Girl, 17, swims the English Channel - powered by Jelly Babies



A 17-year-old nicknamed the 'Ginger Swimmer' has swum the English Channel - powered by Jelly Babies.

Lowenna North trained for four years clocking up countless miles both in the pool and on the Cornish coast for the 20.5m (33km) swim from Dover to Calais.

She swam for a total of 14 hours 56 minutes across the English Channel starting from Shakespeare beach in Dover at 5.30am on Saturday September 14.

Lowenna from Launceston in Cornwall arrived at around 8.30pm on Sangatte on the northern coast of France.

She says she made the epic swim powered by tins of peaches, a Milky Way bar, quiche, jelly beans - and Jelly Babies.