• 4 days ago
Deep within a forest on the U.S.-Canadian border, two sworn enemies must work together to escape a ruthless drug cartel hell-bent on retrieving a drug shipment which went missing there.
00:00:30Oh, sorry dude, we didn't mean to sneak up on you.
00:00:58It's just that we can't get to where we want to go.
00:01:01Oh, where do you want to go?
00:01:02We're looking for Pike's Trail.
00:01:04Pike's Trail?
00:01:06This map we got, the docks, is no good.
00:01:09Well, north is up, that might help.
00:01:12And you might want to think about staying close to the shoreline here.
00:01:15There's no cell reception in case you get lost.
00:01:18Just head up the trail, about three clicks, you'll see a big oak tree.
00:01:21Hook a left, about another half-click, and she'll be right in front of you.
00:01:27Also, hey, a couple house rules here on King's Island.
00:01:31Gotta go by dark, don't leave any trash, and no drinking.
00:01:39So, unload the beer.
00:01:46Come on, dude.
00:01:57You have a nice day.
00:02:00By the way, don't let anyone see that flask.
00:02:11How's your day going, okay?
00:02:13You know, this is the river that leads down to the lake.
00:02:16We had to put this...
00:02:21...on behalf of the island.
00:02:22This is the biggest one, but there's a lot of fish.
00:02:25This is the biggest one, but there's also a list of things on here.
00:02:35Oh, there's no cell service up here.
00:02:37I'm afraid you'll just have to look at the lake.
00:03:51Hey, Mr. Sanderson, are you home?
00:03:55I actually know that you're around, because I saw the smoke coming out of the chimney.
00:03:59Are you cooking something?
00:04:00Are you cooking, like, a stew?
00:04:02It smells really good.
00:04:03It smells like good stew.
00:04:06You want to invite me in for some?
00:04:09Go away.
00:04:10I'm fine.
00:04:11I know, I know.
00:04:12I'm just doing my job.
00:04:13You're the only other guy who lives on this island.
00:04:15What would people think of me if I didn't check in on my neighbor?
00:04:17Exactly what part of I'm fine don't you understand?
00:04:21Thanks for checking in on me, Henry.
00:04:23Hey, no problem, Mr. Sanderson.
00:04:25Want to come in for dinner?
00:04:27Wouldn't want to impose.
00:04:29The radius is too big.
00:04:31We should have hit these guys before takeoff.
00:04:33Little thing called probable cause.
00:04:35We didn't have it.
00:04:36Fucking constitution.
00:04:37We could also use some more men.
00:04:39We could use a lot of things.
00:04:41We got 4,000 miles of border here.
00:04:43Only problem is, we're looking at Canada.
00:04:45We're not looking at Canada.
00:04:47We're looking at Canada.
00:04:50Only problem is, we're looking at Canada.
00:04:52Canadians don't want to sneak in here.
00:04:54That's why we don't get squat.
00:04:56All anyone cares about is Mexicans sneaking in
00:04:58and we just happen to be facing the wrong fucking way.
00:05:01Hang up.
00:05:03Where are we with the GPS modulator?
00:05:05Nothing pinpointed yet.
00:05:06What about border patrol?
00:05:07Plane was flying too low for them to track it.
00:05:09There's only one reason a plane flies without a transponder
00:05:12and low enough to avoid radar.
00:05:14And that's because they're carrying a load of some very naughty shit.
00:05:17We're going to have to troll the waterways, boys and girls,
00:05:19and that could take all night.
00:05:23Open it.
00:05:33Pardon our intrusion.
00:05:35We are with our CMP patrol in the area.
00:05:38But you needed help.
00:05:40I'm locating a suspected drug delivery
00:05:42that went down a couple of hours ago on the border.
00:05:46We have knowledge of the island
00:05:48and would like to offer you our assistance.
00:05:50You're a bit out of your jurisdiction, aren't you?
00:05:53And we don't use horses.
00:05:56See, we drive cars.
00:05:58What Mr. Johnson meant to say is
00:06:00thanks, but no thanks.
00:06:02Shitload of red tape to team up with the Mounties.
00:06:05Much obliged.
00:06:06We'll keep you posted.
00:06:08Pardon me, but we could be really helpful.
00:06:11We have HMI lights.
00:06:13We have generator.
00:06:14We have trolling gear.
00:06:15If we don't find the drugs before the runners,
00:06:17it will be picked up, shipped out,
00:06:19and chopped down by morning.
00:06:21Time is of the essence.
00:06:26I appreciate your concern,
00:06:28but not interested.
00:06:30There's no leads that we can share at this time.
00:06:35Well, giddy up.
00:06:45All right.
00:07:10Hey, what the fuck, Frenchie?
00:07:12I told your boys we didn't need any help.
00:07:14Is this some sort of joke?
00:07:15Do I look funny to you?
00:07:17Uh, yeah.
00:07:19As a matter of fact, you do.
00:07:21Is it my shoes?
00:07:23Well, kinda.
00:07:25You see, I don't wear leather.
00:07:29I'm a vegan.
00:07:30It's for the environment.
00:07:32I'm helping the planet.
00:07:42Do you know that calf rats
00:07:44are responsible for one-quarter
00:07:46of the methane pollution
00:07:48in the world?
00:07:54That's crazy.
00:08:05What the hell?
00:08:27Drop the gun.
00:08:30I can't get a shot.
00:08:32We can do this one of two ways.
00:08:34I'm the guy with the gun.
00:08:35And I'm the guy with the guy.
00:08:37You can turn over the GPS location
00:08:39of the crash,
00:08:41and I spare you a painful death.
00:08:43Or we can keep on playing games.
00:09:28I don't know yet.
00:09:34Oh, man.
00:09:54Hey, guns.
00:10:03I have it.
00:10:07How close?
00:10:09Middle of the lake, few kilometers from shore.
00:10:11No read on depth, but easily reachable by boat.
00:10:13You sure?
00:10:15Yes, sir.
00:10:17Let's hope it's wrapped tight.
00:10:19It was not supposed to be underwater.
00:10:21Let's move.
00:10:23We'll find out about the Ranger.
00:10:25Get the horses
00:10:27and go to the dock.
00:10:29Four hours before replacement shore.
00:10:31Better get the hound.
00:10:33It will be faster.
00:10:35Think about our car with footprints.
00:10:51Think about the children.
00:10:57Is anybody here?
00:11:01Down here.
00:11:05Thank goodness.
00:11:07I have been here hours.
00:11:09I got tired of yelling for help.
00:11:11Could you come down here, please?
00:11:13I'm kind of stuck.
00:11:15Yeah, hold on.
00:11:17I'm coming.
00:11:19I'm coming.
00:11:21I'm coming.
00:11:23I'm kind of stuck.
00:11:25Yeah, hold on.
00:11:27I'll be right there.
00:11:29Hi there.
00:11:33So you got yourself lodged in here pretty good?
00:11:35Yeah, it's kind of stupid.
00:11:37I saw a blackberry.
00:11:39Can you believe that?
00:11:41Twisted my ankle reaching for it and I slipped.
00:11:43I'm pinned in here.
00:11:45All right.
00:11:47It doesn't seem so bad.
00:11:49Hold on.
00:11:52How's that?
00:11:54How's the leg?
00:11:56It's sore.
00:11:58Is it?
00:12:02Let's get you up on the pad.
00:12:04I'll stay here.
00:12:06Turn around and I'll push.
00:12:08I'll stay back here and push you.
00:12:12Actually, let me get up next to you.
00:12:14All right.
00:12:20Can you put any weight on it?
00:12:28I'm going to carry you, okay?
00:12:30I'm going to lose my feminist card for this.
00:12:32Well, I won't tell anyone if you don't.
00:12:36Hey, guys.
00:12:38You know the cell tower's down in a...
00:12:40Holy shit.
00:12:46No cell, radio's busted.
00:12:49No cell, radio's busted.
00:12:51There's a GPS signal coming from the water near King's Island.
00:12:53That's where they're headed.
00:12:55They're going to the dock.
00:12:59It doesn't look too bad.
00:13:01We'll just keep it elevated.
00:13:03I could tie it a little tighter.
00:13:05That would keep the swelling down.
00:13:09You ready?
00:13:11I'll pull on three.
00:13:13One, two, three.
00:13:15You tricked me.
00:13:17So, are you a military guy?
00:13:19Uh, yeah.
00:13:21How'd you know?
00:13:23You got the look.
00:13:25Also, you know, the photographs over there.
00:13:27Yeah, I was a diver.
00:13:29They used to call us frogmen.
00:13:31Wow, that sounds exciting.
00:13:33Well, I mean, I guess it depends on the level of danger.
00:13:37I mean, I didn't mean it sounded fun.
00:13:39Just, you know, it's not your...
00:13:41normal nine-to-five.
00:13:45You never get lonely being out here
00:13:47all by yourself?
00:13:49A couple hundred people come through here every weekend.
00:13:51Yeah, but
00:13:53there's being around people
00:13:55and there's being with people.
00:13:59Could I have sounded more of a b****? I'm sorry.
00:14:01No, no, no. I understand. It must look pretty weird.
00:14:03I just, uh...
00:14:05I just needed to be by myself, so...
00:14:07I had to
00:14:09clear my head of some stuff.
00:14:11Right. So...
00:14:14How long have you been here?
00:14:16Three years.
00:14:18Three years?
00:14:20Well, it must be pretty clear by now.
00:14:22Clearer? It's getting better.
00:14:24Still a bit murky.
00:14:26Well, clear or murky,
00:14:28it's a nice head.
00:14:30Oh, thanks.
00:14:34Hey, how's the ankle feeling?
00:14:38Good, because it's going to get dark soon.
00:14:40We don't want to lose the light on the water.
00:14:44Hey, you know, it would be no problem
00:14:46to quickly shuttle you across the water.
00:14:48That's kind, but I'll be fine.
00:14:50Besides, I don't want to leave my canoe here.
00:14:54We should exchange info, though,
00:14:56so you know I made it back safely.
00:14:58Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's great.
00:15:02I, uh...
00:15:04I stole a map from your office.
00:15:06I hope you don't mind.
00:15:08Those things are worth, like, thousands.
00:15:11Well, use this $100 worth
00:15:13to write down your number.
00:15:17Then I can call you before dinner.
00:15:21Yeah, dinner.
00:15:23You know, eating a meal
00:15:25at night together,
00:15:27speaking in between bites
00:15:29to get to know someone.
00:15:35Um, next week sometime?
00:15:37I was thinking more like tonight.
00:15:39My address is on the back.
00:15:41I'll expect you around 9.
00:15:43We could get a picnic under the stars.
00:15:45You saved me today.
00:15:47Let me say thank you.
00:15:51I don't know.
00:15:53I got a lot of stuff to do up at the lodge.
00:15:55Yeah, I noticed.
00:15:57It's a real hub of activity.
00:15:59Come on.
00:16:01I'm so grateful to you.
00:16:03It's dinner, for God's sake.
00:16:05I will see you tonight.
00:16:09I'll see you there.
00:16:37Get the equipment.
00:16:39We're living in fire.
00:16:41He shoots.
00:16:43He scars.
00:17:29Oh, thank God.
00:17:31I was starting to think nobody was home.
00:17:33I'm here.
00:17:36I reached my boat.
00:17:38Way on the other side of the island.
00:17:40I started hiking.
00:17:42I got lost.
00:17:44I couldn't find my way back to the trail.
00:17:46Yours was the only light I saw for miles.
00:17:48Glad you found me.
00:17:50Come on in.
00:17:52Get you warmed up.
00:17:54Sorry about the mess.
00:17:56Can I get you anything?
00:17:58Water would be great.
00:18:00Come on right back here.
00:18:02Not a lot of residents around here, I take it.
00:18:04I feel like an idiot for getting lost like I did.
00:18:06Don't be.
00:18:08King's Island, it's not easy to navigate.
00:18:10It's why we get all the signs
00:18:12saying leave before the sun hits the horizon.
00:18:18Thanks for that.
00:18:24So what are we gonna do with you, Mr...?
00:18:28Everybody call me Clay.
00:18:30I guess you're gonna have to spend the night
00:18:33if you don't mind sleeping on the floor.
00:18:35I've got extra blankets and a pillow.
00:18:37And in the morning, we'll look for your boat.
00:18:41So you work up near here
00:18:43or down in the city?
00:18:45Not working at all right now.
00:18:47Was a construction worker,
00:18:49but that turns into day labor pretty quick
00:18:51when people stop building.
00:18:53Yeah, I hear that.
00:18:55Though the economy seems to bring people to the outdoors.
00:18:57We've been pretty busy up here.
00:18:59Silver lining, so to speak.
00:19:01So is that what this job is all about?
00:19:03Getting in touch with nature?
00:19:05So to speak.
00:19:07I guess you could say I came up here
00:19:09for a little bit of perspective,
00:19:11but it's hard to explain.
00:19:13Well, I'll get the blankets and the pillow.
00:19:15I'm actually going out tonight
00:19:17and I won't be back until late.
00:19:19Going out? It's late at night.
00:19:26Looks like you brought a knife to a gunfight.
00:19:31I got to give it to you, Henry.
00:19:33You're kind of perceptive.
00:19:35Must be that what you call
00:19:37military training?
00:19:39Duck and cover?
00:19:41Enemy approaching?
00:19:43What's that?
00:19:45If you want money, I don't have any.
00:19:47That's not what I'm talking about.
00:19:49I'm talking about what you're doing.
00:19:51What are you doing?
00:19:53What are you doing?
00:19:55What are you doing?
00:19:57What are you doing?
00:19:59If you want money, I don't have any.
00:20:01And that's what I was after.
00:20:03You think I'd come to a place like this?
00:20:05A gold mine, right?
00:20:07What do you want?
00:20:09It's not about what I want.
00:20:11It's about what's right.
00:20:13It's about what's just.
00:20:15Whatever you think I did,
00:20:17I can assure you I didn't do it.
00:20:19See, that's where you're wrong, Henry.
00:20:21You can't assure nobody
00:20:23of nothing.
00:20:25I will always place the mission first.
00:20:28And if they accept defeat,
00:20:30I will never leave
00:20:32a fallen comrade behind.
00:20:34That sound familiar?
00:20:38I'm telling you this
00:20:40so you understand.
00:20:44I always knew I was one of your f***ers
00:20:46like my old man.
00:20:48And I did not disappoint.
00:20:50No, sir.
00:20:52So I had to make sure my baby brother
00:20:54was the opposite.
00:20:56He get a B, I built him one.
00:20:58Make sure he raised it to an A.
00:21:02He was everything I wasn't.
00:21:04He was a f***ing all-star.
00:21:06Had everything.
00:21:08He enlisted
00:21:10so he could go to college.
00:21:12And I told him, if you gonna be a soldier,
00:21:14you gonna be the best soldier.
00:21:16I pushed him
00:21:18the way I wish somebody
00:21:20had pushed me.
00:21:22And when he made Special Forces,
00:21:25it was the proudest day of my life.
00:21:29A few months later, I got poked up
00:21:31with a bullshit assault charge.
00:21:35So I got the letter
00:21:37telling me Decker had been killed
00:21:39in a firefight in Afghanistan.
00:21:41I said, Decker.
00:21:43You're Decker's brother.
00:21:45I said, shut the f*** up.
00:21:49That is a hard pill to swallow.
00:21:51By the night your baby brother's
00:21:53been killed,
00:21:55but what made it even harder
00:21:57was learning
00:21:59he had been abandoned
00:22:01by his commanding officer
00:22:03and left to die
00:22:05in enemy hands.
00:22:07They sent us in without knowing
00:22:09the risks. It wasn't my fault.
00:22:11It wasn't anyone's fault.
00:22:13So why did you resign?
00:22:15The military acted on bad intel.
00:22:17They gave the order.
00:22:19I don't know.
00:22:21I guess I just couldn't take it anymore.
00:22:23That is f***ing bullshit.
00:22:25Admit it.
00:22:27Admit you got my brother killed.
00:22:29Confess it right now.
00:22:31And I will make sure your death is quick.
00:22:35But you keep lying to me.
00:22:37And I promise you
00:22:39it won't be anything but.
00:22:43They ordered us into a shit storm.
00:22:45Your brother got separated.
00:22:48From there we'd all been shredded.
00:22:50I had to protect my team.
00:22:52You had to protect
00:22:56You're f***ing coward.
00:22:58You should have been leading the charge, Henry.
00:23:00Not falling behind it.
00:23:06Hey Henry, it's Kayla.
00:23:08Um, I just wanted to tell you
00:23:10that I'm running a few minutes late.
00:23:18You don't have to do this.
00:23:20We can work this out.
00:23:24We can't.
00:24:44Oh, hey guys.
00:24:46No, that's good.
00:24:48Pure, crisp air.
00:24:52Hey Tho, are you ready to dive?
00:24:54Just about.
00:24:58We're getting close.
00:25:00And how are we on time?
00:25:02Next shift arrives in 3 hours, 20 minutes.
00:25:04We are clear to advance.
00:25:06I want to be gone in 2.
00:25:08We have to retrieve 50 pounds
00:25:10of pure, white, uncut heroin.
00:25:12And pound for pound
00:25:15It's worth more than each of you.
00:25:17So make yourself
00:25:21a lot.
00:25:27You awake?
00:25:31You awake?
00:25:35Get up.
00:25:37I'm tired of carrying your ass.
00:25:39I said get up!
00:25:45You had me there
00:25:47for a second, didn't you?
00:25:49Good thing I overprepared.
00:25:53gonna stop this thing.
00:25:55You hear me?
00:25:57You won't feel better when it's over.
00:25:59I might.
00:26:03Take this.
00:26:07What are you doing?
00:26:09Got a bullet in the chamber.
00:26:11You pull it with your head.
00:26:13Pull the trigger.
00:26:15Do the honorable thing.
00:26:17Did you learn about honor in prison?
00:26:19Maybe I did.
00:26:21I did my time.
00:26:23Now it's time for you to pay for your sins.
00:26:25Go ahead.
00:26:27Put it to your head
00:26:29and pull the trigger
00:26:31because if you're not man enough to do it
00:26:33I promise you
00:26:35I will.
00:26:37You know, for a long time I wanted to do this.
00:26:39Every goddamn day.
00:26:41You think I didn't blame myself?
00:26:43Do you?
00:26:45I couldn't send
00:26:47any more men in.
00:26:49He wouldn't have let that happen.
00:26:51No soldier would.
00:26:53And he was a soldier.
00:26:55I still think
00:26:57I could have done more
00:26:59except I don't know
00:27:01what the more is.
00:27:03I lost my career.
00:27:05I drank.
00:27:08I lost my son.
00:27:10I haven't seen him since my wife threw me out.
00:27:14So I got as far away from everything as I could
00:27:16and here I am.
00:27:18After a while I stopped feeling like
00:27:20I killed him.
00:27:22A little bit at a time.
00:27:26So I guess you're just too late.
00:27:28A while ago
00:27:30I would have done it.
00:27:36I killed myself.
00:27:42Farewell then.
00:27:48Would you say a word?
00:27:50This is Immigration Customs Enforcement.
00:27:52That's not nice.
00:27:54They don't patrol at night.
00:27:56At least not without contact.
00:27:58You there. Did you miss your hands?
00:28:00Sure, my bad.
00:28:02We're just out here night fishing for trout.
00:28:05No problem. We ain't caught nothing all night anyway.
00:28:09Who's there?
00:28:11I'm the park ranger.
00:28:13What's going on here?
00:28:15Just caught him night fishing like he said.
00:28:17Looks like he caught you.
00:28:19Gentlemen, mind stepping forth.
00:28:27Get down!
00:28:35Get down!
00:28:51Who's that guy in front of you?
00:28:53Well, that's the fuck that you like.
00:29:05Get us down!
00:29:07Jean, get us out of here. Now!
00:29:59Is he going to make it?
00:30:15They're coming at us, Jerry!
00:30:19Shit hackers.
00:30:23Come here, you two.
00:30:25Come here.
00:30:35Hey, you.
00:30:45Close your eyes.
00:31:05What the hell was that?
00:31:07Who was that guy with the shotgun?
00:31:09Why was the ranger there?
00:31:11I thought he was accounted for.
00:31:13I don't know.
00:31:15We had taps on him.
00:31:17How do you not know?
00:31:21Oh, shit.
00:31:23I don't know.
00:31:25We had taps on him.
00:31:27How do you not know?
00:31:33Oh, you don't know how close you came.
00:31:35How close you came.
00:31:51So, let's get to the landing strip.
00:31:53We don't know if anyone heard those shots.
00:31:55No one lives here except the ranger.
00:31:57We can work with this.
00:31:59We complete the mission with the ranger.
00:32:01He has training.
00:32:04We can make the dive.
00:32:06We hunt the ranger.
00:32:08We kill the other guy.
00:32:10No mistake.
00:32:12No hesitation.
00:32:14Let's go.
00:32:16Let's go.
00:32:30Ranger's place is empty.
00:32:32I saw Struggle.
00:32:34Phone is shut off.
00:32:36There must be a new friend.
00:32:38Sink all the canoes.
00:32:40No one gets out from this place
00:32:42except us.
00:32:45There is a boat tied up outside.
00:32:47The engine is still warm.
00:32:49Sink it.
00:33:15No one asked you to leave.
00:33:19Put the kayak down.
00:33:29Now start walking.
00:33:31Whatever you guys are up to,
00:33:33go ahead and do it.
00:33:35Just don't litter my park.
00:33:37Oh, park ranger Hubert.
00:33:39Very funny.
00:33:41Where is the other guy?
00:33:43Gunpoint. He wanted to kill me.
00:33:45Well, then you won't be sorry when we kill him.
00:33:53Salut, ranger.
00:33:55Tu as raison. Il voulait partir.
00:33:57Maintenant, je crois qu'il va rester.
00:34:23Hey, hey, hey.
00:34:27I don't want you dead, okay?
00:34:29They do.
00:34:31In the next few hours,
00:34:33we're going to have to work together
00:34:35if we want to survive.
00:34:37Work together?
00:34:39You lost your goddamn mind.
00:34:41Listen, in the service,
00:34:43they paired us up with Pakistani special forces.
00:34:45These incompetent assholes
00:34:47who wanted us dead.
00:34:49And we didn't like them either,
00:34:51but we worked together,
00:34:53knowing that at some point,
00:34:55either later that same day
00:34:57or 20 years from now when the politics change,
00:34:59we'd be trying to kill each other again.
00:35:01Do you understand what I'm saying?
00:35:03Let's go.
00:35:08Jean, report.
00:35:12Saul, we've lost Jean.
00:35:14Be prepared for heavy resistance.
00:35:18When we were in the visitor center,
00:35:20I took him up.
00:35:22I'm looking at it now,
00:35:24and it shows another cabin.
00:35:26Further inland.
00:35:28Take care of it.
00:35:30I'm on my way.
00:35:34Who the fuck are they?
00:35:36Military trained.
00:35:38French-Canadian by the sound of it.
00:35:40Probably mercenaries.
00:35:42Either working the drug brutes
00:35:44or picking off the leftovers.
00:35:46That's a lot of drama for some weed.
00:35:48They got too much firepower.
00:35:50Got to be something more lucrative.
00:35:52Okay, makes sense.
00:35:54So what's our next move?
00:35:56We got to call for help.
00:35:58You destroyed my phone,
00:36:00so we need another one,
00:36:02and that's where we're headed.
00:36:04Hey, stop.
00:36:08You sure he's got a phone?
00:36:10I don't know, but he's our only option.
00:36:22No visual on the park ranger,
00:36:24but there's a body on the ground.
00:36:26I think it's Jean.
00:36:28Okay, stay on the trail.
00:36:30Minimal guns.
00:36:32Radio compromised.
00:36:34À partir d'un an, on parle que français.
00:36:36I guess that's that.
00:36:38He already knew.
00:36:40This guy's pretty smart.
00:36:58Your brother knew what he was doing,
00:37:00and he never would have let us
00:37:02sacrifice ourselves for him.
00:37:04If this little truce of ours
00:37:06is gonna hold,
00:37:08let's not talk about my brother right now, okay?
00:37:10I just think you should know the whole story
00:37:12before you kill a person.
00:37:18If I were you,
00:37:20I wouldn't talk to me about my brother
00:37:22while I'm holding a gun.
00:37:24Good point.
00:37:26Let's go.
00:37:46Got him.
00:37:54Did you hear that?
00:37:56Hear what?
00:37:58If you have to ask, then you didn't hear it.
00:38:54The world's strawberry.
00:38:56I wasn't aware
00:38:58you grew in these parts.
00:39:06He'll smell that a mile away.
00:39:12So how'd you know about me?
00:39:14You tattoo.
00:39:16And just...
00:39:18You know,
00:39:20you tattooed me.
00:39:22And just intuition, really.
00:39:24You get a feel for someone
00:39:26who wants you dead.
00:39:32Two and a half hours.
00:39:38Good evening.
00:39:40I would like to speak to whoever has
00:39:42the walkie.
00:39:44We are under time constraint.
00:39:46We want to finish our work.
00:39:48And there's no anyone else get hurt.
00:39:50That's the wrong move.
00:39:52We have a conversation,
00:39:54find out what they want.
00:39:56We know what they want.
00:39:58They're drug dealers.
00:40:00They want their drugs.
00:40:02Allow me to be direct.
00:40:04I simply want the park ranger.
00:40:06You're the guy? You can go.
00:40:08Just tell me and I'll trust you.
00:40:12If you change your mind,
00:40:14you know how to reach me.
00:40:16I'm in the book.
00:40:24No much further?
00:40:26We're close. We should see it soon.
00:40:36Mr. Sanderson.
00:40:38Break it down.
00:40:40No, it's not a home invasion.
00:40:42I don't want to involve the guy.
00:40:44I just want to get in, make the call, and get out.
00:40:46Forget the window.
00:40:48We go in this door.
00:40:50We don't have time for this.
00:40:52I'll go, then you go.
00:40:54I've got nowhere to run once I'm inside.
00:40:56You make one wrong move,
00:40:58you're going to have a new ass.
00:41:16Now we do this my way.
00:41:18What happened to trust?
00:41:20Trust you go pick up that phone and dial out.
00:41:32It's dead.
00:41:34Give it to me.
00:41:36What, you think I'm lying?
00:41:38Oh, shit.
00:41:44Just what you think this is?
00:41:46A goddamn hotel?
00:41:48Put the gun down right there on the box.
00:41:50Mr. Sanderson.
00:41:52Do as I say, boy.
00:42:00I thought you said you knew this guy.
00:42:02I do.
00:42:04Mr. Sanderson, it's me, Henry.
00:42:06Don't you recognize me?
00:42:08I've not gone dumb up here.
00:42:10You broke into my house.
00:42:12I got a right to defend it.
00:42:14Look, we ain't here for you, old man.
00:42:16We got drug dealers out there hunting us,
00:42:18trying to kill us.
00:42:20Seems to me like you two are trying to kill each other.
00:42:22Oh, it's complicated.
00:42:24Always is.
00:42:26I'm gonna call the authorities and get off this island
00:42:28before anybody gets killed.
00:42:30Phone don't work.
00:42:32Had it cut off a couple of years back.
00:42:34Why the fuck is it sitting on the table, then?
00:42:36It looks nice.
00:42:38Hello again.
00:42:54It's a nice house.
00:42:56Do me a favor.
00:42:58Can you please send me the Ark Ranger?
00:43:00He's not here.
00:43:02We gotta get out of here.
00:43:06We're going nowhere.
00:43:08Mr. Sanderson, this has nothing to do with you.
00:43:10These fellas want a bite.
00:43:12I'll give them a mouthful.
00:43:28Maurice, cover the back.
00:43:30Nobody gets out.
00:43:38Piss off my land!
00:43:43This guy is kind of cranky.
00:43:47Hey, you people inside, I hate guns.
00:43:50They are very bad for the environment.
00:43:53However, I'm not stupid.
00:43:56Gentlemen, a little help.
00:44:10I get hikers here from time to time
00:44:12trying to run me out of my home.
00:44:16You seriously think those are hikers?
00:44:18Sir, we gotta leave this house.
00:44:20We're sitting ducks here and you know it.
00:44:24It's them and not me.
00:44:26I don't know you.
00:44:28I don't know fellas like those.
00:44:30A couple of shots around their feet
00:44:32and they'll run off like squealing pigs.
00:44:34You'll see.
00:44:36I don't think you understand the situation
00:44:38that we're in right now.
00:44:40We appreciate your help.
00:44:42For the last time, this doesn't seem...
00:44:48Give us a Ranger
00:44:50and we'll go away like a bad dream
00:44:52Never in the morning.
00:45:00Fellas, I don't know what's going on between the two of you.
00:45:02You've got to get past it.
00:45:04Old saying goes, hang together
00:45:06or hang separately.
00:45:12A knife?
00:45:13What the **** am I going to do with a knife?
00:45:15Man can do a lot with a knife.
00:45:17That's how much I trust you.
00:45:18Now just stay low.
00:45:20We're going to have to fall back
00:45:22before they get us surrounded.
00:45:24How about me?
00:45:25No, not fine.
00:45:27You're coming with us.
00:45:28I've got my ways of getting through this.
00:45:30Just go.
00:45:38You boys get out of here.
00:45:39Go out the back.
00:45:40Head east.
00:45:42Oh hell Henry, you know the route.
00:45:47Before I shoot you myself,
00:45:50this ain't a negotiation.
00:45:52You got the rest of your life to be a hero.
00:45:55I just got this one time.
00:45:57I brought this to you.
00:45:58You stay, I stay.
00:46:02Well, okay then.
00:46:07I guess that settles it.
00:46:20He is gone.
00:46:22He's gone.
00:46:23And I will be happy to let you go with him.
00:46:26But I need you to get off this island.
00:46:29You mean sometimes
00:46:31You have to leave a guy in trouble.
00:46:48Do you have any more shells?
00:46:49I didn't think I would need any.
00:46:50Oh, this is perfect.
00:46:52Like the old guy said,
00:46:54A man can do a lot with a knife.
00:47:13They're gone.
00:47:16Maurice, come in.
00:47:18I'm hit.
00:47:20They are gone.
00:47:22You hit where?
00:47:23The shoulder.
00:47:24Use the other one.
00:47:25Move your ass.
00:47:28Where did they go?
00:47:35Kiss my geriatric ass.
00:47:42Are you sure about that?
00:47:44Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:47:46Stand him up.
00:47:55Good man.
00:47:57When I was a little boy at my grandmama's place,
00:48:01She had a lovely goose.
00:48:03I named her Edith.
00:48:06As for the French singer Edith Piaf,
00:48:10I truly loved that goose.
00:48:13Everybody thought it was funny.
00:48:15Then one night when we were at dinner,
00:48:18My grandmama said to me,
00:48:20Edith tastes good, no?
00:48:24I ran out of that table.
00:48:26I puked up.
00:48:28I cried like a child.
00:48:31Ever since I became a vegan.
00:48:37I'm telling you.
00:48:40I had to kill her.
00:48:52We're losing time.
00:48:53I need my diver.
00:48:56My patient is losing weight.
00:48:57No, no, no.
00:48:58That's what they say.
00:48:59They say I'm getting real pissed.
00:49:06Let's go.
00:49:12We got to get to the other side of the island where your boat is.
00:49:15Yeah, I kind of lied about that.
00:49:17I paid a guy to bring me here.
00:49:18Supposed to come back in the morning.
00:49:21You got a plan B?
00:49:25You hide till morning and make it through the night.
00:49:29You want me to hide?
00:49:30What are you going to do?
00:49:32I'm going to lead them away from here.
00:49:34Right now, if they track one of us, they catch both of us.
00:49:36I'm going to take the fight to this maniac.
00:49:38With what?
00:49:39Whatever I got.
00:49:41All we got is this.
00:49:47I got some matches, a spool of fishing line, and some rope.
00:49:54That'll scare the shit out of them.
00:49:59Look, man.
00:50:01I came prepared for one night.
00:50:03I didn't come prepared for war.
00:50:05Yeah, well, this war came to us.
00:50:09If we both survive this, let's talk, okay?
00:50:18Your brother was a wonderful soldier.
00:50:21He had to be in special forces.
00:50:23Always had to be the first man through the door.
00:50:26I wonder what or who made him that way, huh?
00:50:29Always pushing.
00:50:32Maybe you think about that, too.
00:50:34I'll bet you do.
00:50:37Not a day goes by I don't wish it wasn't me instead of him.
00:50:42Not a day.
00:50:46I'm going to be needing this.
00:51:07Gentlemen, I'll put it simply.
00:51:11Henry, I know you.
00:51:13Henry, I know a lot about you.
00:51:17I also know your train in deep sea rescue and retrieval,
00:51:23which make you worth a lot to me.
00:51:30Now, please don't help me to get what I came for.
00:51:38I will have to go after your family and kill them one by one.
00:51:46And I will start with your son first.
00:51:53Henry, please, it's your final chance.
00:52:01And take it like a silence that you made the wrong decision.
00:52:08Now it's time to hunt.
00:52:10Let's go.
00:52:20That was fast.
00:52:23Still nothing.
00:52:50I'm going to have to go.
00:53:13This is it, dammit.
00:53:25F**k you.
00:53:36I thought you wanted the Ranger dead.
00:53:40I did.
00:53:54What changed?
00:54:00You're mine.
00:56:43Come on.
00:56:47Come on.
00:57:14Come on.
00:57:15Wake up.
00:57:17You can't die yet.
00:57:18I won't get a chance to kill you.
00:57:19Yeah, that'd be a shame.
00:57:25Don't get your friend dropped.
00:57:29Look, man, I got a lot of questions to ask.
00:57:33Well, I've got answers.
00:57:35Maybe even some you don't want.
00:57:37But I'll always tell you the truth.
00:57:45Let's get out of here.
00:57:48Locate a canoe in case you don't feel like swimming.
00:57:51I'll do you one better.
00:58:02No, no, no.
00:58:05Est-ce que le Ranger a été capturé, oui ou non?
00:58:11You're so f**king stupid.
00:58:15That's three of you down so far.
00:58:22Okay, let's go.
00:58:24No, no.
00:58:25We gotta see what's what.
00:58:27How many of you are left?
00:58:28Eat a d**k.
00:58:38You know, when I was in the yard, we wanted somebody to talk.
00:58:41We called one of us.
00:58:44I noticed you got two of them.
00:58:47You wouldn't.
00:58:49You got 30 seconds.
00:58:50You got something?
00:58:51Oh, yeah, he's really gonna listen to me.
00:58:56Okay, okay.
00:59:02His name is Xander.
00:59:04He wants you to make a dive for the drugs.
00:59:07I told you it was drugs.
00:59:09Don't brag.
00:59:10Two a**holes, you killed our diver.
00:59:12Xander knew.
00:59:13He knew you were trained.
00:59:15So when you killed Eto', we needed you to make the dive.
00:59:19How did he know that I can dive?
00:59:21You know things?
00:59:23The drugs are in the lake?
00:59:24It's a shipment of heroin.
00:59:27It went down in one of the lakes.
00:59:28How many of you are left?
00:59:30Just Xander.
00:59:31Just one guy?
00:59:34Knock him out.
00:59:37Let's get the hell out of Dodge.
00:59:38Let's go.
00:59:49Leaving so soon, Mr. Taylor.
00:59:55Over here.
00:59:56I'll make this simple.
00:59:58Half a million for ten minutes of work.
01:00:01You have no one left.
01:00:03We know that you're the last one standing on your side of the equation.
01:00:07Your best bet is to get back on your boat and travel on out of here.
01:00:12If you leave now without hurting anybody else, I'll let the police handle you.
01:00:17If you don't, I'll come for you myself.
01:00:20Trust me.
01:00:22You prefer the police.
01:00:25Bring that fire.
01:00:27I like the sight of you, Henry.
01:00:30I know what you want, and I'm not operating any time.
01:00:33You've lost your mind.
01:00:35You've left nothing but bodies behind you tonight.
01:00:37Then you'll want to listen closely when I tell you I have someone you want to keep safe.
01:00:46There's somebody else on this island?
01:00:48What color was that canoe you found?
01:00:51Yeah, what color was it?
01:00:52Silver and blue.
01:00:54Yes, I have a woman who would like to speak to you.
01:01:02You didn't show up for our date, so I came down here.
01:01:06This man's got a gun.
01:01:08He's got a gun, Henry.
01:01:11It's true, even though I hate them.
01:01:14Kayla, hang on.
01:01:16I'm coming for you.
01:01:18After you do your job, you can leave with the young lady.
01:01:22You have ten minutes.
01:01:25Well, let's not talk about negatives.
01:01:32You're in no shape to take this guy.
01:01:34She's coming after me, but keep your distance.
01:01:36If you see an opportunity to move in, take it.
01:01:39Otherwise, keep your eyes on Kayla no matter what, okay?
01:01:42Forget that, man. I say we take this boat and get the hell out of here.
01:01:45What about Kayla?
01:01:47It's my fault that she's even here.
01:01:49That's another person you want to leave behind. What is it with you?
01:01:51I just want to make a trade with this guy.
01:01:53Hopefully, he'll let her go.
01:01:55You get her, you find anything that floats, and you get out of here, okay?
01:02:01Straight to the mainland. Don't look back.
01:02:03Find the police and tell them everything.
01:02:05Well, not everything.
01:02:07Okay, go. Come on.
01:02:08This guy will kill you.
01:02:10Well, I guess you should thank him.
01:02:13Good luck.
01:02:22You know, these beans are fair trade from Colombia.
01:02:25No slash-and-burn agriculture.
01:02:28But you could kill us, I'm sure.
01:02:32Where is she?
01:02:35Where's your friend?
01:02:36He left.
01:02:38He took Kayla's canoe to get help.
01:02:40But by the time he gets there, he'll be dead.
01:02:42He'll be dead.
01:02:44He'll be dead.
01:02:46He'll be dead.
01:02:48He took Kayla's canoe to get help.
01:02:50But by the time he gets there, we'll be done and you'll be gone.
01:02:53Why do I doubt that?
01:02:55Show me Kayla or I turn around.
01:02:57That's good.
01:02:59But you forget, he's not the one who's getting the shot here.
01:03:02You need me to get what you want.
01:03:04You just spent the last two hours proving it.
01:03:06Very true.
01:03:11Outside, girl, now.
01:03:14There she is.
01:03:18Let her go first.
01:03:20I can threaten her.
01:03:22You can say, let her go.
01:03:24You can threaten me.
01:03:26And I can put my...
01:03:28on her throat.
01:03:30It's all one big circle, you know.
01:03:32And I don't have the time.
01:03:34She waits here or she die.
01:03:37You're the only one left.
01:03:39We're gonna do this my way.
01:03:44You lose, park ranger.
01:03:46Put the gun down.
01:03:48That's right.
01:03:51You know,
01:03:53you should learn to tie better knots.
01:03:55Next time.
01:03:57Not then.
01:03:59Shall we?
01:04:02Get on.
01:04:04I'm making the dive.
01:04:06Let her go.
01:04:08Boy, the girl stay here.
01:04:10You know, you finish the job
01:04:12and then both of you will drive to the sunset.
01:04:15Let him think about what I'll do to her.
01:04:17F*** with us.
01:04:19Francois, be a man.
01:04:21You know what I'm saying?
01:04:23You know what I'm saying?
01:04:25You know what I'm saying?
01:04:27You know what I'm saying?
01:04:30Francois, be a gentleman.
01:04:32Stay in there. I'm gonna get you out of this, okay?
01:04:34I'm not going anywhere.
01:04:37You promise? Come on.
01:04:51You know, Mr. Taylor,
01:04:53I'm not a bad guy.
01:04:55I was in the service like yourself.
01:04:57Which side?
01:04:59That's not very nice.
01:05:01Well, now you deal drugs and kill people.
01:05:04It's so true.
01:05:06Where did I go wrong?
01:05:27Let's go.
01:05:58Come on.
01:06:00I should have killed you when I had the chance.
01:06:31You okay?
01:06:33Yeah. What's going on here?
01:06:35What's going on? We're getting the hell out of here.
01:06:37We can't just leave Henry.
01:06:39Henry can handle himself, trust me.
01:06:41That man will kill him.
01:06:43Look, he will not hurt him until he gets the drugs.
01:06:47We've got time to go get the cops and get back here.
01:06:50Let's go.
01:06:56Put your hands up.
01:06:58Slowly. And face me.
01:07:03What are you doing?
01:07:05No police, Mr. Shackburn.
01:07:07F**k me.
01:07:09I'd rather not.
01:07:16So, how are we doing?
01:07:18The seat's a bit tight.
01:07:20You must have been kind of short, your diver.
01:07:23Don't insult Ito.
01:07:25Clock's ticking.
01:07:29So you can see.
01:07:32Attach this to the back.
01:07:35Tuck twice.
01:07:36You have eight minutes.
01:07:38In nine minutes, your lady friend will be dead.
01:07:43Don't be late.
01:07:44Just give me 30 seconds to clear out of the way before you pull it off.
01:07:48Oh, Mr. Taylor.
01:07:50Be careful.
01:07:58So what are we doing here?
01:08:00Shut up.
01:08:01I can see it in your eyes. You're not a killer.
01:08:04You can't see shit in my eyes. Except my eyes.
01:08:07Look, tonight's been hard on all of us.
01:08:10Except Xander quite often has me do a lot more to distract people.
01:08:14A lot more so.
01:08:16It may have been difficult for you people.
01:08:18Except for me, it's kind of been a breeze.
01:08:22So you're just a hooker?
01:08:23I'm so hurt.
01:08:25If you're gonna shoot me, shoot me.
01:08:56I can tell you're in pretty rough shape.
01:09:00Why don't you just come on out and we'll...
01:09:07And we'll work this out.
01:09:11Xander, a speedboat's approaching the dock.
01:09:14It's two police officers. What should I do?
01:09:16Be normal. Tell them you're fishing.
01:09:18Agree to pay the fine and be quick.
01:09:26Good morning, officers. What can I do for you?
01:09:29You haven't seen the park rangers this morning, have you?
01:09:31No, I just got on the island a couple minutes ago.
01:09:34Been doing some late-night fishing.
01:09:36Is it season already? I don't think it's...
01:09:39No. Okay, you caught me. I just...
01:09:41I wanted to get a head start. I'll pay the fine.
01:09:44Well, ma'am, we got a report of a loud noise coming from the island.
01:09:47We tried to reach the ranger, but couldn't get through, so...
01:09:50I don't know what to tell you. I haven't seen anybody yet.
01:09:53Hey! Shoot her! Shoot her!
01:09:57What the hell?
01:10:54Kela, meet me at the pick-up site. I've got the package.
01:11:00Be convincing.
01:11:04Sounds good. I took care of our friend.
01:11:07Let's get out of here.
01:11:23Very nice.
01:11:39Good, good word.
01:11:42I'm not done yet.
01:11:45This is a Magpul ACR.
01:11:47It works after being submerged in water.
01:11:52Even weeks.
01:11:54You're great.
01:11:55Come on. We're done here.
01:11:57You're gonna turn the key, drive to shore.
01:12:00I'm gonna get Kela, and we're getting out of here.
01:12:03You look at me funny, and you die.
01:12:07Whoa. Get a bus.
01:12:22Sir, remind me. What are we doing here?
01:12:25The cops are here. We're gonna hand over the drugs, and you're going to jail.
01:12:29You got it?
01:12:31You mean those cops?
01:12:34All right, move it.
01:12:40Henry! Henry!
01:12:42Hey, shut up!
01:12:43Oh, thank God! Henry, you have to help me!
01:12:45She is with him!
01:12:46No, Henry, I'm not!
01:12:47Keep moving.
01:12:48Keep going.
01:12:50Keep going.
01:12:51Clay, what are you doing?
01:12:52He's gonna kill me! You have to help me, Henry!
01:12:54Shut up!
01:12:55He's crazy!
01:12:56I am not lying to you!
01:12:57Don't let him hurt me!
01:12:58Do not point that gun at me, man!
01:13:00Don't let him hurt me, Henry, please!
01:13:02Do not point that gun at me!
01:13:04Listen to me, okay?
01:13:06He's crazy!
01:13:07She's with him!
01:13:19She's with him!
01:13:43Hey! You want this? Huh?
01:13:46You want this?
01:13:48Come on!
01:13:52Henry, you f***ed up, baby.
01:13:54That's not good.
01:14:04You know, Mr. Taylor,
01:14:06most people never use all five senses at once.
01:14:12Me, I use everything I've got.
01:14:14That's why I'm better.
01:14:16That's my edge.
01:14:23We get to plant trees.
01:14:28I'm coming, Mr. Taylor!
01:14:46Come on!
01:15:17Come on!
01:15:31There's no shame in defeat.
01:15:34Sleep, my child.
01:15:46Come on!
01:16:16Come on!
01:16:22You got a beginning.
01:16:47An end can't be known.
01:16:48He's imitations!
01:17:02Well, Mr. Taylor,
01:17:04you can always say almost.
01:17:09Bye, Mr. Taylor.
01:17:38F*** gasoline.
01:17:40I knew it would ruin everything.
01:17:46Come on.
01:18:13Come on.
01:18:14Come on.
01:18:18Not a f***ing word.
01:18:20Oh, my lips are sealed.