. I didn't like it there so I came back to town.
00:26:31The old pally?
00:26:32Yes, the dance hostess. But what about you?
00:26:34You're driving a lorry now. I thought you'd been away.
00:26:36Well, you see Molly, I've turned it in now and I'm going straight.
00:26:38See, and I've changed my moniker too. You'll call me Bert, will you?
00:26:41Well, that's smash in, Shorty. Well, I mean Bert.
00:26:44How's Alice? Seen her lately?
00:26:46No, I haven't had time, yes.
00:26:47Funny how she was always saying as though she wished you'd quit before it was too late.
00:26:50Yes, that's right. Oi!
00:26:53Yes, she was working with me at the old pally. It started just after you went away.
00:26:56Did she?
00:26:57We were mucking in together before I got that screwy idea about going to Manchester.
00:26:59Sorry, Molly, but I got my mate being took bad out in the lorry. See, now I've got to get on with it. Oi!
00:27:03Someday you're going to get into trouble picking up these lorry girls.
00:27:06What? If you never take chances, you never get nowhere.
00:27:08And this one's worth a bit of trouble. Pretty odd, ain't she?
00:27:11If you ain't careful, they'll be looking for you, like this bloke down in London.
00:27:14Who do you mean?
00:27:15This Matthews fella.
00:27:17Oh, yes, I read about him. Not me, boy. I treat them rough, but not too rough.
00:27:27Cup of tea, chum?
00:27:28No, Tar, me mate's just been took bad. You haven't got anything, have you?
00:27:30Got some aspirin.
00:27:31OK, I'll do it.
00:27:32How are you getting back to town?
00:27:33Oh, I've been copping lifts. This is my chauffeur.
00:27:36Come on, kid. Let's have a walk.
00:27:38How much is it?
00:27:40Well, goodbye, I bet.
00:27:42Cheerio, all the best.
00:27:43So long.
00:27:46Who's your friend?
00:27:47Just a bloke I used to know in London.
00:27:49Come on, off you go.
00:27:56So long, Fred.
00:27:58So long, Molly.
00:28:01Here, here, wait a minute. London's the other way, isn't it?
00:28:15You'll get to London all right, sweetheart. But don't you worry.
00:28:18There's a place up here I want to stop at first.
00:28:20If you're thinking of starting anything, you're barmy.
00:28:23Gotta be nice to a fellow, ain't you?
00:28:25As long as you're nice to me.
00:28:32Feeling better?
00:28:33Yes, Franks.
00:28:34You know, you're taking a lot of trouble for me, considering the fix you're in.
00:28:37Oh, forget it.
00:28:38What are you going to do?
00:28:39I'm going to drop you off at your wife's cab and then go off on my own.
00:28:46Now, look here. You don't stop and turn round, I'm going to get out.
00:28:49I'll stop it, all right. Here we are.
00:29:02Here, what's all this?
00:29:03You've got nothing to worry about, sweetheart.
00:29:05Now, don't you come any capers with me.
00:29:07Give us a little kiss, won't you?
00:29:08Here, you let go of me.
00:29:09Come on, you.
00:29:10Let go of me.
00:29:13Come here, you little...
00:29:15Let me go.
00:29:16Let go.
00:29:21Let go.
00:29:23Let me go.
00:29:24Let go.
00:29:31What's that?
00:29:47You get inside that lorry, go on.
00:29:48You keep out of this.
00:29:49If you touch her, I'll kill you.
00:29:52Shorty Matthews.
00:29:53You're what all the cops are looking for, for killing my Jane.
00:30:02Come on, get in quick.
00:30:03Shorty, is it true what he said?
00:30:04Come on, get in quick.
00:30:05Tell me.
00:30:06What happened? I want to know.
00:30:07I'll tell you later.
00:30:08No, I want to know now.
00:30:11It was... It was Alice.
00:30:14Some bloke done her in, you see.
00:30:15And they think it was me, but...
00:30:17But it wasn't, so help me, it wasn't.
00:30:19It wasn't me.
00:30:20I tell you, I didn't do it, Molly.
00:30:22I didn't do it.
00:30:23I didn't do it.
00:30:24I didn't do it.
00:30:25I didn't do it.
00:30:26I didn't do it.
00:30:27I didn't do it.
00:30:28I didn't do it.
00:30:29I didn't do it.
00:30:30I didn't do it, Molly.
00:30:31She was dead when I found her, see, you know.
00:30:33And I lost me head and I ran away.
00:30:35I lost me head, I tell you.
00:30:36Get away from me.
00:30:37I didn't do it, I tell you.
00:30:39Come on, in quick.
00:30:40Come on, get in quick.
00:30:44Not here.
00:30:45It's all right, she's a pal of mine.
00:30:46I'll tell you about it later.
00:30:50Oh, but, Shorty, I've got to go.
00:30:51Do something, listen to me.
00:30:52Not here, Jim.
00:30:53What is all this?
00:31:00Who's in in the block?
00:31:02Uh, now doctor, I suppose you don't know.
00:31:05Well, no.
00:31:08I was going to the dairy, and it looked like she
00:31:10should have gone now, ha.
00:31:11Is that again?
00:31:12Well, well, as long what she has to go.
00:31:14No, the average.
00:31:15She was perfectly fine yesterday, but it's different now.
00:31:19Her girth should change.
00:31:22How long?
00:31:23A half an hour.
00:31:24I think it's a good idea Jagane.
00:31:25Well, go on then.
00:31:26All right then, I guess I'll see you later,
00:31:28thanks very much.
00:31:29All right, mate.
00:31:30He's in a hurry, too. Looks all unnervous.
00:31:32I'd say he was heading north.
00:31:33See what kind of lorry he was driving?
00:31:34No. Do you think it was really him?
00:31:36We'll let you know when we have a look at him. Good night.
00:31:46Here we are. This is it.
00:31:49OK, well, I'll just help you inside, then I'll breeze off.
00:31:51You'd better come in for a minute.
00:31:52Shorty, where are you going?
00:31:53What's it got to do with you? You don't believe me anyway.
00:31:55Doesn't matter what I believe. You helped me, didn't you?
00:31:56You'd better come on in, shum. We may be able to think of something.
00:32:01Wait a minute. Let's have a deco first.
00:32:04OK, it's empty. Come on.
00:32:15Wally, what's the matter?
00:32:16It's all right, Doc. It's that Axe. I'm calling a fortnight one.
00:32:18Do you think I'd better call the doctor?
00:32:19No, no, don't be so daft. I don't want to see a doctor.
00:32:22Come on in the back room.
00:32:23Well, I shall call the doctor.
00:32:24It's all right, Doc. It's that Axe. I'm calling a fortnight one.
00:32:26Do you think I'd better call the doctor?
00:32:27No, no, don't be so daft. I don't want to see a doctor.
00:32:29Well, I shall call the doctor.
00:32:30It's all right, I'll tell you. Come on.
00:32:37Now, what's the matter, Wally?
00:32:38Oh, nothing. This bloke helped me out
00:32:40and I wanted a bit of a chat, that's all.
00:32:43This is Miss...
00:32:45Look at your forehead.
00:32:47Oh, it's all right. I'll tell you about it later.
00:32:48Go and get us some tea. There's a dear.
00:32:50Oh, all right.
00:32:54Now, look here, chum. You took a hell of a chance in helping us.
00:32:56If you're telling the truth, why don't you take another one
00:32:58and give yourself up?
00:32:59Well, that's what I say.
00:33:01If you didn't do it, why are you running away?
00:33:03It's easy enough to talk like that when you haven't been in stir.
00:33:06If you ain't got a record, I have.
00:33:07Yes, but you shouldn't have run away.
00:33:08Now, listen. This chap, Alan, they just hanged for the same thing.
00:33:12But I lost my head, that's all.
00:33:13I couldn't help it. Anybody would have.
00:33:15Yes, I quite see that, but...
00:33:18Now, Wally Mason,
00:33:20will you or will you not tell me what this is all about?
00:33:22I'll be a sport now. Give me five minutes and I'll tell you the old story.
00:33:25Don't worry. It ain't nothing to do with me.
00:33:28Oh. All right.
00:33:36Shorty, suppose I say I believe you.
00:33:38Where are you going to get running away like this?
00:33:40But can't you see if I manage to keep away for a bit,
00:33:42they might find the chap that really done it.
00:33:43And I...
00:33:50Evening. Evening.
00:33:51Evening of a stranger.
00:33:52A short man. Grey suit. Dark hair.
00:33:55No. No, I haven't.
00:33:56Hmm. You seem pretty nervous. Something wrong here?
00:33:59No, there's nothing wrong. Everything's all right.
00:34:02If there's nothing wrong, you don't mind if we have a look around, do you?
00:34:04Well, I just... Thank you. Come on.
00:34:16Carmen, you try that way.
00:34:17Now then, now then.
00:34:21You take that side. I'll go up here.
00:34:56Take this way. You go down there.
00:34:58I'll have a look over here.
00:35:55Oh, that's all right. Your husband's story sounds straight enough.
00:35:58You'd better come along to the station and talk it over there.
00:36:00You're wasting your time.
00:36:02He picked me up on the road. I don't know anything about any murders.
00:36:04Just come for the ride.
00:36:05That's all right. I'll back you up. Don't you worry.
00:36:07Thank you. I hope your head's better in the morning.
00:36:09Good night.
00:36:12I'll tell you, you're wasting your time.
00:36:13Oh, come on.
00:36:16Here, wait a minute.
00:36:19Johnson, we'll take her along. Keep her company.
00:36:20I'll be back in a minute.
00:36:22Come on.
00:36:25I'll be right out.
00:36:55You'll see.
00:37:18Shorty, Shorty, what are you doing?
00:37:20Oh, shut up. I know what I'm doing.
00:37:25Come on, now.
00:37:32Nelson! Nelson!
00:37:35Harverd! Lee!
00:37:40Oh, Mrs. Daughter, you're crazy! They'll kill you for this!
00:37:42It's not as if they don't catch me, they won't!
00:37:43Oh, shut up!
00:37:44You shut up!
00:37:45You believe me, don't you, Molly?
00:37:46I suppose I do.
00:37:47That's a good kid, I thought you would.
00:37:49Well, you know what I felt about Alice, don't you?
00:37:51I would never have done that to her.
00:37:52I tell you what I'm going to do, see and I'm going to do it for you.
00:37:55I'm going to drive this car on for a bit, then I'm going to ditch her, see?
00:37:57And your story will be that I wouldn't stop to let you out, see?
00:37:59But you're worse off than ever, stealing a police car.
00:38:01I can't help that now.
00:38:05Here's one.
00:38:11I'm a police officer. The car's stolen. I must take yours.
00:38:13Certainly, but I'm afraid I don't drive very well.
00:38:15Oh, that's all right. I can drive.
00:38:17Excellent. I'll move right over.
00:38:18Now off this side, see? You can get in the back.
00:38:25But you...
00:38:36Well, this is where I scarf her.
00:38:38So long.
00:38:39Shorty. Yes?
00:38:40I want to help you on this, I do, but I wish I could make you see there's only one right thing to do.
00:38:43I've got to work this out for myself, kid.
00:38:45Don't you worry about me. I'll be all right.
00:38:46So long.
00:38:50Half a quid?
00:38:51Yeah, but look here...
00:38:53Oh, take it and shut up. I've got enough to get along on.
00:38:56You're a great kid.
00:38:57So long.
00:38:59Oh, Shorty!
00:39:00If you ever want me, remember I'll be at the Palais again.
00:39:02OK. So long.
00:39:23Well, where is he?
00:39:24I don't know.
00:39:25Go on, scuttle round, boys.
00:39:26What's the matter?
00:39:27Well, I'm frightened in a car with a murderer.
00:39:30You put me here.
00:39:31I'm sorry about that, but don't worry. We only want to ask a few questions.
00:40:23Hey, girls.
00:40:24Hey, everyone.
00:40:25Oh, hi there.
00:40:26Hello, sister.
00:40:27Isn't Molly here yet?
00:40:29I can't wait to see her.
00:40:30I can.
00:40:31I expected you to say something like that.
00:40:32Well, if you ask me, she's got a nerve coming back here at all.
00:40:34Catching rides from lorried drivers and chasing about with murderers.
00:40:37Gives the clients the wrong impression of all us girls.
00:40:41Margie's jealous Molly got her picture in the paper.
00:40:44She ought to have plenty of clients now.
00:40:46I always think it gives a girl gladness.
00:40:48I don't think so.
00:40:49I don't think so.
00:40:50I don't think so.
00:40:51I always think it gives a girl glamour.
00:40:52I can get along without that kind of glamour.
00:40:54Of course you can, darling.
00:40:55You've got along so far without any at all, haven't you?
00:41:01How are you, darling?
00:41:02Tell us what happened.
00:41:03What did she say to you?
00:41:04Give her a chance to get her breath.
00:41:05Well, tell us what happened, Molly.
00:41:06There's nothing to tell, Doug, sir.
00:41:08I just ran into Shorty by accident up there.
00:41:10And when the police found out I got nothing to do with it, they let me go.
00:41:12That's all.
00:41:13But weren't you scared stiff being alone with a murderer?
00:41:15What's there about Shorty Matthews to be scared of?
00:41:19Now, listen, all of you.
00:41:21Alice is my best friend.
00:41:22Don't let's talk about it.
00:41:23That's right.
00:41:24Leave her alone, can't you?
00:41:26Hello, Marge.
00:41:28Oh, what's the matter with you?
00:41:29Oh, don't take any notice of her.
00:41:30Snooty as usual.
00:41:31That's all.
00:41:32Come along, girls.
00:41:33It mustn't be late.
00:41:34Make the place look alive.
00:41:36Hello, Molly.
00:41:37Hello, Pop.
00:41:38Feeling all right, my dear?
00:41:39Couldn't be better.
00:41:40That's the girl.
00:41:41You'll be getting back into the swing of things in no time.
00:41:43Of course she will.
00:41:44Sweet of you to take me back.
00:41:45Oh, why shouldn't I?
00:41:46You couldn't help what happened.
00:41:47Well, thanks anyway.
00:41:48All right, be as quick as you can, my dear, won't you?
00:42:08Don't let it get you down, Ducks.
00:42:09The girls know how you feel.
00:42:10They'll soon stop talking about Alice.
00:42:12Thanks, Pauline.
00:42:13That's sweet of you.
00:42:14You know, I'd never believe that little shorty Matthews would do a thing like that.
00:42:16I'm not so sure that he did do it.
00:42:19I say I'm not so sure that he did do it.
00:42:20Are you free, miss?
00:42:55What are you doing in London?
00:42:56I come back on my tracks.
00:42:57Things was getting too hot for me up north, so I copped a lorry coming down this way.
00:43:00What do you want?
00:43:01I'm on the ribs, Murray.
00:43:02I've got to find a hideout.
00:43:04You can't hide out here.
00:43:05I don't mean that.
00:43:06Any other boys about?
00:43:07What if they are?
00:43:08I won't bother, I'm honest.
00:43:09All I want is a bit of dough, just enough to give me a break.
00:43:12How's the game on in the card room?
00:43:14Tom about?
00:43:16Yeah, the book there.
00:43:18What's the matter?
00:43:31Watch it, boys.
00:43:37What you looking at me like that for?
00:43:39I didn't croak the kid, you know that.
00:43:41We don't know a thing except what we read in the papers.
00:43:43You believe me, Paddy, don't you?
00:43:46What do I know about it?
00:43:47All I know is you're spoiling your game of poker.
00:43:49You're in the wrong place if you think you're going to get any change out of ours.
00:43:52Alice was a good king, Matthews.
00:43:54I tell you, she was dead when I found her.
00:43:56If you didn't do it, why did you run away?
00:43:58Well, I got scared.
00:43:59I knew they'd hang it on to me, and...
00:44:02The text.
00:44:03Two of them in the belligerent.
00:44:04What? They come for him?
00:44:05What do you think?
00:44:06Why the hell did they have to come here?
00:44:07Boys, you wouldn't.
00:44:10You to bed, Tom.
00:44:12I've got a family.
00:44:13I'm going up, Six.
00:44:14I'll see you later.
00:44:16I'm away.
00:44:17You're away, aren't you?
00:44:18What are you going to do, Tommy?
00:44:19Evening, boys.
00:44:20Good evening, sir.
00:44:21Look who's here.
00:44:23That's right, boys, carry on.
00:44:24We just called in to see everybody's happy.
00:44:26We're as happy as a lot of blinking lights.
00:44:28Fact is, we'd like to have a word with an old friend of yours, Tom.
00:44:31Who's that?
00:44:32Reg Hammond.
00:44:34He been around lately?
00:44:35Ain't seen him in a fortnight.
00:44:36Get him to give us a ring when you see him again, will you?
00:44:39Can he charge the car up to the yard?
00:44:41Why not?
00:44:42As long as he doesn't make it a trunk call.
00:44:43What have you got, Tom?
00:44:44Three jacks.
00:44:45That's too good for me.
00:44:46Come on, let's...
00:44:47You OK?
00:44:48So long, boys.
00:44:49So long, sir.
00:44:56Now get out and stay out, round the back way.
00:44:58But you boys do believe me, don't you?
00:44:59I mean, you didn't turn me in.
00:45:00Don't be a sap, Matthews.
00:45:01You think we wanted to close the club because you're in here?
00:45:03Go on, beat it.
00:45:04Where can I go?
00:45:05I haven't got any money and...
00:45:06Who cares about that anyway?
00:45:09Get on your way and don't come back.
00:45:15Come on.
00:45:32You've got light on your feet.
00:45:34You're a lucky kid, you know, getting a picture in the paper.
00:45:36Am I? Why?
00:45:37Well, I haven't had a chance to dance with you the whole evening.
00:45:39They've been there queuing up for you.
00:45:40What's the hurry?
00:45:41I'll be here tomorrow and every other night.
00:45:44I say you and I go to some nice little place for a snack after the session.
00:45:46Thanks, but my father calls for me every night and he's very strict.
00:45:49Oh, I've heard that one before.
00:45:56Oh, thanks. Good night.
00:46:10Oh, look at her.
00:46:14You know, with all Elieida, if she's not careful, the same thing will happen to her as it happened to Alice.
00:46:17I'm sorry, Ducks.
00:46:18But Alice did take on a lot of dates, didn't she?
00:46:20Yes, don't I know it.
00:46:21Good night, girls.
00:46:22Good night, Bob.
00:46:23Good night.
00:46:25Well, I must off along and get my bus.
00:46:26Oh, where do you live in there?
00:46:27Same old digs.
00:46:29Well, I had to go somewhere where I'm good for a week's rent.
00:46:31Well, good night. See you tomorrow.
00:46:33Good night, Pauline.
00:46:35I had to come back. They're still looking for me up north.
00:46:37But they're bound to get you in that.
00:46:38No, I'm better off down here.
00:46:39Well, what are you going to do?
00:46:40I don't know.
00:46:41I thought perhaps some of my pals might help me, but I was lucky the swans didn't turn me in.
00:46:44Oh, Shorty.
00:46:45Now, don't you start all that about giving yourself up, because I'm not going to do it, see.
00:46:47Listen, kid, you believe me, don't you?
00:46:49Well, you said you did.
00:46:50Yes, I do, Shorty.
00:46:51Well, Molly, I don't want to drag you into this, but you're the only pal I've got, see.
00:46:54Will you help me?
00:46:55Well, what can I do?
00:46:56Well, I've got to go.
00:46:57I've got to go.
00:46:59Well, Molly, I don't want to drag you into this, but you're the only pal I've got, see.
00:47:02Will you help me?
00:47:03Well, what can I do?
00:47:04Well, I've got to go.
00:47:05First of all, I've got to find an empty loft somewhere where I can hide out, see.
00:47:08Perhaps an old house.
00:47:09You don't have any, do you?
00:47:10No, I don't, Shorty.
00:47:11I've got to find some stuff, some grub and all.
00:47:14Wait a minute.
00:47:15I believe there is an old house.
00:47:16All boarded up quite near my digs.
00:47:18Oh, that sounds a ticket.
00:47:19Well, come on.
00:47:20I'll take you there.
00:47:22Now, you go on first, will you?
00:47:23They might pick me up, and I don't want to get you into trouble again.
00:47:25All right.
00:47:26You're a funny guy.
00:47:29Do you want anything to eat?
00:47:30No, but I'll be all right once I get a hideout.
00:47:32You go on.
00:47:33All right.
00:47:35You're quite welcome.
00:47:56Yes, ma'am.
00:47:57Four ham sandwiches and a piece of cake.
00:47:59That's right.
00:48:04Thank you, ma'am.
00:48:06Good night.
00:48:07Good night.
00:48:28This is it.
00:48:29It looks all right.
00:48:30Oh, it's all right.
00:48:32This is it.
00:48:33It looks all right.
00:48:35Oh, and I've got these for you.
00:48:39Oh, darn.
00:48:40Look at all these.
00:48:44It looks as if nobody's lived here for years.
00:49:02How are you going to get in?
00:49:19Don't be silly.
00:49:20You watch me.
00:49:32Oh, it ain't half spooky.
00:49:40Don't worry me.
00:49:41As long as the spooks ain't cops.
00:49:44You'll go barmy staying in here all the time.
00:49:46No, not me.
00:49:49You come on after me, will you?
00:49:55This is how I figure it out, see?
00:49:57This bloke that done Alison, well, he didn't drop down from heaven, did he?
00:50:01He must have come from somewhere, wasn't he?
00:50:03Well, where do you figure out he come from, eh?
00:50:05Oh, I don't know.
00:50:06Well, the ballet, of course.
00:50:07He's one of the blokes that Alice danced with at the ballet.
00:50:10Well, it might have been.
00:50:13Well, if you could keep your eyes open.
00:50:15I mean, if you wouldn't mind doing it for me.
00:50:17Well, we might get a line on him, see?
00:50:21It's all right.
00:50:22It's only one of them looking glasses.
00:50:23You mean it might have been someone that danced with her a lot?
00:50:27That's right.
00:50:28Well, maybe Pauline could help.
00:50:29She knows a lot of Alice's regulars.
00:50:31Well, will you see what you can find out?
00:50:32Yes, of course I will.
00:50:37Molly, when I get out of this, I'll make it up to you, honest.
00:50:40I will.
00:50:41It's all right, Shorty.
00:50:42After all, you risked your neck for me, didn't you?
00:50:44It's only right I should do the same for you.
00:50:46You know, tip for tap.
00:50:51Well, I've got to go now.
00:50:53All right.
00:50:54I'll come back tomorrow night and bring you some more grub.
00:50:56Okay, I can deal with that.
00:50:57Wait a minute.
00:51:00It's all right.
00:51:02Is there anything else you want?
00:51:04No, darling.
00:51:05Oh, what if you could lay hold of the razor?
00:51:07Oh, all right.
00:51:08Good night.
00:51:09Good night.
00:51:12I wish I could tell you.
00:51:13Oh, forget it.
00:51:14Yeah, you haven't got any of these, have you?
00:51:18Good night.
00:51:19Good night.
00:51:29Good night.
00:51:30Good night.
00:53:54Thank you very much, I'm sure.
00:54:11Any luck?
00:54:12Oh, no.
00:54:13He'd run to his mother if he'd as much as kissed a girl.
00:54:14He used to dance with Alice a lot.
00:54:15Yes, so he said.
00:54:16No, they all look the same to me.
00:54:17Dumb, but harmless.
00:54:18Molly, you're not a detective.
00:54:19If there's anything in this idea of yours, why don't you go to the police?
00:54:21Because they wouldn't listen to me.
00:54:22They're certain that Shorty did it.
00:54:23What beats me is how you can be so certain he didn't.
00:54:24But I've told you, Pauline.
00:54:25If you would have heard him that night on the road, you would have believed him, too.
00:54:26Did you say something, dear?
00:54:27Not a word, darling.
00:54:28She keeps forgetting to blow her nose, dearie.
00:54:29Look, that one coming towards us now.
00:54:30He used to dance with Alice a lot.
00:54:49Shall we have this dance?
00:54:51I'm sorry.
00:54:52I've got a nail or something in my shoe.
00:54:54My friend Miss O'Neil would be glad to dance with you, I'm sure.
00:54:56That's all right with me.
00:54:59You're the girl Matthew's kidnapped, ain't you?
00:55:01If Pop gets wind of what you two are up to, he'll soon put a stop to this detective work.
00:55:06Yes, and it's not good for business.
00:55:07If he gets wind of it, I'll soon put a stop to you.
00:55:09Oh, you will, will you?
00:55:10Here, I'll have this dance...
00:55:43Good evening, my dear.
00:55:45Oh, Mr. Hoover, good evening.
00:55:47Am I fortunate enough to find you disengaged?
00:55:49I was just sitting this one out.
00:55:51Oh, too bad. I was hoping that you'd do me the honor.
00:55:53Oh, I feel quite rested now. I'd like to dance.
00:55:56Thank you, my dear.
00:55:58Did you know Alice?
00:55:59Sure, I used to dance with her.
00:56:01I thought I'd seen you with her.
00:56:03She was a nice little kid, could dance well, too.
00:56:05I wish I could lay my hands on that little crook, Matthews.
00:56:07My dear, your dancing is as perfect as your appearance.
00:56:10Oh, Mr. Hoover, it's such a treat to dance with a real gentleman.
00:56:13I mean, a gentleman a girl can rarely talk with.
00:56:17Tell me, didn't I see you out with Alice one night after the session?
00:56:22Not me. Must have been some other bloke.
00:56:23I just used to dance with her.
00:56:25Isn't that Miss O'Neil?
00:56:27The young lady whose picture I saw in the papers?
00:56:29Yes, that's her. Stupid little fool.
00:56:31Indeed. I do say so.
00:56:33Oh, because she is.
00:56:34She's made all us girls look cheap, chasing about like one of those lorry girls.
00:56:37And now she's trying to prove that Shorty Matthews didn't kill Alice.
00:56:42And how did our charming young detective propose to accomplish that?
00:56:47Oh, she thinks it was someone Alice met here.
00:56:49So she's dancing with all Alice's old clans,
00:56:51offing them if they did it, I suppose.
00:56:53Then she's quite convinced of Matthew's innocence, is she?
00:56:55She's crackless.
00:56:56He told her he didn't do it.
00:56:57He said he didn't do it.
00:56:59Quite convinced of Matthew's innocence, is she?
00:57:01She's crackless.
00:57:02He told her he didn't do it, and she believes.
00:57:04Would it surprise you very much if I told you
00:57:06that it's quite possible that Matthews did not do it?
00:57:09Why, Mr. Hoover, I wouldn't have expected an educated gentleman like you to say such a thing.
00:57:13Perhaps it's just because I've had the advantage of being educated, as you call it,
00:57:17that I hold an unorthodox view.
00:57:19Why, Mr. Hoover, I'm surprised at you.
00:57:30Oh, Molly, here's a gentleman you ought to meet.
00:57:32You've both got a lot in common.
00:57:34I do, do.
00:57:35Allow me to introduce myself.
00:57:36My name is Hoover, Walter Hoover.
00:57:39How do you do?
00:57:40Whatever did Marge mean?
00:57:41I think she was referring to your belief that Matthews did not murder Miss Carson.
00:57:46What's that to you?
00:57:47Anyway, how do you know what I think?
00:57:49Miss Margery told me.
00:57:50Well, of all...
00:57:51Oh, don't be concerned, my dear.
00:57:53I share your belief to a great extent.
00:57:55You do?
00:57:56Do you know something about it?
00:57:58Except what a lifetime of speculation on the mysteries of the human mind can teach me.
00:58:03Oh, I see.
00:58:04Well, if you'll excuse me...
00:58:06But I'll say this, Miss O'Neil.
00:58:07My knowledge of psychology makes it seem likely that you're right in supposing
00:58:11that no simple criminal like Matthews did it.
00:58:15It would be the work of a much more highly organized individual.
00:58:19Yes, I suppose so.
00:58:21Well, if you'll excuse me, good night.
00:58:25Good night.
00:58:27Who was that old fogey?
00:58:29He used to be a schoolmaster.
00:58:30Well, he's barmy.
00:58:31I beg your pardon.
00:58:32And I'll thank you to start meddling in my business.
00:58:34If I want anyone to tell what I'm doing, I'll take care of it myself.
00:58:38I'm not taking any orders from you, Miss O'Neil.
00:58:40You with your cops and murders.
00:58:54Thank you, sir.
00:59:01Thank you, sir.
00:59:08Good luck to you, Governor.
00:59:12Ah, good evening, Mr. Hoover.
00:59:14Good evening.
00:59:15Good evening, everybody.
00:59:16I'm in the chair.
00:59:17What's yours?
00:59:18Well, I'll have a ginger brandy.
00:59:20Ginger brandy.
00:59:22I suppose the professor of Psy...Psy...
00:59:25The word that escapes you, Mr. Peebles, is psychology.
00:59:28Yes, of course.
00:59:30It shouldn't have escaped me, should it?
00:59:32We've heard it pretty often in here, haven't we and all?
00:59:35Not often enough, it seems.
00:59:37Now, Mr. Peebles, you know it's a rare treat the way Mr. Hoover talks.
00:59:40Yes, indeed.
00:59:41It's seldom enough we meet an educated gentleman like Mr. Hoover.
00:59:45To you, Mr. Peebles.
00:59:47And to you, ladies.
00:59:48I don't deserve your flattery.
00:59:52Any news today, Mr. Hoover?
00:59:56On what subject?
00:59:57Well, you've only been talking on one subject lately, haven't you?
01:00:00Come now, Mr. Smith.
01:00:01Surely you don't hold it against me that I've become engrossed in the most interesting problem of abnormal criminal psychology.
01:00:08Listen to the words come out.
01:00:10I mean, if I can see anything so interesting in it.
01:00:13Happens every day of the year.
01:00:15I do, Mr. Smith.
01:00:17Miss James, I see empty glasses about.
01:00:19Ask the ladies and gentlemen what they'll have.
01:00:21Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Hoover.
01:00:23Same again.
01:00:24Dear Mr. Smith, I'm afraid you only take a superficial view.
01:00:27Do I?
01:00:29You see, to a student in these matters, the impulse that dictates the action
01:00:33and the sense of power that comes from the evasion of the consequences
01:00:36makes each instance unique.
01:00:38Even though you may say, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
01:00:43He's a mouthful.
01:00:44Good luck, Mr. Hoover.
01:00:45All the best.
01:00:46Well, um, san ferian, Mr. Hoover, and may your days be as long as your words.
01:00:52Would you mind repeating that in English?
01:00:56The man who killed that girl enjoyed for a moment the sensation of power over life and death.
01:01:03Now he has the sense of power that comes from knowing something that nobody else in the world knows.
01:01:10You do give things a queer twist, meaning you still think Matthews didn't do it.
01:01:15I'm more convinced than ever this evening.
01:01:18Pound something out, Mr. Hoover.
01:01:20Do tell us.
01:01:21You don't mean to say that you got information.
01:01:23Of course not.
01:01:24I have no means of getting information.
01:01:26The police have that.
01:01:28I merely think and observe.
01:01:30Oh, nonsense.
01:01:32Do you mean to stand there and say that...
01:01:34Mr. Smith, no arguments here, if you please.
01:01:36Miss James, never discourage a skeptic.
01:01:38Doubt is the stimulator of conversation.
01:01:42It may amuse you all to know that I have come to a not uninteresting conclusion.
01:01:47Oh, he had something of his sleep.
01:01:49Are you going to tell us?
01:01:50We can hardly wait.
01:01:52The unfortunate Matthews is in London.
01:01:56Well, I...
01:01:57Have they caught him?
01:01:58No, they haven't caught him.
01:01:59The police don't even know that he is in London.
01:02:01Then how do you know?
01:02:02By the elementary deduction that a criminal always returns to the scene of his crime.
01:02:08Is that all you've got to go by?
01:02:10That and a look of fear in a pair of lovely eyes.
01:02:15An expression of anxiety on a pretty face.
01:02:18And there in Uncle Tom Cobbley's whiskers.
01:02:23Mr. Peebles, I envy you the possession of such a sense of humor.
01:02:26I would like to be able to stay longer to enjoy more fully the rapier play of your wit.
01:02:31But alas, I have an appointment.
01:02:34Gentlemen, good night.
01:02:36Au revoir, ladies.
01:02:37Good night.
01:02:39And give our love to them beautiful eyes.
01:02:42Good night.
01:02:47The best free show in London.
01:02:49That's what he is.
01:03:10You know, I'm hungry.
01:03:11Let's go somewhere and have a bite before we go home.
01:03:13Thanks, Pauline. I'm too tired. I think I'll go home if you don't mind.
01:03:15All right.
01:03:16What have you got there?
01:03:17Oh, nothing. Just a pair of old shoes I'm taking to be resold, that's all.
01:03:20Are you sure you won't come?
01:03:21No, thanks. I'm too tired, honestly.
01:03:23Oh, thanks for helping me tonight, though.
01:03:25We didn't get very far, did we?
01:03:26No, it's all pretty hopeless.
01:03:28Molly, what's bothering you?
01:03:30I mean, it's something more than just thinking Shorty didn't do it, isn't it?
01:03:33No, no, I'm just tired, that's all.
01:03:35Good night, then.
01:03:36Good night.
01:03:39Good night.
01:04:54It's all right, Shorty.
01:04:59I guess I must be getting soft.
01:05:01I got you things.
01:05:03I brought you some candles and I got the razor.
01:05:07Oh, no. No, not by the window.
01:05:09OK, baby, careful.
01:05:17Sit down, will you?
01:05:20Did you ask Pauline about the blokes that Alice danced with?
01:05:23Yes, I even danced with some of them myself.
01:05:26Shorty, I don't think this is going to be any use.
01:05:29Even if I had the luck to dance with the one that did it, I couldn't tell.
01:05:33Oh, I tried asking questions and all that, but I'm just no good at it.
01:05:40It's all right, Molly, don't you worry about it.
01:05:42It's just an idea of mine, that's all.
01:05:44What are you going to do?
01:05:53I calmed down this morning and I got to thinking what a wild goose sort of chase I've been sending you on, see?
01:05:58And I started using my loaf.
01:06:00Molly, I...
01:06:03I don't care about nobody else besides you
01:06:05and I don't want to go on like this with you thinking I ain't doing the right thing, see?
01:06:09Yes, I'm going to do like you said. I'm going to give myself up.
01:06:13It's you what made me do it, Molly.
01:06:16It's for you.
01:06:24Oh, Shorty, I'm glad that you can't do it.
01:06:28I don't want you to now.
01:06:31I'm glad you said that, kid, because it means you feel the same way I do.
01:06:35I know I do.
01:06:36That's why I've got to go on with it.
01:06:37I've got to run my chances so when it's all over I can get a job and go straight.
01:06:46If everything was all right, would you marry me?
01:07:15He was at the party tonight.
01:07:16The party?
01:07:17Yes, he was dancing with Marge. He talked about you.
01:07:19Well, he ain't a cop, is he?
01:07:20No, he used to be a schoolmaster. I thought he was...
01:07:28It's all right.
01:07:32I'd better get him inside. Come on.
01:07:40Now, come on. What are you doing here?
01:07:43In view of the somewhat informal nature of our introduction, I might ask you that question.
01:07:49Now, come off it. If you don't speak up, I'll give you another taste of this. Come on.
01:07:51Oh, my friend, I've had enough.
01:07:53Besides, you've nothing to fear. You haven't a better friend in the world than me.
01:07:58What's he talking about?
01:07:59Search me. That's the way he was talking at the party tonight.
01:08:01You might add, Miss O'Neil, that I told you that I was convinced of Matthew's innocence.
01:08:09That's right. He said that, too. He made a regular speech about it. I thought he was nuts.
01:08:15How did you get here?
01:08:17I took the liberty of following Miss O'Neil.
01:08:19What for?
01:08:20To confirm certain suspicions that I had formed.
01:08:23Well, what sort of...
01:08:24You see, I am a student of abnormal and criminal psychology.
01:08:30What's that got to do with me?
01:08:33My insight into the, shall we say, crepuscular recesses of the human mind
01:08:38have convinced me that you are not the man who killed Alice Carson.
01:08:48Is that so?
01:08:51Then who done it, then?
01:08:52Now, my dear fellow, you're confusing my function with that of a common detective.
01:08:56Well, if you ain't a tech, then what are you so interested for?
01:08:59That's what I'd like to know.
01:09:00I think I told you. I'm a student of the vagaries of the human mind.
01:09:05Oh, such a pretty cat.
01:09:07My subtle one.
01:09:08Oh, my respose cat.
01:09:11She got some kittens over there, too.
01:09:13No, has she? May I see the kittens?
01:09:15Yes, go on. They're over in that corner.
01:09:19Help yourself.
01:09:21Help yourself.
01:09:28He done it.
01:09:34Lovely aren't they?
01:09:42Well, what's your name?
01:09:44Hoover. Walter Hoover.
01:09:47Why did you kill Alice?
01:09:51Alice, is what I said.
01:09:53My dear Matthews.
01:09:55What makes you so certain Shorty didn't?
01:09:57You're being very ingenious, Matthews.
01:10:00Different though we are, we have one thing in common.
01:10:04Neither of us killed Alice.
01:10:07Then who did?
01:10:08Well, if we knew that, we wouldn't be here, would we?
01:10:11Well, I mustn't impose any further on your hospitality.
01:10:13Where are you off to?
01:10:14Home, of course.
01:10:15Oh, no you ain't. You're going to stop right here.
01:10:17I'm not going to take any chances of you going to the cops.
01:10:19My dear Mr. Matthews, I believe in your innocence.
01:10:22Well, that's fine.
01:10:23And we'll stay here until they find out who done it, shall we?
01:10:26In that case, I shall consider myself your guest.
01:10:29That's right.
01:10:30And thank you for your hospitality.
01:10:33But, why shouldn't we reverse the role?
01:10:36Reverse the what?
01:10:37I have quite a present at your flat.
01:10:40You mean I can stop at your place?
01:10:43It's such a nice home for you, my pretty.
01:10:46But the invitation, of course, includes Miss O'Neil.
01:10:48No, you'd better be getting along.
01:10:49But why?
01:10:50I shall be delighted to show her my little home.
01:10:56Oh, shall we be going?
01:10:57Look here.
01:10:58I've got a little present for you.
01:11:00Oh, thank you.
01:11:01Oh, you're welcome.
01:11:02Oh, you're welcome.
01:11:03Oh, you're welcome.
01:11:04Oh, you're welcome.
01:11:05Oh, you're welcome.
01:11:06Oh, you're welcome.
01:11:07Oh, you're welcome.
01:11:08Look here.
01:11:10In case you get careless, no funny business.
01:11:13I wish you'd cease mistrusting me.
01:11:15I am determined to prove your innocence.
01:11:18Miss O'Neil, will you bring the kittens?
01:11:28Thank you, sir.
01:11:37You go in first.
01:11:38No, Pierre.
01:11:39No, but I insist.
01:11:40No, you go in first.
01:11:41Go on.
01:11:50I think we'll put the kittens in my bedroom.
01:12:00There, my pretties.
01:12:02There's a nice, comfortable bed for you all to yourselves.
01:12:07And now we'll get to a saucer of milk, shall we?
01:12:13Matthews, you can leave your coat here, if you like.
01:12:15Oh, thanks.
01:12:17Miss O'Neil, if you wish to tidy up, you will find everything you want in there.
01:12:21Oh, thanks.
01:12:24Come upstairs, Matthews.
01:12:25Perhaps you would like a drink.
01:12:27Oh, thanks, sir.
01:12:28Never mind.
01:12:57Now, you make yourself at home, Matthews,
01:12:58while I look after our guests.
01:13:01The little ones downstairs, you know.
01:13:20Matthews, I hope I shan't have to tell you again
01:13:22that you have nothing to fear from me.
01:13:26And I appealed to you in the secret name of hospitality
01:13:29to look upon me as your host and friend.
01:13:36All right.
01:14:26Go on back downstairs.
01:14:27Go on.
01:14:34Interested in books, Matthews?
01:14:39Miss Trouver,
01:14:41I'd like to talk to you.
01:14:44Of course.
01:14:47When we was down at the old house,
01:14:49I was looking for a book.
01:14:51Of course.
01:14:54When we was down at the old house,
01:14:56did you hear what I was saying to Molly?
01:14:58Well, I admit I did hear some of it, my boy.
01:15:00Well, it goes, see?
01:15:02I'm going to do like I said.
01:15:04You won't have to keep me here after all.
01:15:05What do you mean?
01:15:06I'm going to give myself up.
01:15:08Well, I don't want to spend the rest of my life dodging the cops.
01:15:11Better take a chance now than later.
01:15:13My dear fellow, that's utter nonsense.
01:15:15Now, it isn't.
01:15:16And a chap like you, you ought to understand,
01:15:17reading all them books,
01:15:18you know how a fellow feels.
01:15:20If I don't give myself up, well,
01:15:21they'll never look for the chap that really done it.
01:15:23They'll go on looking for me.
01:15:24No, but it's just the other way about.
01:15:25If you give yourself up now,
01:15:26they'll be only too happy to put the blame on you.
01:15:29All the law wants is a scapegoat.
01:15:31I'm not so sure, Miss Trouver.
01:15:33When you come to think of it,
01:15:34how often does an innocent fellow get topped?
01:15:36You may not think much of the cops, you know,
01:15:37but they're a pretty smart lot.
01:15:39And the more I think about it,
01:15:40the more I feel that the guy what really done this
01:15:42won't stand a chance
01:15:44if I go and tell what I know.
01:15:45But you can't do that.
01:15:46I won't allow you to do that.
01:15:47What's you so worried about?
01:15:48Well, I'm worried on your account, naturally,
01:15:51knowing you to be innocent as I do.
01:15:55Oh, I thought perhaps you was worried
01:15:57in case I still thought you'd done it.
01:15:59Well, I did at first, see, but I understand now.
01:16:01You just like studying these things, don't you?
01:16:04That's why you must listen to me.
01:16:06Oh, it's too late.
01:16:07I want to get on with it.
01:16:08Matthews, I have a confession to make.
01:16:10I've been keeping something from you.
01:16:12I know the identity of the murderer.
01:16:16Well, who is it?
01:16:17I can't furnish proof yet.
01:16:20But if you'll wait here while I go down
01:16:22and look after our little guests,
01:16:24I will tell you.
01:16:29Against my better judgment, I will tell you.
01:16:48Miss O'Neil.
01:16:50Where's Shorty?
01:16:51He's upstairs.
01:16:53He'll be down in a moment.
01:16:54He's going to have a bath and a shave.
01:16:58Come and help me feed the kittens.
01:17:18There you are, you little imps.
01:17:28They look so helpless now.
01:17:30You'd hardly think their time will come
01:17:33to play with mice.
01:17:40Oh, I'm sorry.
01:17:41I'm sorry.
01:17:42I'm sorry.
01:17:43I'm sorry.
01:17:44I'm sorry.
01:17:46Don't scream, you fool.
01:17:48The police will come and Matthews will have you.
01:18:15Come on.