Bobby Platt (Christian Bale) ist mental vielleicht nicht so schnell wie andere Menschen, aber liebt Tiere. Er entkommt in All the Little Animals seinem bösen Stiefvater, als dieser seine Haustiere tötet. Auf seiner Flucht begegnet Bobby einem seltsamen Mann, der Tiere begräbt, die auf der Straße von Autos überfahren wurden. Bei diesem Mr. Summers (John Hurt) geht er in die Lehre und gewinnt eine neue Sicht auf seine Umwelt und die Natur. Doch dem Schatten seines gewalttätigen Stiefvaters kann er dennoch nicht ganz entkommen ...
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00:00Soul, of our dear sister here departed, we therefore commit her body to the ground.
00:28Why did you bury the rabbit?
00:29When a creature is killed, I return it to the earth.
00:32Other men kill them.
00:35I bury them.
00:39The animals need help.
00:41People are of no value at all as far as I'm concerned.
00:44Now, Bobby, let me spell it out for you.
00:49Do you like animals?
00:50I love animals!
00:53There are certain special hospitals where people like you can go.
00:57You can't send me to the hospital if I'm not ill.
00:59I think I can.
01:01Because I've told you what he's like.
01:04He really hates me.
01:08There's a few important things you have to remember.
01:10First one is, never talk to anyone about the work or about me.
01:15Hey, you!
01:17And second one is, never kill any living thing.
01:23Watch me get the booger.
01:27Kill it!
01:29I never wanted any of this to happen.
01:34It was like I could see for the first time.
01:39Don't let him destroy you, Bobby.